CRM Apps for iPhone 4

If you are looking for good CRM applications for your iPhone 4 check this article. Here are some of the most awarded ones.

Sales EZi CRM app – This app is considered one of the most rewarded and often mentioned apps with its features that help sales people. This application is unique because of its ability to make sales forecasts and with it, you will have the possibility to manage your sales. These are the features, which make this application one of a kind. With them, you can track your leads and see if you have to close some sales. You can also see on your pipeline what should be your next actions and see the information for all your clients. If this sounds interesting to you, you should probably try this application out and see for yourself how new technologies could make our lives a lot easier. This application is very preferred because of its ability to give you a dashboard and this way it allows you to use own status percentages and by that it will show you the most truthful forecasts for your sales. By this application, you can also calculate your sales opportunity commissions. Moreover, the good thing here is that you can do that only with your iPhone 4. The price of this app is not as big as you might think it should be – you can have it for less than 10 dollars.

Another CRM application for your fourth generation iPhone is the MyCRM application. If your organization or company does not bind you to some kind of specific CRM solution, you can count on this one. Many people, who are also professionals like bankers, brokers, sales agents and other businesspersons, trusted this application because they considered it suits best their needs. This application helps you organize your business activities while forcing your business at other hand. There is no more necessary for you to use any additional external servers for this application because all your data will be saved on your iPhone4’s memory. The good thing here is that you shouldn’t be online the whole time and you can use this application even if you are offline with letting you use Google Documents. You should connect to an internet server only when you have to restore or make backup operations. This is a very simple application and it is a real pleasure to work with it. Don’t hesitate to download it now because you can have it for free.

Sales Now CRM is an application that compliments your Sales Now web account. You can also have this application free if you are already a Sales Now customer. It can also help you manage your leads and deals. Saving your outgoing emails and following your new deals and leads would no longer be a problem for you with this app. Now you can have this application also free.

Get Started With Google AdWords

Google AdWords advertising allows you to show your ads to people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services, while filtering out those who aren’t.

You can track how many people your ad was shown to, how many of those people clicked your ad and more if you integrate your account with Google Analytics. By measuring your ads, you’ll quickly see where to invest your budget and boost the return on your investment.

AdWords is most commonly based on a cost per click system, where the cost per click is the minimum amount required to outrank a competitor advertiser. Using a very simple example, if a competing advertisers budget per click is $1 and yours is $5, you’ll only pay $1.01 for that click.

When you’re first starting out with AdWords, it can be a little overwhelming. Google AdWords itself is massive, and every slip-up can blow out your budget. I know quite a few people that have been burnt by trying AdWords without really understanding it.

To help you get started, I’ve created some helpful tips that I’ve learned over the years.

Getting Started

Create Your Google AdWords Account

Google has prepared a 7 step starter guide for creating an account which covers the basic such as creating a login, setting up billing information and a daily budget.

Resist the Impulse to Activate Your Ads Just Yet

Google’s goal at this point is to then encourage you to maximise the amount you’re spending on your advertising. This is the first trap for beginners. You’ll enter some keywords, Google will suggest many more keywords which are mostly helpful, but next thing you know you’ve spent $150 in one day with no sales or leads gained.

Research Your Keywords

Thorough keyword research is so important to the success of your AdWords advertising – if you focus on the wrong keywords you can be almost certain that your advertising won’t be profitable. Start with your website to build a list of relevant keywords, look for the main words that describe what you do, your products and your services. Align your AdWords account structure with your website.

Use the Google Keyword Tool

Once you’ve got your list of keywords, you can use the Google Keyword Tool to find related words and phrases for a complete list of possible keywords. People may use different words or phrases when looking for your products or services.

The tool will then show you the average search volume per keyword (there’s no point is bidding on keywords that no one searches for) and the average cost per click so that you have a better understanding of the budget required and what you can afford.

From my experience, the lowest cost per click I’ve seen is around $0.80c and the highest was $16. So, choose wisely. Choose general and specific keywords, and group similar keywords into ad groups (aim for 5-20 keywords per ad group).

Choose Keyword Match Types

This is another trap for beginners. Google’s default setting is ‘broad match’, which allows you to reach the largest number of people, but provides the least control over when your ads are shown.

