7 Strategies for Sustained Innovation

The need for constant reinvention is a given in today’s business environment. And while a breakthrough product or concept can catapult an organization ahead of its competitors, in these fast-paced times, that advantage is often short-lived.

While major product or service breakthroughs make headlines, it’s the steady incremental innovations made by employees every day that give an organization the sustained growth it needs.

Sustained innovation comes from developing a collective sense of purpose; from unleashing the creativity of people throughout your organization and from teaching them how to recognize unconventional opportunities.

As innovative ideas surface, a clear sense of mission empowers front-line employees to act on new ideas that further your company’s purpose.

It Starts at the Top

Leaders create the psychological environment that fosters sustained innovation at all levels. The challenge is that as an organization grows, management structures and bureaucracies, designed to channel growth, tend to create barriers to small-scale enhancements.

While there are exceptions, in larger organizations employees tend to feel removed from the function of innovation and are less likely to take independent action or offer revolutionary ideas.

The commitment to establishing the right psychological conditions for innovation needs to start at the top. This means that, as a leader, you need to consider your own assumptions about innovation and their role in creating and changing your organization’s culture.

You need to appreciate the value of incremental as well as major innovations, understand the psychology of innovation and take the lead in promoting an innovative culture. Otherwise, it’s just not going to happen.

While your organization’s innovative capability depends on multiple factors, there are several steps you can take to create the psychological conditions that favor inventive thinking, regardless of your industry or the size of your organization.

Establish A Clear Sense of Direction

Changing cultures involves changing minds, and that takes time. But as with any initiative, a clear sense of the target helps to speed the journey.

Your organization’s mission helps to organize and direct the creativity of its people. What is the purpose of consistent innovation in your enterprise? Is it to add customer value to existing products and services…to speed delivery…to increase on-time arrivals?

Having a clearly articulated message allows everyone to focus on innovation where it can deliver the greatest value. Innovation, as Peter Drucker has defined it, means creating a new dimension of performance. A sense of mission clarifies the direction of performance and helps determine which new ideas to focus on.

Open Communication

Open communication between management and employees sets the stage for an atmosphere of trust. But if you want to establish a new, more trusting culture, you can’t expect employees to take the first step.

Company leadership initiates the process of open communication by sharing information with employees on a regular basis. This includes good news and bad.

Southwest Airlines policy of sharing information enabled the company to weather the sudden increase in fuel costs during the 1990-91 Gulf War. The company kept everyone informed as fuel prices soared. Southwest’s CEO Herb Kelleher sent a memo to pilots asking for their help. Through inventive thinking, the pilots found ways to rapidly drop fuel consumption without compromising safety or service.

Leaders of organizations that sustain innovation offer multiple opportunities for communication.

While not every company can offer an open-door policy for its senior executives, or even a chance for regular face-to-face contact, every organization can institute programs that enable front-line workers to feel heard. From CEO lunches with cross-sections of employees, to monthly division meetings between employees and the general manager, to open intranet forums for idea sharing and feedback, leaders can communicate their openness to hearing innovative ideas from those who are closest to the customer.

Reduce bureaucracy

While larger organizations are often considered less entrepreneurial and inventive than their smaller counterparts, it’s not the size of your company that inhibits innovation — it’s the systems. Bureaucracy slows down action and is a serious impediment to innovation.

Smaller organizations can often move faster on implementing innovative ideas because they have less bureaucracy. When Jack Welch was reengineering General Electric he said, “My goal is to get the small company’s soul and small company’s speed inside our big company.”

Faster implementation encourages further inventive thinking. Think for a minute. If you had an idea for an innovation, and it required 6 weeks to clear channels and another 3 weeks to get funding, would you have lost any impetus for further contribution?

Instill A Sense of Ownership

An ownership mentality creates a powerful incentive for inventive thinking. When an individual is clearly aware of how his or her interests are aligned with those of the company, he or she has a strong reason to “go the extra mile” to further the mission.

Stock ownership is a significant, if not essential, incentive for employees. However on its own, profit-sharing doesn’t guarantee your employees will think like owners.

When employees don’t see how their individual efforts affect company profitability, they tend to be passive and reactive. To encourage greater involvement, make sure each employee knows how his or her work affects company performance.

Southwest gave pilots the freedom to design and implement a plan to reduce fuel consumption because they were in the best position to determine what would be effective. Pilots pitched in enthusiastically because they understood the impact their actions had on the bottom-line and ultimately, on their own futures.

