A Few Tips on How to Do a Team Building Activity

Team building activities help teams learn and grow. It is important to educate teams in teaming concepts and help them with work processes during all the team-building stages. For those leading teams, a few tips on planning a team building activity can be instrumental to the success of the team.

First, determine the purpose of the team building activity to determine if it can be part of a meeting or should be a separate event. Is the activity to introduce a topic, communicate a point, improve relationships, review previous training or teach a new technique? All of these can be done in a meeting as long as a safe environment and enough time is provided. Otherwise plan a special event so that other work does not interfere with the learning process.

Decide how much time to spend on the team building activity and when it would be best to do it. If the activity is to be part of a team meeting, plan it for the appropriate spot on the specific meeting agenda. At the beginning of the agenda is a good time for “getting to know you” type of activities and icebreakers, or revisiting points from a recent training course. If a non-controversial topic is to be presented or a new technique is to be taught during a few minutes of the meeting, those can fit anywhere within the agenda where it needs to occur. For example if a new decision making process is to be taught, explain it just before the team needs to use it to make a decision. Applying techniques immediately to work makes them more meaningful. Introducing new training concepts that are not to be used within the meeting should happen near the end of the meeting time.

If the time/date for the team building should be outside of a regular team meeting, plan a special training session or team-building event. This will require extra work by a team member or the leader to find a good date and a location that meets the needs of the activities to be done. Decide on activities before choosing a location or rescheduling may become necessary in order to meeting physical requirements. In selecting an activity for the event or training, take into consideration any physical limitations of team members. When planning a multi-exercise team-building event, activities that every team member can participate in should be considered before those that may require a member to “sit out” during the exercise because it may make them to feel excluded.

Find the activities or exercises that best make the intended training point or exemplifies the desired team concept. Then narrow down the selection list to which ones maybe best to use based on the materials necessary, the time available, relevancy to particular team, and fun factor. It is a success key for team-building events to be fun as well as informative. In meetings, it is nice to have a fun activity but relevancy to work at hand will mean more to the team, so aim for relevant first and both whenever possible.

Before the date of the meeting, training session, or team-building event: decide who will facilitate, invite participants, provide the agenda if appropriate, and gather necessary supplies. If it is a special session rather than a team meeting, it may be more fun to surprise the team with the agenda at the beginning instead of in advance. If facilitating the activity, arrive early and be prepared with all necessary materials. If someone else is to facilitate, then make sure they understand the expectations they are to meet, as well as when to be there and where to go. It may be beneficial to have someone from outside the team facilitate if the activity requires special training, facilities, or materials that a member of the team does not possess.

Use these tips when planning to do any type of team activity. Continual learning will motivate the team to contribute even better results as they mature and move through various stages.

7 SEO Tips for eCommerce Website

Whether we speak of old school shopping or the new in town eCommerce wave, the only way customers can reach the place of business is if they can locate the store easily.

Internet thrives on search. Millions of search strings make their way into the internet ecosystem each day. There’s no point in spending money on a fancy website and stocking up on best products at awesome prices if your site isn’t featuring on the first page in Google.

That is where SEO efforts come into the picture. People are more likely to find you, if you have a higher search rank. And the more traffic, higher the probability of making sale.

When it comes to SEO for an online shop, “one size fits all” strategy does not work. Online shopping websites need to carefully assess the needs of their business and plan accordingly. Here are a few tips to help towards making that all-important decision.

The effective keywords

Invest some time and money to identify the most appropriate keywords for your online store. Users tend to be very specific while doing a keyword search. Ensure that the keywords used in your online shopping website’s SEO aren’t too generic. Or else, visitors simply won’t be able to find you.

No duplicate content

Be as original as possible in your product descriptions tags. That’s probably the most important step in eCommerce SEO. Since content duplication in eCommerce stores is inevitable with product descriptions and lists, it is advisable to look for ways to reduce redundancy.

