How To Recover From Job or Business Loss

Have you lost your job, your business, your income, or your passion for earning money? Are you feeling sad, lonely and non-productive? Do you feel that to rely on a government hand-out is just not something you want. Regardless of the political rhetoric, history proves beyond a reasonable doubt that government intervention in life doesn’t work for your benefit.

The good news is lacking money and feeling disheartened is not your reality. You can make money now, in this unprecedented economic environment; and it is not difficult.

Everyone has knowledge about something. What have you accomplished in your life that could help other people? Have you painted houses, cleaned swimming pools, or worked at a job that helped you learn a craft, or skill?

What hobbies do you have that could help people? Have you done wood- working, cooking, gardening, worked on computers, or motorcycles? Could you help someone learn how to take care of an elderly parent, or perhaps help people learn what to look for in good nursing home care?

Have you been a mortgage broker, real estate agent, or insurance agent? Could your knowledge help someone else to understand how to research and apply for a mortgage, sell, or buy real estate or even work through foreclosure or bankruptcy?

Yesterday I saw a new food truck serving coffee in the parking lot of a shopping center. It looked so inviting I stopped for a fresh cup of coffee. While the owner was getting my coffee I asked him how he got started.

Prior to this pandemic he had a lucrative job in a local business. When he was laid off from work because the company he worked for had closed he immediately started thinking about what would happen if the company could not open again.

He knew he could make a good cup of coffee. Many of his friends asked him about what he did to make his coffee taste so delicious. He did not have a coffee secret to share; but he did make a good cup of coffee.

He found an old bus for sale at a price he could afford. After weeks of working on the remodeling, his bus was ready for the coffee test. Could he actually sell his coffee? Two days after his business launched, he knew the answer was, yes.

Everyone has a story! What is your story? Do not allow fear to keep you from living your life. Think about this; how do you want to live your life? Are you really happy sitting home doing nothing, watching the fake news media. If so then you are living someone else’s life.

The question is; do you want to live your own life? Do you want fulfillment and happiness? My guess is that your answer to these questions is; yes.

Do you get the picture? Everyone has a skill, gift, or talent. Get started today. It is never too late for a new start regardless of age, stage, or condition.

How To Get More Interviews In Your Job Search

Richard Bolles, job search guru and author of What Color Is Your Parachute? predicts that you can expect to search for work 1-2 months for every $10,000 you hope to earn. So, if you’re looking for a $40,000 a year position, you may search for 4-8 months to land it. Back when the economy sizzled, that job search length would have seemed outrageous, but now, many people would be thrilled to only search for 4-8 months.

Now the question is: How can you limit your job search length regardless of what’s happening with the local economy?

The answer to that question depends on the strength of your job search campaign. Take a look at these common job search problems. If your campaign is suffering from any of these symptoms, try one or more of the tips suggested for each.

If you’re mailing resumes but aren’t getting interviews:

o Your campaign may not be intense enough. Remember that searching for a job is a full-time job. Increase your employer contacts by phone, fax, mail and email to 10-20 per week. Gather job leads from a greater variety of sources than you have been using, such as networking, newspaper ads and Internet sites. But most important of all, tap the hidden job market.

Bottom line: Getting interviews from resumes is in part a numbers game. Contact more employers to increase the odds in your favor.

o Your resume may reveal that you do not possess the skills sets employers want. Get them! A tight economy means employers can command whatever skills, credentials and experience they want, so why argue with them? Volunteer, take a class or create a self-study program to learn what you need to learn. Or, take a lower-level position that will prepare you for advancement to the job you really want.

Bottom line: It’s up to you to qualify yourself for the job you want. Demonstrate your initiative and enroll in that class now, then be sure to claim your new skills on your resume.

o You may not be contacting the employers who are buying the skills you’re selling. First, identify the three skills you possess that you most want to market to employers. Second, match those skills to three different kinds of positions that commonly use your preferred skills. Next, tie each of the positions you identify to specific local industries and employers who hire people with the skills you’re marketing. Then create different resume versions for each of the types of positions you intend to seek. Make sure each version highlights and documents your ability to do what you claim you can do.