Make Sure Recognition and Rewards are Consistent

While financial rewards are often tied to innovations, rewarding only the individual or team responsible for the “big idea” or its implementation, sets up a subtle competitive atmosphere that discourages the smaller, less dramatic improvements.

Even team-based compensation can be counterproductive if teams are set up to compete with each other for rewards. These incentives discourage the cross functional collaboration so critical to maximal performance.

Companies that successfully foster an innovation culture design rewards that reinforce the culture they want to establish. If your organization values integrated solutions, you cannot compensate team leaders based on unit performance. If your company values development of new leaders, you cannot base rewards on short-term performance.

A Tolerance for Risk and Failure

Tolerating a certain degree of failure as a necessary part of growth is an important part of encouraging innovation. Innovation is a risk. Employees won’t take risks unless they understand goals clearly, have a clear but flexible framework in which to operate and understand that failures are recognized as simply steps in the learning process.

Toyota’s Production System transfers quality management and innovation authority to front-line plant workers. Workers are able to make adjustments in their work if they see an opportunity for improvement. If the innovation works, it’s incorporated into operations, if not, it’s chalked up to experience.

A major psychological benefit of Toyota’s method is the development of trust. Employees who trust their bosses are more likely to take intelligent risks that have potential benefit for the company.

Eliminate Projects and Processes that Don’t Work

As your organization innovates you need to practice what Peter Drucker calls “creative abandonment.” Projects and processes that no longer contribute should be abandoned to make room for new, progressive activities.

While no organization wants to squander financial resources on unprofitable activities, it is actually the irreplaceable resource of time and employee energy that is wasted if a company holds on to the old way of doing things.

Innovation requires optimism. It’s about an attitude of continually reaching for higher performance. You can’t expect employees to maintain an optimistic attitude if they feel compelled to continue in activities that are going nowhere.

© 2007 Dr. Robert Karlsberg & Dr. Jane Adler

Creativity & Entrepreneurship: The Creative Evolution of an Intellectual Property(c)

In each of us, there is a creative spark – a unique purpose and destiny for which we are born. Most of us have forgotten what that special gift is, or we are afraid to live it. My successful secret formula as outlined in my seminars, e-book and CD’s will help you unlock your creative potential and discover your purpose in life. Passion, right-action, hard work and a commitment to excellence will create the quantum leap you desire in your life today!

I have been involved in entrepreneurship, creative endeavors and public speaking for many, many years. First of all, I would like to say that I incorporate a unique blend of lessons and concepts that I have researched, studied, learned and experienced over the years to access my own creativity, to develop my ideas and launch my own intellectual properties and entrepreneurial ideas into successful business ventures.

In my seminars I incorporate ancient secret wisdom, creative lessons and exercises to open you up to the deeper parts of your mind, heart and soul, where creativity is born and nurtured. After that we get down to the business aspects which will include how to protect your intellectual property, strategic business planning, funding your idea/business, developing prototypes, marketing, advertising, promotions and sales, and others important steps to launch or expand your ideas and business–and some of the challenges you may face and pitfalls to avoid.

As most of you know, I have created a unique life for myself. I am an entrepreneur, executive producer, writer and motivational speaker. I have many, many interest. I am writing my autobiography: The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword, polishing up the first book of my mystery series: Prince D’Arcy de Montebello, writing another book on entrepreneurship and I do consulting and public speaking. I also love to teach. I would have to say that my top three passions are: creating, writing and helping others any way I can.

There is an imminent need for love, and light, and personal empowerment in the world today as never before. Many of you may also know I ran for the presidency in 2004 as a true-democrat and write-in candidate in the eleventh-hour to “right the wrongs of America!” So I know first hand about the need to bring about truth, peace, love and compassion in this very disturbing and violent world. And the key begins within each of us. That’s why I have decided to focus a lot of my energies on teaching others about creativity and how to put your creative ideas to work to make you money through entrepreneurial ventures. There is an huge need for this, especially now.

My philosophy is that if each of us are lifting our own light up, in our own way, through positive thinking, positive ideas and creative thinking then we can focus on building or growing or expanding our own businesses and entrepreneurial ventures. This is something each of us can do right now. We can choose to focus on the light within and bring it forth and share with others, instead of focusing on all the fear and negativity in the world…I call it “drowning in the illusion”. So you can chose, right now to either sink or swim! And that is where I come in. To help you swim, to help you soar, to help you fly!

