Information Marketing Techniques – The Best Ways to Repurpose Your Content

Information or content marketing is definitely the hottest internet marketing tool today. It’s proven that by giving out useful information, you can easily get people to come to your website. This is the reason why more and more esellers are now using article marketing, blog and forum posting, ezine publishing, eBook and CD distribution, etc. Although this is extremely effective, do you ever wonder how on earth can you possible create new content each time you’re using these tools?

Well, you don’t have to. If you’re currently doing article marketing, you can use your articles or a part of them on your blog. You can also put together some of your copies and create ebooks. Use some for your script that you’re going to use when recording your CDs or when writing your newsletters. Or you can record your teleseminars and webinars to make new informative CDs.

You see, it doesn’t matter how knowledgeable you are in your chosen niche; you’ll still run out of topics or ideas to discuss sooner or later. So it’s very important that you know how to repurpose the content that you’ve written. The secret here is knowing how to tweak them a little bit so people who saw your content on your blog wouldn’t be bored when they’re reading your website.

Here’s how you can easily repurpose your content:

Repurpose your articles. Articles are staple in any content marketing campaign. You can use these on directories, blogs, newsletters, blog series, tweet series, or you can post them on your Facebook fan page. The idea here is using the same powerful content using as many portals as possible to reach out to wider market.

Repurpose your audio materials. So, you’re planning to host teleseminars to a specific group of people. My suggestion is to have it recorded as you can use this on your audio series which you can send to those people who have signed up to your email marketing list. The content of your teleseminars can also be used on blog talk radios and on your webinars.

Repurpose your informative videos. If you’re just like other aggressive emarketers, I’m sure that you’ve already recorded or at least planning to record instructional videos for YouTube. You can repurpose this as well by sending them to other video distribution sites, to WebTV, and by converting them to DVD series. These are much effective tools in building relationship with your prospects and in building trust compare to written content.

You see, there are so many ways to get your ideas or message out as there are now so many portals that you can use when you’re trying to reach out to your target audience. The keys to success here are still the same; ensure that quality of the content that you’re sharing as it will reflect your expertise in your niche and ensure that your ideas are really yours. Copying other people’s articles or blog posts is still something that will not go unnoticed in the online arena.

What Every Business Owner Should Understand About Article Marketing

Every business in the world started from a simple idea, and the same will be true with any business you start. Even an internet business takes a great idea. In fact, you will need to have a slew of great ideas in order to drive a successful article marketing campaign, and we will tell you how to handle the duty of marketing in the article below.

Because not everyone enjoys reading long articles, you should always shoot for articles no longer than 500 words. Many studies have been conducted on this subject, and the popular consensus is that most readers lose interest in basic web articles after 500 words. Don’t forget: The Internet is a doorway to instant information, so it’s easy to click off of your content and onto a funny video.

Collaborate with other websites to get your articles published in new places. Most webmasters will happily allow you to guest blog because they appreciate the content as well. They will link back to your site, increasing your popularity to search engines. Try to get your article posted on a well-known site to greatly increase traffic.

If you write multiple articles on one topic, make sure you’re cross referencing them! Not only will readers read the one article, but chances are they’ll check out the others ones you’ve written on the topic if they’re right in front of them. This will increase the ad revenue you get from one person.

While it’s certainly possible to create your own marketing articles to promote your business, you’ll enjoy better results if you use the services of an expert. Keep in mind that there is some writing talent that will be needed. It is very possible that you write skillfully and have great punctuation and grammar skills. In fact, you may have just read alliteration. However, if you are lacking a creative way with words your content will sound bland. There’s more to writing than what you read in books.

Don’t give into the desire to bombard indexes with multiple copies of your article. There are many article indexes to use with your article marketing campaign. One common temptation is to post one article over and over, across dozens or even hundreds of indexes. You cannot fool the search engines. Search engine spiders are wise to this tactic, and will lower your page rank for it.

As long as you can keep churning out the articles, you can be a success and drive people to your website or to your affiliate products. It all depends on what you’re willing to put in and also on what type of information you’re using to help build your campaign.

Top Network Marketing Tools That Can Boost Your Business and Profits


Having the latest and greatest network marketing tools is key to your success. If you are just beginning to build your own home based business you’ll need to find out about the tools your business needs. Keep reading and I’ll share some top network marketing tips with you.


