How Can Listing My Company on a Social Media Site Increase Traffic to My Business

When it comes to your business, online marketing is no longer an option. Social media provides you with backlinks for the sites that Google indexes. However, the search engine also counts shares +1s. If your link does well on social networks, it helps you rank more highly in the search engine. It’s not just Google+ that Google considers, either. Before the advent of Google’s own social network, the search engine was counting popularity of content shared on Facebook and Twitter.

If your video, meme or links goes viral, it will only help increase visibility on social networks and search engines. Going viral gets you more traffic, and if you’re writing about something that others deem newsworthy, you might find a write-up about your website on Huffington Post, The New York Times or a local ABC affiliate!

With tools such as TweetDeck or Buffer App, you can schedule posts to go out on your social channels multiple times during the day. Using different text appeals to different parts of your demographic while posting multiple times ensures that you catch followers who operate on different schedules or in different time zones. Technology enables you to tackle social media without sacrificing too much time for the job that you already do, and we all know how addicting Facebook can be!

Social media is also necessary when it comes to connecting with local consumers. Even though they might drive by your office everyday, these potential customers might not give your sign a second glance. Social media like Facebook and Google Business helps consumers in the area discover your company while you should consider local company listing to get visibility for people who might be searching for you on social media, search engines and review sites such as Yelp. Don’t forget about local social media sites to increase traffic.

Listing your business on these sites doesn’t just make it easier for people to find you. Google uses contact information, website URLs and even reviews for your company that are collected from these sites to populate the search engine results pages with information about your company. If your URL is on those sites because you’ve made a point to add the correct information about your company. This information also appears in apps like Google Maps, which helps you connected with mobile users who might be looking for your address specifically or simply a company in the neighborhood that provides the products or services that you do.

Social Media SEO As a Form of Internet Marketing

Social media is quickly growing and becoming one of the most used ways to communicate on the Internet. Different sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, have become extremely popular and are used daily by millions of people. Many businesses are beginning to see the popularity of this medium and have realized that it is a great place to try and market their product or service. This is where SEO combined with other social sites came in. When businesses optimize these type of sites, they are working towards getting more recognition for their brand and product or service. By doing this social media SEO strategy, businesses will ultimately increase sales.

Social Media SEO – What is it?

This form of SEO is the process of using social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, to promote a company, brand, product, or service. These types of sites are typically used as a way for people to communicate and keep in touch with others. As these social sites have continued to grow, businesses have started to create their own accounts as a way to reach out to their existing customers and to try and reach out to create new customers.

Benefits of using this SEO strategy – What are the they?

Here are some helpful social media SEO tips to learn how to gain the massive benefits these social sites can bring in through using it as a way to advertise.

1. Social sites helps to give your business and product or service more credibility. It allows your customers to see that there is an actual person behind the company. Many people prefer to work with a company or buy products from a company that they know more about and are able to be in contact with.

2. Millions of people use these mediums on a daily basis. This gives a business the opportunity to reach out to their existing customers as well as expand their customer base within the millions of other people using social media sites. It is also a great way to allow your current customers to promote your business for you. Once one of your customers “likes” or is a “fan” of your page, all of the people they are in contact with will be able to see. If any of those friends check out your page and “like” it as well, it will continue to spread.

3. Using these social sites allows for you to keep your customers and potential customers current on what is going on with your business. You can easily inform them of any deals you have going on, new products coming out, or any other changes or information you have.

If you Google social media SEO, you will see many more ideas and benefits to start to incorporate these social sites with your SEO efforts. It’s the wave of how advertising is more effective and you can be as interactive with your customer base as you want.

How to Find the Right MLM Business Social Media Networks

Social media networking is an integral part of any organization. There are dozens of social media outlets online today. Which ones will be effective for a given business, is almost anyone’s guess. However, it does not require tedious effort to find them. Not all will be useful for an MLM business and this material shall send some light on the subject matter. If you’re looking to expand your marketing or just starting a new business, this content is for you.

Social media by the audience

To find the best networks for your MLM business, you need to know where your audience heads for information. Social media provides fresh access to info over a given week. New material is published and released on sites like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook faster than other channels. Except for blog and article posts, the hosting site has the First release rights. This means your fans and prospects can gain access to your releases a lot faster than other forms.