For example, if I was a personal trainer and I bid on ‘personal training’ to attract new clients using broad match, my ad would be shown to people also searching for ‘personal training courses’, ‘personal training certification’ and ‘personal training salary.’ Clearly, none of these people are looking to hire a personal trainer. I would either receive many irrelevant clicks wasting my budget, or no clicks, which is just as bad because Google will punish me with a low-quality score and I’ll have to pay more.

Essentially, the higher your Quality Score (on a scale of 1 to 10), the less you’ll have to pay per click. Relevance is the key. New keywords will be assigned a quality score within a day or so.

Keyword Match Type Options

Broad Match: The widest possible search that includes a number of keywords that may not be relevant to your business at all e.g. ‘Women’s hats’ can match searches for ‘buy ladies hat’.

Phrase Match: A more targeted option that will match to people searching for the keywords you have specified e.g. ‘Women’s hats’ can match searches for ‘buy women’s hats’.

Exact Match: The most targeted option that will match to people that are searching for your keyword, exactly as you have typed it e.g. ‘Women’s hats’ can only match searches for ‘women’s hats’.

Negative Match: Using negative keywords can greatly reduce wasted clicks by excluding keywords that don’t relate to your business e.g. If you sell reading glasses and use ‘glasses’ as your keyword, your ad would be displayed to people also searching for ‘wine glasses’, adding ‘wine’ as a negative keyword would eliminate this problem.

Campaign Types

It’s important to understand the differences because they function very differently.

Search Network Only: Target people that are actively searching for your products or services. This is recommended for beginners.

Display Network Only: Target people who are browsing websites that contain content that is in some way related to your products or services. From my experience, this is effective for short term campaigns for specific promotions e.g. an online pet store’s ad for free shipping for the next 7 days can appear alongside an article on how to manage aggression in puppies.

Search & Display Networks: Is a combination of the two, personally I prefer to keep the campaigns separate for more effective performance monitoring.

Shopping: Is a must if you sell products online and requires the creation of a Google Merchant account and some set-up to create a product feed. This allows your products to be featured visually with the text search results.

Writing Your Ads

Explain why a potential customer should buy your products or use your service instead of a competitor. Include your keyword so that it attracts attention. The character limit is tight, but try your best to differentiate yourself from other ads.

Google has strict advertising guidelines to ensure ads are of good quality, but I have seen dodgy grammar slip through. ‘I will provide you with the best advise’, will deter people who know the difference between advice and advise.

A call to action is also important to for potential customers to understand what action you want them to take and to filter out people that aren’t ready to take the desired action, e.g. buy now, call today, request a quote, learn more, browse now.

The page you link to on your website is also important, create a custom page if necessary to match your ad. If your ad is promoting 20% off toasters, ensure that your ad points to the toasters category with a banner highlighting 20% off. Make it easy for people to take the action you promised in your ad.

Link to Google Analytics for Conversion Tracking

Access to analytics is essential to managing your AdWords efficiently – without it there is no way of knowing if you are achieving your goals, or which campaigns, ad groups and keywords are successful and which are not. When you create a Google Analytics account, you’ll need to add a short piece of tracking code to your website and then you can link the accounts together.

Conversion tracking provides important data relating to what a person does after clicking on your ad. Do they purchase, submit an enquiry, download your app? This information helps you to determine your success.

AdWords is not a “set and forget” platform, and it needs to be carefully monitored and managed, particularly when you first begin.

Typically, I recommend running AdWords for at least 2 months and commit to weekly monitoring to determine if it’s right for your business. You need time to give it the best chance for success.

Where to Learn More

It’s not possible for me to cover everything about AdWords. I spent 3 weeks studying around my full-time job for the Google AdWords Fundamentals, Google Search and Google Display certification exams to ensure my knowledge is the most up to date.

I highly recommend that you at least read the Google AdWords Fundamentals study guide to understand more about structuring your account, bidding strategies, quality score, location targeting.

Once you’ve activated your ads I recommend checking on the progress every day for the first week to get an understanding of how fast your budget is being spent and what the bounce rate is for your keywords. A high bounce rate generally indicates that your web page is not relevant to the search, try adjusting the keyword, match type or simply pause it.

Top 10 Best 1 Mb Apps for Android

1. Instadict (973k Mb Apps)Instadict

Instadict lets you view a word’s meaning anywhere!

