Internet Network Marketing – Building It By The Numbers

Internet Network marketing has changed over the years from the outdated archaic methods to the high technology methods used today. One thing that remains the same is building your mlm business by knowing some important numbers. Your financial success depends on knowing these numbers and building your downline using these numbers to guide you.. It is not your companies miracle product. It is not having the best compensation plan in the industry or the most solid company and management team.

We have been lied to in Internet network marketing. You still hear companies and distributors tell people they only have to personally sponsor a few people to build a successful downline. I guess they don’t tell you the truth so they don’t scare you off. The top leaders in our industry will tell you to sponsor 100-120 people in your first year. You have to recruit these numbers to find those 10-15 who will stick with you and build a long term business.

No matter what company, product, or compensation plan you have with your internet network marketing company, people will quit along the way. This is what happens to the average networker. There are those very rare situations where a professional networker recruits a few experienced pros and builds a massive team. This never happened for me or any networkers I know. I teach my team to build with business principals not luck.

The next three numbers changed the way I built my internet network marketing biz. 70-27-3. Your prospects fall into three groups. The 27% group is the answer to building your long term residual income stream. The 70% group is the cause of why most people quit their work at home business. The 3% group will not come in to play for most of us.

The 3% represents that elite group of networking pros or proven traditional business professionals. The bad news is experienced mlm pros will never join with a rookie. Sorry, it’s the truth. The same usually happens with top business professionals. They seek out a proven leader. The good news is we can still build a big downline without them!

The 70% represents the group of people who make a half hearted attempt at your business. Many of these people never do another thing after making their initial order. The traits of these people are no goals, inconsistent in most parts of their life, whine and complain alot, and live life doing the minimum to get by. They will blame you, the company, and the products for their failure. In internet network marketing we build an army of volunteers. Forget these people. This is the reason we do not sell people into our business!

The 27% group is made up of dedicated hard working salt of the earth people. They are not looking at getting rich in the next 30 days. These are the people who expect to learn and do some work to bring extra money into their household. The traits of these people are hard workers all their life, goal setters, involved in their communities and churches, and active lifestyles. This group will build your internet network marketing business. To learn more check out my link in the resource box.

Business Language – Building Your Business Knowledge

Image – It is important to take note of how the market views your services. Your image comprises the visibility of your business, your logo, the uniform of your employees, the signage on the road, your reputation on the market. Image is everything. I have seen small companies grown to large conglomerates all because they managed their image consistently and excellently. If there is anything that seeks to damage the image and outlook of the organization, there are people designated to repair and remove the impact of any such image dents. Your image speaks for you in your absence.

Impact – This refers to the positive effect your product, service or your company has made in the lives of others. The reason a company is to grow and make a positive impact on the lives of its stakeholders which includes the shareholders, customers and employers. Companies that spend on corporate social responsibility make so much impact even with the little they spend on the under privileged. After all, what is success if it does not touch one that has not access to success and also make them great.

Implementation – This is putting to action all that has been planned. In most situations, corporates emphasize planning and preparation and fail at the point of execution and actually doing the planned activities. Implementation is equally important. It requires a consistent follow through the suggested action plans. Most failure is not because there is no dream; it is at the point of putting all the dreams to action. When the rubber faces the road, when the pain comes in, when the unanticipated difficulties come, that is when quitting seems to be the only route to follow. However, those who decide to persevere and implement all that is carefully planned become successful. Start implementing what you plan and always finish implementing what you start.

Import – This is the movement of goods and services from one nation that has the resources into the nation that has need for the goods and services. In cases where it costs more to make the item within a country, most companies choose to bring in the items either as raw materials or finished products into their own countries. Every country has its own import regulations, duties, import levies and taxes for each category of goods. It is important to acquaint yourself with such laws as you may import substances or goods that are prohibited without your knowledge.

Incentive – this is an element that increases an employee to achieve more and increase in effort and delivery. Usually companies that provide production bonuses or other gratuities outside of salaries stand a better chance to retain employees and have consistency in production than places where no additional incentive is ever talked about or implemented. An incentive is not merely monetary but can be a gesture such as giving an employee time off, extra recognition of good performance etc. As leaders, you need to be creative about how to incentivize your employees. In countries where access to basic commodities is a problem, leaders choose to procure these items in others countries and make them available to employees thus adding the convenience employees need.

Income – This is money that is received on a consistent and regular basis either through salary payments or through interest accrued from investments made. In any situation, the endeavor is for the income to always outweigh the expenditure. Income should be budgeted. As a company you must be able to budget where all your income comes from or where the anticipated inflows are coming from. One way to guarantee regular income that is predictable is to go into sales and maintenance agreements which become a consistent form of income.

Incorporation – this is a process by which a company or organization is constituted as a as a legal corporation. In some countries, companies have Inc after their name which means Incorporated. A company is a legal entity which can be sued, it is a legal persona. It is therefore important to ensure that the organization sticks to the confines to the conditions of the incorporation or registration.

Independence – This is a state by which a company or business entity has capacity to stand on its own without the continual injection of capital by the shareholder. It is the dream and desire of every investor that at some point they get a return on what they have invested over time. When a company has enough funds to finance its orders, monthly expenditure and any such costs, it is independent and mature. There are varying durations that companies take to come to a place of freedom and independence. Some companies depend on the shareholder for many years. This can also refer to the state of a nation. When a nation is under colonial rule it is dependent. When the colonizer eventually leaves the nation then Independence is declared.

Industry – this is economic activity and structures that a focused on the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories and plants. The activities in the industries of any country determine the economic status of that nation. A nation will not be able to export or make goods for its own people if the conditions given to industry owners are not conducive for them to operate profitably. No economy can thrive based on goods and services imported from other nations. Only when a country or community begins to manufacture and sells its own goods do we see the standards of living improve. They can then trade their goods for cash which is in turn used to sustain the communities and families.

Information – This refers to your access or exposure to facts and knowledge (information). Sometimes this is learned through attending formal education or in other instances information is obtained through news sources like radio, newspapers etc. Your access to information determines how far you go in life. Information is what separates the informed and the ignorant. The ignorant will never realize that they lack information until someone who has the information shares it with them. A company or country must always endeavor to keep its people informed of what is going on in the country or company so that no one is caught by surprise. People fail to move in the same direction in situations where the direction is only known to a few individuals. Only when education, explanation and illustration are done will people buy-in.

