Social Media Marketing – Facebook, Twiter, Digg

Getting your company or personal website to rank on the three major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN) is the quickest and most effective way to boost your sales and grow your business. Many search engine optimization (SEO) companies charge an arm-and-a-leg for ranking services, when you can do much of the work yourself for a fraction of the cost.

Marketing your business online is easier, and more importantly cheaper, than you probably realize. By using free web marketing tools and capitalizing on free social mediums you can easily drive traffic to your website and interact with your customers for no cost and very little time. Online social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube require nothing more than a valid email account and password, and give your business free access to millions of potential customers. Social bookmarking sites such as Digg and StumbleUpon are a couple more free resources that will spread your product or message like wildfire.

Social media, also known as Web 2.0, is no longer for the kids. Don’t be fooled by the flashy profiles and young founders; networking online has become the driving force behind many marketing campaigns. Social marketing is still a new strategy for many major companies, but with literally hundreds-of-millions of users from all demographics, these free platforms provide great potential. According to a recent article on, social media outlets allow CEO’s and companies to interact with their customers daily in a highly productive way. Starbucks, for example, uses Twitter to get direct feedback from customers and update them on new products.

The majority of Web 2.0 users are between the ages of 18-34, and while MySpace still attracts the younger crowd, Facebook, Squidoo, and even LinkedIn are great for reaching the buying public in an innovative way. The best part about these free networks is that they come with built-in blog, photo, and email applications. These are the tools that make conveying your message and redirecting traffic to your site easier then ever.

There are two simple things to remember when setting up a social networking account: use keywords in your profile name, and use a catchy profile picture. Your profile picture is the first thing that customers will see when browsing the internet or considering your online ‘friendship.’ Your profile picture can be your logo, but in some cases it is preferable to set up an account as the company CEO, rather than as the business itself. If you are a photographer, for example, it is well worth your time to set up a Flickr profile with examples of your best work. By setting up a free account as an individual, you can blog about your work on upcoming projects, post pictures of your business convention, and interact on a more personal level. While statistics show that a certain amount of trust is already given to a social network ‘friend,’ that trust only enhances when the interaction is with an individual instead of a business.

Setting up a social profile, whether it be on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter involves finding the “Sign Up” tab (or “Join” tab) usually located on the right-hand-side near the “Sign In” tab. You will be prompted to enter your email address and new password. I would suggest using your company email or setting up a free Gmail account using your business name.

When creating a profile on YouTube and Twitter, you will be instantly asked for a username. You basically have two options here: use your company name or use an optimized keyword name. Use free online tools such as Wordtracker and Google Keywords to research what names will attract more traffic. If your business name is already optimized, then you have the best of both worlds. Keep in mind that this will be how a customer finds you on these social platforms. When a user searches for new ‘friends,’ they will enter a keyword to find profiles. For example, if a MySpace user is searching for an Arizona Cardinal’s fan, they will type in the keyword Arizona Cardinals. If you happen to have a business selling Cardinal’s apparel, using this keyword is highly productive for you.

Use the free online tool to simultaneously check multiple social networks for user name availability. From this site you can test your keyword optimized profile name, and sign up for many accounts quickly and easily.

When it’s time to fill in your personal information, don’t be too professional. Have some fun with it while conveying your company’s message. In order to update your personal information on MySpace, you’ll have to go to “Edit Profile” under the “Profile” tab near the top of your screen. From this page you will be able to change the look of your profile and add to your “About Me” section.

After creating your account, you will have to check your email to authenticate your profile. This is why you must use a valid email address. Follow the setup steps as prompted, and within a matter of minutes you have created your first social marketing site. Of course, it’s definitely not advised that you simply come out and post your product all over the network. That is a great way to get blocked and rejected by every user on every platform. MySpace comes equipped with a “Spam” tab to use when you send an unwanted or commercial email. If too many of your recipients mark your email as “Spam,” you run the great risk of being banned from MySpace.

Once your profiles are created and customized, it’s time to get down to work. Remember, you can have an account in every social network and can optimize each one to drive traffic back to your site. The more free profiles that you have, the more opportunity you give yourself to organically rank higher on search engine report pages (SERPS). By organically, I simply mean to rank on the top three search engines without paying for it through Pay-Per-Click strategies or paid advertising.

Each Web 2.0 platform thrives under different strategies. MySpace is a great platform for “shock-and-awe.” Search engine guru’s still typically stay away from this free medium. However, if you’re targeting a younger crowd, have a band or gaming product, this is the perfect free resource. Tools such as Pyzam will help you build your site with flair. To market your profile, use some of your email marketing skills to reach “friends.” Use a lot of art, photos and videos to convey your message. MySpace is an extremely visual medium, and you can use this to your advantage. Use banners that redirect traffic to your site. Embed links in every picture, video, and piece of artwork on your profile that will lead traffic back to your website.

In order to find your market customer, follow the “Friends” tab to “Find Friends,” where you can search by age, gender, location, and even interests. Find your customer and let them know who you are without sounding like a used car salesman. Build your profile with multiple links back to your website.

Advertising on MySpace is just as easy as setting up a profile, and, though it may take a little cash, it will drive traffic to your site. Facebook advertising is built to allow you complete control of who is seeing your ad. You create it, select exactly who will see it, how much money you are willing to spend, and an advertising timeframe. Be smart about how you word your ad, what photos or logo you use, and the money you are willing to spend. Check your numbers frequently, keeping in mind that weekends will show different results than weekdays.

After you have secured “friends” on these social networks, it couldn’t be easier to tell them anything and everything you want. For example, let’s say you have a new product coming out, or a discounted special. By simply posting a bulletin on MySpace, writing a blog, or posting a note on Facebook, you can reach all of your customers at once. Every time you update your website in any way, you should let your customers know. This is a great way to keep things interactive and personal between you and your Web 2.0 “friends.” By attaching or embedding a link back to your website, and a few bookmarking options, you are taking your social marketing to the next level.