Bottom line: Different employers need different things from their employees. Know what you have to sell and sell it to the companies that want it. At all costs, avoid genericizing your resume with clichés and vague statements.

o Your resume may poorly communicate what you have to offer. If you have weaknesses in your employment chronology or if you are changing careers, you will need to take great care in structuring your résumé’s content to overcome any perceived deficiencies. Create a powerful career summary statement which emphasizes your primary skills, qualities, credentials, experience and goals. Group your most marketable skills into an achievements section and showcase those using numbers, concrete nouns and clear indications of the results you accomplished. Use company research and the employer’s job description to focus your revised resume on the company’s needs.

Bottom line: The person who decides whether or not to interview you will make that decision in a mere 15 to 25 seconds. Be clear, organized and achievement-focused to use those seconds to convince the employer to interview you. If you’re getting interviews but no job offers:

o You may have the basic skills the employer needs but not the advanced skills they prefer. Review the second bullet above and act on the suggestions presented. Once you have updated or expanded your skills through additional education, experience or self-study, begin building a career success portfolio to prove your success to prospective employers. This will also help you respond to those behavior-based interview questions that are the rage these days.

Bottom line: It is up to you to advance your career. Figure out what you lack, then learn the skill or develop the ability.

o You lack strong self-marketing skills and this is showing in your interviews. To improve the quality of your interpersonal communications and interview responses, take a class. Invite someone to role play an interview with you. Practice answering behavior-based interview questions. Arrange to participate in a videotaped mock interview. To project your personality positively: Select three to five about yourself that you want the employer to know about you by the end of your interview. Brainstorm ways to weave those things into your responses to common interview questions. Learn about personalities different from your own. Smile and relax! Make strong but not excessive eye contact. Go into the interview armed with 5-8 words or phrases that positively describe your workplace personality and use those words or phrases throughout the interview. Match your communication style to the interviewer’s questioning style. Know your resume and defend it. Keep your responses brief and always to the point.

Bottom line: Your interviewing performance serves as a preview of your on-the-job performance, so project your best. Research, practice, and sell! To job search is to make mistakes. Question is, are you learning from the job search mistakes you’ve made?

Evaluate your search every two to three months so you can fine tune your campaign on a regular basis. You probably get your car tuned up regularly. Why not do the same for your job search? With the right knowledge and proper tools in place, there will be no stopping you!

Strategies For an Online Job Search

Finding a job used to be a very slow process, but this has drastically changed with the advent of online job search boards. Rather than waiting for the Sunday newspaper to find good jobs to apply for, you can now set up an account with a multitude of online job search agents and have hundreds of leads delivered to you inbox daily. This article will show you how to properly put together an online job search that is efficient and effective.

Online Job Search Strategy – Step 1: Get Your Profile Online

The first step in conducting your online job search is preparing electronic copies of your resumes and cover letters. The major online job boards allow you to create a free profile and upload as many targeted resumes and cover letters as you like. Putting your job search documents in an electronic format makes it super easy to distribute them to potential employers quickly. Once you have put your resume in an electronic format, it’s important to upload it to as many sites as possible. Most importantly, make your resume “searchable” or public to employers. This way when an employer runs a search for specific keywords, your resume will show up without even needing to apply for the job.

Online Job Search Strategy – Step 2: Set Up Automated Job Search Agents

The major online job search sites offer a fantastic automated feature – emailed search results. You can create a free profile that will bring daily leads to your email address. When you create a job search agent, be sure to use as many relevant keywords as possible relating to your field. Don’t just use the title of the position you are looking for, include synonyms and related words to increase the chances of finding leads you are interested in. For example, if you are an accountant, don’t just search for “accountant.” Instead put together a large string of related keywords, such as: “accountant, accounting, general ledger, finance, financial reporting.” You may end up seeing jobs that you are not qualified for, but it’s better to have too many than too few.

Online Job Search Strategy – Step 3: Managing the online application process

It can get pretty cumbersome to manage the application process once you have multiple emailed search agents created. To keep yourself focused, you need to have a good process for organizing the leads. I like to use the daily job application organizer that you can find at By keeping a list of jobs you are interested in you can be sure you are following up properly on each job you apply for.