Infrastructure – these are basic physical and organizational structures (such as roads, buildings, drainage, etc) necessary for the operation of a country or society or business enterprise. Companies invest in immovable assets because of the nature of their stability and consistency to maintain value. It is wisdom for any corporate or country to invest in infrastructure. That is legacy for generations to come. Descendants after your will still find the company warehouse standing and not need to build one from scratch. Invest in infrastructure as much as possible.

Innovation – This is also referred to as creativity which is the ability to create new ideas, products and services. There is no limit set as to which products a company can make. Sometimes innovative ideas are simply modifications or remodeling of existing ideas. Innovation helps organizations to stay on the cutting edge of development. We can both make a bicycle but because I am more innovative, I will add value and put other small gadgets on the bicycle I make, my innovation will make me stand heads and shoulders above my competition.

Intentionality – This is a deliberate and calculated move by leaders of a company to do something for the benefit of stake holders. The leaders have to have intentionality in dealing with employees. They have to be deliberate about salary increments, benefits, health care of the employee and general welfare. There are things a country needs to be intentional and deliberate about for the livelihoods of its people to be lifted. It must be something that is imposed upon the leaders but something the leaders are willing to do without any coercion or force being applied.

Interest – In business this can mean the money that you get charged for borrowing money. Usually it is a percentage per annum. It can also relate to the areas concern or areas of focus. One can say “I have business interests in that country”. The same person can say “the bank charged me interest on the loan I borrowed”. In the case of money charged on borrowings, my advice is that the company finance staff has to keep an eye on this figure as oversight can actually lead to bankruptcy. I have watched with great shock how a company seems to be doing well until the lender demands their money and repossessions of property start.

International – this is when a business or service exists across nations. There is a need for a business to uphold high standards whenever there are international transactions. Companies strive to get into international markets as they may outgrow their own market within the country of origin. International existence of a company is governed by the respective laws of the land on which the company is registered. With the existence of the internet, companies’ resources and services are available to a more global client base. Import and export is the main activity in international business.

Internet – this is also referred to as the World Wide Web (www). This is the connection of computers all over the world for the purpose of information and resource sharing. It becomes the electronic way of handling information, news etc. With the advent of this technology, we now have e-news, e-business, e-health, e-commerce, e-education etc the e- standing for electronic. Businesses have been revolutionized as they have become available to international markets through websites or web pages. This phenomenon has changed the way business is done between nations and communities. News is transmitted faster and cheaper to the intended audience in a more efficient manner. Solutions to common problems one faces are available on the internet. One just has to search for the information. With the right keywords you can get access to all the information resources you ever need.

Intranet – this is almost similar to internet above except the fact the reach is more restricted to internal customers. It enhances intra company communication. This becomes the company notice board.

Invention – this is linked to innovation above. It is when something is discovered for the first time e.g. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, Henry Ford invented the motor vehicle. There is no limit as to what can be invented. There are new things being invented every so often. Some are quite significant while others are not so significant and worth mentioning. Inventions make the life of mankind on this earth more pleasurable, smoother, more efficient and effective. There are also some inventions made which go against humanity’s existence e.g. some weaponry and poisons etc.

Inventory – this is a complete list of items such as goods in stock or the contents of a building. It is important to always take stock of what items the company owns or what items the company has in stock in order to enable leadership to make a decision on ordering more items to replace those lost, damaged or non functional. The inventory is then summed up in dollars on a balance sheet to reflect the residual value of equipment and also value of goods in stock which can be converted into cash through sales.

Investment – this is when someone put away money into something that has a promise to bring the same money back with return on it. No one puts away money expecting no return or growth on the initial investment. You always invest or put money into something that promises a good return in the future. No return promised, no investment otherwise is merely charity work. Some investment vehicles are more profitable than others. In some cases, the investment portfolios that promise a bigger return have a bigger risk factor. High risk, high turnover.

Invoice – this is a list of goods or services provided by a company or individual. The invoice has an invoice number unique in the organization where originating it, who is supposed to pay, a breakdown of the actual items that have been sold, quantities, unit price, taxes (if any) and all other charges such as handling, shipping etc. The full amount due is also reflected with payment options and conditions also spelt out. This is a legal document which can be used in the courts to demand payment. No invoices should ever be verbal as people tend to become a problem when time to pay comes.

A Few Tips on How to Do a Team Building Activity

Team building activities help teams learn and grow. It is important to educate teams in teaming concepts and help them with work processes during all the team-building stages. For those leading teams, a few tips on planning a team building activity can be instrumental to the success of the team.

First, determine the purpose of the team building activity to determine if it can be part of a meeting or should be a separate event. Is the activity to introduce a topic, communicate a point, improve relationships, review previous training or teach a new technique? All of these can be done in a meeting as long as a safe environment and enough time is provided. Otherwise plan a special event so that other work does not interfere with the learning process.

Decide how much time to spend on the team building activity and when it would be best to do it. If the activity is to be part of a team meeting, plan it for the appropriate spot on the specific meeting agenda. At the beginning of the agenda is a good time for “getting to know you” type of activities and icebreakers, or revisiting points from a recent training course. If a non-controversial topic is to be presented or a new technique is to be taught during a few minutes of the meeting, those can fit anywhere within the agenda where it needs to occur. For example if a new decision making process is to be taught, explain it just before the team needs to use it to make a decision. Applying techniques immediately to work makes them more meaningful. Introducing new training concepts that are not to be used within the meeting should happen near the end of the meeting time.

If the time/date for the team building should be outside of a regular team meeting, plan a special training session or team-building event. This will require extra work by a team member or the leader to find a good date and a location that meets the needs of the activities to be done. Decide on activities before choosing a location or rescheduling may become necessary in order to meeting physical requirements. In selecting an activity for the event or training, take into consideration any physical limitations of team members. When planning a multi-exercise team-building event, activities that every team member can participate in should be considered before those that may require a member to “sit out” during the exercise because it may make them to feel excluded.

Find the activities or exercises that best make the intended training point or exemplifies the desired team concept. Then narrow down the selection list to which ones maybe best to use based on the materials necessary, the time available, relevancy to particular team, and fun factor. It is a success key for team-building events to be fun as well as informative. In meetings, it is nice to have a fun activity but relevancy to work at hand will mean more to the team, so aim for relevant first and both whenever possible.

Before the date of the meeting, training session, or team-building event: decide who will facilitate, invite participants, provide the agenda if appropriate, and gather necessary supplies. If it is a special session rather than a team meeting, it may be more fun to surprise the team with the agenda at the beginning instead of in advance. If facilitating the activity, arrive early and be prepared with all necessary materials. If someone else is to facilitate, then make sure they understand the expectations they are to meet, as well as when to be there and where to go. It may be beneficial to have someone from outside the team facilitate if the activity requires special training, facilities, or materials that a member of the team does not possess.