Don’t copy-paste the manufacturer’s product description, take some time to build your own. It may give you a mild headache, but it will save you a migraine later. Ensure that each product description is unique and search engine friendly.

Pay Per Click

Pay per click is the necessary tool in the SEO of online shops. However, it is advisable to not rely on it entirely to create visibility. PPC costs continue to rise with each search and as soon as you stop paying for placement, your online presence disappears. Some customers do not trust sponsored links, banners, and other ads. Therefore, organic SEO is essential along with PPC for online shopping website to improve visibility.

Strengthen your content strategy

Keep adding unique and high quality content regularly to your eCommerce Portal. It will help with your search engine ranking, and an added value for users. Consider having a blog and add relevant content that’s related to products and services on your website.

Optimize images

Use ALT tags liberally on your website. Image search function has gained a lot of popularity and people are using it to find products. Your eCommerce SEO strategy needs to incorporate related keywords for ALT tags of every image on the website. Don’t stuff keywords; ensure that every keyword used is directly relevant.

Meta descriptions for webpages

For onsite eCommerce SEO, use a different meta descriptions for each page. Meta descriptions are written for humans with the purpose of helping to get visitors to your online store once it shows up in search engines.

Remember to optimize anchor text

Use keywords for internal links on your website. This will help enhance your visibility in search engines. Consider doing the same for product descriptions by linking them to other similar products on your website.

Tips For Taking Control in a Meeting

Everyone has been to a meeting that got out of control at some point during the meeting. Regardless of when meeting control was lost, out-of-control meetings rarely accomplish anything relevant and may even result in bad attitudes and low morale among employee or volunteer participants. The primary key to controlling a meeting is for the meeting leader, chair, or facilitator to plan properly. An essential key to a successful participatory meeting is for everyone in the group to feel they have a right to voice their opinions and help bring a meeting back into control when necessary. Below are three tips to for achieving these keys.

Tip #1 – Purpose Statement

Start by planning the meeting, which means having a real purpose for holding the meeting and an action plan for the meeting process. Make sure everyone who attends understands the purpose of the meeting. To do this, send the purpose statement out to everyone when meeting invites go out. Do not invite people to the meeting who can not help you achieve the purpose. Restate the purpose at the beginning of the meeting before introductions. If a purpose was not supplied before the meeting, allow for anyone who does not feel that the purpose affects them or the group they represent to leave if they desire. Having people at the meeting who do not feel ownership in the purpose can result in them not participating in discussions or their wanting to change the meeting agenda to meet their own needs.

Tip #2 – Agenda

Once a purpose is established, it becomes easy to create an action plan. The meeting action plan is called an agenda. Make sure there is an agenda that supports the purpose. Each item on the agenda should be an action that needs to be taken in order to accomplish the meeting purpose. Once the items are listed, organize them in a logical flow. If possible, send the agenda to the participants in the meeting invite or as a reminder prior to the meeting. Review the pre-set agenda after any necessary introductions in the meeting. If an agenda was not pre-planned, take a few minutes at the beginning of the meeting to create an agenda and decide on the flow. Having time limits set on the agenda will aid the meeting in starting and stopping on-time as well. Make sure all participants agree to the proposed agenda at the beginning of the meeting as this can prevent side issues later.

Tip #3 – Issues List

The person in charge of the meeting can keep the meeting moving by using the agenda to check progress and remind the group when it needs to move on. Anyone in the meeting can use the agenda to refocus the group if someone starts to stray off subject or tries to change the order of the process. Simply remind the group that everyone agreed to the current agenda and ask if they still feel that is the route the group needs to take. Unless an emergency issue has come up, the group will typically decide to continue with the original agenda. However, be sure to record any new issues as something the group may want to review at a later time. Having an issues list lets anyone who wanted to discuss something else know they were heard and the need has been noted by the group. So people don’t feel their issues were not thought important, be sure to revisit them at the end of the meeting by reviewing the new issues to see if actions need to be assigned or if an item needs to be placed on a future meeting agenda.