Examine Company Websites – Sure Way To Job Searching Success

Being in between jobs can be counterproductive, frustrating and discouraging. If you are out of job, it is difficult to keep yourself back on track. It is not easy to search for a job if you do not know where to start. A local newspaper employment ad never goes out of style even in this time and age, but the information is insufficient. So if your looking for a job, finding the right tools and the best approaches are very important. Nowadays, the internet is the most efficient tool that can easily help out in your job searching. It gives you access to various company websites and the chance to know about them. If companies can build their businesses upon online websites, then so are you in getting better job opportunities and greater chances of exploring your chosen career.

Job searching is a task full of hard work, so keep with it and avoid feeling anxious. If you are planning on conducting an effective job search, be well prepared. As a job seeker, one must have good information about the company as part of developing job hunting skills as many job seekers do not realize the importance of job searching skills to be a necessity. It is very significant to ascertain which job search schemes are productive.

So, by basically going through the search, one information may lead you to another. It can provide you some things about employment or career opportunities. For example, if you want to pursue a retailing career, it can provide give you where their retail locations are, the type of products they are selling, as well as the kind of customers they are targeting. In a mouse click, your search can give you what open positions are currently available within your area, what the job entails and the requirements, or even the salary. These are pieces of information that you can’t find in a traditional job posting. In fact, businesses, locally owned or operated, have found online websites to be a advantageous and necessary for their trade. You may even find it hard to believe, but the fact is, you can now submit a job application and upload your resume online!

So, after gathering all these information you may find useful later on when you decide to apply, the job searching process begins with self-assessment: being aware of what your goals and skills are; identifying what your values, accomplishments, experiences and interest are complemented with an understanding of what the labor market is. A well-planned job searching campaign is knowing what position you seek, what you want from a job and what you can offer the prospective employer.

Assessing yourself can be a time-consuming process, but it will give you invaluable information for easier career decision making and makes you suitable to market your background effectively. Important and desirable qualities in your career will aid you with your career goals and better satisfaction in your work. Make a list of these qualities and rank it by order of priority; for example, job security, professional status, variety of task to accomplish, financial rewards and advancement. You may have a lot to list, but it is advisable that you identify your interests, like your career dreams and choices and how you spend your time usually lead to a better skill development.

Being cognizant of your valued skills and verbally citing its usefulness can be a key to a successful job hunting since these are things you do very well. In describing them be very brief and be able to exhibit a defined meaning by referring to actual experiences. Demonstrating your skill levels, especially your transferal skills like writing and communicating effectively or computer literacy, may be relative to the needs of your prospective employer.

Exploring Your Career Options

After identifying your skills, values, interests and what the career demands are of these organizations, you may now search and explore the matches between them. If field options come out as very realistic and very attractive after your thorough research for probable career, then make them your job search goals. Oftentimes, they may not potentially match all your skills and they may not develop your interests and integrate your values in the system, target a career field that can completely satisfy some, if not all, of your priority needs.

Be very good in your research for employers, for they will not only give you the edge in the job competition, but this will also contribute for the purpose of deciding which employers you want most and which strategies to use to contact them. Being persistent demonstrates your interest in the job. A very good job seeker keep records and frequently maintain valuable contact information.

So get yourself organized. Set up a date and how much time you want to commit in job searching after targeting your job goals. Your efforts should be in the direction of establishing channels in the job market which can possibly open doors with other professionals in a certain field. Establish contact with them, make follow-ups and make yourself known. Once they have personal interactions with you, this may be the chance for you to get hired should there be an approriate job opening to further develop your career action plans.

Strategies To Find Job Search Success in the New Economy

I read in the news that Apple announced it has sold over five million of its new iPhone 5, just three days after its launch and to sweeten Apple’s products demand, more than 100 million of Apple’s latest operating systems devices have been updated.

Apple’s success is an important indication that the Internet has taken over the new economy. The latest trend of using social media to find job has moved to a dynamic speed. Savvy job seekers knows that they cannot solely rely on traditional means in looking for jobs.

Traditional job search includes strategies such as looking in the newspaper classified advertisements, searching through ‘help wanted’ notices on bulletin boards, going to recruitment or job agencies, and write in for jobs opportunities directly to the companies. All these traditional ways of job search involve an individual reacting to a job that has already been publicly offered.