Use these tips when planning to do any type of team activity. Continual learning will motivate the team to contribute even better results as they mature and move through various stages.

Project Manager Considerations When Building a Project Team

As a Project Manager, your team may already have already been assigned before you build a project plan. If this is so, it will allow better estimations of resource budget and the team can participate in designing the project schedule. Alternatively, the team may not be approved and build until the implementation phase begins, which means a preliminary plan has been developed. Remember that if the team can help with planning, then they are more likely to be committed to accomplishing the plan and the project goal or objective. In addition, it is less likely that omission of important details from the plan will occur if the team is involved in developing the plan. Where possible, before trying to develop a project plan, assemble a Project Team of people who have something to contribute to the overall project.

These project team members may have expertise in similar projects or be someone with a stake in the outcome of the project. More experienced people will help ensure the project stays on schedule, however working on a project with a mentor or others more experienced can be a great learning experience for those new to this type of work, process, service, or product. Team members may be volunteers or given the assignment to participate on the project. Typically, volunteers make more of an effort and require less supervision than those assigned without asking if they would like to participate. As the Project Manager, you should talk with each perspective member to make sure they understand what their project responsibilities and accountability might be, what challenges they may look forward to, and what value they offer to the team. Additionally, you should note how much freedom each member would have in carrying out their tasks and making decisions related to their assignments.

If the project team members have worked together before, then the project may start well. Team members who have worked on team projects before will already be familiar with team problem solving and participatory decision-making and will see working on the team as a motivating factor in their and others’ contribution to the project. However, if some of the team members have not worked together or been part of a team before, you as the project manager need to consider if there is need for any team training or other team-building activities to help the members work better as a team. If the team has not worked together before, in their first team meeting, you and your team members will need to establish conduct guidelines for personal and group behavior. You may want to establish what types of information sharing may or may not go outside the project team as well. Working as a team and with your feedback, the project members should find they produce better project results in a more effective manner.

If any team members are only a part-time assignment to the project, then you need to determine with them how they will prioritize their work. As a rule of thumb, no one should be working on more than three projects at a time. As your project continues, be sure to give team members feedback on their individual performance. If they need to change the way they are doing something, be sure to explain why they need to make the change as well as what and how to change. Be sure to let team members know that their contribution is valuable to project and team success. If a team member is not willing to work toward the project goal, then they need to be convinced or removed from the project team. Reward both team behavior and individual accomplishments in order to ensure team members work together and value each other’s contributions.

Building Your Business Marketing Plan and Referral Marketing System

Recently I had a conversation with a client about their business, their marketing plan and their referral system. Their question was, Should we be working by referral only, or should we consider other aspects of marketing? My feedback was simple; you should not be doing either with out a plan.

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and events to create and maintain relationships that will satisfy individual and organizational objectives.-Contemporary Marketing Wired (1998) by Boone and Kurtz. Dryden Press.

How does your marketing plan relate to your business plan, your mission statement or your vision statement? Your company’s business plan provides the environment in which your marketing plan must flourish. The two documents must have continuity between them according the American Marketing Association.

Inside your marketing plan, you look at all aspects of how you get your message to prospects that might be in need to your product or service. For instance, you may have advertising as one of your marketing activities. Under advertising you may have, TV, Billboard, Coupons, Radio, Google Ads, and so forth. For each of those you need a budget, a timetable to implement, a system to measure results, and a target market.

Your referral system should be part of your overall Marketing Plan. Unfortunately, most people do not have a plan for referrals. They might implement a reward system for people or customers who send them referrals and they stop there.

A good referral system should have a target market, a timetable for implementation, a budget, a training system for your referral partners, and a system for tracking your results. Your referral-marketing plan should be part of your over all marketing plan.

Should you be By Referral Only that is really a question that you must ask yourself. There are many business professionals who are by referral only, because they know they have plenty of work, many good clients and they know that referred clients have a longer shelf life, spend more money and are more likely to refer others to them.

  • Building your business by referral takes more time than money. (remember time is money) Relationships and trust take time and cannot be rushed or bought.
  • Advertising, PR, and many other forms of marketing take more money than time.
  • Both must have a plan.
  • Building your brand and your business takes a combination of both.

Business must stop letting referrals happen by accident, and they need to look beyond the “customer referral” to actually developing a plan to find, train and reward referral partners. Having a quality referral marketing plan will increase the quality and quantity of referred prospects. Organization like the Referral Institute work with business across the nation to develop their Referral Marketing Plan while the American Marketing Association supports a variety of professionals who can help a business develop their marketing plan.

If you are a new business owner or an established business owner, make sure you have a plan and review it often.

Three Tips to Advanced Traffic Building

You need traffic – more and more traffic to keep your business growing. But how do you build that traffic? If you are marketing an online business there is know doubt that you need to traffic build, you need a step by step proses of advertising strategies to effectively drive traffic to your business.

So then what form of advertising can you use to traffic build? What can you use to get the most out of your advertising? How can you get the most targeted traffic to your web sites? Below I have listed three of the most advanced ways to traffic build, try them they work.

1. PPC Advertising – This is probably the best traffic you can get as it is highly targeted, this is how you do it – go to Google create an AdWords account, then you will need to chose some effective key words that will target your niche market.

The best way I found to do this is by going to Google and type in a key word phrase, and write down your key words and test this for a week, you are searching for a high search with low competition, a second strategy is to see what key words your competition is using, you can do this real easy.

Try this – when you find a good quality key word or phrase, you can hover the mouse over any link on that first page then rite click, and click properties you will be able to see the key words your competition is using, but note some times you will not be able to see them, just be consistent and you will effectively uncover a good key word to bid on.

Try to do what is called long tail key word research, many will usually start their Google ad-wards account not knowing what key words they are going to use, choosing the rite key words will have a huge impact in your traffic building effort. Just know that the more targeted you are with your key words the more traffic you can build with less time wasted.

A long tail key word is more like a phrase that you would type into Google search, so instead of one or two single words you would use a longer phase, such as “how to make money with online article marketing” apposed to make money article.

2. Blogging – This is a sure fire way to instantly start driving some great traffic, you see Google loves relevant content and by creating a blog and posting regularly to that blog you can quickly start seeing more and more traffic.