Knowledge is power for every business, so if you know where your audience gathers at, it’s easy to cultivate a successful environment in that site. It’s easier anyways than trying to build one on a cold social site. This doesn’t mean that you should over populate your timeline with irrelevant content. It means that you now have access and the ability to send targeted content to a specific area.

Content that works for you

Great social media posts require time and execution. They are designed with a singular goal in mind, to bring traffic to your site. Every major social networking site offers a different approach in communicating your messages. It is recommended to learn the platform before launching a campaign. There are third party vendors that can help you schedule post releases, it never hurts to spend some real time in the site itself.

Your MLM business messages are one part if the equation. Your live interaction is another part that can lead to growth and success. Interacting with others on the social sites can mean personal branding and favorable results. Many people automate social postings and never interact with others. The lack of interaction can hurt your business; people want live operators. Do not rely simply on automation to achieve results. Mix up your content posts for a diverse package. Do not forget to recycle old content and share it. Most people miss the initial release of a post.

Study Finds Strong Majority of Content Marketers Use Social Media Sharing

A research study conducted by Unisphere Research, a division of Information Today, and sponsored by Skyword titled “Content Marketing Gets Social: 2013 Survey on Content Marketing Trends” found that a strong majority of content marketers are using social media outlets to share their information.

The report states that nearly three-quarters (71 percent) of content marketers publish their content to their websites and then promote it on their social networks. Surprisingly, close to one-quarter (21 percent) did not utilize the powerful tool of social media; while a mere eight percent were unsure.

What social media outlets are being utilized? Well, it’s the usual networks that dominate the headlines: Facebook (84 percent), Twitter (79 percent) and LinkedIn (64 percent). In addition, the largest amount of reader activity came from those social media venues: Facebook pegged 55 percent, Twitter posted 45 percent and LinkedIn had 39 percent.

A large majority of content marketers say their primary objectives are to engage both clients and prospects, enhance brand awareness and acquire leads – improving search rankings and increasing web traffic were the least likely goals.

However, these are not their biggest hurdles. Exactly two-thirds say the biggest challenge is creating content that is relevant and targeted to various Internet audiences. Incidentally, content marketers are producing their own content as 87 percent said they write their own.

Is the practice working? It’s still unknown as only 46 percent of respondents said yes and 37 percent noted that the content is currently under development or being planned. Meanwhile, 15 percent gave a definitive no and two percent didn’t know.
“There is a high expectation regarding social media but a very low understanding around measures to determine ROI versus activity,” said one survey participant, while a separate participant noted: “We don’t do as good a job at tracking the value of our efforts as we should be.”

The online study was conducted in August with 217 respondents from the reader base of Information Today’s CRM and EContent magazines.

Indeed, the business of social media marketing is astronomical. The Business Insider published an in-depth report recently that analyzed just how immense the industry is. For instance, to an outsider, it might appear that brands are wasting their money on advertising on social media websites considering how crowded it is. However, since Americans spend an estimated 12 to 20 hours per month on social media – most likely higher – companies can gauge a higher audience for their content.

Looking ahead, social media advertising, though in its infancy period, is forecasted to be an $11 billion industry as brands either allocate or increase their marketing budgets to include this form of advertising. Also, this could be a lot higher because of mobile device usage; half of Facebook and Twitter’s traffic already comes from smartphones and tablets.

It has been suggested by industry insiders that the primary trends to observe for the remainder of this year and into next year are increased budgets, gamification, community content, brand new corporate roles (I.E. social business manager, content strategist) and staff blogging.

Social Media for Business (2) – Twitter Branding Made Easy

Thanks to the Twitter revolution, establishing your brand awareness and expanding your customer base was never easier. In fact, the whole idea of “humanizing” your marketing strategy allowed companies to get a deeper understanding of their customers and serve them better as a result.

However, if you want to win the SMM game, you must know the rules and play right. If misused, social media sites can break not make your business. For example: if you showered your Twitter followers with Ads and sales-pitch-loaded tweets, you will lose them to a more “human” competitor!