Although, traditional methods are still necessary, creative, well-informed and socially Internet savvy job seekers will take a step further to stay ahead of their competition by creating an online presence to reach out to more prospective employers. That is because they know that more and more recruiters use the web as a place to search for talent and conduct employment background searches. This trend will set to increase over the years.

Here are 3 ways you can use social media to enhance your job search success:

1) Build your online presence on social network sites.

Make employers find you easily online and thus open doors to more job opportunities. Without an online presence, you will not appear to be as relevant as those who has and you will be passed over for more savvy applicants that have online visibility. Creating online presence include

  • LinkedIn- A networking tool for professional connections. Also used to recommend job candidates, industry experts and business partners. Employers use LinkedIn as a search tool to find talent, and job seekers use it to leverage their network in support of their search.
  • Twitter – Social networking and instant messaging that allows users to post 140- character updates. Employer can use Twitter to post for job opportunities.
  • Facebook – A social network that connects people, to keep up with friends and share ideas. Depending on their privacy level, some job seekers have successfully secured a job through their Facebook network.

2) Create a blog to demonstrate your expertise

Another good way to further boost your image and demonstrate your experience, expertise and passion in a particular field is to create an updated blog. Keep it professional, creative and update it with value add contents for readers. The articles that you post may include tips and advice on issues in your area of expertise, also be mindful that everything you write and post online is up for judgement.

3) YouTube and Pinterest Marketing

Internet savvy job seekers are making use of video marketing to promote themselves. This is a creative approach to job hunting that has become increasingly common in the social media arena. You could create a video resume, such as a short and traditional video that include a general rundown of your work experience, educational background and skills.

While Pinterest is not a networking platform, as it does not allow direct communication, it is becoming increasingly popular with businesses. It is a powerful tool to demonstrate your knowledge, organisational skills, and creativity to prospective employers. You can create boards which relate to specific skills-sets you have and use it as a portal to link to work you want to showcase – like an online portfolio.

4) Online Resume

In the new economy, it has changed the way employers review resumes, the Internet has also made it possible for job seekers to post their resumes online, on their own hosted web sites. This change is particular helpful to those persons whose resume presentation will be greatly enhanced by being able to take advantage of the graphics and interactive capabilities that an online resume on a personal web site can provide.

In a nutshell, in these times, a paper resume is not enough. It is essential to be creative and a well-designed electronic, or online version of your resume combined and linked to a strong social media profile, is usually ideal for a successful job search.

Online Classified Ads Are a Great Source For Job Seekers

As we are facing global economic crisis now, more people are jobless. The biggest hit was in America where several years ago they announced that some kind of Wall Street or Lehman Brothers thing declared bankruptcy, which affects lots of business. Not only America was affected, but also other business firms around the world. Huge companies in America are forced to close down or lay off their employees. On that time, it has reached millions of employees in different American companies are laid off due to financial crisis that was caused by an investment firm like the Wall Street or Lehman Brothers. These people right now are finding ways to get a job just to provide food for themselves or their own family. It is hard to find a job when you are just roaming around the city looking for some advertisements that were posted on walls or big boards. Job seekers need to find a way to search for their dream job as soon as possible. One of them is what we call newspapers.

Newspapers have a classified ad section, which job seekers can look for it. But there’s a disadvantage for it. Classified ads in newspapers only have one to two pages, and around 25% of them are job opportunities while the rest are mostly buy and sell products and real estate deals. The best thing for the job seekers to search their own dream job easily is through online classified ads. There are lots of US local classifieds existed today, especially international online classifieds. Famous classified ad sites in the US are one of the best sources for posting advertisements on your own, and also searching advertisements that you are interested about. Categories like the buy and sell, income opportunities, real estate, jobs and personals are applied in any online classifieds you searched. Speaking of income opportunities, there are lots of them like the famous multi-level-marketing, direct selling, online-based opportunities, joint ventures and many more. As what the job seekers have experienced about online classifieds, it is very easy to find by just sitting at your computer with a high speed internet connection to find a dream job that is suitable for them, and what makes them comfortable.

