Naming Your Business – Five Rules To Long-Term Success

What’s in a name? Quite a bit if you are starting a business. From cute to clumsy, serious to inane, business names can range from the ridiculous to the sublime. Perhaps starved for opportunities to be creative, some entrepreneurs seem to have the market cornered on how to blunder into what may be the single most important aspect of marketing genius: the name of the business.

It never ceases to amaze me how people arrive at the names for their businesses. Many business people approach me after they have worked with their lawyers and accountants to set up the business, perhaps going the extra mile to incorporate and sometimes having also taken it upon themselves to design their own logo before realizing that it takes a little more talent to create a brand than some amateurish attempt at graphic design. I then have the dubious honor of taking the pooled efforts of these three dedicated professionals some of whom must have slept through business marketing to work with a sometimes problematic name they have agreed upon and create a logo or trademark which addresses the desperate need for a striking, definitive and effective professional image for the duration of its existence.

Many people who start small businesses fail to consider that in the highly competitive arena of local marketing the name should quickly define what the business represents. This results in two problems: The name does not describe what the business offers; or, even if it does, it usually uses too many, or a misguided combination of words, to do so. And to make matters worse, this is usually after a false start with liberal spending to try to promote this new venture, based on an array of inept marketing decisions and the use of deficient marketing tools, a situation which makes it more difficult for me than starting from ground zero.

Case in point: I recently was contacted by a relatively new organization who said they needed a marketing plan. Upon closer analysis, I learned that they had been running an ad in the regional newspaper of their geographic service area on almost a daily basis without reaping any response. In searching their industry via Google, I could not find any mention of their group within the first ten pages of results. Only after searching the name of the gentleman who had contacted me was I able to locate his name on a web page about this organization’s board of directors. Literally entering through the back door, I was able to find a link to their home page which upon observation reminded me of the incompetent ad which had been running in the paper I read every day but like everyone else, had ignored as irrelevant. Understandably, with a nebulous business name, poorly designed logo, non-existent ad message and busy, unprofessional presentation, it’s sad and ironic that this non-profit group offering a valuable service to senior citizens had so miserably wasted their limited funds by trying to do everything themselves to save money. And not one of the members of this in-house marketing group were able to detect any problems with this effort, too close to the forest to see the trees.

Now, with resignation that a do-it-yourself strategy is not always the most cost-effective, the directors were surprisingly receptive to my suggestion that, while I expected resistance, perhaps they could consider a business name change at this early juncture in their organization’s history. Simultaneously, I also proposed that along with the marketing plan and name change, a new professional logo would logically follow in addition to a series of well-conceived ads they could use for promotion on a continual basis. As soon as their signed contract and project deposit arrives, I will undertake this challenge, since they now are anxious to proceed with sudden recognition and appreciation of their failed attempt at self-promotion.

From the perspective of my long career, I assure you that this is a common phenomenon particularly in situations where marketing is done by “committee,” which tragically describes the majority of my clients: law firms, healthcare and dental practices, non-profit organizations, industrial and pharmaceutical companies, etc. And it doesn’t matter whether the business is large or small, or whether it is basically run by a single professional or a group of directors. In most cases, business leaders frequently lack the vision or self-confidence to make marketing decisions on their own, so they engage the opinions of everyone and anyone who surrounds them, regardless of competence to judge the subject. This means that my directives come from such diverse sources as teenage sons of clients, wives of clients, secretaries, summer interns, random customers of clients, anonymous emailed comments from websites, and other miscellaneous “experts,” all of whom emphatically express their views so I am well-apprised of how to do my job effectively.

Of course, I am not so pig-headed that I cannot see the value of such input. On the contrary, I am grateful to know how this diverse universe processes information so I can evaluate every strategy as it is developed to satisfy every possible requirement. Whether anyone realizes that this method of marketing is fairly impossible to achieve is immaterial, since no one can ever measure every single response to marketing efforts anyway. The old axiom, “You can’t please all of the people all of the time” may apply, but you can’t blame a person for trying.