As the cornerstone to your new business will be networking, both with leads and fellow entrepreneurs, finding the best network marketing tools you can use to expand your contact list is very important. Be willing to learn about new technologies and utilize them with your networking endeavors.

5 Network Marketing Tips

1. Self Replicating Websites – Most network marketing businesses offer this MLM tool. Basically it is a site owned and operated by the leaders in your business that allows you to create a site within the main site. These can go a long way in introducing you as well as your business.

2. Information Presentation – Along with developing an inspiring and effect presentation for potential recruits, have a brochure or pamphlet printed that you can leave with them or mail to them after your meeting. Also put together a flip book that contains more information on your company, plans and products.

3. Email – One thing I tell each of my new recruits is clean out your email account and keep it that way. Always keep your contacts list up to date and never let your inbox get filled up. 5 open emails in my inbox means there are 5 things I need to take action on. This is a very useful tool for self discipline and avoiding procrastination.

4. Skype – Many of us today use Skype for our telecommunication needs. It’s an excellent way to hold team meetings, network will fellow entrepreneurs and is a free method of speaking to people all over the world. Use the record feature to keep a copy of conversations, business meetings or negotiations. (As a courtesy, always notify the other parties if the chat will be recorded.)

5. Campaigns – Schedule regular campaigns in the most effective marketing tools. Creating video content and uploading it to YouTube or Google is an excellent way to increase your web presence. Article marketing campaigns and newsletters are also very powerful internet marketing strategies.

Succeeding in Network Marketing

While each of these generic but powerful network marketing tools can greatly improve your chances for success, finding the best business system to work within is the single most important element. If your MLM tools haven’t been working for you it might be time to look into a new approach to networking market. There are options out there if you’re interested in increasing your chance of success.

Social Media Marketing – Make Friends and Gain Customers Online

Today’s business can benefit from Social Media Marketing. This involves using websites that bring people together in an informal cyber-setting. The majority of these sites are free to join and use. The best news is that, by making friends on these sites, you can foster business relationships that will help you win over friends and associates.

Facebook or MySpace are two of the primary Social Media Marketing sites. Setting up an account with either is easy; just follow the virtual form that is given. When you enter your data, include your company name and important information about your company. This will become a part of your profile for people to see whenever they visit your home page.

You do not have to stop there, though. Continue with your marketing by updating your status frequently. Go onto Facebook or MySpace and write a bit of news or information about your company as a post. You can also post links to your website whenever you choose.

The important thing to remember about these Social Media Marketing websites is that you want to make friends online. You will be given a chance right away to invite people to be your friends. It is a good idea to start out with as many friends as possible, but having even a few is helpful. Over time, you will be given the option to add friends who have mutual friends with you. The more friends you get, the more people you will reach.

Twitter is also becoming popular these days. People like to tweet messages about what they are doing and read about their friends. Again, use this Social Media Marketing tool to make as many friends and potential customers as possible. You will have followers, some who will decide to follow you with no prompting from you at all. It is also a good idea to follow others, as these people will probably follow you. The things you can post are similar to what you can post on other sites such as Facebook and MySpace.

There are special Social Media Marketing groups online that work as insiders’ clubs. You are asked to join, and then you ask others to join. This is a way to create a professional network. LinkedIn is one of these directory type programs you can use. Not only can you create a network of associates; you can also get people in other businesses involved who might, then, be your customers.

Social Media Marketing is the one of the best ways to reach people through the Internet on a personal level. It is all about making friends and then updating them on your business. It will only take a fraction of your time, and it may pay off in large rewards.

Successful Information Marketing – Best Ways to Promote Your Business

Promoting your business is the first thing that you need to do right after launching it. The goal here is pretty simple; create awareness and reach out to your target market. In this article, I wish to share some tips and techniques on how you can effectively promote your information business. Here’s what you need to do:

Before you even choose the tools that you’re going to use, know and analyze the online behaviour of your target market first. You would want to know how much time they spend online and you would want to identify the websites that they visit on a regular basis. It is through this that you’ll be able to properly plan your marketing campaign and make it targeted and more effective.

Go with article marketing. Most new business owners do not have hundreds and thousands of dollars to spend on their advertising campaign. If you’re one of them, you don’t need to worry as there are online internet marketing tools that you can use that will not cost you a single dime. One of them is article marketing. It’s the process of distributing articles to directories and blog. The goal here is to attract your potential buyers by giving them free information and in the end, you’ll get the chance to ask them to visit your website or blog through your resource box. It’s also an excellent way to easily create backlinks for your website.

