Signs of Global Sanity? Sharing of Innovative Agricultural Solutions to Help Farmers and Consumers

Agriculture is the direct or indirect livelihood of three quarters of the world’s poor, who live in rural areas.

The 2008 food crisis and the subsequent global financial crisis, showed the extreme vulnerability of developing countries to fluctuations in food prices and supplies.

But the impact was not only on developing world farmers – it affected consumers world-wide in food scarcities, eg rice in Thailand, and higher prices.

In Nov 2008 Egypt – UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation) sponsored the first ever international conference on Sharing Innovative Agribusiness Solutions – From Farms to Markets: Providing Know-how and Finance.

If the conference activities can be sustained it’s an initiative that would potentially benefit small farmers in developing world, consumers everywhere and the planet as a whole.

“Our vision is sustainable development”

In his opening speech Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, Founder of SEKEM said that Sustainable development could satisfy our needs and aspirations without decreasing the chances for future generations……but that we need to learn the basic principals of ecology.

“….. Being ecologically literate means understanding the principles of organisations of ecological communities including our educational com¬munities, political and business communities. So that principles of education, management and politics include the principles of ecology.”

A little about SEKEM

In 1977 the economic and social hardship of his countrymen galvanised Social Entrepreneur and medical doctor Dr Abouleish into buying 70 hectares of desert scrubland, 60 km north-east of Cairo and close to the River Nile.

He called the new experimental farm there SEKEM – from Ancient Egyptian: “vitality from the sun”.

SEKEM was able to transform the desert into a showcase example of sustainable agriculture and a healthy ecosystem through biodynamic farming methods.

Its efforts in organic cultivation led to the conversion of the entire Egyptian cotton industry to organic methods.

Starting off with a dairy and crop farm, SEKEM soon began to produce herbal teas and to market its biodynamic produce in Europe. This initiative helped other farms in Egypt to switch to biodynamic farming. A part of its mix of activities the farm uses bio-fertilizers.

The 2008 Cairo conference brought together over 400 agribusiness stakeholders from more than 65 countries, including representatives of private and public institutions (technical and financial), international organizations, donor countries, civil society, universities and research institutions to share innovative agribusiness solutions

Topics covered supply/value chains, market access and linkages, Compliance with standards and conformity assessment, Technology and value addition and Innovative forms of financing

Participants were enthusiastic about working together to achieve change. central to the debate were “Innovation and opportunity”, “partnerships based on trust” and “the need for commitment”, also the need for a holistic approach to agriculture taking into account the needs of specific groups, and avoiding the mistake of thinking that “one size fits all”.

Four key issues were identified:

1. Financial: small producers need finance to bridge the gap between initial costs and eventual benefits to help them enhance their productivity and agricultural product distribution.

2. Up to date information: small farmers and SMEs need access to up-to-date market information to enable them to compete effectively in local, regional and international markets.

One example cited was an Indian project, an e-Choupal (“choupal” means gathering place in Hindi) programme that places computers with internet access in rural farming villages; e-Choupals acted as both a social gathering place for exchange of information and an e-commerce hub.

3. Investment in supply-chain infrastructure: Governments, the food industry, agribusiness and consumer goods retailers need to invesr in supply-chain infrstructures, which have a long economic life.

e-Choupal had a role here too: Out of an initial effort to re-engineer the procurement process for soy, tobacco, wheat, shrimp and other cropping systems in rural India grew a highly profitable distribution and product design channel for the company – an e-commerce platform and also a low-cost fulfilment system focused on the specific needs of rural India

4. Use of technology: using technological know-howfor improving yields, includingbio-fertilizers applied as soil or seed inoculants and foliar spray, reduction of post-harvest losses through better product preservation techniques, quality preservation processes and innovative ingredients to reduce microbial and toxin contamination, increased cost-efficiency related to local production, collective brands and quality criteria enhancement to strengthen small-scale producers, packaging technology and efficient logistics.