Of the clients I have who do believe that there is one, and only one, way to effectively market their business, that way being their own personal way, based not on advanced study of business marketing, mass psychology, the elements of style or effective strategies of communication, but on nothing more than pure, unadulterated, self-centered ego. I say, hey, more power to them! It is their money they are spending and they certainly have the right to believe what they want to believe. Furthermore, marketing as part art, part science and part luck has as many guarantees as we get at the race track or in the stock market. So who am I to disagree with my clients’ convictions?

Well, just for the record, I do chime in with my own opinions which are backed by 35 years of hands-on marketing experience which includes a successful career in marketing my own as well as my many successful clients’ businesses. If my opinion differs from that of one egotistical client, for example, it is enough that I have advised him of it regardless of his stubborn impulse to dismiss it and proceed with his own strategy despite what I think. He obviously has gotten to this stage of his illustrious career through his own navigational talents and distinctive intelligence so I do respect him and am not offended in any way by his belief in himself, above all.

However, this places an enormous task on my shoulders: To market his business using a name that includes six long words, some of which are esoteric and industry-specific. This means that the logo, in addition to including a striking trademark must also be composed of six words totalling 42 letters. Add to that the need for a tagline, the entire package of which must be large enough to read in such small applications as on checks, on business cards, and in the smaller units the yellow pages offers both online and in print.

Compare this with business names using one short word: eBay®, Google™, Yahoo!®, Microsoft®, Apple®, etc. Granted, some of these names do not describe what the business offers. But all of these are highly successful businesses nonetheless. How have they done this? By assigning ample funds to building their brands so that the name of the business needs no definition, it becomes its own word with its own meaning. Such is the power of successful marketing.

You may say those businesses had the advantage of marketing their brands over the Internet but today, we all have that same advantage. Especially with the help of such brands as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, all four being excellent examples of short, punchy business names which aptly define their raison d’étre. Most of the businesses that approach my company for marketing help are small businesses, sometimes with geographic limitations. Such businesses usually don’t realize how much time, money and repetition of effort is needed to build a brand.

One of our competitors in the metro-New York market recently began airing a commercial to promote their business and invite response from the same market we serve. While I cannot mention the name of this business for legal reasons, suffice it to say that it is a short 3-word insult directed at the very market they are trying to attract. And, moments ago, I was scolded by a telemarketer who responded to my polite statement that his offer to sell my business did not interest me at this time with: “OK…go down with the rest of them!”

Have I missed something? Are insults the new marketing strategy du jour? In both of these instances, injecting negativity, or worse, personal abuse into normally courteous business protocol, in my opinion, does nothing more than deliver a message of disrespect, insolence and humiliation to the very subject you are trying to endear.

Having been raised by a mother who was 40 years older than I, I often heard old American colloquial expressions, a couple of which occur to me now: “You win more bees with honey than with vinegar” and “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all!” In marketing, both of these sayings are powerful guides to proper business etiquette and by extension, long-term business success. While you may feel this is a milquetoast approach, the muscle is in a sincere and heartfelt delivery.

How does that relate to naming your business? In a few ways which I will list as a random set of rules to follow:

1. The business name can be your biggest marketing tool if it defines what you are offering but is distinctive enough to stand out from the crowd.

2. Keep it short and sweet, but above all, memorable.

3. Accentuate the positive, with emphasis on value to the market you plan to target.

4. Don’t limit yourself too severely if you may need to branch out in the future.

5. Remember, you may want to protect your business name by registering a trademark, incorporating, or filing a dba (an alternate or assumed name registration for your business known as “doing business as”), so engaging a lawyer to conduct a valid search may be necessary, which could require a list of suitable possibilities rather than one lone choice of name.

With all of the above in mind, it is of utmost importance for you to realize that whatever you end up calling your business, it will be one item in a long list of vital components which together will work cumulatively to establish your business as the success you desire. That is the bottom line.