There are lots of webmasters who like to establish their own online classified ad site, to help lots of buyers, sellers, employers and job seekers to find what they want, in case they don’t find it at the other sites. But what benefits do the webmasters and customers get on online classifieds? The webmasters may be benefited when they place their own advertisement like Google AdSense in their website, and customers may gain benefits on completing their transactions faster than meeting with each other in any place, especially when both the buyer and the seller are from different areas or countries. With online classifieds, a job seeker may never regret or say that it is only a waste of time and effort, but to think that we are under global financial or economic crisis, we are striving hard to recover and let things go back to normal. Not only you are helping yourself to earn money for food and basic needs, but also to help companies rise and recover their own losses. This is what online classifieds are built to help us all.

A Review of the Day Job Killer Internet Marketing Course

If you have been in the multilevel marketing trade for sometime or you are feeling a bit leery about the opportunities that are currently available to you, it might be time for you to take a look at the Day Job Killer internet marketing course. With the Day Job Killer program, you are in a position to learn not only about the industry but about what you can do to beat the odds and make a better than average living on the internet.

The claims made by the Day Job Killer program are very high. The promotions contend that by using their method, you will be able to break out of the trends and make excellent money online. One of their contentions is that there is a secret formula and blueprint out there, but that it has been suppressed or even hidden by the online gurus and other people who have made the leap from at home worker to extremely profitable business person.

When you use the Day Job Killer program, you will be tapping into the source of a great deal of money making potential. The founder of this program went from making pennies to making four figures a day off of internet sales and residual income, and the key is the fact that the directions offered here are unique when it comes to innovation and aggressiveness. This is not an opportunity for the meek or the shy; some of the methods are advertised as being quite brutal, although they are effective.

Day Job Killer claims that 99 percent of buyers who are invested in multilevel business opportunities never make a real profit, and most likely, they never will. This program states that it is possible to make this kind money, that online marketing and internet selling is one of the best ways to make income from your own home, but to truly take advantage of it, you will need to strike out on your own.

The founder of Day Job Killer states that for years he was blinded by officiating gurus and by people who had no real interest in helping him build a business. With this in mind, he went from making nothing to making a significantly comfortable wage with nothing more than this new technique. The page states that almost anyone can do this, but it is important to remember the fact that it is necessary to stray from the documentation that has been current.

In terms of a new opportunity, Day Job Killer is a program that might well be worth your time to investigate. Take a look and see if what they offer is what you’ve been looking for!

Top 50 Job Sites Worth Your Time

Your carefully crafted cover letters and resumes are considered worthless if you do not have a clue where to submit them. In the midst of this recession, you might get yourself lost and lose your path to success and these documents you spent so much time perfecting will do nothing but look pretty in the documents file of your computer. However, behind the curtains of the economic depression, there lies wide and broad range of job openings that you can imagine are found conveniently online. So, if you really are tough enough to pursue your dream occupation, here is a list of top 50 job sites and their descriptions.

Entry Level Job Sites:

* After College – this is specifically created for college students and recent graduate students. This is both an employment and internship site that allows seekers to post their resume. This site has a search engine, providing seekers easy access to numerous openings across different states. For more convenience, hopefuls can filter their search by type, area, industry, and type of career. The site also offers information and career advice.

* CollegeGrad – currently, the number 1 entry-level site as it provides search service for college students and recently graduated students. It is probably the only entry-level site that list down the Best in Class Employers, Top Intern Employers and Top Masters Employers. The site also offers job search advice and virtual career fair. Furthermore, it allows resume posting, and internships searching.

* College Recruiter – a site designed for providing entry-level job and career opportunities for college students, recent graduate students and graduates. It also displays part time and full time job listing.

* Raytheon – offers listings and descriptions for the current opportunities. It has jobs section that gives every seeker the chance to look for the perfect work according to their field of interest, location and type choice. It has profile matching and internships and co-ops features to help college students and recent college students have hands-on experience. The site also offers recruiting events specifically for North America.

* The Job Box – This site is open to high school and college aspirants. It brings opportunities from seasonal and part time to entry-level job and internships. Job seekers can search using keywords, category and location. The site includes career news and resources.

International Job Sites:

* – site dedicated to bilingual or multi-lingual job seekers. For the sake of communication, the seekers are required to be at least knowledgeable in the English language. The site also allows applicants to search by location, industry and keywords. In addition, seekers can search by language. This site also provides advice on interviews and resume creation. Job seekers can post their resume here.