A range of follow-up activities was reportedly initiated, including a new project (supported by the Italian Development Cooperation) to extend ETRACE(UNIDO’s Egyptian Traceability Centre for Agro-Industrial Exports) activities and help other developing countries to establish similar centres.

Further follow-up initiatives will focus on promotional and outreach activities such as the development of an interactive networking and matchmaking platform for agribusiness practitioners, which will allow continuous sharing of more innovative solutions and best practices with more participants and thus foster more business and development partnerships

If the momentum from this conference can be sustained the future could be brighter for all of us, consumers and farmers alike.

Copyright (c) 2010 Alison Withers

4 Innovative Trade Show Booth Design Ideas

There are a host of factors that contribute to attracting and converting leads at marketing events. Proper preparation, a sound business plan and well-trained staffers can certainly go a long way to ensuring success, but the small space carved out on the floor for each business always represents the best opportunity to make an impression. Conceptualizing and implementing trade show booth design ideas that will draw attention, retain interest and ultimately convert qualified leads to paying customers is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Modern display designs can be customized to fit any need, but it’s up to you and your marketing team to ensure that they’re used to their fullest advantage. Here are just a few options to consider.

Full Display Branding

While any reputable designer will have plenty of “standard” shapes and layouts to choose from when considering trade show booth design ideas, there is also the option of a fully customized design. The trade show display itself is a (sometimes literally) huge opportunity to advertise a brand. Rather than square banners, tie the shape of advertisements into a branding strategy to make them stand out by constructing them in a shape that is relevant to your product. Create kiosks and tables that resemble a product or represent a service. Modern construction techniques allow for nearly any shape, enabling the opportunity to construct a large version of a product to serve as the setting for event marketing efforts. What better way for an industrial fastener provider to distinguish themselves on the show floor than by telling attendees to look for them inside the giant bolt.

Office Space Included

Despite all the noise and distraction on the show floor, many major business decisions can be made during marketing events. Consider incorporating a more private meeting space as one of your trade show booth design ideas. Create a miniature boardroom, separate from the main selling floor, to retreat to with qualified leads to discuss details of working together. Not only will such a space provide more privacy, but it demonstrates forethought in your commitment to the business at hand.

Integrated Technology

Advancements in technology have made their way onto the show floor in the form of screens and displays of every type. While setting up an iPad to display product details or a video is a good place to start, there are countless other options for using modern tech trends to your advantage. Social media integration is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to increase visibility. You might incorporate screens that display a Twitter or Facebook feed, or track a desired hashtag. The ease of live webcasting means you’ll have the ability to broadcast your event presence and engage even those who can’t attend. When considering trade show booth design ideas, think about how QR codes might be tied into an overall branding strategy to link together all of your marketing materials from literature, to business cards and even the attire, name tags or badges employees wear. There’s truly no end to the possibilities modern social trends play in a successful plan.

Trade Show Booth Design Ideas That Can Be Changed On The Fly

Avoiding stagnation is a key to success in any business, and the same applies to advertising materials. While it’s certainly a good idea to update any overall marketing strategy regularly, consider utilizing fixtures that allow you to change the look of a booth even during the show. Manufacturers are constantly updating their product lines to include products that are easier to assemble and simple to change. Retractable bannerstands that can be easily swapped mean that a display might look completely different from one day to the next. Innovative inflatable fixtures allow for entire booths to be rearranged or swapped out with little effort, and at the push of a button. Keeping things fresh will ensure that potential clients aren’t put off by stale designs or out-of-date information.

Business Development Strategy For Innovative Business Growth

The evidence is very visible and many have already spoken that innovation is the core element in creating new versions of growth. Long-term business growth requires an authentic innovation. However, it is not easy to detect what kind of innovation shall click and that will lead to platforms of development. And there are a lot of ideas to invest on and the time it takes for an invention to be innovated into a product requires patience. These big challenges mean managers usually send away truly innovative prospects as it is too risky, and the growth imperative stays unfulfilled. Nowadays, professionals concerned have developed proven ideas to improve the probability of success in innovation business growth and this is through business development strategy.