Setup Website: Setup Your Business for Success

Starting a business can be a very scary thing but if you are inadequately prepared, starting an Internet Business can be even more so. Where do I begin? What should I expect? How much should this cost? I hope to answer some of the common questions asked by business owners wanting to setup a website.

First you must register a domain name. This will be the address for your setup. Websites need to contain keywords but also need to be attractive to human readers, so do not get carried away by domain names. Keywords do help, but you want a name that is able to be branded as well. I register all of my domains with They start at around $8 a year for a regular .com registration but sometimes you can get a good discount if you sign up for another godaddy service such as private registration. This keeps your contact information hidden from the public. If you would like to see what kind of information is publicly available, do a Google search for Who Is when ever you get the chance.

The next task is to decide where you will host your site. The two most common types of hosting are Shared Web Hosting and Dedicated Web Hosting. For most starter websites Shared Web Hosting should be sufficient, but larger websites should enjoy the added benefits of dedicated web hosting. Shared hosting is going to cost around 10.00 a month compared to dedicated hosting which can run around $75 or more a month. If you receive a large number of visitors a day, or have a fairly large database driven dynamic website, dedicated hosting is the only way to go. Most Search engine specialists will recommend a dedicated server over a shared server even for small websites due to the possibility that your site could theoretically be penalized for shady actions taken by other websites that share your sever and IP address. So if you choose to start off with shared hosting, shop around and make sure you will be sharing your sever with a reputable company that hosts reputable websites. Even though some companies offer webhosting for $3 or $4 dollars a month, it doesn’t mean it is a good buy. Spammers know where the cheap prices are, as they register them in bulk!

Now the fun part! The final task is the most challenging of all, the building of the website itself. You can outsource your web design with a website design company or you can opt to build it yourself. If you decide to build your own site, remember to practice common design recommendations like header tags and good text based navigation. Another important tip is to set a title, description and keyword tag in the head section of every page. A lot of people believe these tags are useless, but this is far from true. The title tag is the most important on page factor because it greatly affects ranking. The title tag is also important for enticing users to click on your listing as most search engines pull some of your listing information from the title tag. I try to keep my titles under 65 characters long. The description meta tag is also quite useful for ranking and can be quite a bit longer. Look at keeping your description under 250 characters, including spaces. I believe the keyword information is mainly used for categorization purposes. Just make a point to not repeat any words more than two or at the most three times or it may hurt you more than help.

Ingredients For Work at Home Mom Success

Have you ever wondered why you aren’t doing as well at your work at home business as you originally envisioned you would? Have you ever wondered just what does it take? After 4 years in business as a work at home Mom I would love to share the ingredients I sifted together to answer your questions.

All too often Moms want all the answers handed to them all at once and fall prey to one experts advice. What is an expert anyway? My dictionary says skills and knowledge derived from training or experience. It does not say someone who knows everything, who will lead you into success for free and will never unintentionally lead you astray. The truth of the matter is, there is just to much information for anyone person to have it all and while experience aids us in making decisions concerning our business, just when you think you’ve learned all there is to know about a subject, things change. The same products weren’t sold in 1950 as they were in 1960 or will they be today. Times change, fashions change, technology changes, therefore business changes. I didn’t get my web sites to the top of the Google search engines from any one Internet “expert’s” advice. I got to the top of the search engines by using one piece of advice from many different Internet “experts”.

The #1 ingredient to work at home Mom success is research, research, and research some more!

All too often Moms think once they have their business all set up, the orders will start flowing in, their pockets will start filling up and it’s all smooth sailing from then on. Not true. When I had my 1st beautiful web site full of beautiful products, I soon realized my web site was no where to be found in the Google search engines and I wasn’t getting orders because of it. I knew I had to be listed on the 1st page of the Google search engine to get customers. I did research, I made changes, I monitored the results and the I did the same time and time again. Did every change I made work? No. Did some? Yes. Now both of my web site are on the 1st page of the Google search engine. I will continue to monitor my status and make changes if necessary.

The #2 ingredient to work at home Mom success is trial and error, trial and error, continuous trial and error!