Here are few insider tips to help you leverage Twitter for your corporate branding.

Show Real Interest in Your Followers

When someone follows your brand on Twitter, chances are he/she is a hot prospect. It is worth your while to check their profiles and send them a message thanking them for following you and needless to say, you must follow them back. You also need to reply to their private messages promptly. If that sounds like a lot of work, hire someone to do it on your behalf.

And hey, you need to follow people as well in and 99.99% of the cases, they will show their appreciation of your gesture by following you back. Reciprocation is ingrained in the human nature. If you take the “nice” road, many people will follow your track.

Ask Intelligent Questions to Boost Your Brand Awareness

From time to time, (please do NOT overdo what I am about to say) ask followers to give their opinion about your new product/campaign. If your questions were interesting enough, your followers will probably retweet them to others which translates into more brand visibility. If some of them gave you some sound advice(s) that you implemented, you need let them know and, even better, publicize your appreciation by acknowledging their help in several tweets. If you do, they will be happy to share your brand with the world.

I couldn’t think of a better way to let people know who you are (as a brand) and what you offer.

Out of the endless social media sites out there, Twitter is the simplest mainly because of its 140-characters microblogging magic! It goes without saying that tweeting is much faster and easier than writing a conventional blog post. With Twitter, you can build a powerful online presence at a fraction of the time compared to other social media tools. That’s why; you need to take your time and dig deep in the Twitter world if you want to make the most out of it. In future articles, we will be discussing more Twitter branding tips. See you then…

Which Social Media Platform Is Best For Your Business

In the new digital world, businesses are discovering platforms that offer them a whole new way of marketing products. This includes the ability to find audiences that fit the exact demographic that is needed to sell the service. There are now many networking platforms available on the internet that can be used to market a business. It has now been found that social networking sites such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter enhance the sales of a company. In this piece we will take a look at the most popular social networking sites that are currently available and will outline the pros and cons for each site when using them for business marketing.


Facebook is currently the most popular social networking platform and can be used to connect between friends and family as well as business clients. It can also be used to find brands and topics of interest, thanks to its focus on the ability to post media and data that can appeal to others within a network. It is also one of the most popular platforms and has the highest number of users.


LinkedIn a similar site to Facebook, but focuses on a business orientated network. It is a great place to network with other business sectors that deal in the same set of services. However, it is one of the more professional networking sites and will not appeal to the wider audience.


Twitter is another social platform that has benefits that Facebook lacks. Twitter is more focused than Facebook and is designed for smaller, less formal posts. This is an advantage as it focuses information and makes it more digestible by its audience.


Google+ is a relatively new platform and has yet to show its full potential as an effective website for business marketing. However, as the platform becomes more popular, the ability to use it as an effective tool when marketing is increasing.


YouTube is a platform that allows users to upload videos. However, it is the second most popular social networking site, after Facebook. Video content is a powerful tool for businesses. Whether it becomes viral or is simply listed on Google, the visual medium is very effective in attracting customers.

Pinterest And Instagram

Pinterest and Instagram are two more networking sites that focus their media output in imagery. This is great for businesses that with to show their products and services via images. These networking sites are simple and effective and allow followers to comment on images and re-blog them on their own profile.

It is usually best to pick one networking platform and to stick to that one. Although Facebook is one of the most popular networks, it may not be the best for a business. It can be worth checking what your main competitors are using as their networking platform, as this will give you a good idea of where you may find individuals that will buy into your service and purchase your products.

Social Media Marketing – Make Friends and Gain Customers Online

Today’s business can benefit from Social Media Marketing. This involves using websites that bring people together in an informal cyber-setting. The majority of these sites are free to join and use. The best news is that, by making friends on these sites, you can foster business relationships that will help you win over friends and associates.

Facebook or MySpace are two of the primary Social Media Marketing sites. Setting up an account with either is easy; just follow the virtual form that is given. When you enter your data, include your company name and important information about your company. This will become a part of your profile for people to see whenever they visit your home page.

You do not have to stop there, though. Continue with your marketing by updating your status frequently. Go onto Facebook or MySpace and write a bit of news or information about your company as a post. You can also post links to your website whenever you choose.