* – it is a meta-search site that aims to pull thousands of postings from different places around the world. It compiles together job postings from major boards, top newspapers, professional associations and career centers. Job seekers can browse by title, company, location and keywords.

* – this is one of the mega-meta sites that use simple search interface. From hundreds of job sites and thousands of listings, seekers can simplify their search by searching using keywords and location, and browsing by category. In this site, searchers can learn about job hunting process. The site is also dedicated to providing information about continuing education opportunities.

* Jobs.NET – a site that accommodates applicants across the globe, allowing them to browse through thousand of employments, post confidential online resumes and receive tips and advice about job hunting. Seekers can search by criteria, such as keywords, location, recent postings, salary, position, industry, company size and so on.

* LatPro – this site is dedicated to provide assistance to Hispanic and bilingual professionals. It is a leader in online employment all over the world, giving seekers the opportunity to scan through listings from employers that are pre-screened. It also allows hopefuls to post multiple resume, create email job agent and access career resources.

* – considered one of the oldest career sites online. It has thousands of job listing across the globe. The site includes career advice, relocation services and an auction-style marketplace, perfect for independent professionals.

* – it includes more than 150,000 postings from all over the world. It is one of the free sites with the largest database. Seekers can submit and post their online resumes and check out competition and openings within their location.

* – this is Twitter’s search engine for job seekers twitter users. Applicants can search using keywords. The results are then displayed using tweets.

* Yahoo! HotJobs – considered one of the best resource sites online. It offers search resources for seeking professionals, free of charge. Online users can create their own personalized career management page that provides the necessary tools for fast, convenient and safe search.

General/Diverse Job Sites:

* Best Jobs in the USA Today – this is a site with comprehensive resource. It is integrated with databases, corporate profiles, post resume feature and career resources center.

* CareerBuilder – probably it has the largest diversity of listings. It posts help wanted ads from the leading newspapers today at the same time provides listings and openings from leading employers. As its name implies, the site helps to build a seeker’s career by providing resources such as tips and advice.

* – allows seekers to broaden their search. It has great resources of articles that guide searchers on their hunt. The site is created by The Wall Street Journal.

* – Posting a resume on this site is relatively easy. Also, it brings convenience to seekers searching for job using the Internet. In this site, seekers can find other helpful career and sites online, increasing and widening their options.

* – This site is perfect for ethnic and sexual orientation groups. As a diversity site, searching professionals are allowed to search for jobs by posting recency. In addition, seekers can search by location, type, industry and keywords. Furthermore, seekers are given an option to either sign up or not in the site’s free newsletter. Also, hunters can post their resume here.

* – a site endeavors to provide the freshest listing online. Its database consists only of postings not older than 7 days. The search can be filtered by skills, benefits, location, company and type of job. For matching service, seekers are required to sign up. Post a resume here and get a confidential mailbox.

* – considered as a general job board, this site provides help to applicants searching for openings. The listing can be browsed by state, keyword and function. Also, it is a site dedicated to bring information to seekers.

* Jobfox – utilizes Mutual Suitability System to match seekers to opportunities. This matching sites has an in-depth profile system to be able to learn the seeker’s experience, wants and needs. The opportunities are rated based on how the seeker matches the description. Also, the employers are matched the same way. This site has membership fees.

* JobSimply – a site providing wide range of opportunities from part time and summer jobs to professional and executive jobs. Seekers can look into retail, hospital, restaurant, teenand cruise ship jobs. They can search through industries, locations and keywords. The site also includes resources about career tips and advice.

* Jobzerk – a site that is socially driven, allowing its members to interact and communicate to each other. As a community based site, searchers can publish and share useful information about their search and/or hiring process.

* Juju – this is one of the best sites for finding interesting career resources. In this site, seekers can look into 15 different sites such as CareerCity, CareerMosaic, JobOptions, NationJob and so on. Searches can be quickened using keywords.

* NationJob Network – a search service integrated with thousands of latest listings. It features company profiles and it is incorporated with email job matching service, based on your qualifications and preferences.

* Net-Temps – one of the top sites where seekers can scan thousands of postings and post their resume. The postings include contract, temporary and even permanent jobs. The site is designed with tools and resources, including career enhancement articles.