Just copy the word and shake your device horizontally to get its meaning. No need to interrupt what you’re doing.

It also supports full offline mode! Just download the appropriate dictionary from the link below and you’re all set! It is suggested you download them for an overall better experience.

Note – If you install these apps, then you can save your phone’s storage so if you like this post, then share it and you will be able to tell more about this type of app as soon as possible. Be less.

2. Via Browser (793k Mb Apps)

This browser is less than 1 MB if we use the second browser, then its size is 20 or 25 or more, its size is the specialty of this browser, in which you can save your data and in it Ad Block, Night mode, Computer mode, Translator, Pages and many other features are in other browsers.

Here are some functions of Via browser

• Date saving

• Customize

• Ad block

• Privacy Protect

• Bookmarks

• Add-on

• Night-mode

• Computer – mode

• Translate

• Find in page

• Search engine switch

• Web page save

• Intelligence picture show

• Free to design your homepage

3. Open In Whatupp (110k Mb Apps)

If you want to hit someone whose number is not to save you or you do not want to save his number but if you want to send one or two messages to him, then after installing it, you have to select the country and enter his number and open it. It’s okay to get it on the what up and you can message it.

4. Shazam Lite (1 MB App)

It’s a lot less spectacular and less than 1 MB. The thing about this app is that if you are listening to a song and you have to know about that song, what’s the song or what song is going on in your background So this app will tell you just to install it and click on Liston but when you can use this app when your internet is on.

About Shazam

With one tap, Shazam connects you to the content and artists you love, identifying music and more that you can instantly share with friends – all for free.

And that’s just the beginning: One-tap access to video clips, song lyrics, related tracks and streaming services, where you can listen to your Shazams in full or buy them.

*Song names will appear in your History once a connection is restored.

5. LockWatch (322k MB App)

This application is one of my Forever Apps as you can see that the size of this app is less than 1 MB when you open this app then it asks for some permissions from you.

The thing about this app is that if you put a password on your phone and someone is trying to open it, then its photo is taken and it gets sent to your mail. This is a very secure application.

6. Dock4Droid (1 MB App)

Dock4Droid is the first Dock task manager for the Android platform. You can quickly access your running tasks from anywhere you currently are in your phone or tablet and launch new apps from the current screen. Icons are rendered in a wave-like parabolic view and tasks are accessed by sliding your finger on the dock.


You can add custom launchers

supports also your favorite contacts

Dock4Droid is fully localized into Italian

7. Simple Notepad (713k MB App)

As soon as you know it, it’s a simple Notepad app that is simple and gives you a quick and fast experience. Apart from being easy, there are many different features.


Send data to Google Cloud Print

Customizable font and background

Voice input

Word count

8. Darker (Screen Filter) (1 MB App)

With this app, you can do your work by surfing in dim light in the night. It is very useful for your eyes, it helps to filter the light of your smartphone.


Auto-On & Auto-Off

Lower brightness below 20%

Customizable notification buttons

Buttons to set a specific brightness

Up to three buttons can be added for quick access.

9. Photoczip Lite Compress Image (459k MB App)

Photo Clip Light With this app you can compress your documents or photos and resize and zip with it too. We use it as easy as possible before sending or sharing through email, Twitter, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.


Support JPG/PNG compress and resize

Zip all image together

Share photos easily

No advertisement, Absolutely Free

Tiny app size


1. Choose Image from Gallery

2. Choose “Compress”

3. Done.

10. Gallery ( 851k MB App)

Listening to these names, you may feel a bit weird but this is very awesome and the work app Gallery App raises images from mobile internal memory and SD card. Show all images in managed image Instant access, edit the image with the same app.


3d picture view

consume less power and memory

cropping with pix let

quick responsive

What Is And Different Models Of Internet Marketing?

In my last article I shared about myself and how I got started in internet marketing. Today here I will be explaining what internet marketing is and different models related to that even though all these can be run with just your PC, laptop, iPhone and internet WiFi connection.

At first glance to most people, it is about selling things and making money online. But when I asked them further on what else they know, most give me a blank look and have no idea to answer further.