All too often Moms believe they will work less hours with their own business than when going out of the home to work. Not true. Your own business requires more hours. Hours to learn, hours to apply what you learned, hours to actually provide your product or service, hours for accounting, the list goes on and on. However, there certainly are advantages of working from home. Being at home with small children or home when your children return from school, working the hours and days you prefer not your employers, no travel time, traffic, save money on gas, uniforms or expensive office clothes and more. Personally, I find having lunch at home with my 3 year old much more enjoyable then sitting in a business lunch room with an hours old sandwich!

The #3 ingredient to work at home Mom success is work, work harder and then work some more!

All too often Moms give up because they are not an overnight success. National statistics say it takes a new businesses 3-5 years to become profitable and most businesses close up shop before they have even worked at it for a full year.

The #4 ingredient to work at home Mom success is don’t give up!

Put it all together and what do we have, research, hard work, trial and error and don’t give up! I truly believe that God wants us to succeed. He simply asks us to plant the seeds of our business, harvest the grain that is available to our business, prepare the flour for our business, mix the dough in our business and bake the foundation of our business before we get to savor the bread of our business which is our success!

SEO Basics – 8 Key Strategies For Online Business Success

The world of search engine optimization (SEO) can be a big scary place for newbies. Most SEO professional companies charge astronomical prices that may or may not guarantee success.

The search engines are forever changing the way they rank websites and what is important to achieve a higher ranking. Even with these everchanging factors, there are 8 important points that you must use with your website that are not likely to change any time soon.

1. Domain Name

It is better to register a domain with a keyword in it, unless you are trying to brand yourself (think Coca Cola or Ebay). For instance, if your name is John Smith and you sell golf items you would be better off by registering a name like instead of

Unfortunately with millions of website domain names being purchased all the time, finding a related domain name not already taken can be a daunting task. Still it is worth it in the end because it will carry more significance with the search engines.

2. Title Tag

This is an often overlooked place to input keywords. Have you ever been to a website and the bar at the top of the page just said ‘untitled’ or ‘homepage’? That reflects how little the site designer knew about SEO. Always put a descriptive title on EVERY page of your website. Put something like ‘Find golf clubs, golf clothes and the latest pro golf tips’, instead of ‘John’s golf shop’.

Make sure not to go overboard and just list 10 or more keywords or long sentences in a row or the search engines will think you are trying to spam them. Think quality over quantity. The title tag should contain one keyword rich descriptive sentence.

3. Meta Tags

The importance of meta tags in today’s SEO world is still being debated. It is still advisable to include a meta tag keywords and meta tag description in your code. A lot of times the search engines will pull your description tag to show in your websites search result. If nothing is there it may not show anything at all or it may pull the first sentence off of your page which might be completely irrelevant to your intended audience.

Do not, I repeat do not list 100 or more keywords in the keyword tag. This technique used to work years ago, but the search engines recognize this technique and will consider it spam. Place no more than 10 keywords in the meta keywords tag.

4. Link Strategies

Another important tip is to include keywords when linking to other websites or pages within your own site. For example it is better to have a sentence like this ‘Find out the latest professional golf tips.’ then to say ‘click here for the latest professional golf tips.’ This also applies to any outbound links to other related websites. Include keywords on the part you want the visitors to click on.

Same goes for incoming links to your site. If someone wants to link to your site give them the code to paste in their website instead of leaving them to do it on their own. Have something like ‘Check out John’s Golf shop for the best golf clubs, golf info and golf tips.” This is much better than ‘Click here for John’s Golf Shop’. Search engines also like longer more descriptive links than just one or two words.

5. Relevant Content

Make sure that you provide only relevant information to what your actually offering or selling. If you have a bunch of unrelated info on a wide range of topics than the search engines will have a harder time pinpointing exactly what it is your site is about. So if your selling golf stuff stick to golf content, don’t throw in articles or links about scuba diving.

6. PageRank

This is still a relatively new term and applies to an algorithm that Google’s search engine uses. Other search engines use similar strategies to Google’s PageRank also.