We all know that Light is the first element of creation! So, let there be light! Light is the creative force, the life-giving force in the entire universe, and in each of us. Don’t you feel your heart lifting right now. I do. Every time I think about this, or hear this, or am reminded of this, my spirit soars! Isn’t that beautiful? So I hope your mind and heart are opening right now, because this is light! This is Truth! And from this truth, this pure light, comes creativity. That’s why I call my book and workshop: “The Creative Evolution of an Intellectual Property”, because it is an evolution, but it begins with light–a thought, a bright idea–a light bulb goes off!

I draw from my own real-life experiences and knowledge that I have acquired over my lifetime thus far. I have learned from the masters and many experts in a variety of important fields and industries. Many have helped me to achieve harmony, balance and creativity in my inner-personal life and others have guided me in business, legal, marketing, advertising, promotions and sales. But there is nothing like hands-on experience–trial and error–learning from your own successes and mistakes.

I encourage all of you to DREAM & THINK BIG! But take realistic steps to achieve your desired goals.

Join one of JJK’s dynamic tele-seminars–see website below.

“Creativity is coloring outside the lines, and entrepreneurship is living outside the box!” JJK

How to Create Wealth?

When you have born, you have nothing of that sort called wealth! You are born really very much bare! Similarly, when you go out of this world after your stay here, you take nothing with you! You are again very much bare! In between lies what is called life with full of necessities.

Born with silver spoon!

To meet the needs and wants of your life you should have sufficient resources called money and wealth. Some might have born with a silver spoon. They will have their fore father’s wealth just transmitted to them and always there at their disposal. Hereditary transmission of wealth and money to the youth could be the easiest way to create wealth. The next choice is getting wedded to a rich girl.

Bare foot shrewd entrepreneur:

But earning money for the livelihood and to create wealth for a family with out these starters is a difficult task for a bare footed entrepreneur. But a shrewd entrepreneur will make it possible and become successful to create wealth with certain assured principles.

To start with earning for a livelihood requires certain analysis about the entrepreneur.

Open Mind learns:

The entrepreneur should have an open mind to learn what is essential to start and establish a business needed by the people. He should have common sense towards invention and innovation to question his brain by bombardment so that it releases good ideas for the business. He must have well trained concentration in learning a skill and in execution process too.

He should either have a skill or master a skill matching the business need. He should be in a position to work and manage his people to work for production of the matching product or service.

Match skill more pointedly:

He should have a plan to do the business more pointedly to bring success initially. He must be in apposition to expand it further, to make it reach the people in more areas. He must be a specialist supplier of the unique service. He should plan for a multifold growth of the accepted service to the people.

Serve More Unit Quantities:

Let it be a chain of department stores, restaurants, fast food counters. The aim is to serve more people, more times, and then the volume will become huge to bring money and create wealth.

Division of labor-work sharing society:

He should divide the work and delegate the sub works to the desiring work sharing society. The target oriented approach towards ‘supply and demand’, will make things easier.

BPO and Quality control:

Business Process Outsourcing with quality management will help the entrepreneur to expand the business as desired. He can create wealth by converting the money earned so far in these businesses. He can reinvest or plough back or diverse in associated fields of his existing business.

Vision and Ambition:

The limit to create wealth lies with the vision, ambition and capability of the entrepreneur’s managerial groups. This depends mainly on the people outside and inside of the organization.

The entrepreneur who excels in performance and serves more people in a society will multiply his earning power to create wealth.

Perfect Time to Invest in Nepal

Business opportunity in Nepal has been underestimated for far too long. Entangled in political revolution for almost two decades, investment in Nepal was definitely a risky proposition. However, as political agenda has now rightly shifted towards economic growth, with a stable government in place, Nepal has become the perfect place to invest.

Achieving a GDP growth of 7.5% in 2017, the signs of a revitalized economy have already been felt. In recent years, there have been notable improvements from government in eliminating crippling power cuts and crafting investment friendly bills. The drastic increase in Foreign Direct Investment in Nepal is a clear sign that it is high time to capitalize in the economic boom that is here and now.