Social media marketing. There’s no way that you can ignore the power of Twitter and Facebook these days. Use them to your advantage. Create your account and use them to reach out, socialize, and stay connected with your target audience. My advice is don’t make them all about selling. People these days hate it when they feel that they’re always being sold products and services. Instead, focus on building relationship with your prospects. Asking them about their day or saying hi and hello once in a while can make a big difference. Once you have built that relationship, you can easily get them to buy whatever it is that you sell.

Email marketing. This is the easiest and yet most difficult form of internet marketing. Let me explain that further. You can easily send email advertisements to your potential buyers, right? But there’s no way that you can make sure that they will not delete it without opening it or worst, send it to their spam folder. The key here is making your email marketing campaign very targeted. Send your email ads and newsletters only to those people who are really interested on what you sell. Then, make your headline attention-grabbing and benefit-driven. If you’re able to push their emotional hot buttons early on, you can be assured that your email will be opened and read. Then, give these people a reason to contact you via email or through phone. Encourage them to ask question or offer you feedback. That first contact is crucial as it could be the beginning of long lasting business relationship.

Primerica Online Review: Network Marketing Company Exposed

Thinking about joining Primerica? But not sure if it is for you? If so, are you ready to do what it takes to be successful in your business? But wait just what kind of business model is it? And what exactly do you need to be successful in this particular business model? Well let’s examine and take a look at this business opportunity.

So What Kind of business model is it?

When you take a closer look you see that Primerica is a multilevel marketing home based business model that delivers a line of financial products to the consumer by direct sales. Over the last 10 years, this company has had an explosive growth and more so in the recent years like most popular network marketing companies have most likely due to the economy and unemployment rates.

So what kind of products do they market?

First off, this home based business opportunity has a myriad of products from insurance to mutual fund investments with its flagship product being term life insurance. It also offers debt consolidation loans, investment and savings products, as well as automobile and long term care insurance.

What is their target market and audience?

The company markets its products to middle-income customers through a network of some 95,000 independent sales representatives running their own home based business. The market is wide open for anyone needing term life insurance. It also brokers debt consolidation loans so anybody with consumer debt would be ideal. And of course anyone ready to start an IRA or Money Market Account. These are just a few.

What kind of marketing strategy do they adhere to?

This home business model uses a word-of-mouth marketing approach to capture new business and recruits. But is this marketing approach enough? It is true that word of mouth is the most effective form of marketing but typically takes longer than other methods advertising. So just as in any business, marketing is a key factor to having success and the same is true for a network marketing business. Therefore a combination of marketing strategies for promoting Primerica Online and offline will be required to maximize your marketing efforts and to increase your sales.

So what does it take to become a representative?

Becoming a Primerica Online representative costs $99 to join and with that buy-in fee you get a series of training for licensing on life insurance, information on how to promote your Primerica Online business and a means of keeping track of your down-line. You then get plugged into the company resources for just $25/month and this covers the standard business website (which has your backoffice),sales tools, and a support system. The website is also for promotional purposes as is with all MLMs. From your replicated Primerica Online website you offer these products mentioned earlier, but it is your responsibility to promote it and get the links to pull it up through the Google rankings.

How Do I make Money with Primerica?

As with any legitimate direct sale home based business, representatives make money from the sale of products to end users. Another great way reps make money in this home business opportunity is by way of commission overrides from sales made by the team. With all MLMs, it is ideal to build a team to have a successful business to allow you the owner the flexibility of time freedom by leveraging other peoples time as well as making commissions on sales overrides within your organization. Unfortunately, there is not a residual income component starting out in this home based business. One needs to get other licenses in the investments product line before the residual component even begins which can take months even years before you start acquiring those customers.

So what will I need to be successful?

Well all is good and the program seems viable. But what will you need to be successful? Well the bottom line isn’t how good of company or program Primerica is… but, rather, what will you do with the opportunity?

Do you have a plan to get your new home business in front of a steady stream of new people on a daily basis? How do you intend to promote your website? How do you plan to maximize your marketing efforts and to increase your sales. Will you use both online and offline marketing strategies for your home based business? Are you willing to invest time, money, and effort to be successful in the home business industry?

Because the name of the game is recruiting and making sales so what’s your plan for making that happen?

In MLMs, the secret to success all boils down to your understanding and willingness to create a sales and marketing machine. You need to first discover how to generate leads via advertising or attraction marketing methods and then convert those leads into product customers and sign ups. Then you must lead your new team into taking the same proven actions.