Because in my country Singapore – especially despite it being developed with high home ownership and infrastructure, many people – in particular baby boomers and senior generations – are very new to technology and preferred to be in their comfort zone of learning through printed books, classrooms and networking events since the last 2 provided them with more personal touch as compared to learning on their own online despite the vast information they can find and learnt from Google and YouTube.

What I can say is though internet marketing gives you the complete flexibilty, it also has different models underneath just like traditional businesses which can be run in cafes, factories, offices and shops. Under which I will highlight, explain and highlighted the pros and cons.

1. Affiliate Marketing

This is by far the most basic and what I feel everyone should start off if they are new and eager to make their first dollar online like me 10 years ago.

By definition, it is promoting other people’s products for share of commissions.

They can be digital or information products as in e-learning programs comprising of e-books, videos and software in membership sites as well as physical consumer goods that people like you and me buy everyday from shops and e-commerce stores.

They can also be services like autoresponder or certified email promo and service provider, domain registry and web hosting packages.

As to where and how to promote and get paid, you can sign up at online marketplaces and networks like Amazon, ClickBank, Market Health, JVZoo, Warrior Plus and many others you can find through diligent Google and YouTube research.

2. Info Product Creation

This is where you create your own info product or e-learning courses.

As in e-book, videos, software and other resources you can compile into membership sites before selling as your own program and even coaching.

The beauty of this is not only you have full ownership in changing and promoting, you can recruit other people to promote for you as affiliates.

For this, I recommend Optimize Press and WordPress as best combined platforms even though you can create HTML pages as well using a free Kompozer tool.

3. E-Commerce And Dropshipping

Besides info, you can promote physical goods as well.

Anything you can buy from shops and stores can be marketed as well on the web.

Clothing, computers, electronics, furniture, home appliances, toys and video games just to name the most popular choices.

4. Local Businesses Consulting

If you are good in either 2 or all 3 I mentioned above, you can offer your services to small and medium enterprises who require professional looking websites, social media channels and advertising for maximum exposure, leads and sales.

Should the respective bosses saw and recognized the value of what you are providing, they do not mind paying you more so long as you continued to help them generate more customers, sales and revenues.

5. Mobile Apps Design

Besides websites, social media channels and advertising, mobile apps also played an important role in today’s economy.

Because nowadays most people preferred to surf websites through their iPhones and also instead of just searching through Google for websites, they can download and proceed straight to the apps to access whatever information they need and want.

If you can also excel in this, you can also provide as part of your marketing package to companies, restaurants and shops.

6. E-Book Publishing

Suppose you do not like to talk to people face-to-face, you may consider this along with affiiiate marketing and info product creation instead of approaching local bosses.

All you need is a Microsoft Word or Open Office and type in what you know a lot about and can help others before publishing into PDF through e-book directories or to Amazon Kindle Store.

7. Freelance Jobs

You can offer to be employed by internet marketers for things they do not want to do and prefer to outsource.

Like writing articles, designing graphics and producing videos.

But unless you are into software and app development, your fixed pay will be low from the start.

8. Selling Domains And Websites

This is by far the most lucrative of the 8 models I highlighted.

As all you need is to sell keyword-rich or impressive domains and profitable websites to ready buyers on sites like Flippa and Empire Flippers.

Whichever model you choose, you can run from anywhere anytime you want be it so long as you have computer and internet connection. That is the real beauty of internet marketing!

Top 6 Channels for Mobile Marketing

Statistics speak volumes.

  • The US mobile web population will be up almost 25% by the end of this year.
  • By 2015, more than three in five mobile users and almost half the total US population will be using the mobile Internet.
  • Smartphone usage will increase to 38% of mobile users and 28.8% of the overall population by the end of this year.
  • The number of smartphone users is set to increase 49.6% this year and continue growing at a steady double-digit pace through 2015.

(Statistics and projections from recent eMarketer research)

The unprecedented growth of mobile phone usage is providing more opportunities for businesses to reach their market than ever before. After seeing these statistics you may find yourself saying, yes, mobile marketing a big deal and a great investment for my marketing budget, but where do I begin?

You should start with an understanding of what mobile marketing outlets are available and what benefits they have. Here is a rundown of the top six mediums:

Mobile Website – There are several projections that in the next few years mobile Internet browsing will be more widely used than PC/MAC Internet browsing. Developing a mobile website is typically the first step in your mobile marketing and will increase the satisfaction of your viewers as they visit your site on their mobile phone.