Social mediums such as MySpace and Facebook have an amazing way of spreading photos, videos, gossip, and most of all, questioners and personality tests. By using a simple SEO strategy known as link baiting, you can drive traffic to your site. Create a simple questioner about almost anything from a users favorite things to what they had for lunch, and send it to your friends or post it on your profile. Entice your “friends” to fill out the questioner and send it to their friends, and the cycle will continue throughout the network. It may seem like a small process, but creating a small quiz or questioner will end up reaching for more people than you might imagine.

Twitter is a social network that you truly must be a part of. It’s unique in the way that it allows you to consistently update your status without being too obnoxious. The whole purpose of Twitter is to literally let your “friends” know what you’re doing in every second of every day. Use Twitter to inform customers of upcoming events, specials, and newly posted articles and blogs. Let customers know how you’re feeling about popular news, or a company event. Don’t be too professional, but send relaxed and informational messages to your “friends” on a constant basis. Embed links back to your site, or to a recent blog that you posted.

YouTube is another free social venue that is quickly becoming the SEO guru’s dream, and while it may take a bit more technical knowledge, it can be your greatest free marketing tool. Filming a short video, or throwing together a quick slideshow with music, and adding a link directing people to your site, is all the work you need to do. It rarely even matters what the video is about, as long as it’s entertaining and under about three minutes. You can simply use your Windows MovieMaker to edit the video, add music, a title and credits. Be sure to include a reference to your website.

How-To videos are, and will continue to be, in demand and creating one that is short and informational will do wonders for your website. Do a little research on Google Trends or Yahoo Buzz to find out what the hot topics are, and talk about them. If you’re a gamble, make a controversial video (or blog). If you can get people interested and talking, you will definitely get them to your site. This will also persuade people to bookmark your video (or blog) to share the controversy with others.

The key to YouTube marketing is filling your video description with keywords and links to your website. The only way that your video will be found is through the description that you give it. Be specific to either what your video is about, or what your business is about, without sounding too much like that used car salesman. Make your description as long as you need to, as long as the link to your website is within the first few lines. These will be the first words that a viewer will see in your description. By using optimized keywords, when users search for YouTube videos via Google or YouTube itself, your video will be at the top of the list. Don’t be afraid to comment on your own video, or have a friend or employee comment to get the ball rolling.

Post the videos you make on other video sharing sites such as MySpace and Meta Tube, and before you know it your video will rank on Google alongside your Facebook page and company website. If you have built your social profiles and video descriptions with smart links to redirect traffic, you should notice your numbers going up.

Another free Web 2.0 marketing tool is social bookmarking. Creating a profile on sites such as Digg and StumbleUpon is similar to creating your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Bookmarking sites are used to spread the word about interesting blogs, articles, and websites. For example, on Digg a user will post a story that he found interesting about Obama’s stimulus package. He will “shout” it out to all of his friends, where they’ll “Digg” the article and pass it to their friends. The more Digg users that see this link, the more readers this Obama article gets. The New York Times uses Digg as its number three resource to drive traffic back to its website. If you can harness the power of social bookmarking sites like Digg, you will drastically improve your traffic. This is why it is crucial that anytime you post a blog on Myspace, a video on YouTube, or an article on your personal or company website, you must add some bookmarking options for your readers.

Adding bookmarking options to your blogs involves one simple step. It’s an embed code that you will place directly into your work. Check out to get the code and customize your bookmarking options. is another great free resource for creating accounts on many different bookmarking platforms and easily accessing those accounts. This is a platform that will actually take you from site to site, allowing you to open an account or add your blog one by one.

An SEO strategy that has been implemented by many marketing companies is to combine RSS feeds with social bookmarking. (An RSS feed is a way of syndicating your content throughout the internet to anyone who is subscribed to receive it). Your employees should all be subscribing to your RSS feeds already. Anytime you post a new blog or article, they should be automatically notified. Their step is to choose one of the many free bookmarking sites, post your blog on that site, and thus spread the word to their Web 2.0 “friends.” If each of your employees bookmarks your blog, it will appear to the search engines that you must have something relevant and important to say. Your next step is to bookmark your bookmarking profile. This will only add more relevance to your blogs and articles.

Something to consider when doing social marketing is your online reputation, and the reputation of other users. By using the free online tool, you can monitor yourself as well as others across many social mediums. While this product is not entirely free, it can come in handy when you need to know the atmosphere of your online network. is a great free resource that allows you to track who is talking about you on Twitter, what they are saying, and how often they are saying it. Lastly, by using Google Alerts and setting it up manage your online reputation as well as monitoring your competitors reputation, you can stay completely informed at all times. These are great tools for staying on top of what is new in your industry, what people in your industry are talking about, what they are saying about you, and how well your social marketing strategy is going.

Social marketing is free, easy, and incredibly useful if you know how to take advantage of it. While it’s still a new medium, and SEO guru’s are still learning how to capitalize on it, by using these simple steps you can drive traffic to where you want it absolutely free. Take some time to do your research on keywords and effective social strategies by simply Googling social network marketing. Use the sites like MySpace, Facebook, Squidoo, and LinkedIn to get your product known. Make the most of social bookmarking sites, exploit the opportunities your own employees can offer you through their online profiles and bookmarking pages. By converging many different aspects of social media, and implementing social strategies, you will no doubt watch your sales go up. It may take a little longer to see your website rank higher on Google or Yahoo, but in time this completely free online SEO technique will work towards your advantage.

Keyword Branding – Recognition for your Business Online with Keyword Marketing

How can you get to the Top of Google, front page on the Search Engine? Keyword Branding, Recognition of your website and online business with keyword marketing is the most effective search engine marketing.

Keyword Marketing offers your Article Marketing an opportunity to get you noticed for HOT topic words before the competition. When you promote your keywords in articles you produce for online marketing, your keywords brand your website top billing on the search engines by playing the percentages game.