The important thing to remember about these Social Media Marketing websites is that you want to make friends online. You will be given a chance right away to invite people to be your friends. It is a good idea to start out with as many friends as possible, but having even a few is helpful. Over time, you will be given the option to add friends who have mutual friends with you. The more friends you get, the more people you will reach.

Twitter is also becoming popular these days. People like to tweet messages about what they are doing and read about their friends. Again, use this Social Media Marketing tool to make as many friends and potential customers as possible. You will have followers, some who will decide to follow you with no prompting from you at all. It is also a good idea to follow others, as these people will probably follow you. The things you can post are similar to what you can post on other sites such as Facebook and MySpace.

There are special Social Media Marketing groups online that work as insiders’ clubs. You are asked to join, and then you ask others to join. This is a way to create a professional network. LinkedIn is one of these directory type programs you can use. Not only can you create a network of associates; you can also get people in other businesses involved who might, then, be your customers.

Social Media Marketing is the one of the best ways to reach people through the Internet on a personal level. It is all about making friends and then updating them on your business. It will only take a fraction of your time, and it may pay off in large rewards.

News Media Vs Internet Media

National and local newspapers across the world are facing their most radical restructuring in history; scores are folding as advertisers migrate to online advertising. Cutbacks have led to hundreds of journalists being invited to clear their desks. Falling circulation and higher production costs are making matters worse whilst increasing numbers of readers save time and money by reading their favourite newspaper online.

Very little news content today is gathered by reporters; most of what we read is downloaded free from court and local authority reports. Much is editorial-advertising and product reviews. Why pay a journalist when you can charge an advertiser? Another threat to traditional reporting is posed by citizen journalists; freelances who offer their services in return for lead gathering opportunities.

Few doubt the superiority of online newspapers compared to hard copy. The online edition of the average daily newspaper carries so much information and advertising; a builder’s labourer could not hope to carry it in a wheelbarrow if it went to print. It is not the Internet that threatens journalists’ careers; it is the nature of the change. They too are learning to adapt.

The Internet News Revolution

News organisations are still profitable but their proprietors have seen the writing on the wall. As High Street retailers morph into Internet shopping the newspaper industry knows that street vendor and newsagent distributed newspapers, subsidised by online profits, will follow typewriters into obscurity. The dilemma facing the industry is how best to profit by charging browsers who access their online editions.

Print and distribution costs are crippling news print editions; costs for online copy are comparatively low. Online newspapers do not have a space problem and deadlines are not an issue. The news is almost immediate and rolled out 24/7. However, in a click-driven competitive market online news media increasingly rely on challenging and investigative journalists, columnists and event analysts.

Rupert Murdoch

If a charge is imposed the trick will be to prevent each newspaper’s readership migrating to free online editions. Under the radar discussions are already taking place. Heading the agenda is the quest to discover the most practical means of getting readers to pay for their PC screen content without losing them. News magnate Rupert Murdoch already charges a subscription to access the Wall Street Journal’s insider information copy. He says: “People reading news for free on the web; that’s got to change.”

Recently it was announced that the tycoon has won a concession from Google to limit access to free news reports. It is called slamming the stable door before the horse bolts. Head of Associated Press, Tom Curley agrees: “The readers and viewers are going to have to pay more.” Others argue that viewers will simple not pay. The truth is no one knows as no one has been there before.

A Spanish Journalist Shows the Way

One online media hopeful is Arcadi Espada, a Catalan journalist. He is certain that print journalism does not have a future. His online Factual will be accessed by a 50EUR annual subscription. With characteristic forthrightness Espada says: “A journalist’s work is not free; nothing in life is free. We have to re-invent the business.”

According to one poll 60 percent of newspaper proprietors are considering ways to charge for online access. A quarter of them are ready to take the plunge. Those who gather their daily news and information from online newspapers now stand at 30 percent.

Hot off the Press

Of the UK Times and Sunday Times 20 million plus users, 500,000 are now dependent upon their online edition and the gap will close further. Plans are already in place to charge for the privilege of reading the Times online editions. Freelance journalist, Sandy Collins, doesn’t see a problem or fear for his job. “Some of my best stories have been blue pencilled out by hard copy newspapers because with limited space available the advertiser is king. Online publishing is a no-brainer. Everyone wins.”