Mobile Application – According to Ovum’s app download forecasts, there will be 14 billion applications downloaded this year. That’s over 400 apps per second! Not only are mobile applications great for increasing brand equity, they can also provide substantial revenue.

Mobile Ads – Mobile ads are what you see in the free version of so many mobile apps. With over 400 apps downloaded per second, there is a lot of opportunity to increase brand awareness and incite action amongst a targeted audience.

Location-Based Apps – One of the fastest growing areas of mobile marketing is location-based services. Consumers often use applications such as FourSquare, Where, Google Places, Yelp, and Merchant Circle to find out what’s going on around them and find special deals. This is a great way to let consumers who are physically near to your business find out about you!

QR Codes – A technology originally used in the manufacturing process, this 2D code allows smart phone users to gain information simply by scanning the code with their phone’s camera. The matrix-like code can be easily developed and is often used to link on-the-go consumers to mobile-friendly websites.

Mobile Coupons – An old concept utilizing new technology. Use QR codes, mobile apps, text messages or your mobile website to offer coupons and entice consumers to shop at your store (brick and mortar or virtually).

The question is not whether or not you should integrate mobile technology into your marketing strategy, but which way works best for your company.

The Best IOS Apps for Businessmen

You put in a lot of effort for running your business. Now maybe the time to let your iOS device do some of the heavy lifting and share your burden. As long as you have the right apps, your iPhone or iPad can serve at your handy man and keep track of your calendar, update your notes and even aid you in managing your accounts. A quick search of the App Store shows you that there are plenty of business apps available, but you have to pick the best ones for running your business without a hitch.

Email: Outlook

Microsoft’s email app for iOS is laden with advantages for business users, especially if you use Outlook at the office for managing your inbox. You can integrate it fully with the desktop Outlook calendar so you can accept and send meeting invites through email and then get notifications when it is time to meet. You can schedule new appointments and review existing ones as well. There is also the Focused Inbox feature that keeps important messages at the top.

Note Taking: Evernote

When you have your iPhone or iPad at hand, then you don’t need to take notes on paper. Use Evernote for saving your notes to the cloud so you have backup and they can be accessed from anywhere. You can insert photos in your notes and the app also allows you to manually enter or dictate the notes. If you use a stylus for writing notes, your handwriting is also recognized with the text-identification functionality.

Cloud Storage: One Drive

For business users, the best storage platform available on iOS is One Drive because it is integrated with Windows. You can use your iPhone or iPad for accessing your files from just about anywhere, which includes documents saved to your Office account. Deleted files can also be recovered and saved again so you have peace of mind.

Contact Management: CamCard

The problem with business cards is that they can be lost easily so you can lose valuable contact information. Also, manually entering contact information in the address book is very time-consuming as well. In this scenario, you can take advantage of CamCard, which automates the process of saving contacts. You just have to point your iPhone or iPad at the business card and take a photo. Important details such as addresses, names and contact information can be extracted by the text-recognition software of this app and your address book is updated automatically.

These apps will allow you to be productive and deal with your tasks on a timely basis so the business runs smoothly.

10 Ways to Market Your Mobile App

1. App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization (ASO) requires many of the same factors that go into great SEO tactics. Things like keywords, titles, and descriptions play a role in the app store listings, so leveraging the right tool to understand these variables can really set your app for a path to a top-tier ranking.

Optimizing the keyword tags in the App or Google Play store can really benefit how your app is found. The keyword field allows you to associate your app with certain terms. The key here is to not repeat or use too many variations of the same word which could be portrayed as spam. A good tip is to conduct SEO type test to figure out the best keyword tags to use. You should ask yourself questions like “Which words describe my app?” and “Which words are my competitors using?” Once you get a feel for what words work best for you, be sure to be creative in your choices. Being unique could possibly help you drive traffic your competitors aren’t getting.

Titles are also an important aspect to take into consideration. Much like a title page for SEO purposes, the app name serves as a relevancy signal that the app store algorithms can pull search results from. Many companies include keywords into their main title to help pull their app to the top of search results within their category. A common mistake is to not include the actual name of the app into the title. The overall goal is to have a strong presence as a brand, therefore people need to know your name and not just what your app does.