Basically PageRank is used to define how popular your website is. The more relevant inbound links you have coming into your website the higher your PageRank will be. Google also has a toolbar that you can download for free that will show you a site’s PageRank. The best way to go about getting inbound links is to find related websites with a PageRank of 5 or higher. Then asking them to include a link to your site (giving them the proper code to paste in).

Another way you can receive a higher PageRank is to have a ton of content on many different pages and then linking all the pages together in a way that will raise your PageRank. With that said this type of strategy will not boost your PageRank tremendously, so if your site doesn’t contain thousands of pages don’t stress over it. It is important though to link strategically with keywords between the pages of your site.

You can download Google’s toolbar at


This is an HTML header tag used to define size of text within the tag. Search engines place more importance on text that is placed within the H1 tag. It’s like telling the search engines that ‘hey this text is important to my site’. The problem is that it can look unsightly. There are ways around this if you know about CSS styles, but for this basic intro article just know that in the end most people won’t be bothered by how the heading looks, and it will make the search engines like you more.

8. Creating Credibility

An often overlooked part of free publicity for your website is writing free articles like this one that relates to your intended audience. There are many websites on the internet where you can submit your articles for other people to place on their websites. I even employ this same strategy for my website. It’s really a win win situation. They win because they get quality relevant content for their site and you win because your name and website info is included at the bottom of the article, driving traffic to your site.

You increase your inbound links (PageRank) and provide free publicity for your website. It gets your name out there branding you an expert in your field of expertise and provides free web traffic to your site.

How to Use Video Marketing For Fitness Business Success

Video marketing is a natural tool for growing your fitness business. Most trainers enjoy showing exercise or talking about it much more than they do conducting a sales consultation. If you want to get more paying fitness clients, you want video. In any advertising or marketing efforts images stand out before copy. If your amazing headline captures someone’s attention first, your image is going to be a close second. Place a video beside a static photo and the video wins.

In a world of instant gratification if you can give a prospective customer a piece of what they’ll be getting when they become a client you’ll edge out your competition, providing you do it right. As a fitness marketing coach the mistakes I see in use of video are common. The focus of this article is taking doing video, to doing it right.

Mistake #1. Not doing it at all.

If you’re not doing video marketing. Start. You’re going to make mistakes but you can start developing the habit and systems for regularly shooting videos and posting them. From that point you can start focusing on getting better results. Any less than desirable attempts can still be salvaged.

Mistake #2. Starting without an objective.

When you contemplate writing a big fat check for a radio or print ad you think hard about what you want the ad to do and what action you want the prospective customer to do once they’ve been exposed. Your free video marketing strategy should be no difference. After viewing do you want the customer to register for a bootcamp, a complimentary session and how should they reach you? Should they call you, click on your active link, or what action do you want them to take?

Mistake #3. Turning on the camera without a script.

To make a video that’s conversational and friendly, casual and compelling, you have to know exactly what you are going to say. That starts at the drawing board. If you have resolved the second mistake and you have an objective, then your script should lead the customer to wanting to do just that. That is not going to happen by accident. Like making a sale, certain steps have to come in advance of asking a customer who doesn’t know you until watching you the first time to take action. What happens in a sale? You discover the problem, right? So in your video you are first going to talk about the problem, before you provide a solution. You need to give them something of value before you ask or in exchange of what you’ve asked. Give them the tip they can use right now. Offer the “free gift” for entering their email or calling.

Mistake #4. Thinking in one dimension.

If you’re only thinking about slapping a video up so you can pat yourself on the back for doing video without thinking what has to happen next, you’re wasting time. If you don’t have an annotation in your video which provides a live link so they get to your home page or registration page the video will not get conversion. If you don’t include a phone number with a live person answering and responding you will put another obstacle between I’m interested and I want to pay you.

Mistake #5. Using one video version for every display.

If you are talking to people not already involved in your club or programs you have to build a relationship with them. If you are talking to people already members but not personal training they need another message. If you’re talking to prior or current personal training clients about what’s next or upgrading that’s a different conversation. What you put on your Facebook page for personal training clients should have a different purpose than the video you put on YouTube to attract people who are doing a Google search for fitness options.