He adds: “Newspaper proprietors’ costs are cut and their readership reaches a worldwide audience potential. As a journalist I now send my stuff to my online editors, knowing that if it is not published, it was not a space problem. If work is accepted according to merit then of course this must improve news quality. It must also improve opportunities for writers.”

Collins says his online newspaper proprietor has an insatiable appetite for fast turnover of quality and originality. “He wants my take on breaking news now, not next week or next month. What I produce in the morning is being read by the public hours later. You don’t get much fresher than that. A recent report of mine had 7,000 readers within hours of my blotting it.” Hard copy has gone the way of typewriters. Typewriters! What are typewriters? ©

7 Business Development Marketing Tips For Social Media

You would have heard so many marketing experts telling everyone to use social media as part of their promotional marketing mix. The Internet is flooded with information on using Facebook, Twitter and other social sites. Numerous articles have been written on how using social media can help promote your brand image and how it can generate web traffic for your main business website.

Keep in mind that that social networking is a marketing tool and it is only effective when used properly to promote your business.

The key question for a business is “How is social media harnessed to generate real revenue and customers?” In today’s digitally connected society your customers regardless of their age, gender or economic status will be active on social networking sites.

Here are some of the latest usage statistics on social media use that will make a business take notice:

  • 68% of small businesses will increase their social networking marketing efforts in the next year
  • 56% of Twitter users say they use the micro blogging site for business or work related purposes
  • Over 40% of people have become ‘friends’ with or ‘like’ a brand/company on Facebook or MySpace
  • 20% of tweets are about business products
  • 46% of Facebook users say they would talk about or recommend a product on Facebook
  • 44% of Twitter users have recommended a product
  • Social media played a major role in holiday shopping – 28% of shoppers say social media has influenced their purchases

On the Facebook site alone:

  • More than 400 million active users
  • 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day
  • Average user has 130 friends
  • People spend over 500 billion minutes per month on Facebook
  • There are over 160 million pages, groups and events that people interact with
  • Average user is connected to 60 pages, groups and events
  • Average user creates 70 pieces of content each month
  • Males and females almost equally use social sites (47% vs. 53%)
  • 61% of Facebook users are middle aged or older, with the average age being 37
  • 18- to 24-year-olds don’t dominate any particular social networking site; they’re spread out all over
  • More than 25 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month

The participation of your business in social networking should be self-evident, however, many businesses will go on to set-up social media sites and make no effort to participate and engage in the groups that their potential customers use.

To be successful in using social networking your business must find out where your potential customers spend time on these sites so that you can engage with them where they prefer and not where you prefer or are comfortable with. Participation and engagement with their social networks will form a platform from which to build relationships with communities of interest. This in turn will provide a new customer acquisition channel using the share and like capabilities of the social networking world. This “sharing” is the equivalent of word of mouth in traditional marketing.

Here are the 7 Business Development Marketing Tips for using Social Media:

1. Go where your customers are and not where you are comfortable

To find your customers on social networking sites consider the following:

  • Conduct a survey among your customers or potential customers.
  • Analyse and monitor traffic on social sites to discover how and where customers are sharing information about your business and your competitors.
  • Review marketing research or statistical information on the usage and demographics of the different social media sites.

2. Engage and interact

Social-media engagement is a conversation and your participation in the social network groups and communities is core to building relationships. Your value as a participant is judged by the value that you provide to the community as a whole. You can achieve this by freely sharing relevant, interesting and useful information

3. Research your competitors’ activities

You need to gather competitive information that can help your efforts. Conduct a competitive analysis of your top five competitors’ use of social media for the following:

  • The social networking sites that they actively participate
  • The type of content they publish
  • The number and type of followers, fans and views
  • The products, programs or events promoted

4. Release offers and programs that are exclusive to your social networking channels

You must give importance to your social media with exclusive offers for these promotional channels. This will entice potential customers to share with their networks the offer that is not available from other marketing channels.