When you have everything above figured out, it’s now time to write the description for your app. This should not be a painful task. The key here is to keep it short and sweet. You have to keep in mind that when someone is reading this they are not going to spend a lot of time looking at the description on their phone. Leave plenty of white space so that it is pleasing to the readers eyes and less cumbersome. Bullet points or asterisks are commonly used to list benefits of which your app brings to the end user. Sentences should be broken up with a mixture of long and short (5 words or less) sentences to keep the reader engaged. If you want to learn more, we have previously written extensively on the importance of good keywords in the app store.

2. Social Media Integration

Social media integration in an application has been emerging in popularity among many app developers. Giving users the ability to invite others, share gameplay, and view leader boards is a popular and useful aspect for increasing virality. Essentially it is free marketing for your app. When a user shares their recent high score or fitness goal on their social media pages they are then spreading the word of the app to their friends. This increases the number of views and in turn raises awareness of your application. All of which happens without you lifting a finger. Another side effect from this is that it implements a type of competitive atmosphere amongst friends to outdo the other persons high score or have a longer run tracked.

3. Press Kit

Having a press kit readily available is a proactive move to help expedite your marketing efforts farther down the line. Once you have an established microsite for you application you may get a couple of reviews, but to really market your newly developed app, you need to be able to provide quality material that other people can utilize. If people want to write about you, they may not always have the time to contact you to receive useful materials for them to use.

Materials that should be included in your press kit include high-quality icon of your app along with screenshots of the app in use. These will help expedite those bloggers or journalist that wish to write about your app to have official high quality visuals that can be used in their articles or blogs.

Another essential part of your press kit should be all of your relevant press releases. This helps individuals know the “history” of your mobile app and keeps them in the loop on upcoming updates or other company news. By doing this it will also establish a rapport with your audience because they will have a better understanding of you and your mobile app.

If you really want to go above and beyond you can add a company profile page. This can detail your company history and your staff. Links to your social accounts is also beneficial so that people can learn more about you and read what other people are saying.

4. Forum and Discussion Board Outreach

Identifying where your desired audience or key demographic congregates online is an important marketing aspect to identify. There are many technology and mobile applications blogs filled with individuals that read and keep up with news on mobile applications. This is especially helpful if your app is designed for a specific group. For example, if you app is designed to assist joggers track their daily runs, then posting relevant topics about your application on fitness discussion boards or blogs can be beneficial.

When reaching out to these forums the key is to not spam the blog with your business. Many blog and discussion boards ban users who post promotional material on their comment sections. Posting beneficial information and answering any questions is a good way to start. After you have built a rapport as a thought leader then you can start back linking information to your site or post an article about your product.

5. App Profiles

When it comes to marketing a new app raising awareness is an important aspect to increase downloads. The creation of app profiles on sites such as Appolicious and others like it is beneficial to do. With these profiles you can add a description of your app along with a link to the App or Google Play store that allows the user to download it. This is a simple and easy way to increase the awareness to your desired target audience.

6. Influencer Outreach

Along with reaching out to forums and other relevant blogs, contacting industry thought leaders or influencers for reviews is another avenue to market your app. Having reviews of your app is good, having a reviews written by a respected thought leader in the industry and posted on a respectable site is even better. Many of the popular influencers in an industry have millions of engaged followers that read their material daily. So to have a review written on your app by an influencer in the mobile application industry will give you an increased amount of awareness and possibly downloads (as long as you receive a positive review.)

You can go about this by identifying them (you already know who they are) and contacting them about a potential review. You can provide a promo code or demo to access your app for free. This is where the press kit would come into play. In your request you can attach your press release with all the relevant information we talked about above, therefore accommodating them with all the information and resources they may need.

7. Social Media

It is no secret that social media is a popular medium and can be utilized as an effective marketing tool. Creating pages specifically designed for your app on all social media channels is something that is strongly recommended to really engage your target audience and see their discussions. With a plethora of possible outlets that include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, to name a few, you have access to a vast population and you have the ability to find which ones work best for you. Keep in mind that these pages should compliment your overall company social accounts. Just like the app store, make sure your company name is on these social pages so that you increase your overall brand awareness.