* – a job-matching site that requires seekers to submit their qualifications and preferences and matches the information provided to the employer’s requirements. Searching professionals can use the listings to search for job by keyword and location.

* – this site has more than 150,000 postings from up to 27,000 employers. Due to its popularity, the site branched out into recruitment. It has insider reports on different companies and it allows seekers to search through multiple criteria, including categories, keywords, experience, location and date posted. The site also has email job matching service.

Local/National/Specific Job Sites:

* Careercast – One of the coolest portals that feature niche and local jobs from all over the United States and Canada. It gives seekers the freedom to choose where they want to live and work. To search for a job, seekers can filter the listing by title, category, and company. There is also an advanced option to better target the right openings for the seekers. Also, the portal gives searchers the opportunity to post their resume.

* – It accommodates US and Canadian seekers from different industries and niche. Job seekers can search for different types of jobs using category, location and keywords. It also accepts resume from applicants and posts them.

* – This is a good option for searching jobs locally on the United States. Currently, the site developed around 56 metropolitan areas listings. As a career site, seekers can post resume and find helpful career advice on this site. And with the integration of localized areas listings, seekers can now look for position in a prospective geographic area.

* – This is ideal for seekers looking for recruiting or hiring professionals such as headhunters, executive search and staffing firms. The applicants can browse into the site’s database with more than 10,000 recruiters. For searching option, seekers can use the company’s name, location and specialty.

* – It is a portal specifically designed for direct employer jobs only. It collects different posts from different corporate career centers of different companies. When approximated, this site probably has at least 2 million of openings information. For email alerts, seekers are required to register.

* – It is considered the largest non-newspaper affiliated job board in Mid-Atlantic, operating in 10 states. The site provides information, discussion and careers. Seekers can browse and search for the job they wanted and they can also post their resume.

* Jobcentral – formed by the alliance of two non-profit associations, this site has an extensive network across US. It provides employment and career opportunities to hopefuls in different industries and category, from entry-level to chief executive position. Seekers can search by company.

* Job Search Shortcuts – providing links to thousands of listing web pages, seekers can browse and search jobs in up to 30 metropolitan areas nationwide. For faster search, searchers are allowed to search by category and by city. This site connects seekers to their prospective employers.

* – it is incorporated with numerous features and benefits for searching professionals. The site allows seekers to view and narrow the listings by state and major city. The members can post different kinds of resume, including audio resume, video resume and portfolio once registered. This site has a membership fee. However, seekers can still use the basic services without a cost.

* myCareerSpace – allows seekers to search by category, region or keywords. It accepts up to five different online resumes for applying online openings. The site is integrated with hunting resources such as career expos, salary, relocation, insurance and so on.

* – it is probably the largest site for searching part time and full time jobs. It is built with career resources and advice and seekers can scan the listing by type, and location. It also has email alert feature upon registration.

* – a free career site, allowing job searching and online resume posting. It has alert feature and career tools for seekers to utilize. Job searches can be done by categories, location, keywords and date posted.

Professional/Niche Job Sites:

* – this is designed specially for technology professionals. It is great career site that provides more than a thousand of openings for professionals. The list can be filtered for search convenience by job type, location and employer. It securely protects confidential profile from seekers, making seekers’ resume safe from devious minds. Here, searchers can find useful career resources and they can create email job alert.

* USAJOBS – open to seekers looking for information about jobs and employment in the United States Federal Government. The listing can be viewed by keyword, occupation and location. Seekers on this site can post their resume and register for job matching service. The site also has resource and tips for job seekers interested in working at the government.

* – designed specifically for veterans and transitioning military personnel. It also accommodates seekers with relation to a veteran and it allows seekers to post resume online. The openings include all levels and types of jobs. Job seekers can view results by type, keyword and location. The site also includes key resources for veterans.

New Concept Job Sites:

* The Interview Exchange – a job board that rates seekers based on how closely they matched on the position. The job seekers can receive the matching results via email. Also, it permits seekers to post their resume.

* Jobirn: Insider Referral Network – known for its uniqueness, this site has a job board, online interview system and employee referral system, connecting job seekers to employees of their prospective companies. The purpose of the employee referral system is to assist seekers in getting a referral.