Search Engines use crawlers that recognize brand information as quality by word content. When your content is full of keywords used responsibly to market your product, you get better brand percentages on the crawlers and therefore higher rankings for links attached to the articles.

For instance, if I have a site with a page that talks about Search Engine Optimization, and 3% or more of my keywords in that page are ‘Search’ or ‘Engine’ or ‘Optimization’ the crawlers will begin to recognize that page brand as valuable to those keywords and the page will rise on the search engine, because the words are used, well linked, and reactive Article Marketing.

For this reason, optimizing keyword usage in valuable content filled Articles you Market to the Internet increases your brand placement. You don’t need to use the keywords unnaturally, in uncommon places, or without purpose in your article. But you do need to promote your keyword brand at any point in your article where branding helps the reader (or the crawler) to understand better, your purpose for writing the article.

Think for a moment of the words you use for fillers that really do not say anything of value.

The word ‘it’ is a favorite of mine. I’m referring to my subject, most often when I use the word ‘it’. So, why not use my subject instead. If Article Marketing is my subject, then I can replace the word ‘it’ almost completely with my brand keywords “Article Marketing” and make a branding impact without appearing to overwhelm the content with keywords.

Are you ready to Brand your Market with Identifying Keyword Optimization?

YouTube Marketing – Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of people are aware of how powerful YouTube Marketing can be. But few actually take the time to work on it, and fewer even try to really do market on YouTube the right way. This is because there is confusion about how to properly implement YouTube marketing. In this article, I will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about YouTube marketing.

How do I get my videos found?

This is done by first doing keyword research. This is very important for a few reasons.

1) It helps your video get found by the search engines and YouTube by using good related keywords in your tags, titles, and used or “sprinkled” throughout your description.

2) There are many ways to say something, and there are just as many ways to search for something. Keyword research will show you how your audience is searching for your content.

3) Keyword research also shows you more ideas for new content later. Search engines like Google also want to show you related content. Their keyword tools want you to see there are many other things related to your keywords that are in your niche that are entirely new topics. Take some notes while you do keyword research. You will be glad that you did.

How long should my video be?

We live in an age where attention is the new currency. If you can keep peoples attention, you will be rewarded for it. That being said, YouTube is not a place to put very long videos. Keep your videos “bite size” 60 – 90 seconds for the most part. If you are teaching something it’s okay to make it 3 – 5 minutes. Any longer than that and you endanger losing attention.

How do I keep their attention?

You need to give viewers a reason to stick around and watch the whole video. You need to be compelling. This is easier than you may think. The first 8 – 12 seconds of the video are very important. This is where the person watching the video will decide weather or not to watch till the end, or to simply click away. There is no magic spell you cast on people. All you need to do is tell them what benefit they will get out of watching this video. Say, in this video you will learn, see, find, etc. and then tell them the benefit they will get by watching the video.

Now What?

By using good keywords, keeping your videos short, and keeping your audiences attention, you will also be able to insert a call to action at the end of the video to get people to come to your site, comment, subscribe, sign up for your list, or all of the above. The big benefit of doing your research right is that you know people are watching your video, are targeted and interested in your content before you even click play.

How to Position Naturally in Google Through Search Engine Marketing

Google has undeniably become the most powerful search engine in recent times. With millions of online users from different parts of the globe, Google is obviously seen as a huge marketing potential by online advertisers.

Then, here comes the Search Engine Marketing (SEM), a form of internet marketing that helps business owners to build their reputation and reach unlimited number of prospect customers worldwide. It provides online advertisers good visibility for their website on the World Wide Web.

SEM services feature paid placement, contextual advertising, paid inclusion, and the widely used Search Engine Optimization (SEO). On the other hand, top SEM vendors are Yahoo! Search Marketing, Microsoft Ad Center, and the most popular Google AdWords.

So, you want to use SEM services to have lucrative revenue for your business? You may want to use the following tactics:

You can purchase advertisements and most of the time they are on pay-per-click (PPC) basis. They usually appear on certain parts of a related page or the search results page with the headings “Featured Sites” or “Sponsored Sites”.

Also, you can have contextual advertising which are advertisements that are directly related to the content of your targeted webpage. It works this way: a network, Google Ad Sense in an instance, scans a website for certain keywords that are related to the nature of your website, when they found both pages relative, they will place the advertisement on the targeted site.

Another SEM service you can use is paid inclusion where Google charges fees for the inclusion of your advertisement or the link of your website to their search index. The above mentioned SEM services may tend you to shed some amount but you are well assured that you will have a good position on Google without doing much effort.

Moreover, the SEO strategy in search engine marketing is proven to be the most effective and widely used by online marketers though the said tactic requires some effort. Search engine optimization improves your visibility and ranking through posting quality content articles on different related sites.

The secret in SEO marketing is having original articles and it is far better to have both quality and quantity of articles. They must also have catchy yet concise titles and headlines as the first thing people will notice will contribute to their first impression of the whole write-up.

Then, post these articles on related websites so you can automatically acquire your targeted market. Keep in mind to post original articles even on different sites as posting duplicated write-ups are only counted as one.

Lastly, don’t forget to explore a lot of possibilities. Remember that the great traffic you can generate from such Search Engine Marketing tactics contributes to your ranking on Google.

How To Do Digital Marketing For My Business

When launching a new business, making yourself known within the business sector is key to getting off to a good start. If before the digital age there were not many methods of dissemination and the few that did have a high cost and an impact that is difficult to measure or of doubtful success, the arrival of digital has democratized these practices and has incorporated a world of possibilities to promote a deal. Digital marketing and its different actions allow each entrepreneur to make their business known and thus boost their activity.