Managing these accounts is another aspect of social media. Making sure you devote time and effort to monitor your different pages is crucial to really benefit from social media. Think of it as a window into viewing your consumers thoughts and concerns. The better you monitor and all the comments and questions the better you can learn how to improve your product which in turn will increase brand loyalty.

8. Teaser Campaign

Whether it be creating hype over a potential release date or providing an incentive with a promotional campaign, a teaser campaign is a good way to get your audience excited and engaged. This can be done as simple as producing a short teaser trailer paired with a “Coming Soon” animation on your microsite. If you have the resources you can also run a promotional contest or giveaway. To manage this you may even collect email addresses to keep people informed on updates. The more people you drive to your site and social media accounts the bigger the engagement and therefore building a community of followers.

9. Set Up Google Alerts

Setting up Google alerts can be beneficial to track what people are saying about your product. This beats visiting each individual site separately to see if there is a new review of your app. These alerts can can also help you research the app industry or competitors. Instead of doing extensive research across different sites to keep tabs on your competitors, you can simply set up an alert to advise you when any relevant news surfaces about your search query. All this information is easily emailed to you with the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc… ) based on your queries.

10. App Discounts

Lastly, individuals like to get things for free or for a discount. By providing discounts on specific days related to your application is a good way to get your followers engaged and excited. The key is to be creative. For example, if you have a zombie based mobile game, a good time to provide a promotional offer would be in October – around Halloween time.

There you have it. A complete top 10 list of ways to market your app. Of course there are hundreds of potential ways to market your mobile app, however this is a solid start. Stay tuned for more updates to come on how to get the most out of your mobile marketing efforts.

The Importance of Your eCommerce Site for Your Business

It is plain to see why a poorly designed website can be a major problem to online businesses, most especially during the holiday season, which covers 20% to 40% of the yearly sales.

In this regard, those who need data validation can refer to the stats that explain the importance of your brand’s presence on the Internet:

  • Before people shop at a physical store, they often check websites of online stores.
  • Customers search online for the prices and availability of goods so they would know whether to shop online or at physical stores.
  • During an economic crisis, consumers exercise caution when shopping online to stretch their budget, resulting to an increase of website traffic.
  • Shoppers that tend to purchase downloadable gifts like eBooks, music and FB credits, among others, will likely buy more.

Optimize Your Online Site Immediately

Now that you are aware of your site’s importance, what should you do before the holiday season approaches? It is never too late to try some of these strategies:

Prepare for unexpected traffic.Plan ahead of time to make sure that your site can manage all the orders. Anticipate peak loads, observe the responsiveness of your site and assess application performance way before Cyber Monday.

Increase the speed of your site. Use a CDN (content delivery network) for a speedy delivery of relevant content with videos and images to your consumers.

During the holidays, most shoppers use their mobile devices to search online before heading for the stores. Therefore, it would be wise to incorporate an in-store experience with info regarding your well-timed and relevant personalized website and mobile apps.

Find ways to let the customers easily find your products on the web. To improve exposure, submit a feed to the top online shopping comparison engine, Google Product Search. Try the Amazon Marketplace or add pay-per-click ads to Amazon Product Ads’ product and category pages. This way, shoppers will be able to view your ads when they find products that are similar to yours.

Though social media is not the main channel for searching, it has targeted the mainstream and has therefore gained importance, specifically to GenY shoppers. Transform visitors into sales channels by including social sharing in product pages. Display good customer service in public by resolving issues with customers on networking sites like Facebook or Twitter.

People who are low on budget usually search online before buying, so it is a good idea to follow the example of various sites in making it fun, simple and efficient to shop on the web. Provide product filters, rich product details, comparison tools, well-designed navigation and recommendations. Enhance the images of your best-selling products, emphasize your value propositions and make sure that shipping and return policies are clear.

Fix your leaky conversion funnel immediately by adding simple and cost-efficient website usability and feedback tools.

Whenever possible, ask for the visitor’s email address and try to squeeze a lot of value out of each sign-up.

Try to employ remarketing campaigns so you can target consumers who take time to buy.

What is Web Development on the Web?

Definition: Web development incorporates all areas of creating a Web site for the World Wide Web. This includes Web design (graphic design, XHTML, CSS, Flash…)

Web development is a broad term for any activities related to developing a web site for the World Wide Web or an intranet Web Development includes E-commerce business development, Client-side/server-side Scripting, web design, web content development and Web server configuration. However, among web professionals, “web development” usually refers only to the non-design aspects of building web sites, e.g. writing hyper text markup and coding. Web development can range from developing the simplest static website of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, E-business and social network services like my-space, ibibo, stumble etc.