When you are trying to traffic build you should make sure that all your blogging content is based on a specific key word, or key word phrase. So if your creating content and blogging about new food recipes it would be great to use all three of those key words – new – food – recipes in the title of your blog post as well as in the first, second, and closing paragraph of your post, this can have a great impact on your traffic building efforts.

3. Article Marketing – Now this is my favorite form of traffic building as you do not need a blog to see real traffic coming into your sales funnel, you can get the same results from creating real valuable content and publishing that content to article directories.

Try this, make it a point to write a few articles a week start with one a day if possible – then try and think of what it is your target market needs are, perhaps do a review on areas that look weak and then write a quality article that will address the problem and give a helpful answer or strategy of how they can fix that problem.

This is in my opinion the absolute best, I use article marketing to really drive some serious traffic. You see by creating real helpful content and offering that content to your targeted market you can effectively attract traffic fast, and the more consistent you are at publishing articles the more you can effectively traffic build.

Traffic building is the blood line of your business, you need traffic and qualified traffic always coming in to your pipeline sales funnel, I use article directories they are the best form of traffic, highly targeted and you build trust by becoming the authority in your niche.

Learn How You Can Start Your Own Online Business Without Building And Hosting Any Website

Since the inception of information and communication technology, almost everything is now computerized, even businesses are now operating online, and so on…

So many people – Nigerian and some other part of the world keep talking about online businesses, and so many other source of income online. Yes, no doubt there are a lot of online businesses, but getting to know and understand the basic scope and approach towards the different online businesses that can turn to money generating system is another problem so many people face. Some people even go to the length of stressing the fact that they are not oppurtuned to take part in such online businesses based on their financial capability of starting it. Yes, it is true that the online business involve some start-up capital, such as building and hosting your own website, buying of reseller right of some information e-book to sell on your site and so on…

All this emphasis on financial capabilities are an excuse, as there are so many means and method you can use in starting your own home based online business without building or hosting a website nor buying any reseller right e-book for sale, for a start.

You can start your own home based online business by taking it through blogging and just selling information with the help of affiliate marketing and Google AdSense. To start with you are require to register for a blog through BLOGGER.COM. The registration process is as simple as ABC, and it is free, meaning that it does not require any payment for you to sign-up for your blog. After the sign-up process, you can now proceed on deciding on the type of information you wish to sell depending on the area of interest you desire to target.

The area of information you desire to target decide your subject. Subject is another vital appealing scope which is required in every blog. It is an interesting step that determine the class or level of AdSense Google will place on your blog as soon as you sing-up for the Google AdSense.

The moment you have decide on the subject, you are require to learn how to write the content in your blog to the best of it effect by learning how to effect key words and phrase people frequently use when searching for information on internet, as it play a vital role on how it is been rank by most search engine.

You are to also note that the quality of the content you post on the blog, you also will need to make sure the appearance of your blog is appealing. Part of this is to make sure the pages are configured so they load with relative ease. No one likes to wait forever as the elements of a page load. This is particularly important if the readers you want to reach are more likely to live in areas where dial-up services is the only way to establish a connection to the Internet. Select colors, graphics, and images with care, and make sure the entire page looks great and loads within a reasonable amount of time. Doing this will insure that you will get more attraction from various visitors to your blog.

Business Networking – Spiderman’s Not The Only One Building Webs

Business Networking is crucial to the success of your business. Building a foundational web of contacts, support and resources can be the difference between success and moderate success, or success and failure.

If you are new to online business, Internet marketing, or the business of doing business, you may not be as familiar as you should be with business networking. Let’s discuss this very important aspect of doing business, especially as it relates to business online.

The term business networking refers to the practice of people spreading knowledge of their business, products, and services to others in a manner that leaves a good impression, lets people recall you and your business, and encourages the formation of strategic alliances. It is a process of meeting and familiarizing yourself with others, and building relationships that are important to the success and profitability of your business.

Most Internet marketers and entrepreneurs quickly come to realize that in order to grow their businesses, they needed to engage in business networking for all of the same reasons offline businesses do – sharing services, forming partnerships to help promote one another, building sources of support, and expanding their reach and resources. This is really the crux of business networking, to form alliances which translate to mutually beneficial relationships.

Even though some entrepreneurs have years of business and professional experience offline, for whatever reason, they often ignore the practice of networking when becoming engaged in online business. This may be due to their unfamiliarity or inexperience with the Internet, where they may not immediately grasp its fundamental principle. After all, the Internet is networking; the ultimate means of sharing of information.

Business Networking is an activity. Its purpose is to find and build upon connections and relationships that will benefit you and your business. Period. It requires the active participation of the parties involved, and it includes connecting with other people who may be your peers, potential mentors, individuals who have similar business interests, or people who have other things in common with you.

You will likely discover various benefits of networking. These may include new sources of support, added business knowledge, and increased financial resources, however, always be clear in your understanding that the end goal of your networking is to find what benefits you and helps you to succeed.

There are numerous business networks in existence, both online and offline, where members may share special privileges and benefits. For example, a network may encourage members to share or exchange services among one another within the network for reduced fees, in comparison to what is available to outsiders.

Some networks are more formal than others, sometimes having administrators who coordinate activities and events within the organization, enforce governing bylaws of the membership, or collect membership fees annually. Other networks may not actually conduct business within themselves, but serve to gather people of like interests and bring them together. is one such business network, and allows its online members who share the same interests and location to actually meet face to face.

Now that we know what networking is and some of its benefits, let’s take a look at networking online, beginning with a quick glance at social networking.

Social Networking – The last two years have seen a substantial rise of social network activity and the growth of related sites such as YouTube, Facebook and MySpace among others.

Since its purchase by Google, YouTube, has continued to become an immensely popular success story. The site allows amateurs, with little knowledge of the web and no software to download to facilitate participation, and literally anyone with a camcorder or camera/video phone to upload personal videos online and make an impression.

YouTube started as a place for friends and families to share videos, but with time, businesses and entrepreneurs began to see the importance of using YouTube to facilitate marketing and business networking. At the close of whatever type of video, publishers simply embed links or other contact information for their businesses or websites. With the immense volume of traffic to YouTube, this has developed into an extremely effective tactic. Social network sites exemplify the concept of viral marketing at its best.

Let’s look at another example. Facebook is another hugely popular site where friends can share interests, information, sell goods and services to each other, upload photos and videos and even join existing networks. Businesses which join Facebook, enter a world of virtually limitless opportunities and potential leads. As a result of their activities, members can experience a phenomenal surge in traffic to their websites or businesses.