Mistake #6. Creating a lame title that will never be seen.

Your goal is to get shown as the number one video in the search for your topic. Consider how many times you click on a video, article or blog that is on the second page of search results. Even if you’re the seventh or eight listed, the chance of you ever being clicked on is so small it isn’t worth your time. Get help with copy writing so that you are findable. Study the top ranking videos and take notes. Seek a fitness marketing expert. Don’t miss this step or the ones that have come before it don’t matter.

You can make your marketing come alive with video done right.

4 Points to Consider When Understanding the Role of a Digital Agency in Business Success

According to some studies the internet has been used by people to learn about available products. There is a continuous increase of online advertising that comes along with the increase in the number of internet users. Because of this, businessmen should be able to guard their website’s quality ensuring that it is appealing to internet users. That is why web designers today are truly in demand. However, previously not everyone knew about the existence of a digital agency. The significance of this agency is progressing being recognized as a significant mechanism for excellent and proper sales and advertising.

What is a Digital Marketing Agency For?

This form of agency basically designs a website ensuring is appeal to attract genuine visits. It is imperative for the designer to make use of the right keywords and design. He needs to have an understanding of the business, products and its use. He is expected to create a layout and design the site. For future expansions, the agency must have enough provisions. A digital agency serves as the web designer, online marketer and web developer.

The Agency Works with Search Engines

Without a digital agency, there is a need for advertisers to separately work with three separate agencies for web designing, web developing and online marketing purposes. While dealing with these agencies, it is likely for the manager to lose thread and end up with the unexpected result. However, with the help of a digital agency, the job of the manager is made easier as he only has to coordinate with a single agency.

It Pays to Work with a Reputable Agency

It is imperative for advertisers to work with an agency that will not let them down or rush the project and provide less quality results. The agency is expected to provide the highest quality of online services and it should make itself available for possible future changes. Advertisers must be advised about how to make use of effective keywords. Before hiring a digital agency, the business owners must conduct research first and learn about the agency and its background. He should be able to know that the agency he is about to hire is known for delivering services at the right time.

Appoint a Digital Agency or Not?

Definitely, it is a smart move to appoint the agency. However, this will depend on the business’ size. For a fairly huge business, it is not right to appoint such agency as this will minimize the business’ overall costs. The reason for this is that the digital agency will eliminate the need for a company to employ a web designer, online marketer or web developer.

Success in Enagic – 3 Steps to Having a Successful Enagic Business

Since 1974, Enagic has specialized in providing in-home, alkaline water ionization technologies. While they may be using the most modern technology to purify water, they still rely on the traditional “friends and family” methods of marketing.

If you are seriously looking to establish a profitable Enagic business, you will need to incorporate the following 3 steps below into your marketing campaign.

1. Know Your Customers, Your Products, and the Competition:

On one hand your target market is every living (carbon based) creature on earth, and your product, clean water, is an essential part of the existence of those creatures. On the other hand, man’s search for clean water is perhaps as old as man himself.

Your competition will come from, in part, the technology that has enabled us to “bottle up” clean water and merchandise it on the shelves of almost every supermarket and convince stores in your neighborhood.

2. Position Yourself on the Web, not your Product:

Now that you have identified with the “necessity of man”, you will need to be the expert on all the unsafe water supplies that are furnishing water to the masses of people in the US, as well as around the world. Nothing may be as important as those US Geological reports of the number of contaminated wells in the US; what medical effect that are having on (especially) the children, and the (lack of) efforts to “clean up the mess”

You may also want facts and figures on the health costs associated with “bad” water, and also the landfill costs associated with those “disposable plastic bottles”, as well as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”

Having massive amounts of good, up to data on the real costs of having pure water, will be the best ally you have in this marketplace. Your web site needs to give your prospect a sample of this data, and then provide a free report outlining your findings and results.

Remember you are position yourself as the expert, and people will be looking to you for answers.