A common question toward all the new business owner: “how to do digital marketing for my business”, let me share you,

5 digital ways to publicize your business

Among all the actions that can exist, what is the best to start with? What are the almost obligated actions? Do you need to use all actions from the beginning to get results? These are some of the thousands of questions that arise when starting a digital communication strategy. The first answer that is here that it is not necessary to do everything at once, you will have to choose the first actions based on your strategy.

1. Create a company website

A topic so talked about that it is still surprising that many companies do not take it as a priority. Web agencies have tried for years to highlight the need for any company, whatever the sector of activity, to have a website. Actually, this page happens to be the first platform for your business. Before going to the store, the consumer looks for information on the internet. From the moment a company creates a web page, this page becomes the store’s first showcase.

2. Create content to boost your page’s ranking on Google

Once your website is available with all the “static” content ready, it will be time to work on the natural positioning or SEO of your business. To have a better position in Google, it is necessary to keep your website “alive” and the best way is to add content regularly. The best way to create content for your page quickly and easily is through a blog. Thanks to this you can tell everything related to your business to your community and your customers.

3. Communicate with your clients with emailing campaigns

Email marketing continues to be the first means of communication: Newsletter, promotional offers, private sales, invitations to events, thanks, birthdays there are many opportunities to communicate with your client, especially taking good advantage of the data you have since you can reach to high customization.

4. Keep in direct contact thanks to SMS marketing

To complete email communications, it may be interesting to use a more direct channel. Digital Marketing Agency Malaysia is the ideal one to assist you out in this situation so that you don’t be lacked behind. The goal is to communicate with your customers quickly and have the guarantee that they will have your information. With an almost total insertion of mobile phones, a method as direct as SMS, 98% of these are read within 5 minutes after sending. This means that bulk SMS constitutes a very useful channel to send relevant information.

5. Find and encourage your community on social media.

Last method of this article: encourage communities on social media. It is the ideal channel to group your customers and exchange information with them. Facebook, about to reach almost 2 billion users, constitutes an advantage to be known, acquire and retain. It is an immediate method of feedback with your followers.

Well, if any business owner found difficulties to start their business using digital marketing, or no idea how to do digital marketing for your business? You have a great choice by attending best digital marketing course. Checkout resources below.

Affiliate Marketing With Over 100 Million Google Visitors

We all know that website or blog traffic is the only key to generating life changing kind of money online. And one of the preferred methods among super successful affiliate marketers is commenting because you can reach millions of visitors, you just need to look in the right places.

You will have access to 5 sites within the online marketing niche later in this article. Combined, they have over 150 MILLION Visitors per Month! But you also need to know how to do your own research because that will enable you to reach these kind of sites in Any Niche.

You need to know whether the particular site is in fact indexed in Google. You need to know the page rank and both the quantity and quality of visitors to that site. Visitor origin is extremely important, next to a product in demand (On Your Blog).

In another Blog Post I demonstrate a certain research method that will show you just How to “Look In the Right Places”. You need to research the sites you wish to comment on, and by using the simple tools as demonstrated above, I was able to come across sites with as much as 85.3 MILLION visitors per month.

But get this, they all allow comments and most even allow you to share your website and blog URL. Be careful though because the more professional the site, the less tolerance they will have to unprofessional conduct. This includes desperate sales pitches and a flood of random affiliate links, you only EVER share a URL to your own blog or website in any comments you make.

Most professional sites will provide you with one of 2 most used commenting options;

An On-Site Contact Form – That will allow you to share your URL by providing an option to do so, these forms normally require your name, email, URL and of course your comment.

Comments Feed Plugin – This is when you leave a comment by having to log into a particular social profile or Gravatar account to do so. And as these commenting options do not allow a special window for your URL, you DO NOT share any URL in these comments.

Within context however, you may want to suggest a certain idea and have other people respond to your comment. Should that discussion lead to an increased interest and request to view your site, then you share the link to your personal blog or website.

When You Comment – You always stay on topic, and blend with the discussion at hand. That can only be done by actually reading the particular post you wish to comment on. Don’t just barge in with a desperate sales pitch or offer, it mirrors desperation. Keep your comments as professional as possible, and you will never have to write another sales pitch.

Professional commenting (And Actually Getting results) is a time consuming exercise and must never be done hastily. Apart from researching the sites you wish to comment and even guest post on, you also want to read other comments. Find what a particular audience is looking for so that you may be able to offer a suitable and obvious solution (That Actually Works). And make sure this offer is available On Your Blog, preferably with a proper discussion because you want to inspire your visitor to want to Know More.

The purpose of your comment must be to get the visitor to your own blog or website, you then need to ensure your content is interesting and useful enough to keep your visitor there. A great way to check this is to pay attention to your visitor/view ratio. Your visitors should be less than the views because it indicates that you’re on the right path, it means you have returning visitors.

Now I did promise to provide access to my personal 5 commenting favourites, but I strongly advise you master that research method we discussed earlier.

Moz– This site offer an On Site Comment window that allows you to share your URL as a Hyper Link. Do not enter a raw URL (And Especially an Affiliate Offer URL) anywhere, because this is also a great way to get Moz to recognize your Blog or Website. Share the link to your personal site by means of the Hyper Link option provided.

Once signed up and inside your membership, you need to visit the Moz Blog to be able to comment and share your thoughts. You will also be able to answer questions because this is a site that offers great engagement, I can tell you that.

The Penny Hoarder – This site uses a Facebook comment plugin. You will need to login with your Facebook credentials to comment here, so be sure your profile is as complete and professional as possible. You will not have to register an account with the Penny Hoarder, only Facebook login to comment. And remember to only share the link to your blog or website when asked to do so.

Pro Blogger – And this is a perfect example of the on-site comments window where you have the option of sharing your blog URL. Once your comment is approved, your site will be accessible to reader when they click on your name in the comment. Pro Blogger, like Penny Hoarder requires no registration.