The most important thing to remember about the advantages of online networking is that you can position yourself and your business to benefit from worldwide contacts and relationships, the potential of which is immensely greater than that to which you may otherwise be exposed. And the results of those connections can develop exponentially within short periods of time.

One last thing. In dealing with online networking (where you may rarely have the opportunity of meeting your partners face-to-face), it is especially important to focus on three fundamentals of good business: professionalism, courtesy and great customer service.

Excellent customer service skills can mean the difference in whether or not your business is recommended or selected for a contract or project. It also leaves a lasting impression on the people with whom you come into contact, helping them to remember you. With numerous online sites and portals, many businesses are engaged in competition with one another, and what may very well be a distinguishing factor is customer service and courtesy.

A few tips for business networking:

1. Create A Website-If your main business is offline, create an online presence with a website featuring an easy means of contacting you. Most offline businesses have now realized the advantages of having an online presence. A very large proportion of business is now conducted online and people usually go online to research a company before they conduct any business with it. These days, without a business website, it is impossible to fully tap into the benefits of business networking.

2. Business Cards-It may seem an archaic concept, but business networking, even for online businesses, should not be confined to the Internet. In order to succeed in networking, a business representative should have business cards as part of their marketing plan, which contain the basic elements of the business’s contact information.

3. Be Skilled In Customer Service-As stated earlier, customer service can make or break a company. With numerous businesses competitors, a crucial aspect is customer service.

4. Join Social Networks Online-We cited Facebook, YouTube, and My Space as excellent sites to join in order to generate exposure to your business, and there are of course many others including common interest groups and forums.

Business networking is of utmost necessity if you are to grow your business in this immensely competitive environment. In many ways, the Internet has leveled the playing field so that small business organizations can effectively compete among each other, and against larger entities. Use this to your advantage. Create your own immense business webs. Spiderman has nothing on you.

A Guide to Building Websites That Work


If you are looking for “Get-Rich-Quick,” close this page. You are at the wrong place. Common sense dictates that is impossible. If you intend to build a major online corporation, you need a Webmaster and programmers.

But if you are willing to work to build a genuine small business with long-term value and profits, read on. You have come to the right place, the only place, where the average small business person can indeed build a profitable online business.

We all have different reasons for building businesses online.

It depends on who you are, from raw “newbie” to marketing expert.

It depends on what you want out of business and life…

* Freedom and self-reliance?

* Increased revenues from an existing business.

* Growth and independence?

* Living life with passion.

* Recognition and support?

* Community and belonging.

* The right skills and control?

* Additional family income & time.

No matter your reason, you surely want to succeed. But the bitter truth is that only a few people have or know what it takes. Your Web site either makes the sale, or it doesn’t. Ninety-nine out of a hundred sites still don’t get the order.

We blame that on suspicious, scared Web-consumers.


No matter what you offer on the Web, your site must SELL! Are you selling digital goods like software, video games, or info-products? Do you sell freezers to Eskimos (to store the ice you sold them), or other hard-good widgets?

Got a store with dozens, hundreds, even thousands of items to sell?

Think there’s no way you could sell hamburgers on the Web? Why not use your site to sell visitors on registering for digital discount coupons for your special of the month?! Just print and present one to the restaurant nearest you!

Maybe you’re looking to expand regional sales into global distribution? Or do you want to generate leads for your OEM business? Are you considering adding an online profit-center to take advantage of your existing offline store’s infrastructure (1-800 number, warehouse, inventory, database, etc.)? A no-brainer… if you do it right!

Or… has your own profitable Web site just been a dream until now? Well, everyone’s an expert on something!


Think! Brainstorm a little. Can you offer…

* world-class consulting services on your special area of expertise?

* special travel services, like bike tours through the Andes?

* unique info-products, based on knowledge from your job or hobby?

* Multi-national corporation? Entrepreneur with an idea?

It doesn’t matter. Here’s the bottom line.. you can make our site sell.

Just last week my family(extended) had a get together, something small. Like most of such occasions everyone wants to know what everyone is up to and we all make jokes about the little things. I am a natural, I usually get everyone’s attention for being outspoken, sort of a Bilbo in the Baggins family.

During dinner we had hardly eaten a chunk or two when my little niece turned to me and said,” Can you help me make my site sell?

I was taken aback because before now I had no idea she had a website or was trying any making ventures online. The truth is that she had secretly spent all her pocket cash for six months on paying for hosting, and a domain. She had installed a shopping cart, tweaked it in every possible way. But after 8 months she had received just 18 unique visitors and made no sales of her art works even though they cost just 20 dollars.

I decided to help, of course I had no choice.

I took her through a 3 week class. I am going to try to summarize the process in this article, cos I found out that there a lot of out there struggling with building a website and fail miserably talk less of making money from it.

So many people out there even go a step further buying resale rights products, books etc.

These are not wrong in themselves as I have personally written some myself. But if you do not understand the fundamental principles about businesses on online you will fail and loose your hard earned cash too.

But first lets out line the problems my niece was having. She mentioned so many things but here is a summary

1. No traffic

2. No sales

3. Domain Name irrelevance

Everything we build in life should be anchored a good foundation, this also goes for building websites for profit. In our case here’s the foundation. . .


Content Traffic Presell Monetize

Step 1 – Understand the difference between “PREselling” and “Selling.”

Content -Traffic – PREsell – Monetize.

What’s it all about? Where’s the magic?

No magic. And it’s all about your “pre-customer,” about the hundreds of millions of people who surf the Net every day…

People use the Web as a searching tool. They search for credible high-value information or solutions, anything that can fulfill a wish that they hold dearly or solve a troublesome problem that they are experiencing.

Success on the Net all begins with a critical mindset shift. This means replacing that well-known offline strategy of “location, location, location” with…

“Information, information, information.”

In the online world, no one just happens to walk past, see your business and enter your Web site. Surfers on the Net are not looking for you or your business. People search for information, for solutions. After all, if they knew you existed, they would not be searching. They would already be customers.

Online, you must generate your own traffic to thrive and be profitable. Therefore, your primary task, well before you make your first sale or recommendation to a customer (often well before that person is even aware that s/he is shopping!), is to provide the information (i.e., content) that people are searching for, in a way that Search Engines like. In other words…

Give them what they want.

A Theme-Based Content Site contains information based upon a main subject. Each page focuses upon a single topic that is related to that theme. The net sum of all the information on all your pages forms the Content of your site.