3. Leave the Business Opportunity Behind

As you find people that are truly concerned, the best way for you to “kill the deal” is to start off talking about your business opportunity. These people don’t care about your business; their thoughts are with staying alive. Don’t cloud this issue… stay on course and show them how to “protect” their lives with clean, safe water.

After that bond has been created, you may be asked about “what you get out of this deal”? Now you can take out that business card, as they may be ready to get a “piece of the action” for themselves.

Successful Enagic marketers have people asking to join their business… how many people have asked you today?

In Conclusion:

These 3 steps seem very simple, yet (especially with the web site) they do require some skills you do not currently have. Being a professional, you need to reach out to other professionals for help.

Many Network Marketing Training companies specialize in teaching the mechanics of network marketing and the psychology of network marketing. You will need to have a full understanding of these, especially in developing that web site. You may even ask (your company) for help in producing that web site.

If you will follow these 3 simple steps (and forget about the local “computer whiz” when it comes to the web), a very profitable Enagic business can be in your future.

MLM Success – Modeling After the Best MLM Businesses

The MLM industry often uses direct sales strategies that allow the business owner to create monthly residual income from their sales volume in their team, but doesn’t necessary get them to do so in order make any profit in network marketing. The MLM success business plan is a very powerful multi-level marketing method and adds its secure structure in the direct sales industry without the high cost of advertisement on television, radio, newspapers, etc.

There are literally thousands of MLM companies out there, also the opportunity to get started in many different ways to get started in this industry. So, first of all, you need to do your due diligence is which options are for you that are available and making sure to see if any of those MLM success business opportunities can make any profit or just another get rich scheme or a scam to avoid. The ones are a legitimate and make a very high profit without requiring too much effort in the comparison to the actual income that the network marketing company provides.

Therefore, you want to find the top MLM business opportunities, also which of those companies you have the best marketing strategies to have any chance to thrive in multi-level marketing. The high-end products at a reasonable price are the only companies that you should have the lookout for and worth checking out if you are willing to do business with them or not. It would be a lot easier to manage a new company that generates fewer sales that are required in order to generate the income you prefer, and you don’t need to promote the products across the board to collect these sales. It is crucial that you’re more focused on the high-end consumers who are willing to buy the top line of products or service to generate sales in their MLM success.

After doing your due diligence to find the perfect MLM business opportunity, then you can get started right away to generate any profit based on your efforts. In reality, you need to get started in a long term MLM success to target right types of prospects into the business and the ability to attract recruits into your team to generate sales within the company.

Therefore, in order to generate sales or recruits into your downline starts with the marketing strategies that is provided by your upline in your network marketing company. To thrive in MLM itself has to do with the information that has been shown through the actual trial and error the direct sales company provides. The work that you will be doing as a business owner is that you don’t have to learn by yourself to get the experience to succeed in MLM. The company and its leaders will train you with valuable training and educate towards your best to your fast track MLM success in starting your own business.

There are many benefits to get in a MLM business opportunity and most companies promise you to get a monthly residual income. To guarantee your MLM success in a home-based business and earning residual income from your efforts, you need to help struggling network marketers to succeed MLM. You just need to teach them a system like the way you did to build residual income. This is what we call leverage, helping other from your efforts then you will make a profit.

Outsourcing Often The Key To A Small Businessman’s Success

Many businesses have turned toward the idea of Outsourcing various duties such as web development, programming and administrative support duties such as typing, transcription, and data entry. These particular options became available during the 1980’s due to the fact that companies were able to lower costs, save time and money as well as conserve the energies of their current employees.

Small business owners find huge benefits in outsourcing various duties due to the fact that many do not have the financial resources to employ individuals with certain talents. Technology is consistently changing and in order to be successful business owners must be able to adapt quickly to the changing environment; therefore, utilizing the various services of outside companies can actually allow the small business to keep up with certain trends.