Hydropower, tourism and cement industries are thriving. The service sector and small to medium enterprises aren’t far behind to benefit from the rapid growth in business activity in the country which has been parallel to development in infrastructure. The entrepreneurial movement has taken pace and young entrepreneurs with big visions are emerging in Nepal whose contribution can be directly felt in every sector. With the very large potential and inexpensive labor, the return on investment in this unsaturated market would definitely be higher than investing in any saturated market.

WHY 2018?

Political Consensus

After two decades of political unrest, the Central Government formed with majority and committed to promote investment and economic activities

All political parties incorporating economic issues as major agenda

Stable province and energetic local government focused and dedicated to the improvement of livelihood of people.

Regional Presence

Nepal recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the framework agreement on China’s One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR)

Government of Nepal Committed to improve connectivity with both neighboring countries through road and railway

Being a Member of South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) and the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectorial Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) Free Trade Agreement, it savors a duty and tax-free experience

Ease of Doing Business

Nepal was ranked third after Bhutan and India among South Asian countries in the ‘Ease of Doing Business Report 2017’ by the World Bank.

Nepal has recently revised its law and regulation to make it more investment friendly and is in continuous improvement process.

100% ownership to Foreign Investors is allowed in most sectors.

Investments as per Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (BIPPA) signed with Finland, India, Germany, Mauritius, Qatar, United Kingdom, and France Mean a more friendly investment opportunity.

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement signed with Austria, China, India, Korea, Mauritius, Norway, Pakistan, Qatar, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Location and geographical convenience

Nepal is located between two of the world’s largest economies known for their highly accelerated economic growth: India and China

It has an access to the market of approximately 2.7 billion population.

Open border and a duty free trade with India and a duty free access to China for over 8000 products.

Capable Human Resources

Government initiation to improve technical skill and competence of work force required for rapid economic development

Out of 28 million population 61% are the working population.

Participation of women population is comparatively high among the South Asian countries.

The labor cost is low.

Where to Invest?

a. Hydroelectricity

Being the second richest country in hydroelectricity potential, Nepal has a huge future in this sector. Supported by its geographical inclination, Nepal has a large number of steep, eternal rivers; development of massive hydroelectricity projects is a possibility. Since Nepal is a developing nation with a crunch of funds, resources haven’t be used to their potential. Also, India, the southern neighbor will always have a demand for clean and cheap electricity due to which there is always a market for the hydropower projects in Nepal. With more than six thousand large and small perennial rivers flowing all over Nepal including three major rivers Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali, there is a huge business opportunity in hydropower in Nepal.

b. Transport

Nepal is a landlocked country with a topographical diversity making transport evidently difficult. Thus, the need of proper transportation facilities is acute. There is a need of different transports such as cable transport, railways, water transport etc. As a result of geographical diversity, there is a lack of roads all over the country, and even the roads in the urban areas are in bad condition and need expansion; therefore developing better roadways and investing in new road projects are a priority for the government making this a good venture to invest in. Availability of a huge mountain range benefits the cable transport projects. Also, Railways could have a huge potential of replacing other transport facilities in the southern plains. Existence of only one international airport is a major problem and therefore a major business opportunity. Transportation projects which have big budgets are the perfect sector to invest in Nepal.

c. Agriculture

Agriculture sector being the largest contributor in the GDP of the country is the factor that dominates the economy. Till the 1980s, most people were dependent on agriculture for earning a living, however lesser number of population is reliant on agriculture as their livelihood. Agriculture as business is still not seen as a profitable venture by a large segment of population.

Nepal is geographically and topographically fit for agriculture and with perfect climatic conditions. This is also a plus factor for growing and reaping rare medicinal herbs. New technologies contributing to agriculture is very rare, making the possibilities of introducing this is a huge investment opportunity in Nepal. Production of cash crops as a business idea could be a profitable business as commercial agricultural projects are still not big in Nepal.

d. Tourism

Bearing a diverse geographical condition, a very rich and divergent culture Nepal attracts a magnificent number of tourists making tourism a leading economy. Eight out of the ten world’s highest peaks and other various mountain ranges dwell in the country which shapes it as a hub for mountaineers, rock climbers, hikers and others who seek adventures. Nepal is the birthplace of Buddha and a home to a lot of Hindu and Buddhist shrines, attracting a huge mass of pilgrimages on a yearly basis. The temples and monuments dating back to history and having huge archeological importance, a lot of archeologist are also welcomed annually. The number of tourists entering Nepal is inclining at an exponential rate, with foreign tourists staying in the country for an average of 11.78 days. The unique flora and fauna is another reason for the possible growth of tourism. Every year a new attraction, new wilderness and new adventure unfolding in one of the remote areas of Nepal. The country has a whole lot of skilled porters and guides who could be hired in a very low wage. All these factors make tourism perhaps the best sector to invest in Nepal.