The keys to controlling a meeting is to plan properly, that participants feel they have the right to participate in the meeting, and everyone should expect an action plan for the meeting. Follow these three tips to make sure meetings do not become out-of-control by stating a meeting purpose, creating and using an agenda to control the meeting flow, and keeping an issues list to prevent distraction from purpose and agenda.

10 Tips for Writing Newsletters That Will Get You Customers

A newsletter can be a powerful tool for your business. It’s a very effective way to disseminate helpful information. It is also an effective way to demonstrate your expertise and to promote your company. Newsletter marketing is popular because of the benefits it can bestow. Here are 10 ways to make it work for you.

1. Write a newsletter that has a relatively narrow focus in terms of content. Readers want unique, in-depth information that helps them achieve their goals. You are much more likely to do this if you have a narrowly focused newsletter that provides rich, detailed information on a specific topic.

2. Publish your newsletter monthly or consider writing multiple newsletters so you are producing at least one issue a month (e.g., two newsletters, each published every other month). You can publish your newsletter more often, but remember, the more frequently you publish the more burdensome it becomes!

3. Select a catchy name for your newsletter. This increases the likelihood that people will read it.

4. Make sure your newsletter is concise and full of rich content. This may be the most important tip of all. Newsletter marketing only works if you have an informative newsletter that offers significant value to readers.

5. Distribute your newsletter in both hard-copy and electronic formats. E-newsletter marketing has become very popular but you should still produce a hard-copy that you can distribute at conferences, trade shows, meetings, seminars and other promotional events.

6. Make sure people can subscribe to your newsletter through your website. You should also post every issue of your newsletter on your website in a PDF format. You will find that many visitors will return to your site to read the latest issues.

7. Provide opportunities for a diverse array of people to subscribe to your newsletter. This includes customers, colleagues, business associates, friends and family members. Let them know about your newsletter and how it can benefit them. Create an e-mail distribution list so you can deliver it to them upon publication.

8. When your e-mail distribution list gets big, consider using a newsletter distribution service. You can find a host of potential services by typing “e-mail newsletters” into any internet search engine.

9. Use graphics when possible. Research has shown that people are more likely to read your newsletter if it has compelling graphics related to the newsletter topic.

10. Proofread, proofread and proofread again. This is an important step because you will lose credibility if your newsletter has spelling, grammar or factual errors. Make sure you get your facts straight and have a trusted colleague proofread it as well.

Tips on How to Grow Your Business

It is easy to start up a business but to maintain it and see it grow is a difficult task. There are several tips on how one can grow his or her business. Growing a business needs a lot of preparations which involves motivation, capital, time and patience. There are issues that you need to consider while you’re starting it up and make future plans on how you will help it grow.

You need to consider your costs and challenges. There are different costs that are incurred while starting up a business and those that are incurred while the business is operating. These costs include, man power, taxes and general expenses like electricity. Draw a proper plan on how you will be able to handle those costs so that they do not consume a large proportion of your profits. Aim at minimizing expenses in order to increase profits which you will reinvest back into your business hence giving it a chance to grow.

There are also challenges that business is likely to face for example competition. Make sure you research more into the market that your business is aimed to serve and how to out compete the likely close competitors. Be creative and do not stick to one method competing, you can adopt price differentiation or selling quality and standard products, even the way you brand your products matters.

Increase your clientele base. You can do this through many things; customer care is a major factor that most customers depend on to get attracted to your business. Respect customers because a customer is your boss in the business world. Listen to their desires do whatever they are requiring you to do. Most of the customers give you ideas on promotions you can run so do not ignore them

Also follow up your customers ask them how the products you should to them have been helpful and always design products that will make them purchase more.

Advertising is another key to any growing business. Advertise in newspaper, business magazine, social media and the internet.