* JobShouts! – a site that uses the power of social media. It helps create connections and provides matching results for job seekers. As much as possible, it delivers real time job postings at the same time automated one click searching from different social media networks.

* Jobs in Pods – this is a web 2.0 site. It gives seekers the opportunity to listen to their prospective employer’s jobcast. This includes audio interviews that discuss the company’s culture, benefits and how to and where to apply. The podcast comes with blog post for information and links about employers and

* LiveHire – one of the innovative sites today. Through this site, job seekers can get online interview via webcam. However, seekers need to submit their professional profile first and if employers are interested, they will contact prospective employees via email. This is highly recommended for long-distance job search.

* Simply Hired – Job seekers can be updated when new jobs are listed via email, social media networks, blogs, homepage and even through mobile phone. This is a search engine for searching job listings using keywords. The results will come from multiple resources.

Featured Sites:

* LinkUp – a job search engine with new and unique features. The site has the list of more than 20 thousand jobs from company websites. It is always updated with comprehensive job listing. Job seekers can search by title, keyword, and by location. The site is also built up with WorkSearch, a tool to track how long a jobseeker is searching for a job. It also has Tabs feature where in a job seeker can keep track of his job searches.

* TweetMYJOBS – a job board that provides notification of open positions INSTANTLY via short messaging service. The site tweeted thousands of jobs within a day and at least a million in just a month. This new innovative service brings together recruiters, hiring managers and job seekers. Browse jobs by company or by location.

Insider’s Guide to Getting a Job in Manchester

Manchester is one of the up-and-coming cities of the UK. The Greater Manchester area has been growing steadily since 2007 and is one of the areas of the UK that has recovered most quickly from the credit crunch recession. It is the second largest functional financial region outside of London and shows a growth rate of almost twice that of the majority of UK urban areas. The expansion has been fuelled by large scale investment in services industries, particularly the financial sector. Some of the major businesses with offices and large employee bases in the Manchester region are Vodafone, the BBC, Thomas Cook, the Guardian, Kellogs, ITV and the heinous internet ogre Google.

Between them, they provide a wealth of job opportunities, however, the appeal of Manchester to job seekers is that there are also plenty of other industries. The main industry is the financial sector; banking and insurance but other opportunities are available in retail and telesales in particular. Manchester is a centre of excellence for the service sector including logistics. The latter is natural since Manchester is at the hub of the UK’s transport network with motorways and rail links radiating out in all 4 cardinal directions. There are some highly specialised niche industries that have centred on the area for example, biotechnology and environmental technology; perhaps due to the presence of the Manchester Institute of Technology (MiT) which produces many scientific and technically qualified experts.

On a human scale rather than economical scale, the city and its environs are cosmopolitan and there is a thriving cultural scene. The latter has attracted creatives to the city – check any search engine and you will find pages of advertising agencies and other creative companies based here. These include digital and print advertising, packaging design, marketing, media… the list goes on and on! So not is it a great area for technical job searches, it is also great for those on the other side of the coin looking for creative jobs. Whilst looking through available jobs, I found an unusually high (well it seemed high to me) number of jobs for linguists too – the travel industry required Polish speakers; a car rental company needed someone who spoke excellent Norwegian and there were openings fr French speakers in retail!

Salaries in Greater Manchester are very varied. For telesales and basic retail jobs, they are as low as 12,000, but you don’t have to look far for well paid managerial and technical jobs that offer 40 – 50K plus. So in other words, there is pretty much something for everyone, depending on their skills and experience.

How to find a job in Manchester

Online is a good place to start. It will save you a lot of time and several bus fares! There are thousands of advertised jobs on the usual websites like gumtree, Monster and fish4. But a really good site for job seekers is Reeds, a national recruitment agency as you can see how many others have applied for the jobs in which you are interested. For creative jobs, check out ‘The Drum’ and remember to check out the Guardian jobs pages too.

But before you even start, you should re-vamp your CV. This is best left to professionals who, after exploring the type of employment you are looking for, can provide you with an edge over the others. They will advise you on the best type of CV (yes, there are several effective ways to present a CV) and use your skills and experience to paint you in a very positive light. You, after all, are an amateur in the field, unless of course you are in HR!

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