e. Infrastructure

Infrastructural development is one of the vital needs of Nepal. Due to the large earthquake in 2015, there were devastating losses in the major areas of Kathmandu valley and other areas, which called for a dire need of creation of earthquake proof infrastructures. Since the transportation facilities need a lot of improvement, this could be a sector to invest in as well. The Nepalese government has always been supportive of investors trying to work in the infrastructure sector.

f. Information Technology

IT field has dominated the world at this point and Nepal is no exception. Nepal has a mass of skilled IT graduates who could be hired in very cheap wages. As it is an upcoming interest in the Nepalese scenario, new talents and ideas could surely be explored. IT companies emerging as a new business venture; the competition is less if you decide to invest right now.

g. Mines and Minerals

Nepal lies in the central part of the Himalayan Belt, making it very rich in minerals. The Himalayan region consists of clusters of metallic and non-metallic minerals. Nepal is also known for exporting a range of beautiful decorative stones. Even with the presence of bulks of minerals scattered all around the Himalayan range, Nepal itself has not been able to extract these minerals. The existing mineral extraction businesses are less in number and are not very effective. Ample opportunities exist for the investors who could invest in cement factories, lime extraction, coal, magnetize, talc clay etc. So if anyone decides to invest in this sector, this could be a very profitable business endeavor in Nepal.

h. Health & Education

Health sector is in a very poor state in Nepal. It needs a lot of improvisation and improvement. Therefore, it would be very profitable for someone who is interested in investing in Nepal in this sector. Likewise the education sector is largely lagging. A lot of students go abroad each year for quality education. These should be good reasons to invest in Nepal.

I. Telecommunication

With the increment of population and growing business and technology, telecommunication is a pressing need. There are only a few telecommunication companies in Nepal, and therefore less competition. Geographical conditions being challenging in the country, even the existing networks have not reached the remote areas. This generates a massive opportunity for anyone wanting to conceive a profitable business in Nepal.

Nepal is moving towards a liberal foreign investment policy and is aiming to create an investment friendly environment to allure Foreign Investments in the nation. Foreign investment both as joint venture operations with Nepalese investors or as 100 percent foreign-owned enterprises are highly encouraged by the Nepalese government. With comparatively lower taxation and ease of doing business, Nepal is one of the ripest destinations to invest for both Nepalese and Foreign Investors.

Think Global Act Local: A Case Of McDonald’s Global Strategy

The impact of culture on international business, has led to the emphasis of the concept of glocalization. The following reasons, highlight the importance of adopting a strategy tailored to a particular culture in international business. This reasons are:

– International marketing scheme is affected by globalisation and cultural differences.

Cultural distinctiveness has affected strategies adopted in international management. A given strategy in a particular culture is unlikely to yield the same result in another cultural background or environment.

– An understanding of the difference between macro and micro environment has been of great help in strategies of international interventions.

– Cultural distinctiveness has a great impact on consumption of goods and services. A clear understanding of this, helps international organisations to properly analyse the market and suggest ways to properly meet consumers needs and demand.

A case study of the global strategy of McDonald’s reveals the concept of ” think global and act local” (glocalization).

McDonald’s was able to attract its French customers by introducing some local menus that suits the French taste bud. When McDonald’s first came into France, it faced lots of oppositions. The difference in food culture between the French and the Americans was very wide. The French preferred home made kind of food rather than fast food meals. Secondly the French were sentimental towards accepting the American life style. The Mistake McDonald’s made was that it positioned it self as an American fast food company, introducing American menus and way of life to the French. As a result, the French were not willing to accept its brand. Based on this, there was need for McDonald’s to restrategise. McDonald’s later discovered the importance of children in influencing family decision, and therefore, positioned itself as a family restaurant rather than a US brand restaurant. This strategy was powerful because it was the only brand at that time that recognised the family.

The moment McDonald’s started positioning itself as a place for the modern French family, it started to experience an increase in growth. This was the turning point for McDonald’s in France.