As an example, provide offer an exclusive offer for your social media channel, such as discount coupon or voucher.

5. Social media participation requires authenticity and transparency

The words “authenticity” and “transparency” are a bit overused today, however, these are cornerstones to be successful with social networking. Be a real human being in your interactions. This is the foundation to build trust and connections with real people on social media groups and networks.

6. Look for value opportunities in selling through social networking

Take the opportunity to leverage social media in selling your products and/or services by offering relevant items that are of value to your followers. Make it easy for them to make the purchase from these social media channels.

7. Always test and refine based on results generated

Social media programs as a marketing channel are not exempt from testing and refining your messages and offers. You must make the effort to test, gather results and analyse how it can be improved before launching the program to the entire channel.

Apply these 7 Marketing Tips for using Social Media to give you the foundation for success building and growing your business using these communication channels.

Article Linkbaiting Strategy – Deceptive Social Media Marketing In Action?

It is a fact that some people tend to misuse good opportunities in any field of human endeavor. On the subconscious level, the name “linkbaiting” may sound sneaky to some people or connote the use of “deceptive” tactics to quicky get web traffic to a marketing blog site, etc.. But then, it’s all a play on words or semantics because if you look at this definition in its purest form (the big picture), the objective is to provide long-term quality content to a niche audience.

I’ve brought up this issue because some Web users have this perceived image of “someone with a fishing rod and a fish bait at the end of a hook” trying to force-feed (or catch) and arm-twist

another person into accepting rehashed information or something for the purpose of getting backlinks. I’ve seen sentiments similar to these expressed on the Web and that’s why some so-called linkbait pieces never see the light of day or the originators of the linkbaits get banned (for real or perceived infractions) from forums or Web 2.0/Digg-style social media story submission sites!

Here in this article are just some of the red hot strategies or laser-guided tips you can easily use to enhance – and ensure that your linkbait article piece does not insult the sensibilities

of your discerning readers and potential readers, but takes you to the next business level. So, let’s get started, Right Here – Right Now! 🙂

Article Linkbaiting Strategy #1: “Strike Force Content” – Longer-Term Outlook!

The primary theme of your article(s) should not be dependent on time or become stale in 1, 2 or 3 months – but should serve as main reference guides for many years down the road for the

existing and future readers of your Web sites, blogs or other related blogs that have linked to your article(s). The longer-term outlook here has to project a powerful effect!

My use of the term “Strike Force” simply refers to the “delivery system” for breaking down industry jargons or techie language in order to simplify topical issues for beginner and intermediate

online niche marketers – and also give experienced online entrepreneurs new perspectives on industry-related issues.

So, the linkbait piece will subsequently spur appreciative readers from a targeted niche audience to visit your Web sites and/or blogs to build up a relationship – leading to sales of

front-end and back-end products and services. This also has the ability of ensuring a buzz situation or rapid spread of your unique articles or content in the blogosphere, on the Internet and in offline publications. Like Michel Fortin will say “Narrow your focus to broaden your sales.”

Article Linkbaiting Strategy #2: Article Titles Or Headlines

The title or main headline is the first thing your reading audience will come across, and you have to deliver your messages in simple but effective ways. You have to ensure that your copywriting skills are well-honed with reference to the AIDA (attention, interest, desire and action) formula. Use trigger words or positive action words such as “New,” “Free,” “authentic,” “discount,” “unleashed” – and much more, to gain attention!

Your title has to progressively match the first few sentences of the introductory section of your article, otherwise the reader could get confused as a result of the short attention span that is encountered especially among Web surfers or the online reading audience if there’s a deviation from the real topic to off topic issues.

You’ve got to present unique observations – which could even be controversial in nature, give some current or freshly released research data that is not yet in the public domain – and which sheds more light on industry-related issues, and, much more creative ways exist that you can use to create unlimited unique content.