Money Talks News– Another high value site that does not require any registration. Like The Penny Hoarder, Money Talks too uses the Facebook comments plugin so the same rules apply. Only share the URL to your blog when asked to do so.

Always remember that content is the King of sales conversion, and unique content is what will have your site stand out. Content is the single most important part of actually generating money online, and endless research is the only way to be able to provide your audience with the relevant content. You must do the research, so your reader does not have to.

And that is how you can now leverage commenting to your profitable advantage.

Blogging Syndication and Pinterest Marketing Exposed

Companies and individuals get excited about the open playing field blogging and Pinterest provides. Marketing trends on social media suggests it to be a vital traffic generation method for large and small corporations.

Why not market on here? This social media giant is more established in the eyes of the Big Search Engines. If you are running a blog; Keep reading to discover why you should consider promoting your business on this pinning phenom.

Why Market on Pinterest?

Not only does this visually inclined social network grow daily, their membership has exploded to 20 Mil users. This achievement allows them to claim 1 of the top 3 social networking sites globally. Users spend an average of 15 minutes per day browsing. Credit: copyblogger[dot]com

Is Pinterest Good For Marketing?

So what does this mean for you? Well, pinterest is an online bulletin board for people and businesses to pin photo’s, videos, blog posts, contests, infographics and more! This is golden, if you don’t have a million dollar marketing budget.

Because with Pinterest you can leverage their popularity to drive referral traffic right to your website, blog, YouTube channel or ezine article.

Why Are You Pinning on Pinterest?

Don’t be fooled by the silly task of pinning photo’s and videos. A picture is worth a million words, and videos typically last forever. In 2012 alone, Pinterest recorded driving more traffic than LinkedIn, Google+, Reddit, and YouTube – combined!

Lately, I’ve been watching industry leaders who generate all their wealth through business models and systems; Dominate this marketing beast known as Pinterest. So, I decided to take a closer look. Firstly, because of the popularity, here are 3 reasons why you must syndicate your blog with Pinterest.

3 Reasons Smart Marketers Love Pinterest Pinning?

  • High Page Rank and Domain Authority (SEO nerds)
  • ZERO-Stress Sign-Up Process, Minimum Promoting Restrictions
  • Pinners Purchase More Than Any Other Digital Channel (FB incl.)

So Do You Think Pinning is Vital To Bloggers?

The niche blogging is massive. In fact, it’s a super-niche! Bloggers rely heavily on generating traffic for content. Then monetizing that traffic with services,products, or both. Organic search traffic is their primary source of traffic, if they are not aware of how powerful social media can be.

Most bloggers have a basic understanding of how SEO works. On page, off page and the importance of back links. With the new Google updates like Panda and Hummingbird; What was taught in the SEO world just 1 year ago is completely obsolete.

Let me tell you my story. Before the last update from Google, I lost 90% of all my traffic. Which was coming mainly from Google search. With my traffic disappearing, my income instantly dropped!

My income dropped because I depend on traffic like every other business. Once I monetize this traffic, I use little-known psychology to convert my traffic into leads or potential customers.

Next, I have a series of automated up sells. So, because of the traffic disappearing I had to adapt. So I started marketing my business on ‘Pinterest’ and other social bookmark networks to serve as a tier 1 site. I will explain more about tiers later to build Google safe back links without penalty flags.

For now, I want you to understand that in the eyes of Google, Pinterest is golden. Do you want my formula for instant rankings in the search engines?

Sure you do! Grab something to write with: After publishing new content to your personal blog, EzineArticles or any site that makes you the money. By the way, this is referred to by SEO geeks as the (Money Site).

How To Use Pinterest For Business Marketing Vol 1:

Power Pinning For NON-seo geeks!

So immediately after you publish your article, you’re going to use social media to syndicate and start building backlinks. This social media layer will be your tier 1 site. It serves as a buffer site to build links. If I do not have the top social networks listed in my author account. Google it!

Semi Automated Marketing Tools and Software

Take those top sites, and register full profiles with your bio and picture. Don’t forget Pinterest. After you publish your blog post. Use a simple software like onlywire or hootsuite to blast simultaneously. You can also go to fiverr[dot]com, and search social bookmarks to find someone who will do this for $5.

Now, that you know how to start building a backlink profile with social media. Wait, until I tell you about what you can do on the 2nd and 3rd tier links to skyrocket your blog posts to the moon!

Pinterest marketing alone without backlink know-how, can drive you more traffic and sales based on the market research I performed on Quancast[dot]com. Which is a site where you can get demographics, which is vital to targeted marketing.

In closing, Pinterest marketing is more complex and powerful than you know. Add me on EzineArticles to be first to know when I release the 2nd volume of how to use Pinterest as a marketing tool!

Mobile Monopoly – The Fresh Technique For Your Achievement in Online Marketing

Out of all the online marketing items that are widely spoken about regularly, I would say that the Mobile Monopoly program is almost certainly very interesting as well as the most groundbreaking.

If we evaluate online marketing as well as to observe how effective and profitable it has been within the last ten or even fifteen years, and continue to do so, we will see that it is very popular. You see, it’s believed that approximately one point eight billion individuals’ are connected to the internet. Now check out the cellular phone also known as the ‘Mobile Phone’ business; from this all of us can easily see the massive dimension of it. At present, approximately five billion people throughout the world own a cellular phone; therefore, you can easily see the opening for success that marketing and advertising with this industry can bring to you.

In fact, the five billion mobile phone or cell phone consumers are waiting for you to send your advertising to them. In reality these are the sort of customers that businesses all over the world would choose to advertise their products, particularly the fifty million individuals’ who currently have the smart phones. The number of people with smart phones is growing; and to prove my point, Apple not too long ago released apple iPhone4, and they sold over three million models within a calendar month.

Big organisations such as Google as well as the Apple company are continuously altering their marketing and advertising methods in order to dive into this enormous industry, and after Google purchased the promoting system AdMob, the Apple company reacted by releasing their very own marketing system iAd.