These specific “topical pages” are called “Keyword-Focused Content Pages.” They rank well with the Search Engines (SEs), attracting lots of targeted Traffic.

The high-value content “warms up” (i.e., PREsells) visitors by OVERdelivering what they came for… information.

Visitors start to like and trust you (based on what you write about on your site). Your content-rich site builds trust and credibility… “PREselling!” The visitor begins to like and respect you… you are a knowledgeable expert.

This credibility creates an open-to-buy or open-to-hire mindset. You are now a mere click away from Monetizing (converting PREsold traffic into dollars)… affiliate links, order pages, contact forms, Google ads, your own store, eBay auctions, or any other way to monetize — they are now just one friendly click away!

This proven, results-generating process…


… works. No matter how you plan to monetize…

* merchant-partner sites that you represent as an affiliate

* an order page on your site where a prospect can buy your own products (hard or digital goods)

* a contact form which visitors can use to follow-up with you for more details about your professional services or Network marketing business opportunity

* your own online store

* a site that sells a related, non-competitive service or product, in return for a referral fee

* your established sales site (become your own best affiliate!)

* an ad from Google’s AdSense program

* any combination of the above or others!

PREsold visitors convert more easily and more frequently into paying customers… which is exactly the result that your online business wants and needs in order to grow. That is the winning advantage of a “Theme-Based Content Site.”

Contrast that to a visitor who arrives at a sales site… no inspiring, relevant, editorial content. Selling merely tries to get the sale. If you do not have a brand (and most of us do not), if you have not built a relationship with your visitor, your chances of selling are near-zero.

Why? Well, which person would YOU respond to? A stranger with a sales pitch or a knowledgeable friend/expert making a recommendation? Become that knowledgeable friend/expert.

Great content encourages your visitor to think about you as a “friend/expert” rather than a stranger. And if you create a truly info-rich site, you’ll actually become a trusted expert, sharing your wealth of information. You basically create your own brand… your “brand of one.”

People “buy” from those they know and like. They resist sales efforts from everyone else.

And that is why 99% of small businesses fail online.

Selling is not your site’s first priority. (In fact, you may decide not to sell anything and become an “infopreneur” instead!) Your #1 priority is to PREsell through the delivery of the information that visitors seek.

You “monetize” (i.e., convert visitors into money) later.

Step 2 — Act upon the “PREselling Reality.”

As just mentioned, the reality of PREselling is that it works… if YOU work it! Thousands of ordinary, everyday business people have done exactly that.

The reality is that it is all under your control, far more so than in the risky, offline business world.

What about building traffic, ranking highly at the Search Engines? Do you think that only professionals (called Search Engine Optimizers or “SEOers”) can do that? No, in fact you have the huge advantage.

Search Engines are in the business of delivering relevant and high-quality results.

No need for luck. No need for SEO expertise. Simply follow and trust the C – T – P – M process.

It’s through the Search Engines (SEs) that you will reach your visitors. Most surfers won’t scroll past the first 10-20 listings on a Search Engine’s search results pages. That is where you will be.

And second, the description about your site will have to be interesting and credible. So you will “get the click.”

When a visitor finds you through a Search Engine like Google (or Yahoo! Search or Windows Live), think of how smart s/he feels. After all, s/he found you. You didn’t advertise (actually, once you build traffic, you can sell advertising!). All that remains is for you to OVERdeliver — PREsell!

Once you realize the logic and power of C – T – P – M, then you know that success really is DO-able. It is indeed “yours to be had.” And if you don’t succeed immediately, keep trying until you find the right approach.

You only fail when you quit. Patience and persistence ultimately rule the day. Or, to quote Calvin Coolidge…

Persistence wins. Keep pushing it… the business you build will take on its own momentum. It will fulfill all your objectives, if you put in the BAM (“Brain and Motivation”), the time and persistence that are required to grow anything that is worth achieving.

Bottom line…

You understand C – T – P – M. More importantly, you are ready to invest (and “invest” is the perfect word!) time to build C – T – P before you Monetize. Once you do, converting PREsold visitors into money is the easiest (and most fun!) part of your online business

Step 3 — Monetize! Maximize Conversion Rate and profits.

Monetizing PREsold visitors is easier than falling off the proverbial log. DAY 4 discusses the wide variety of ways you can monetize. We’ll cover this topic at that time.

The key point for now is… You are not your monetization model. Do not think about “being an affiliate” or “selling an e-good.” As a matter of fact, do not decide upon any one monetization method.

First and foremost, you are in the “Content Delivery Business.” Then you monetize.

And… Diversify. Have several strong streams of income. For example…

One of your pages may feature Google AdSense ads and affiliate links. You might choose to add an e-commerce store to sell hard goods. And you sell some e-books via ClickBank, too.

However you monetize, do not push your visitors. Let the content pull them through to your revenue-generating locations rather than stopping them in their track.

This could be a link to a sales page for your product or service, to your merchant-partner’s site or to a click on a Google AdSense ad, for example.

Instead of pushing them, make them want to click. It makes all the difference if your visitors feel that it’s their idea to deliver your “Most Wanted Response” (“MWR”).

Once you have PREsold traffic, monetizing is limited only by your imagination!

So let’s not worry about that now. Instead, let’s talk about the broader concept of profits…

There is an easy business equation to follow in order to maximize profit. It’s the same equation, whether you are working online or off…


It’s not a complicated equation, true! But people tend to forget about it.

If you can increase the amount of money that is coming into your business, and lower the amount of money that is going out of your business, you will have more money staying with your business.

So let’s start shifting that profit equation in your favor (and your bank account’s!) by improving the first part of the equation…


There are two major ways to increase income (i.e., the amount of money you make through your products, services, and/or other monetization efforts). You need to…

1) Expose more visitors to your monetization models…

This means that you need to attract more targeted traffic, people who are specifically interested in your theme and your topics (related to that theme) on your Web site. High-value content is the key factor behind traffic volume and your ability to increase and sustain it. And here’s the good news…

If you get the keywords “right” on your page and if you have great content, you will have substantial, evergrowing traffic! And here’s the best news…

Lets move on

* Offline, it’s all about “location, location, location.” You put your business where crowds go. Passerby traffic!


* Online, millions search for “information, information, information.” But they do it solo. There is NO such thing as “passerby traffic.”

You are really ready if you understand that the M is the easiest part of C – T – P – M . And speaking of C…

To succeed online, you must start where your “pre-customers” start…

People search for information, look for solutions. They are not looking for you. Give them what they want by converting your knowledge into high-quality, in-demand CONTENT.