Acquire affiliates to reach more people and down sell your prospects that will reject your initial offer

Choose a right location for your business. This depends on which products or services you’re selling and to which kind of people. Locating a business in a right place will help you to determine the prices to charge for your products and the type of the customer base your serving.

10 Tips For Parents of (Pre) Teen Entrepreneurs

For teen entrepreneurs, it’s not just homework or hormones and friends or fashion. For these exceptional young people, it’s all of that – plus finding funding, building business and securing their futures at an early age.

And it’s important that their parents understand and appreciate their struggles and offer them support every step of the way. These 10 tips are a great way to help young entrepreneurs start down a path toward success.

1. Start early.

By exploring interests at an early age, it encourages children to take an active pursuit of their passion – and perhaps eventually turn it into profit. Visit museums or parks, check books out of the library – anything to help cultivate their genius.

2. Try different stuff.

“If at first you don’t succeed…” It’s a good quote for a reason. Help potential profiteers learn this for themselves by encouraging learning by trial and error. Keep trying plans or products until they find the one that excites them into entrepreneurship.

3. Discuss values.

Equip them with the tools they need to make important decisions by discussing ethics and the importance of playing fair and being honest – on the field, in life and in business.

4. Make a business plan.

A business plan needn’t be long – a one-page plan should work for most efforts. By answering the below questions, teens will be able to clearly define their products, customers and advantages:

What business am I in?
Who are my customers?
How will my customers know about me?
How am I different?

5. Ask questions.

Enforce the need to think everything through early by asking questions – even if they may be hard for young people to answer. And remember: Be careful to come across as a partner, not as a nag! During this step, you should discuss materials, inventory, funding and budgeting.

6. Use the Internet.

From research to retail to advertising, the Internet is an important tool for fledgling businesses. Many teens have a marked advantage here, as they’re better online than any generation before them. Remember, always monitor site usage and message board posts!

7. Serve others.

It’s important that children have a plan that includes giving back to the world. Does the business offer a product or service that those less fortunate would benefit from? If so, work or product could be given away for free or at cost. If not, discuss setting aside a portion of the profits for a reputable organization that helps those in need.

8. Film a commercial.

This step is fun, and the confidence that children get from being on screen is amazing. Brainstorm ideas – from serious to silly – write a script and enlist the help of friends and family to round out the cast.

9. Develop a marketing plan.

Even the youngest entrepreneur should be actively involved in sales from day one. Ask them to develop a plan – and encourage them to think big (“no” should not be a part of this step!). Guide them to consider promotional or partnership opportunities; community stores or leaders who would allow advertising/product placement; advertising activities and more.

10. Define a style.

All children are leaders: They just have different styles and a unique selling point. Help fine-tune that style by building a leadership platform based on individual strengths and weaknesses.

These 10 tips are a great way to kick off what will hopefully be a long and successful business endeavor. But remember: Just as every child is unique, so is every business and every plan. There are no rules – other than to have fun, work hard and continue to learn and grow along the way. Good luck!

Tips for Starting a Childcare Business

A home daycare can be a rewarding career. You can be a positive influence in the life of young children, and parents in your community can be assured that their children are in good, caring, capable hands when they are not with them.

If you have a genuine and deep love for children – and loads of patience, kindness, and understanding – a home daycare business might be perfect for you.

Here are some of the many benefits of this type of business:

Increasing Demand. The demand for childcare is projected to increase as mothers and fathers continue to work outside the home.

Emotionally rewarding. The early years are such a pivotal time in the life of a child. As a daycare provider, you can have a huge influence on the life of all the children in your care.

Stay at home with your own kids. This type of career, more than many others, offers the possibility for you to enjoy time at home with your own children while you care for others.

Starting a Home Daycare Business

While it has many benefits, a home day care is not likely to create huge financial gains. So, going into this business, it’s important that you understand why you are starting this business. And, of course, the love of children must be paramount.