Marketing and advertising in this particular market is growing, however, amazingly it continues to be unheard of by many companies, and internet marketers remain unfamiliar with the way it operates, and the excellent opportunity that’s before them when using this system. They do not know how to implement it, and how they can earn an income from using it. Now Mr Adam Horwitz the person who developed ‘Mobile Monopoly’ will show you gradually how you can generate money using his program. He offers to lift the cover from the key techniques he utilizes to get more than $1,000 daily in real earnings from cellular phones. Adam also would display the techniques he applied to simply obtain traffic even when you do not possess an internet site or keyword phrases.

His online video system will show you what is needed to become a member of this fresh emerging trend.

Internet Marketing 101: Online Marketing for Small Business


You own a small business. Do you need a website? An Internet presence can be a necessity or a resource-draining boondoggle, depending on your business and your target audience. You shouldn’t build or maintain a website simply because “everyone else has one.” However, even if you own a one-person services company and get all the business you can handle through word of mouth, you can still create an online presence with a minimum of time and expense.

If and when you do develop a business website, you’ll need to make some kind of investment in Internet-based marketing. Consumers increasingly and overwhelmingly use the Internet to research and buy goods and services. This means the competition is robust, and if your site doesn’t announce its presence it will simply sit and gather (virtual) dust in some computer’s memory.

If you’ve convinced yourself that you need to enter the web marketing arena, the following report provides a fundamental primer on the most widely used tactics for both paid and free Internet advertising. Just remember that each of the topics introduced here is complex enough that there are entire books written about them, so if something appeals to you do some additional research before jumping in.

Before You Start

There are two main questions you must ask yourself before starting any marketing efforts, whether on- or offline: “Who is my audience?” and “What are my objectives?”


The audience for most business marketing activities is obviously past, present, and future customers. However, as in traditional advertising and marketing, it helps to narrow down who you are trying to reach, segmenting your market by age, geography, gender, interests, occupation. Certain methods of Internet marketing, such as pay-per-click ads, allow you to target your customers based on this type of segmentation.


We can assume that the overall objective of most marketing is to sell products and/or services, but you may have additional objectives for online marketing. These related objectives will hopefully end up driving increased sales, but they can be more subtle than simply asking customers to buy right now. For example, your online marketing plan might include goals such as these:

  • Support and increase visibility of your company’s brand.
  • Improve search engine rankings.
  • Offer reference information related to your business sector.
  • Increase number of registered users or newsletter subscribers.
  • Drive traffic to your company website.

After defining your audience and marketing goals, you can begin to formulate an Internet marketing strategy and tactics. When getting into online marketing, it is important that you maintain brand consistency. Build on the reputation that you have already established. Your on-line presence should mirror that of your “brick and mortar” presence. Use the same logo and tagline so that people will understand that you are the same company. Having an online presence is a way to build on what you have already accomplished.

In the remainder of this report we’ll look at the most common ways you can use the Internet to deliver your message and start increasing your sales.

Table of Contents




Other Announcements

Search Engine Marketing and Display Advertising

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Pay-per-Click (PPC)

Display Advertising

Social Media and Networking

Decide: Who, What, Where, When, and Why?

YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Etc.



Forums & Discussion Groups

Article Placement / E-Zines

Other Internet Marketing Outlets




We won’t get into the vast topic of how to build and manage a website, but if you aim to use the techniques described below, it is nearly essential to have one. Most of your marketing efforts will have a “call to action” that involves your audience visiting your website to research products or services, find contact information, sign up for a newsletter, or place an online order. Whatever you are asking people to do in your online promotions, make sure the website allows them to easily complete that task. One other vital component of any business website is an analytics program (Google offers a fairly robust application free of charge), so you can track how well your marketing efforts are working and calculate the return on your advertising investment (ROI).

How can you develop an online presence at little or no cost? There are several companies that offer free site building tools and hosting services. If you go this route, select a company that has a proven track record, so your hard work isn’t wasted when the company goes out of business or suspends the service. A couple of reliable options are Google Sites and Yola. If you have any money in your budget at all, you should probably just spend the less than $100 per year it takes to buy a personalized domain name (for example, “”) and a Web hosting service. Another potential option, depending on your business and marketing goals, is to create a free blog (see below for more details). The most popular free blogging services as of this writing are WordPress and Blogger.

E-Mail Newsletters

E-mail newsletters provide one of the most highly performing avenues for marketing. You can collect customer e-mail addresses by asking visitors that come to your website to subscribe, by requesting e-mail addresses from anyone who visits your physical location, or by purchasing an e-mail list. To generate a higher rate of readership, make sure the audience is narrowly targeted and has some vested interest in your product. By sending out your newsletter on a regular schedule (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) you can counteract the transient and temporary nature of Internet users by continually reminding them of your company’s existence. Affordable services like Constant Contact can be used to manage mailing lists, statistics, and opt-in/out functions.

Caveat: Sending commercial e-mail messages to people who have not agreed to receive your mailings can result in severe fines and penalties from the federal government per terms of the CAN-SPAM Act.

Newsletter content should appeal to your defined audiences, with industry- or product-related news and events, company-specific news and events, practical reference information, and interesting statistical and demographic information. The newsletter copy should publicize links to appropriate pages within your website.

You will need to maintain one or more separate lists for the purpose of sending targeted messages to particular audiences (see Other Announcements below). You might combine all your lists to send a monthly newsletter, and send other bulletins to past or potential customers as appropriate.

Other Announcements

Other announcements are e-mailings that can consist of press releases, coupons, special notices, or anything you want to communicate specifically to members of one or more e-mail lists.