Before you can do that, you must figure out…

* what they seek

* how often they search for it

* how badly they want it

* what competitors already provide, and how they do it

* what Content you will deliver, and how

Your next goal is to find your best Site Concept.

The rest of your business rides on your choice of Site Concept.

Let’s talk a bit about site concept.

Here is how you will get to your Best Site Concept…

1) Create a list of potential Site Concepts and choose your top 3.

* Everyone Knows Something About Something

* Three Site Concepts? Why Three?

* Do Some Quick Research.

2) Use tools like wordtracker dotcom and Google AdWords reserach tool to research Site Concept(s). Research keywords for each of your top 3 Site Concepts.To arrange and research your keywords even further,I recommend you use keywordresearchlab dot com/

3) Evaluate the following factors for each Site Concept…

* Number of Keywords

* Profitability

* Knowledge

* Passion

* Theme “Sexiness”

* Monetization Potential

What Is a Site Concept?

It is the central theme, the niche, upon which you will base all of your site’s Content (hence the term “Theme-Based Content Site”). Every page that you write will be about a topic that is related to your Site Concept. Each one of those topical pages focuses on a Specific Keyword, which is why I also call these pages “Keyword-Focused Content Pages (“KFCPs”).

Now to finding your Site Concept… your theme… your niche that you CAN master.

There is plenty of room for more than one Web site in any niche. Don’t worry when you find competitors. You have a huge advantage, — remember that 99% of small business sites fail, even the most gorgeous ones that cost $20,000 to build! So…

How to Recognize Your Best Site Concept

Bottom line on choosing your Site Concept?…

It takes just as much time to build a low-potential business as a high-potential one. So invest the time now, get the Site Concept right, and you will maximize your returns later, earning far more income per hour invested down the road.

The Plan… How to Develop Your Best Site Concept

Most people fail in any business because they don’t plan adequately. If you pick the wrong concept for your site, if you develop the wrong topics for your Web pages… you’ll get the wrong results…

No traffic = No income.

This will not be your fate. So get to work on your Best Site Concept Plan… Step 1 – Create a list of potential Site Concepts and choose your top 3.

Write down ideas for good “Site Concepts” as they hit you — make your list as long as you can. What do you know and love? What have you learned “on the job?” As you read the daily newspaper, or watch a talk show on TV, or chat with friends/colleagues, or browse a book store, keep your antennae up for new ideas.

Think… you may know so much about something that you overlook it

Everyone Knows Something About Something

What’s under your nose?

Use Common Sense

What is “too broad?” It’s any idea where the market is too big. For example, “travel” was an extreme example. “Italy” is too broad. Choose “Sicily” instead (if you know it.) And “New York” is too broad. Instead, try “Tribeca”… or go with “New York Pizzas” instead (if you love them!).

“Too n-” is the opposite. There just aren’t enough people interested in Caltanissetta, a city in Sicily. Sicily is “just right.”

“But how do I know whether it’s too n- or too broad if I’m just starting out?”

Good question! Use your common sense and knowledge of each niche, of course. And there is one good technique that helps, too!

So what are the key factors and their guidelines?

#1) Number of Keywords

A Site Concept that delivers more keywords is better. It offers the ability to create more Content. So, everything else being equal, choose the Site Concept with 300 pruned keywords over the one for which only 100 “made your cut.”

#2) Overall Profitability

The more keywords that have higher Demand, lower Supply and higher Profitability (Value Demand/Real Supply ratio), the better. Again, this is not an absolute, just an indication. Use your judgment.

Compare the overall Profitability of one Site Concept to another. How many solidly profitable keywords does each have? (Remember… the Profitability numbers are useful, but use your judgment to make the final decisions.)

#3) Knowledge

Think about each keyword as the topic for a future Web page (that is what it will become). Do you already know what you could write for those words? Obviously, lean towards the Site Concept that you know the best.

#4) Passion

Just as important… which Site Concept excites you the most? Choose a less profitable Site Concept if the thought of building a site about it excites you much more! It will be fun to create interesting Web pages about the subject area and to do the necessary research to stay current. It’s not work if it’s fun.

#5) Theme “Sexiness”

It’s not just your excitement that counts. Some Site Concepts are more apt to excite visitors. Trust your gut feel about which would excite visitors the most . It’s easy to PREsell your way to a strong “Brand Of One” with a fun, exciting theme.

#6) Monetization Potential

Look for a Site Concept that offers the potential for you to build multiple streams of income. C T P is useless if there is no M potential!

You must be able to Monetize your PREsold traffic. And the more ways to do that, the merrier. How many of the following could you (eventually) implement on each Site Concept, and with what kind of financial potential?…

* Represent the products/services of related, non-competing online businesses (i.e., affiliate income).

* Partner with an offline business, sending them customers, on a pay-per-click, per-lead, per-sale, or per-month basis

* Sell your hard good or e-book.

o Earn income by placing advertising on your site, such as Google AdSense, or by selling advertising directly. (Guess what? As your site grows, advertisers will approach you!)

o Sell your services (ex., develop clients for your copywriting or java-programming business).

o Supplement/build your local offline business.

o Attract more bidders for your eBay auctions.

o Build warm leads for your Network Marketing (“MLM”) venture.

o Rent — anything from heavy equipment to extras for movies to your own Cayman Island villa.

o Traffic — send traffic to your own e-commerce business (ex., your Yahoo! store or e-commerce site).

Finalize your Site Concept and get a good Domain name.

Visitors know great content when they read it. Winning, PREselling content “works” at several levels…

1. It has a “been there… done that” voice and flair.

2. It has specific, “zing knowledge” that comes from real experience.

3. It is supported by a depth of useful information. This is where good reference material plays an important part.

4. It is consistent, from page to page, from e-zine issue to issue, from week to month to year.

5. It is for the customer, absolutely.

Step 4 – Ready? Name that domain!

A good domain…

* is short and sharp

* is meaningful — conveys a clear message

* is easy to spell

* is easy to remember

* is unique, descriptive, and “you”

* is solid, classic, not hokey

* contains your VPP for human visitors

* contains your Site Concept keyword for spider visitors

* is attractive to humans (ex., “cayman-island-beaches dot com” “cayman island” is there for the engines and “beaches” is there for humans)

* ends in the classy ” dot com,” ” dot net” or ” dot org” (by far, the best regarded by surfers).

When do you use dashes in your domain name?