Any parent or caregiver will affirm that being surrounded by children all day can be incredibly demanding. You’ll want to make sure you have a solid business plan before you embark on this type of career, and that starts with lots of research.

Here are some of the questions you’ll need to consider:

Will your community support a home daycare? In other words, does your area need another daycare?

Will you be able to charge enough in your area to make this a profitable venture (or at least to stay afloat financially). What is the “going rate” per child in your area for daycare?

What are parents in your community looking for in a daycare center? Interview parents in your neighborhood and find out what features they wish they had. What kinds of unique features could you provide as a caregiver?

What kind of changes will you need to make to your home and yard to make this work? What kind of effect will this business have on your everyday family life?

What are the regulations of your state and local government? You’ll need the requirements for caregiver/child ratios, interior and exterior space per child, nutrition, and licensing.

What kind of financial outlay would be required? As with any business, you’ll need to start with a sound business plan that specifically addresses income and expenses.

What is your childcare philosophy? How will you handle discipline issues? You’ll need to have a solid, written policy and procedures manual before you open for business.

What hours will you be open? What will you do when children are picked up late?

Which meals will you serve? What kind of snacks will you serve – and when?

What will your daily routine be? What kind of preschool curriculum will you offer? Start thinking now about possible units of study, field trips, and special guests.

Are you CPR certified? Regardless of whether it is a state requirement, you’ll want to make sure to have CPR certification and first aid knowledge so that you are equipped to handle anything that may occur in the course of your day with the children.

What kind of insurance will you need? Inquire about liability insurance, as well as changes to your homeowner’s insurance (for accidents that may occur on your property.)

How will you market your business? Generally, this business doesn’t require a lot of marketing. That’s due in part to the large demand for quality childcare. And, for home daycares, your neighbors and acquaintances are likely to be your prime prospects so word of mouth is often sufficient. Still, it’s a good idea to create a professional brochure detailing your daycare philosophy, curriculum, schedule, and fees.

What other ways could you structure your business? Before you begin a home daycare business, think about all the other possibilities in the childcare industry. For example, in my town there is a very successful babysitting service where caregivers travel to homes or vacationer’s hotel rooms. Last time I checked, the service was charging upwards of $20 per hour with a 3-hour minimum. Or consider a drop-in daycare that you could provide during hours where childcare is more difficult to find (evenings and weekends, for example). If you find a very specific niche and fill it, you can generally charge more per hour.

If this all seems overwhelming, you can invest in a business kit with the essentials: forms, policies and procedures, examples of business plans, as well as forms that you are certain to need but that might not immediately come to mind.

There’s nothing like owning your own business. Enjoy the process of researching and creating your own!

7 Tips for a Successful Business Venture

It is pretty easy to set up a new business but the actual challenge lies in surviving the cutthroat competition and to stimulate growth over the years. One of the prime reasons why most of the businesses face a very tough time is the lack of proper marketing plan and minimal focus on branding. After all, only when you are able to market your products properly to your target segment will you have a chance to generate revenue to take your business forward.

While a business success is largely dependent on concerted effort of various major functions, during the early years it is most important to focus on branding. Your branding effort should be strong enough not just to introduce your company name to your target segments but also create an impact on them. For a new business the marketing and branding strategy should ideally be able to establish its presence, create name recognition, build credibility among the target market segment and contribute to its status and reputation. Here are seven tips that would actually help you to achieve success with your new business.