Search Engine Marketing, Pay-per-Click and Display Advertising

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization means constructing a website that is easily crawled by search engine spiders, and it encompasses a variety of techniques designed to improve your site’s (or page’s) ranking in the search engine results page. The goal is for your site to be found by searchers who are looking for sites related to a certain keyword or phrase, for example “little red wagon” if you are in the business of selling toy wagons. SEO can be divided into on-page activities (e.g., amount of content, metadata, links, programming methods and structural issues) and off-page activities (most importantly, obtaining links from other websites to your site).

Pay-per-Click (PPC)

Pay-per-click advertising refers to text ads displayed on search engine results pages (versus “organic” results achieved by SEO) and other sites, usually in the margins. In the case of Google AdWords and Microsoft’s adCenter, you can open an account and specify the keyword(s) that, when searched for, will generate an ad that links to your website. You pay only when a searcher clicks an ad and is directed to your site. In the example below, the key phrase is “little red wagon,” and pay-per-click ads are located at top (in yellow) and in the right-hand column (subtitled “Sponsored Links”). The first organic listing is “Little Red Wagon Foundation.”

A few of the benefits of PPC advertising are that you know exactly how many people view your ads, how many of those viewers click through to your website, and (if you are using a site analytics tool) what they do once they reach your site. You can also start and stop running ads at a moment’s notice, experiment with any number of ads you like, and fund your campaign with as little as $10 to start.

Display Advertising

Display advertising, also called banner advertising, means purchasing ad space on another website and placing a text and/or graphic ad with a link to your site. This technique is generally more complex and expensive than pay-per-click, but can be very powerful if the right message is shown to a tightly focused audience. To achieve optimal click-through rate (CTR), advertise on websites where you assume your target audience is visiting, rather than a general interest website. Most marketers don’t purchase ad space directly from another website, but use a banner ad network to automatically place ads on appropriate websites. A couple of the biggest names in display ad serving are DoubleClick and BurstMedia.

Social Media and Networking

Social networking is the latest buzz in the modern marketing arsenal. If you have any doubt about its impact, especially on the under-40 population, read this list. Small businesses with limited resources should weigh their time spent and the potential benefits carefully, however. It can also be difficult to measure the return on your investment for some of these tactics.

The general principle of “marketing” on social networking outlets is that people who have similar interests will virtually congregate around Web content that discusses that interest. They may be interested in product information in the form of reviews or personal opinion, but hard sale approaches are mostly discouraged and unproductive. Your goal is to become a trusted advisor-which usually means revealing your identity and at least some part of your personality. If that premise makes you uncomfortable, you might still find social networking sites valuable for market research purposes. Find out what people are buying and why, then use that information to help shape your other marketing activities.

The following section describes the more popular social media outlets and sites, but keep your eyes open for new virtual spaces where you might get more attention by getting in on the ground floor.

YouTube, Facebook, Etc.

YouTube allows you to post videos on your own “channel,” a distinct Web page that can be customized and allows for posting links back to your own website. A major positive aspect of this venue is that the number of views is posted and viewers can submit comments, so you know whether your videos are popular and why.

Facebook is considered the model for modern social networking sites. Facebook allows you (individual, corporate, non-profit, etc.) to create a page, attract “likes” and reviews, communicate with followers by posting status updates, photos and videos, and so on.

Although the previously named sites are the most popular in terms of visitors, there are a couple of business-oriented networking sites that may be more useful for making business connections. LinkedIn helps you develop a network of clients, service providers, and subject experts; find business opportunities and partners; post job openings; and more. More detailed advice on best practices for using LinkedIn can be found in many online articles and blogs.


Think of Twitter as a mini-blog (see below) that allows you to broadcast messages of 140 characters or less. The messages appear to your “followers” on their phones or computers, as well as on The biggest challenges are to gain a useful number of followers and to think of something engaging to write to them. If you are a speaker, writer, or performer Twitter can be used to let your fans know what you’re doing and when. If you have a retail store you might let your followers know that you’re offering a discounted item or running a special sale. You should post a Twitter sign-up link on your website, and within your signature line in outgoing e-mail messages. You can also gain followers by following people who work in or comment on your industry, as some Twitter users will follow those who follow them.


The word blog originally came from the term “Web log.” There’s no real standard for what a blog is, but most commonly authors use them to comment on (and link to) other online news items, websites, or other Internet content. For the most part, direct selling on a blog is frowned upon and is probably a recipe for driving away potential readers. What do you write about, then? Well, if you run an Internet marketing firm you write about trends in Web marketing, what the search engines are up to, tips for do-it-yourselfers, or what you thought of the latest Hollywood blockbuster. Seriously, read some blogs and you will find all sorts of personal opinion mixed in with professional advice and commentary. The goal of your blog, however, should most likely be to establish yourself as an expert and trusted advisor in your chosen field.

You might also pursue getting your products, services, or website mentioned in related blogs by other industry experts. When a high-visibility blogger mentions a website on his or her blog, the site is exposed to a potential audience of new viewers. Often, blog postings are simply press releases that are picked up by sites that discuss topics related to a particular product or industry. More opportunities (and traffic) in this arena can be realized by developing relationships with individual bloggers.

Additional Tips:

  • Post an article that was written by someone else, just be sure to provide a link to the original article and give credit to the person wrote it. You can then give your commentary on the topic of the article or find a way to relate the information to local trends or challenges.
  • Ask colleagues to be “guest bloggers” by writing articles for you to post, again giving them credit and adding their byline and a link to their website. Using links is a good way to drive additional traffic to their sites so it’s a good trade-off for both parties.
  • Nick Francesco of said, “A blog gets people’s attention and Twitter keeps it.” Consider using these two outlets together.

Forums & Discussion Groups

A forum (also known as discussion group, message board or bulletin board) is a component of a website where users can ask questions, offer advice, or share experiences with others about a certain topic or topics. Nearly every hobby on earth has a number of popular forums wherein members offer their thoughts and feelings on all aspects of their favorite pastime. Contributing a comment (with a link to your website) in discussion groups related to your products or services can create a small surge or spike in traffic, but usually has little long-lasting effect. To maximize effectiveness, target forums on high-traffic sites that have 1,000+ users, and reply to topics with larger numbers of views (relative to other posted topics).