So how about it… will you allow yourself to be successful and be the next Primerica Icon? Only you and time will tell…

Mobile Marketing Trends 2011: Simple Mobile Marketing Ideas for This Year and Onwards

With today’s advancements in technology and the growing popularity of smart devices, the mobile marketing trends of 2011 are more likely to focus on smart phones and the integration of online marketing with mobile SMS marketing strategies. Smartphone marketing is all about the promotion and advertisement of products or services via a platform that can efficiently convert mobile SMS into a high conversion marketing resource. Although this is a fairly new concept in the business sector, it already has a huge potential for success, thanks to its simplicity. Plus, it is very effective at delivering messages to a specific target audience.

Becoming more and more popular among business owners and marketers alike, mobile SMS marketing and promotion is an effective tool that any business can use in promoting their products and services, and increasing their brand awareness in the market. Although relatively new and untapped, smartphone marketing provides a very broad definition. However, it can be broken down into several categories, depending on the focus of the mobile promotion method. As of today, the focus of mobile marketing trends is mostly on SMS marketing.

SMS are relatively cost-effective and offer several benefits aside from directly promoting your products or services to your business’s specific market niche. Plus, when it comes to bulk messaging, marketers have a lot to gain. After all, with such a low-cost operation, they can instantly interact with larger audiences – possibly millions of them – all at once.

Mobile marketing trends are currently focusing on the emergence of low-cost smart phones in the market that will allow consumers to have a more diverse method of communication. Since messaging can be mixed with Internet browsing now, as well, marketers can now easily combine the power of SMS marketing with that of the Internet to create an even more powerful marketing method.

Plus, since monochromatic four-liner phones have become obsolete and replaced with wireless-ready smart phones with package applications, mobile marketing becomes even more interesting and challenging. The only thing marketers need to focus on now is to learn new ways of accessing this marketing source and take advantage of the relatively low competition associated therewith at the moment.

Using special applications and programs for smartphone marketing is one way to gain advantage among other marketeers in the field today. So, with the right tools, it is completely possible to tap into the largest resource of potential clients since targeting the right market niche is what mobile marketing is all about.

A Review of the Day Job Killer Internet Marketing Course

If you have been in the multilevel marketing trade for sometime or you are feeling a bit leery about the opportunities that are currently available to you, it might be time for you to take a look at the Day Job Killer internet marketing course. With the Day Job Killer program, you are in a position to learn not only about the industry but about what you can do to beat the odds and make a better than average living on the internet.

The claims made by the Day Job Killer program are very high. The promotions contend that by using their method, you will be able to break out of the trends and make excellent money online. One of their contentions is that there is a secret formula and blueprint out there, but that it has been suppressed or even hidden by the online gurus and other people who have made the leap from at home worker to extremely profitable business person.

When you use the Day Job Killer program, you will be tapping into the source of a great deal of money making potential. The founder of this program went from making pennies to making four figures a day off of internet sales and residual income, and the key is the fact that the directions offered here are unique when it comes to innovation and aggressiveness. This is not an opportunity for the meek or the shy; some of the methods are advertised as being quite brutal, although they are effective.

Day Job Killer claims that 99 percent of buyers who are invested in multilevel business opportunities never make a real profit, and most likely, they never will. This program states that it is possible to make this kind money, that online marketing and internet selling is one of the best ways to make income from your own home, but to truly take advantage of it, you will need to strike out on your own.

The founder of Day Job Killer states that for years he was blinded by officiating gurus and by people who had no real interest in helping him build a business. With this in mind, he went from making nothing to making a significantly comfortable wage with nothing more than this new technique. The page states that almost anyone can do this, but it is important to remember the fact that it is necessary to stray from the documentation that has been current.

In terms of a new opportunity, Day Job Killer is a program that might well be worth your time to investigate. Take a look and see if what they offer is what you’ve been looking for!