However, the success of McDonald’s was not completely smooth without hitches. In 1999, an irritated farmer named Jose Bove, began a protest against the insurgence of junk food. He took his tractor along with some other farmers and demolished the McDonald’s branch in his local area. This protest by Jose brought the attention of the French president who openly condemned the role of US within the global food industries.

The opposition by Jose led McDonald’s to adopt a transparency policy campaign with farmers to explain to them what it is doing to improve relations among them.

Secondly, McDonald’s started paying attention to local details. It discovered that the French do not have the habit of snacking. It had to adopt recipes which the French liked to its menu. It added French pastries and cakes to its menu, and this was a big boost to its sales. Also, it had to ensure that French franchise only prepare fries from a particular specie of French potato. This strategies adopted by McDonald’s made the French to accept its global brand because it had a local taste and feel.

Also, the global fast food McDonald’s, survived and grew in India by developing innovative menus to cater to Indian taste bud. When McDonald’s first came to India, it had strong oppositions from nationalist. Despite this opposition, it had a growth plan to double its turnover every three years in the next decade.

The managing director of McDonald’s in India, Vikram Bakshi, said that in order to survive in India, it had to change its strategy. Seventy percent of its product had to be developed to suit the Indian market. In India McDonald’s was very careful not to offer pork or beef based on the country’s sensitivity to these items.

McDonald’s faced a very big challenge on how to reach out to the Indian large vegetarian population, and still maintain its national brand. Hence, in 1999, it came up with a new brand of burger called the “McAloo Tikki Burger”. This burger has never been heard of any where in the world. Today, the McAloo tikki burger is the single highest selling product and one of the first product to be exported to the middle east.

McDonald’s archived its success in India and world wide because it used both global and local strategy in marketing its products. It had different designs for different countries depending on their culture, as in the case of India.

McDonald’s also takes into consideration the laws of the country they find themselves. For example, in Spain beer is sold in McDonald’s outlets, while in Great Britain it can’t because it will need a separate license to sell alcohol.

This case of McDonald’s shows that in order to succeed globally, intercultural differences should be taken into consideration in the strategy adopted by international organisations.

In conclusion, cultures affect the strategy adopted by international organisations. These cultures vary, therefore the strategy adopted in country A should be different from the strategy adopted in country B.

In addition, global brands has been able to evolve cultures to a certain degree, and cultures has in turn, affected the nature of global brands.

In line with this, people hold certain element of their culture in high esteem and are not willing to let go of it. However, they are willing to accept foreign influences only if it is able to portray certain aspect of their culture, making them have a local feel.

As a result, for international organisations to succeed globally, it is important to pay attention to local needs, while maintaining a global brand.

Therefore, as you deploy a market entry strategy into foreign markets, it is important to adopt the concept of “think global and act local”.

Top 5 Online Money Making Ideas

In today’s tough times, most are hard-pressed in making ends meet even if they’re currently employed with regular source of income. For some, a job is no longer an option and would rather venture into other money making ideas that can potentially replace their job income.

This article outlines the top 5 online money making ideas a lot of creative people use to earn extra (or full time) income that makes end meet or to actually put food on the table.

The internet has not only changed how we communicate and research for information but offered a lot of income opportunities to ones who are willing to grab it.

  1. Freelancing – One of the most common ways to make money aside from having a traditional job is to offer your services as a freelancer. If you’re an artist, you can position yourself as an artist for hire. Building an online portfolio is extremely pivotal to being an artist for hire. An illustrator needs to be able to show potential clients what they can offer them if they take them on as a client. Independent authors and web publishers are constantly looking for people to design book covers, websites, and logos for them. This is a great income source for someone who enjoys doing graphic design. My friend, does this quite successfully and by having his own website that attract organic traffic, he sets himself up above the many other freelance graphic artists around.Another popular way of making money as a freelancer is to become a freelance writer or editor. Self-publishing books has exploded in recent years. There are a lot of independent authors looking for editors who would like to have their work edited for a more affordable price than the norm in the publishing world. You can editing jobs or be a ghost writer to help the author craft the whole book if you know what you’re doing.

On the lower end of this scale, you can accept article writing gigs and help online publishers like niche website owners and bloggers continuously feed their sites with fresh quality content. The key here is quality content, to build ongoing relationships with your clients and build your reputation.

Freelance writing is a great money making idea because you can completely control how much work you take on. if you’re just getting started, websites like Odesk.com and Elance.com are great places to land your initial gigs. Pricing your service competitively will help you attract clients and build your reputation on these freelance job boards but if you’re considering to go this route on a long term basis, I suggest that you build your own website to build your reputation, attract more clients, and turn this into a real business that can potentially replace your day job.