  1. Write Down Your Business Plan – This should be the first step. Probably the most common and biggest mistake that most entrepreneurs do is not creating a proper documentation of their business plan. We all know what we plan to do; yet it is important to write it down in a formal business plan. It is always easier to follow a written plan. Your business plan should contain your business description. Objectives, marketing strategy and budget, Business overview, facilities and infrastructure, description of products and service, Industry overview, Regulatory Issues, Implementation plan and financial plan.
  2. Focus on your Branding – Do everything you can to promote your brand. Get a professionally designed logo that would justifiably represent your business to the people. Get your business cards, letterheads, brochure and marketing collaterals designed and printed by professional design and printing house. Ensure that your logo design is properly placed in all these. Don’t fall pray to those cheap DIY logo and branding solutions, they might save you a few $$ to start with but it would actually take a toll on your brand image.
  3. Create a Web Presence – It is most crucial for every business, irrespective of its size, to have a website of its own. Most consumers do their initial research on the web before making a buying decision. It is important that they are able to find you at that stage. Also a website adds value to your brand and gives you an added medium to communicate with your customers. Get your website designed and developed by professional web developers. Your website should ideally be an extension to your brand and provide complimentary information to that of your brochures and print materials. Try to update your website often with useful information, this gives your visitors a reason to check back your website regularly.
  4. Create an Advertising Strategy – Most business organizations invest in advertisements but often a business does not get the maximum ROI on its advertising spend because the advertising strategy is not effective or at times, there is even no fixed strategy. Make sure your advertisement is targeted specifically at your market; for example, if you are a local store, it doesn’t make sense for you to advertise on a global media, rather the local newspaper is a much better option for you. Be consistent in your advertising effort. The more your customers see your company ad, the deeper impact it creates on them. It has been observed that a 5-minute ad film served 10 times creates a greater impact on the consumer than a 50-minute ad film. For your ad composition, it is always advisable to consult a PR agency. If you are trying it yourself, ensure that your advertisement leaves your customers with a good reason to contact you and your brand and USP is properly presented.
  5. Publicity is the Key – Yes, do whatever you can to put your business on the forefront. There are various things that you can do for publicity. Send out a press release announcing a Grand opening for your new business, with a short description of your products and services. Keep your press release short, error free and interesting. Write letters to the editors of local newspapers and magazines about your industry and product. Send out further press releases to communicate other business happenings. For example, if you win a business award, get membership to a professional organization, offer services to any charity or even if you are hiring an industry recognized for a key position in your business. Try writing articles and reviews for local publications and industry magazines. This would help to build your credibility as an expert and would add value to your business brand as well. The amount of trust people place on such experts is much more than what you can get by buying the best ad slots on top magazines.
  6. Business Networking – Word of mouth is undoubtedly the best form of advertisement and the more you expand your business network, the more you can have such publicity. Try joining professional organizations in your industry; be a member of Chamber of Commerce; attend networking meets and special events that give you a chance to interact with more people. Volunteer to join a NGO, get associated with a charity organization, or school board. You will not only be paying back your community but also be putting yourself and your business in front of the public.
  7. Measure, Analyze and Decide – These should actually be continuous processes in your business life cycle. You have laid out a business plan but this doesn’t mean you will be blindly following it. Measure the output that you are getting from all the efforts that you put into your business. See if it is more or less than what you projected. Analyze the reasons for any variance, whether positive or negative, and then use the result of this analysis to make educated decisions for the future. You need to keep in mind that you should not be too quick to judge anything. To get a decent understanding of your business processes, you should give them sufficient time to run, which will allow you to have enough data to perform a fruitful analysis.

3 Effective Tips in Reaching Success in Business Management Services

In every field of business, you need to consider every steps, decisions, and strategies you make. You must have an overview of the outcome you want to have. Your business management services must be effective and productive in all sorts in business. Achieving success is one of the best achievements of every business. This will lead them to a bright future in their service business management. For these, people will look on your business as the best business that provides greater opportunity customers.

For you to be able to make your business management services successful here are some tips to implement.

Tip #1. Hold on your goals by reaching with a business plan

Nowadays, when you look at every business, it is fast changing due to the people’s inventions of new technologies and other updated internet skills. The environment and climate of business change. The rapid pace of business is necessary because people should be benefited with all the offered products and services in business. In order to make all these things to happen, business owners should know how to set up their goals. They also should know how to plan for it. If ever a business has their set up goals, they will be motivated. In that way, business will become successful. Remember that you can help in the growth and production of your goals by setting it in your mind. This is how you should hold on to your goals. And eventually, you will see good and positive results in the future.