Importance of Keyword Research in Digital Marketing

Keyword research is the first and for most step towards Digital Marketing. Keyword research is the process of researching and choosing words and phrases that users will search for, that directly relate to your business, product or services. Keywords research helps your viewers to search and find you through the common words. One must keep in mind that your keywords must stand out. Whatever you search online the user as well as the search engine depends on keywords to find the result. The right keyword can fetch high rank for your website. If you’re using the wrong keywords on your website you tend to attract the wrong viewers to your website, this will hamper the reputation or ranking of the website as the viewers will not find what they are exactly looking for and in the end this will hamper the ranking of your website. Until you know what words and phrases are most important for your website you cannot go ahead with the keyword research, for this the most important thing to do is to understand the nature of your business and accordingly find the keywords. If the wrong set of keywords is chosen for your website and you optimize for keywords that don’t directly relate to your business and its offerings, you may very well get traffic to your site but this traffic will be unqualified one.

One must follow certain steps while doing a keyword research:

Step 1- Selecting the Keywords

One must come up with list of ideas of words or phrase by speaking with your business owner or with the one who you are working about the list of keywords keeping in mind their business nature.

Step 2- Competitors.

This may give a clear idea of what your competitors are doing and what trend exists in the market as on that day. Search for all your competitors who are selling the same product or service and begin to take up the words and phrases they are targeting. By checking the website of our competitors will help you to get more information and description where they may provide you with hints on keywords they are targeting.

Step 3- Use keyword planner tool.

Keyword planner helps one to understand the searches that take place and the competition of the selected word. One can easily understand the competition and accordingly fix their Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Keywords.

Step 4- Use Google Trends

This tool will help you to see the worldwide or country wise searches of the word you are looking for. This tool will show the result in the form of graph which makes easy to analyse the result. By this tool one can fix their Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Keywords.

Step 5- Define your list

After analyzing the Keywords, one has a huge list of keywords and from this research. Try to look not to take more than 10-15 keywords.

Step 6- Selection of words

From the data received try to pick out Primary Keyword (most popular search), Secondary Keyword (second most popular search) and Tertiary Keyword (third most popular search). Accordingly one can make his or her title, description and Meta description.

Keyword research really boosts up the title search of your business. A catchy title with well researches keywords can help your website to rank.

Resort Marketing With Online Video Increases Visitors?

Resort marketing in the traditional sense has worked great for decades. Even the advent of the Internet didn’t pose much of a threat since you can’t replicate the relaxing and luxurious vacation resort experience online.

But with high bandwidth readily available to the most desired and affluent clientele, increasingly more resorts turn to media-rich experiences for promoting their properties online. At the top of the list of new technologies, web video helps to break down the barriers between people looking for a great vacation experience and the resorts that provide exactly that.

Reaching New People

Affluent families, the ones most desired by vacation resorts, are very selective when it comes to where they spend their time. While a nice vacation may not be strain on the budget, it is time spent away from their homes and businesses. They need to be sure that time will be spent having an exceptional experience.

Up until recently, the only way they could be assured of a top rate experience was to rely on the knowledge and feedback of people they trust. So they turn to friends and family for advice and likely travel to the same places since they have a reasonable expectation of having a good time.

This makes it even more difficult for a new or recently refurbished resort to compete since that resort would not have a large number of people to share their knowledge of your hospitality.

This is where video comes to the rescue.

By creating a video that documents the experience you provide at your resort, you help break down the barriers of fear and begin to build up a bridge of trust. Thanks to some well publicized instances in the news, people know that unscrupulous individuals can fake photos, enhance them, or even just shoot a single picture at an angle that is most flattering, carefully leaving out undesirable elements.

With video its much more difficult to fake the footage, plus there is an audio track. If you can hear a freeway near what is supposed to be a pristine getaway, that gets picked up and the person watching will know what to expect. But if a person looking at your resort video sees and hears only the sights and sounds of nature, that will reinforce the photos and descriptions you place in your other marketing materials.

Showing affluent families enjoying the guest rooms, the pool, the golf course, the spa and other amenities will clue in other affluent individuals who watch your video that this is the place for them.

Beating The Competition

There are a few resort owners and managers now bringing online videos to their web sites. They are setting themselves above and apart from other resorts by providing this more engaging experience. They’re targeting people who have not been to their resort previously, competing against the hundreds of other options for unique getaways.

And they’re going to win.

By embracing online video in their resort marketing, the early adopters recognize the inevitable continuing growth of online video. And by leading with video, they’re providing what will bring in first-time guests: an online media-rich experience that has them at the resort and enjoying themselves before they even step on the plane.

Resort owners and managers who choose not to dip a toe into online video set themselves up for a long slide into oblivion. Quality video is taking it’s place alongside quality photos in the importance of presenting the resort experience online. Get familiar with it and plan for it as part of your online marketing strategy.

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