If both versions of a 3-or-more-word domain are available, use dashes because they make the word breaks more obvious to the eye. Also, the engines usually treat a dash as a space. So it may be more likely to “see” the entire string as separate words.

Dashes are less important if your domain name has only two words in it. See how netpricing dot com and cyberpricing dot com don’t really need the help of a dash?

Use dashes (even if the domain only has two words) if the non-dash version is already being used by someone else. But be sure that you are not violating anyone’s trademark (details on this below).

Note: If your business is 99%+ online, the offline issues of dealing with dashes are not so important (i.e., telling people how to spell it, people forgetting to put the dash after reading your print ad, etc.).

Here’s the bottom line…

Domain names are so cheap that it’s a good idea to take both versions (with and without the dash), just to make sure that a competitor does not take names that could be confused with yours. You can always make one domain point to the main one.

Offline vs. Online, and Branding

If you already have an offline business, it may be important to use your business name as your domain name rather than create a new domain name for it. On the other hand, you could give the site a name that uses your VPP, then use a domain redirector in your hosting to park and redirect your business name to your site. This works particularly well with business cards and other forms of offline, local marketing.

If you want to brand your site, you’ll want to get really creative and come up with a one word domain name. For example, if you wanted to brand a site about credit cards, you might use the name “creditopia dot com” or “crediteria dot com” (sorry, they’re both taken!). Easy to remember, and have a VPP (“credit utopia” or “credit cafeteria”).

Or you may find a domain name by simply adding a letter or two as a prefix or suffix to your site concept keyword (ex., icallcard dot com).

You’ll have to be more creative to come up with a short domain name that’s still available, but a little extra time spent now could pay big dividends later.

Why most people fail

Why did most people fail? I think the reason was that the whole process of running an online business is just too complicated for most people. There are lots of ways to screw it up. It pained me to visit some of those sites and notice a dozen glaring mistakes within the first few seconds – blogs that didn’t enable permalinks, cutesy headlines with no keywords in them, bad choice of topics, page titles that still used the WordPress default format, hideously suboptimal ad layouts, hidden or missing contact info, etc. Any one of those mistakes could cripple a site’s results. More than one is a practically a death sentence. Such mistakes cause problems both for human visitors and search engines.

But at the same time, there were teenagers humming along just fine, generating four figures in monthly income after working on their sites for 6-12 months. They didn’t necessarily get everything right, but they were Internet savvy enough to fix the big problems early.

What bothered me most about this was that people were too often failing because of the technology. Many of them had great ideas and very good content. It was a shame to read some of their articles and think to myself, This is great stuff… too bad no one will ever see it.

The cruel and unfair part of online business is that if you aren’t very Internet savvy, you’ll make mistakes on the technical side that you’re totally oblivious to. You may get the content side right, but the technology will bite you and cripple your results.

But it’s still a pretty unfair situation. There are people who can write great content who really deserve to be getting a lot of readers, but because they don’t understand permalinks, RSS feeds, pinging, or other technologies, they’re doomed before they start.

Once I saw this happening, I basically decided I’d better shut up about encouraging people to run an online business. People kept asking me for new articles on the subject, but I didn’t think it was a good idea. I was concerned I’d be doing more harm than good.

A new solution

Recently I came across a vastly superior solution to this problem – a way for people to build a successful online business that doesn’t require them to become technology gurus.

What I recommend is a service called Site Build It! – it’s an all-in-one solution for creating and building an online business. You pay an annual fee for the service, and they provide you with all the tools you need to build an income-generating web site. They host the site for you, they help you register your domain name, and they provide integrated tools like point-and-click page generators, built-in blogging, form builders, RSS feeds, and lots more. Many of these details will be handled for you, so you don’t have to worry about them.

You still create your own content, and you use their tools (or your own familiar tools) to create a site based on your unique ideas. You focus on the content side. They help you with the technical implementation side.

I don’t recommend this solution for everyone. If you’ve already built a successful website that generates thousands of dollars a month for you, you won’t need this. I don’t need it myself. But if you’re one of those people that have been held back by the technical complexity, then this is definitely something you should look at. This is the kind of solution I’d recommend in a heartbeat for my non-programmer friends who want to get something going online but quickly become lost in a sea of jargon.

There’s a lot to explain about this service and why I think it’s a great idea for most people interested in building a successful online business. So I wrote a whole separate article about that here

Site Build It is a suite of tools for building a website. Site Build It! (Site Build It!) the only all-in-one site-building, site-hosting, and site-marketing product that makes it easy to build a professional, popular, and profitable business.

they follow all the techniques I have listed here and even add more to ensure success.

I’m probably turning into a bit of a salesperson for Site Build It! because I really believe this is a great deal for a lot of people. Not only will building your own online business give you a quantum leap in your own personal development, but it can also provide income to fuel your ongoing growth.

I wish you all the very best.

Profitable Traffic Building – 8 Key Ways to Traffic Building

Traffic is the very air that every website breathes in order to survive. As a webmaster, it is your responsibility to drive sufficient and steady traffic to your site in order to get the exposure it needs. This exposure will eventually bring huge profits to you. Here are the best 8 ways to traffic building:

1. Search Engine Optimization. Improve the quality and volume of traffic to your site by incorporating relevant keywords to your domain name and content. You also have to pay attention to the required keyword density so your website will rank higher on major search engines.

2. Bank on your content. Nothing beats a quality, useful content. When your website is viewed as a good source of much-needed information, you will be assured of steady traffic and more link request from other webmasters.

3. Article marketing. Write quality articles that showcases your expertise on your field and submit these articles to various article submission sites. This is the easiest way to earn quality inbound links that makes your websites more popular and frequently visited.

4. Link building. Research the internet for various websites or blogs that share your topic or theme and exchange links with them. It is important that these sites or blog has higher page ranking than you, otherwise, they will not help your standing on search engines.

5. Blogging. Another great traffic generating tool that dominates the internet today is blogging. Talk about your website, products, and services on your blog and incorporate your website’s URL.

6. Social networking sites. You can also generate traffic from MySpace, Friendster, and other social networking sites by putting up an enticing profile and inviting your potential clients to network with you. You can also put your website’s URL on your profile so interested buyers can just click it to get more information.

7. Social bookmarking. Let your visitors bookmark your website to social bookmarking services like del dot icio dot us and DIGG to get the exposure it needs.

8. Build traffic through YouTube. Create an interesting video about your products and services and post it on YouTube. Embed your website’s URL anywhere on the video so viewers would know where to go to get more information.

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