Importance of planning

It is necessary that their business services management should set out a plan that demonstrates every direction of their business or company. Planning is never that difficult if you know how to assume a project or development you will want to in the future. For example, you will have a plan that is intended for three to four months and you should consider this as a short term goal. However, in business management services, it is better to prepare a plan that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time- bounded. These are the considerations in doing your planning so that you can easily reach what you want to. Business management consulting services also take these considerations for them to easily produce a positive outcome.

Tip #2. Having a good supervision

Business management services should have a good supervision and guidance if you want to make a difference on it. Having a good business supervision means you will have a clear identification of our set up plan and you can also know how fast you want your business to grow in a given period of time.

Tip#3. Manage your employees in your business management

Employees are the good foundation of in every sort of business. They have the most tasks that are performed mostly everyday. If you want to have an excellent business process management services, you will want to make it sure that you have also a good management with regards to your employees. You should know how you can be able to cope up with their attitude and behavior. You must also train them well in the productivity of your running business.

With all these tips, you easily reach success in managing a business. There are business development consulting firms who can help you in taking necessary actions in your business. Remember that you have to be knowledgeable enough in your business management.

Cost Effective Small Business Marketing Strategies and Tips – Part Two

In my previous article (part 1), I discussed Marketing Keys, Marketing Plan Components and Creative Marketing. Now I will get into specific, cost effective marketing methods and strategies you can use today to increase your company’s exposure and profits.



-Highly targeted and extremely economical

-Extremely Interactive


-Targets your niche

-Creates credibility

-Establishes Identity & Brand


-Can be very cost effective

-Great for demonstrations

Direct Mail

-Highly targeted

-Medium that allows you to go through the entire sales process.

-Augmented with Follow-up Mailing and Telemarketing is very effective


-Provides personal contact, which can be the most effective

-Backed by targeted mailings and TV advertising increases its conversion ratio

Outdoor Billboards

-Constant Reminder

-Especially good for “Next Exit” Location traffic targeting

Indoor Signs

-Capitalizing on your marketing’s momentum

-Can be the most important sign – even more crucial than outdoor signage

-Signs don’t have to be static: i.e. Video Message, Slide Show, etc.

Online Marketing

-Absolutely the best medium which economically blends high interactivity with action

-Examples: Email, video & audio postcards, forums, blogs, websites, texting

-Very effective when content based

-Prospective customers are not constrained by time

-Good, targeted, updated content means repeat customer visits

-Great Follow up, Resale, Cross-sale and Up sell medium

-Exponential results when augmented by offline marketing

Classified Ads

-Very cost effective for a broad customer base

-Targets the very hottest prospects

-Confronts your competition head on


-Only effective if combined with online and offline marketing

-Always a good after sale piece to keep the customer thinking of you

-Code the brochure, ask the customer to pass it out and provide discounts or referral fees back


-Telemarketing only effective if part of an Opt In Marketing Campaign, whether online or offline or both.

Reminder Tools

-Refrigerator magnet is the most effective

-Double sided or folded business card which provides mini-brochure capabilities

Trade Shows

-Targeted and motivated prospects

-Consider online versions


-Public Relations driven marketing can be cost effective. Establish reputation and credibility

Community Relations & Sponsorship

-Establish powerful contacts and connections

-Great for image

-Great constant reminder

-Create an edge over the competition

-Needs to be sincere


Creative Strategic Marketing is based on developing multiple Marketing Tools in concert to achieve an out-of-the box, competitively advantaged Creative Strategy. Marketing Methods should be integrated together for each cohesive Marketing Strategy, and then adjusted as the campaign proceeds and develops. Personally, I believe one of the most lethal combinations of Marketing Platforms are:

–Developing a Content Rich Internet Presence

–Online Marketing through Opt In

–Advertise free Articles, Newsletter, Guides, Webinar, etc. in a targeted Magazine Ad

This combination of print and online marketing is very cost effective, yet lucrative. Explore the possibilities.