Importance Of Web Development

A good website show the potential information of a company or an Individual engaged in online marketing. A well designed website, easy to navigate by any search engine like Google, yahoo and MSN search engines etc. As we know search engine friendly website will obviously rank high in search engine result page resulting more traffic to the website as the perspective of business generation. In this Computer era of advanced technology, E-commerce has highly dominated the marketing practice, and due to easy availability and affordability of the Internet, people are running after it and making huge profit at the comfort of their home.

As a good online business person, what is important for your business is, to prepare a website that is well designed, attractive, full of relevant information, easy to navigate, highly usable, good content, enough functions and are capable of retaining visitors for long and make them come back again for business purpose.

Features of Web Development

In this competitive Computer age, we can’t bound the website only for the organization information provider but it limits extends, now a day we are seeing the website as a online web application tool via which we deliver the information from one place to other with a help of internet. To developing the web application there are required some specific features like HTML, Flash, JavaScript, CGI, DHTML, and Cascading Style Sheets Internet and some important languages for front end design like Asp, ASP .NET, JAVA, PHP and back-end perspective languages required like Oracle, SQL Server and My SQL. To establish the connection between front-end and back-end languages some servers are required like tomcat series, web logic and web spheres.

Web development takes into account many things, such as data entry error checking through forms, as well as of the data that is entered in given fields of web applications. Malicious practices such as SQL Injection can be executed through users with ill intent yet only primitive knowledge of web development as a whole. Not only this, but scripts can be exploited to grant unauthorized access to the hacker to gain information such as email addresses, passwords and protected content like credit card numbers. So above considering facts it is required to must include the features of Account access in to the application, we can make it more powerful if we apply the concept of cryptography in our applications.

Enjoy The Sheer Experiences Of Opencart E-Commerce Systems Online!

No doubt, Opencart is an overwhelming and unique E-commerce web application that has dozens of free and premium extensions. Being an online business devotee, I have selected a few opencart extensions that are really helpful in speeding up the business flow with greater revenue. These extensions are completely free and you can enjoy the delight of online earnings and revenue by utilizing these features. Somehow, they are useful for the business but they are really helpful for the customer to understand the working of your website. Honestly, it has been observed many times that most of the clients leave the website because they don’t get the idea and strategy.

These Opencart extensions allow you to go through all the points that can help you out in refining and presenting your website with a user friendly atmosphere. Moreover, these extensions will also help you in search engine optimization and grabbing targeted audience rather than the useless hits. Another benefit of these extensions is proper integration of Google Checkout with your online stores. You can also add Twitter testimonials to the site along with proper management of images and videos.

Testimonials Of Customers:

Adding testimonials of your customers is a must because you can easily grab more audience to your website. In these days, people are inclined towards reliable services with economical rates. If you are getting positive testimonials then feel free to share them on your Opencart free extension. This can be done very easily and the outcome of this step is very fruitful.

Catchy Interface Of Twitter:

As you know that the interface of Twitter is especially designed for business related people and you can easily interact with other business related clients without any trouble. Interaction of online stores via Twitter based interface can be a plus to the progress of your business because you can easily grab the attention of online customers and clients. This interface extension will show at least 10 tweets of your online store. It can be nothing for you but the visitors of the website will be engaged and start reading your previous tweets and they will surely start following your company on Twitter as well.

Google Checkout:

Another best way to keep regular traffic on your website is Google Checkout. This is also a free opencart extension in the field of ecommerce. This utility provides users login feasibility and they can easily check in to your site and make purchases by using their Google accounts as well.

Auto SEO:

Auto SEO is another free of cost extension that helps the user to generate keywords and links that are really helpful in grabbing the attention of audience towards your website.

A few more free of cost Opencart extensions in the field of E-commerce are given below:






You can easily get millions of benefits and hits to your website if you are utilizing proper strategies and techniques for your website. Feel free to contact us if you are having some troubles and confusions regarding open cart extensions in Ecommerce. It will be an honor to serve you best. For more details, you can also follow the links below.

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