You can read more of my thoughts on the issues raised in Linkbaiting Strategy #2 in a series of articles on Article Marketing – entitled:

Article Marketing Surge Tactics – Top 6 Tips For Writing Persuasive Articles! Parts 1 and 2

Article Linkbaiting Strategy #3: Article Subtitles For Readibility

Subtitles help to focus the attention of your readers. Just like the reference I made in Article Linkbaiting Strategy #2, titles are crucial for drawing your audience into the introductory section of your article. I’ve seen very good articles posted on some blogs, forums, article directories and Web 2.0 or social news sites like Digg with the intention of providing resources for the reading audience. These had no subtitles – just paragraphs. Imagine the endless opportunities you can derive by just simply crafting 5, 6 or more subtitles, and then choosing the best one that will strike a cord with you and your potential readers.

The inference here is that your “strike force content articles” or linkbait piece(s) have to be sincere, while meeting the immediate, near/long-term needs and solutions of your niche market audience. The linkbait content should be the main drivers of a consistent Web site or blog traffic – consisting of unique visitors who will then generate a buzz by linking to your articles from their blogs or Web

sites – and you’ll get more page views per unique visitor on your online business sites as well.

Article Linkbaiting Strategy #4: Images And Online Video Presentations

It is a fact that most people are visual creatures – especially men. But many of us also respond to what we hear and feel! It is based on this well-known fact (based on researches going back to many decades ago), that the use of pictures, images and interactive online multimedia presentations can further enhance the quality of your linkbait article – but the images must tell a story as well. Having a high-resolution digital camera will come in handy here.

You can also get also images from Web sites like Flickr and have your free interactive Web or blog video presentation which is meant to engage all the human senses – to complement your unique linkbait content or articles. These have the added benefit of boosting your SEO strategies along with the profitable, high traffic niche keywords and keyword phrases in your articles.

Just A QUICK Note: Knowing full well that some images you’ll be using will not belong to you, YOU have to make sure that attributions are made or indicate the source(s) of the free photo images you’ll be using on your blogs for instance, since this is the standard global practice – just like published online and offline niche articles/books that have copyrights. I believe you may have also heard or read about well-crafted “Cease and Desist” emails or letters. 🙂

Article Linkbaiting Strategy #5: Call Into Action – Right Now!

It’s a fact that if you don’t tell or let people know what to do NEXT after taking the initiative to digest the unique contents of your articles, then all you’ve done will lead to a pathetic result. It’s just like a man who winks at a stunningly beautiful lady he likes (or loves), engages in a two-way conversation withher (with all the visible body language communication) – then fails to make a follow-up or signify his real intentions to her. This would leave her hanging in the air with regards to his true intentions, until an “alpha male” who easily does the right thing comes along to pull the rug from under his feet! 🙂 What a wasted opportunity this would be for the “winking” man.

That’s the way it is in online business and real-world business situations when readers of your linkbait content do not get a specific call into action in your articles, report summaries or “authors bio sections.” Another savvy online entrepreneur will simply appear on the scene like the “alpha male” in the short story above – and then take action by urging readers to use a plan or idea presented and make it work for themselves! This is a win-win situation ACTION plan!

Closing Thoughts

Whether you call it linkbaiting, pillar article, flagship content or “strike force content delivery system,” all online content publishers and article writers MUST keep in mind the guiding principles – that is the provision of good resources on your blogs and Web sites to ultimately build your credibility and brand in your target marketplace – as opposed to the hit-and-run writer of just one or two crappy articles who’s looking for quick inbound links to a site. This eventually insults the intelligence of the reading audience.

If you are an affiliate and Internet marketer, online publisher of eZines or newsletters, small business blogger, weight loss expert, health and fitness professional, provide information technology training and/or small Internet business consulting services – or belong to fields of human endeavour that require YOU to be in the frontline position of your niche market, then these 5 article linkbaiting strategies will come in handy in providing your readers with great resources – that are also entertaining – while building your reputation, boosting Search Engine position, higher PageRanks, strong backlinks from authoritative sites, creating spontaneous buzz in the online communities, and MUCH MORE. Literally your sales and profits will explode, at a lower cost – in record time.

So, last but not least, YOU have to get set for a renewed surge of linkbaiting energy, Right Here – Right NOW! “Oh… Where’s my hook? Hmm… I think I have to “hook up” with another one.” 🙂

To Your Article Linkbaiting And Niche Online Business Success!


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