The innovators’ solution offers tips in making and sustaining growth in the globally competitive market. Disturbance is inevitable, but companies who can grasp the process can harness it and they can actually take advantage of disturbing growth. To take advantage of disruption and create new growth business, managers need to make counter-intuitive decisions. There are different identified areas in addressing business development strategy and some of them are:

According to research balancing not aligning is the key to create future platforms for growth. Strategic planning is also another helpful way as it combines elements of scenario based planning to real options and the result is a portfolio of flexible strategies provisioned to execute arrangement of contingent strategies.

Good and innovative ideas do not usually occur by chance and most successful companies have well designed processes, structures and tools to motivate and manage idea production. From ideas appear innovative strategies to be used in executing the plans. Ideas are effective plans and if they are already implemented, they can make a great difference. Ideas can be best achieved through group collaboration and team work.

Creating a new way for the business to grow is a way to unzip the process of innovation and it is through creating innovation-driven growth business all over again. Managers should be challenged in a way that they should best manage the capabilities of the company to deliver innovation. A best business development strategy will help identify the processes capable and incapable of accomplishing. That’s why a good plan is needed beforehand so all involved can look at and visualize all possibilities on how the business will go. In order to survive, learn how to apply these strategies at work.

Innovative Internet Marketing Solutions: 5 SEO Tricks to Rank Highly On Google

Within the last few decade the web and the incredible amount of online money making chances took the globe as we know it by surprise. You will discover individuals making 6 and even 7 figure earnings because of running their own online businesses.

The world wide web shows a serious possibility to profit if you are ready to work hard and wise. In addition, a lot of buyers now use Google as their number one resource for pre-purchase study and as a result ranking high on the search engines like Google is becoming a bigger factor than ever.

On this edition of my impressive online marketing remedies series I have to discuss along with you 5 tips that have helped me to rank my websites high on the search engines like google.

Content is king: In 1996 Bill Gates posted an article called “Content is King”. In this article Mr. Gates points out precisely how in the future decade the companies who have the best and the most content could be the ones to reign over the online markets.

I’ve come across sites which have amazing design, structure, or owners and they fail to capture the readers attention simply because they lack related good quality articles. While is true which online visitors browse the web to find products and services for their problems, they also love to find out more on how a selected services or products may help them.

Larger low quality traffic normally means much less sales: I know cases of web sites that have over 10,000 visitors per month and still rarely make any money. Why does this happen? As the traffic these types of internet sites are getting is what is called junk traffic or untargeted traffic.

What’s the point of owning a store in the heart of Time’s Square if your target audience never goes there? You’ll definitely get a lot of individuals walking by but your revenue can be really poor.

Review your competitors’ SEO campaigns: You need to remember to always maintain it ethical but business is business and to get an edge you need to understand your competitors’ marketing plans. The fact is that if your competitors are much better and convincing customers that their products and services are wonderful, you won’t get any business even if your merchandise is more preferable.

That is why I would recommend to always evaluate your competitors’ keywords and research their marketing plan. Every marketing plan has flaws and if you can locate those weaknesses in your competitors’ promotional efforts you may be able to have an edge.

Have desired goals and a plan to get to those targets: Goal setting is supremely essential for marketing success. Promoting your business without a clear list of goals is like soaring a plane without a destination. You must know exactly where you would like to go and how you will get there.

Each and every successful online marketer has defined his/her goals and then implemented a well thought marketing plan to allow them to achieve those goals. SEO is not a “one size fits all” solution and what works for other websites may not work for you.

Figure out how to find keywords that can be monetized: There are several keywords that generate higher conversion rates. Many of these keywords are long tail keywords, keywords which are specific to product types (or even names), and keywords that show that the consumer is comparing product.

Bear in mind, search engine optimization doesn’t occur overnight and to reach the first page of Google you need to be consistent, work hard, and above all work smart. I hope you liked my innovative internet marketing solutions series.

To your achievement,

Marcello Ducille

Professional Online Entrepreneur/Senior Forex Trader

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