The important thing to keep in mind when executing multiple Marketing Tools, Forums and Methods in a synergetic strategy is to carefully track and monitor the results, making Key changes as the initiative develops. This is where an online / internet marketing platform is so valuable because it can adeptly track results (i.e. conversion rate, response rate) in real time.


A good Marketing Calendar is based on a 52 week year and helps considerably in planning and budgeting a Marketing Strategy. At any point in time, you can determine the best ads to run, what needs to be in inventory for the anticipated sales, the project costs and projected sales. The calendar should be an online platform for maximum interactivity, utility, access, flexibility and integration. The Marketing Calendar should be fully integrated with the Marketing Strategy, Strategic Plan and Budgeting Process for maximum utility. The calendar should be in an expandable spreadsheet format to reveal all necessary details for each marketing method within an overall strategy.


Profitable Marketing does not have to be expensive! Some cost saving tips:

Cooperative Advertising

-Can save upwards of 50%. Partner up with a larger company, mention their name and get paid for the promotion. Spread the ad cost among fellow advertisers.

Per Order or Inquiry Payment Method

-Advertising costs subtracted after a sale or defined event.

Survey your Current Customers

-Costs pennies to do, yet gives you the most up to the minute market trends. Plus gives you an opportunity to Cross or Up Sell the customer at the same time.

Backend Products & Services

-Bundle your offerings to minimize your marketing cost per sale.

Code your Ads

-Codes allow you to track and measure your marketing strategy’s results. By keeping ahead of the campaign roll out you can adjust for maximum cost effectiveness.

-Online tracking is the most beneficial and cost effective means of keeping your marketing costs in line with your budget, while providing you where the most profits can be made per marketing dollar spent.

Don’t Use a Rate Card

-Make an offer for all your advertising – rates are always negotiable.

-A 30 second TV spot can be as effective as the more expensive 60 second one.

-Tap into Remnant Magazine Space

-Extra, unused ad space sells at substantial discounts.

TV Ad Tips

-Tight scripts and excellent prior planning cuts down the time costs.

-Do your Ad in 3-4 renditions move session.

-Use a production studio during off-peak times.

Concentrate Efforts on Established Customers

-Customers are 85% cheaper to market; Keep a good balance between Customer and Prospect marketing efforts.

-Exponentially expand your sales, cost effectively, through a Customer Referral Program.

-Up sell, Cross Sell, Cross Promote

Combination Marketing

A very cost-effective and successful combination is pairing a Magazine Ad with a Website. Offer a FREE Newsletter, Guide, E-book, etc and set yourself up as an Expert; mine the prospects data in a permission based, Opt In; Follow up free offering with product and service offerings. All your marketing efforts, mediums, tools and campaigns should be done in concert and combination as the results are exponential and the means cost-effective.

Website Design

-Web Design, Development and Optimization is very important, crucial in fact, but can be very expensive. –To cut Web design costs:

–Create your own content

–Write articles on areas you have Expert status or Knowledge

–Look at the web and decide what you want your site to look like and sketch it out, as well as, organize the link structure. Then have a designer lay out the website in a user friendly Content Management System, and you input all the content. Have the designer / developer review the site after your inputs for Search Engine Optimization tips.

Tip: Consider hiring a Web Designer / Developer overseas, such as from China or India, etc. They charge about $30 per hour (or less) verses $75 – 100 per hour. Make sure to carefully review a Designer / Developer’s credentials, referrals and past projects, to ensure credibility and reliability.

In the next article on Cost Effective Small Business Marketing, I will discuss Marketing Research and Targeted Marketing. Stay tuned!

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