The internet is an endless resource for all business owners as the services of various individuals is available on a global level. Webmasters, virtual assistants as well as accountants, legal services and computer programmers can be utilized not only on a natural level but worldwide. This particular option allows the funds that would normally be placed with employee retention to be utilized for other purposes, such as marketing and advertising in various media sources.

Many business owners in healthcare and legal services as well as those who work with direct marketing, seminars and webinars find that having printed transcripts available to their customers is a vital resource. A highly utilized market for business owners is to contract the services of a qualified transcription professional to transcribe their dictation for marketing purposes. These individuals provide their services often per audio hour or per audio minute cost, which is far less than if paying an employed individual by the hour.

Web development is another highly utilized market, as many webmasters will offer their services at a reasonable price. Small business owners are able to access the most up to date technologies at a lower cost than if employing the efforts of a qualified web development professional. Many computer programmers offering software development skills are readily available to most business owners – again these individuals are located worldwide.

If you’re a small business owner, outsourcing is definitely something to keep in mind when building your business. As the Internet continues to grow, competitive forces continue to increase. Direct marketing is imperative for your business’ success; therefore conserving monies that could be put to good use in marketing tactics is often the key to long term success.

Success Through Five Steps

Five Keys to Success

The concept of wealth is of significance in all areas of economics, especially development economics, yet the meaning of wealth is context-dependent and there is no universally agreed upon definition. But I will say this, wealth is not the same thing as money. The concept of wealth is relative and not only varies between societies, but varies between different sections or regions in the same society.

Creating Wealth is a matter of the mind and it’s much different than getting rich. If you plan to get rich by creating wealth, you have to know what people want. Gulf Arabs are example of riches without wealth, they do not see the point of applying knowledge to the work of building, researching or creating new things. They simply allow someone to suck oil from under their feet and thus become rich but void of wealth.

The man who becomes rich is, in a measure, successful but only so far as the acquirement sharpens his intellect, broadens his powers, and develops him into a self-reliant, powerful member of society for its good. There is one criteria by which success can be fairly measured, that is the estimate placed upon us by our fellows. God said He gives us the power (ability) to get wealth. If we would focus on wealth, riches would follow.

The Five Keys to Wealth are


Vision clears the clutter and gives you direction, energy and hope. A vision statement in my life helps me think about the different things that I want to accomplish. Creating a compelling sense of direction for your life is imperative. Unlike a goal, a vision or mission rarely changes. An effective personal vision includes all the important elements of your life and career; it is who you want to be, what you want to do, how you want to feel, what you want to own, and who you want to associate with. Although your personal vision helps you to see into the future, it must be grounded in the present. A personal vision is simply a picture of what success looks like, an idea of what you may want to achieve with your life.


A successful new entrepreneur starts their planning with themselves and not their new business idea. First, you need to be clear on what, exactly, you are planning for. Then, structure for yourself a plan in writing, it doesn’t have to be complete but you do need to start with a few ideas.


Have you ever wondered why so many people have read, “Think and Grow Rich,” and hundreds of other self-help literature, yet struggle to accomplish their goals? (Only a handful of people ever reach their goals and those who do never share their secrets). It’s because they never set goals and follow through. A goal is where you expect to be or what you expect to accomplish in any given time frame. You could say, “in the next 30 days I will have my own Blog up and running”, that’s a goal. Every plan should have at least three or four new goals every year.


So you’ve got a vision, a plan, and some goals, great! But they won’t work without objectives. Objectives are simply a list of things that must be done to cause a goal to come to pass. Anyone can achieve their financial goals if they have a plan, use discipline in executing that plan and take actions in accordance with a financial destination. As each of us have different goals and objectives for ourselves, each of us will have to sit down and chart out our own course in achieving them. Increased wealth is simply an indication (a measuring stick) of goals achieved and milestones met.


Effective action is a function of efficient planning. Whether a person builds substantial wealth in their lifetime is left up to the decisions they make and the actions they take. Anyone can achieve their financial goals if they have a plan, use discipline in executing that plan and take actions in accordance with a financial destination. The greatest vision and plan in the world is worthless unless actions follow.

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