You can easily build your own bulletin board/forum component on your site with free or low-cost software. User forums have the potential to greatly increase the “stickiness” of a site, given a critical mass of traffic required to generate new discussions and keep participants interested in returning. You can start by “seeding” topics on your own, but there won’t be any results until traffic is directed to the forums. The conundrum for small businesses may be the time required to moderate a forum once it becomes successful. One solution is to seek out a volunteer moderator who exhibits a keen interest in your field. A sample of a baseball trading card forum is shown in the screen shot below.

Article Placement / E-Zines

Another avenue for generating incoming links and traffic to your site is the free article market. Article submission (or e-zine) websites allow you to publish articles on a variety of topics. Examples include EzineArticles and

Depending on terms of use, these articles may be used as content on other websites, or collected on the site where submitted. The main objective of most article contributors is to increase their search engine rankings with the placement of backlinks on other reputable sites. Providing reliable and accurate reference information is secondary, and the traffic potential from article readers is questionable.

Obtaining links from article submission sites isn’t likely to improve your site’s search engine rankings much. However, existing content from a print newsletter or other written material can be re-purposed with a relatively small time investment. Be aware that creating articles from your website’s content verbatim may cause search engines to penalize your site, as the search engines take a dim view of text that is republished multiple times (“duplicate content” in search engine optimization terms). Submitting articles to sites with the most traffic will give your site the best chance to be discovered by new readers.

Caveat: Once an article is submitted, you have little or no control over who uses your content and for what purpose, depending on the copyright policies of the site on which the article is posted.

Other Internet Marketing Outlets


Wikipedia is, essentially, an online encyclopedia. The unique aspect of Wikipedia is that users generate the content, though content must be approved by volunteer editors. Traffic will grow if and when others link to the entry. If you add content, your time commitment will be relatively minor, and the benefits might include improved search engine ranking and a slight increase in traffic to your site. As with other forms of Internet communication, a Wikipedia entry that is essentially a commercial for a product, service, or company will not be viewed positively and is unlikely to be approved by editors.


Online directories allow Internet users to browse through categories of topics to find websites related to a certain subject. There are directories for businesses, blogs, websites in general, and more. Many directories are free, and some only list you if you pay. The mother of free directories is the Open Directory Project, and by all accounts the best paid directory for business is the Yahoo! Directory ($299 annually). Be aware that you might wait a long time for some of the free directories to list your site, as they may rely on volunteer screeners. Directories not only allow consumers to find you in their listings, they also help get your site indexed in the major search engines. If you submit your site to a directory, make sure to read the submission guidelines and follow them exactly.

How to Use Video Marketing For Fitness Business Success

Video marketing is a natural tool for growing your fitness business. Most trainers enjoy showing exercise or talking about it much more than they do conducting a sales consultation. If you want to get more paying fitness clients, you want video. In any advertising or marketing efforts images stand out before copy. If your amazing headline captures someone’s attention first, your image is going to be a close second. Place a video beside a static photo and the video wins.

In a world of instant gratification if you can give a prospective customer a piece of what they’ll be getting when they become a client you’ll edge out your competition, providing you do it right. As a fitness marketing coach the mistakes I see in use of video are common. The focus of this article is taking doing video, to doing it right.

Mistake #1. Not doing it at all.

If you’re not doing video marketing. Start. You’re going to make mistakes but you can start developing the habit and systems for regularly shooting videos and posting them. From that point you can start focusing on getting better results. Any less than desirable attempts can still be salvaged.

Mistake #2. Starting without an objective.

When you contemplate writing a big fat check for a radio or print ad you think hard about what you want the ad to do and what action you want the prospective customer to do once they’ve been exposed. Your free video marketing strategy should be no difference. After viewing do you want the customer to register for a bootcamp, a complimentary session and how should they reach you? Should they call you, click on your active link, or what action do you want them to take?

Mistake #3. Turning on the camera without a script.

To make a video that’s conversational and friendly, casual and compelling, you have to know exactly what you are going to say. That starts at the drawing board. If you have resolved the second mistake and you have an objective, then your script should lead the customer to wanting to do just that. That is not going to happen by accident. Like making a sale, certain steps have to come in advance of asking a customer who doesn’t know you until watching you the first time to take action. What happens in a sale? You discover the problem, right? So in your video you are first going to talk about the problem, before you provide a solution. You need to give them something of value before you ask or in exchange of what you’ve asked. Give them the tip they can use right now. Offer the “free gift” for entering their email or calling.

Mistake #4. Thinking in one dimension.

If you’re only thinking about slapping a video up so you can pat yourself on the back for doing video without thinking what has to happen next, you’re wasting time. If you don’t have an annotation in your video which provides a live link so they get to your home page or registration page the video will not get conversion. If you don’t include a phone number with a live person answering and responding you will put another obstacle between I’m interested and I want to pay you.

Mistake #5. Using one video version for every display.

If you are talking to people not already involved in your club or programs you have to build a relationship with them. If you are talking to people already members but not personal training they need another message. If you’re talking to prior or current personal training clients about what’s next or upgrading that’s a different conversation. What you put on your Facebook page for personal training clients should have a different purpose than the video you put on YouTube to attract people who are doing a Google search for fitness options.

Mistake #6. Creating a lame title that will never be seen.

Your goal is to get shown as the number one video in the search for your topic. Consider how many times you click on a video, article or blog that is on the second page of search results. Even if you’re the seventh or eight listed, the chance of you ever being clicked on is so small it isn’t worth your time. Get help with copy writing so that you are findable. Study the top ranking videos and take notes. Seek a fitness marketing expert. Don’t miss this step or the ones that have come before it don’t matter.

You can make your marketing come alive with video done right.

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