There are a lot of services that you can offer as an online freelancer. If you’re a developer or a programmer, you’ll definitely make more money online by offering software development services.

  1. Become An Online Retailer – Ever bought something off Amazon and eBay? Most of these sellers are people just like you and me operating their own bookstores, gadget shops or computer retail stores off their homes. There are two ways you can start selling stuff as an online retailer.One is by buying stocks and keeping inventories to ship yourself or to become a dropshipper where you partner with a dropshipping supplier that will ship your inventories to your buyers from their warehouses. Option two takes a lot of work but it can be tricky when it comes to pricing, delivery and item quality as you don’t really get to see (or touch) your products before they are shipped to your customers.

The best way to get started with this money making idea is to start selling junk you can find inside your home (ladies, I’m not referring to your husbands!). The average person has a lot of things in their home that they never use. Items like old jewelry, unwatched DVDs and unused craft items are perfect. You can also buy things that are on bargain bins and sell them online for regular prices or get stuff from your local thrift stores or library sales.

The key is on being able to check the current prices of the items you’re looking to resell before you buy them to make sure you’re actually going to make a profit. This is where your smart phone will come handy, all you have to do is download price scanning/comparison apps like FOB Scan.

  1. Sell Fiverr Gigs – Yes, Fiverr gigs! It may not seem like much but Fiverr gigs are no longer limited to $5 per pop. You can offer your initial service or product on the standard $5 pricing but you can offer upgrades from $20 to $50 per pop. Some of the gigs you can offer are voice overs, small graphic jobs, short videos, SEO pushes, and other small and fast jobs that you can do for a few minutes of your time.
  1. Open Up A YouTube Channel – As mentioned in my previous article, YouTube users watch over 4 billion hours of video a month so there are always people willing to watch your videos. A person who plans to make money off of YouTube needs to decide on a niche or what they want to talk about in their videos. Do they want to teach a tutorial or give a commentary? If someone owns all of their material legally, than they’re eligible for the partner program.

With original ideas and constant promotions, an internet entrepreneur can set up shop on YouTube in a matter of minutes. Although it might take a lot of work, the payment after a while can be pretty big but just like any other content marketing businesses, 10 YouTube videos won’t make you a happy camper. It’s always a numbers game, think of it as having your own TV show where you’re the host, producer and channel owner. You can read this article for more on how to make money with YouTube.

  1. Create And Sell Your Own Products – A lot of online marketers found that they can make money faster with creating their own products than creating blogs or niche websites. This of course if beyond the realities of most beginning online marketers but if you have some time to spare, product creation isn’t really that difficult as you may think. Creating an infoproduct (eBook or membership site) on a subject that you know and love will reward you hundred times over. Come to think of it, if you have a product of your own, a lot of other affiliate marketers are willing to sell your products on their websites and email lists for a commission helping you reach a very wide audience that’s impossible for you to reach on your own.

There are a whole lot more money making ideas people use to make money online but these by far are the top ideas that you can put to work for you right away, specially the top 3. Building and publishing your own blog or website is the best way to build a business system that will build an awesome source of passive income in the near future but the top 3 ideas listed above will help you make money right away.

Offering freelance services on established freelance job boards helps you piggy back on their traffic being that they’re the “go to” places for people who are looking to outsource stuff they don’t like to do themselves.

Retailing on Amazon or eBay can also attract sales faster than if you’re going to build your own online store as they already have the traffic of shoppers whose mindset is to scout for products they want to buy online. It’s free to list products on Amazon and you only get charged when you actually sell something while eBay will charge you a few dime when you list a product for sale.

Fiverr on the other hand is the world’s “go to” place for small jobs people want outsourced. It may not be as promising as the first two money making ideas listed herein but they do pay for each gig you deliver.

What Is Web Hosting & Which Web Hosting Suits You the Best?

With the increasing trend of online shopping and e-businesses, it is not a surprise that the increase in the popularity of web hosting services is more than ever before. Even more interestingly, the rate at which small businesses are signing up for various kinds of web hosting services is breaking its own record every year. If you are new to online business, this might be a confusing thing to understand. This is why I felt the need to write this article where I can talk about what web hosting is and how you can benefit from its enormous features in order to promote your business and be successful.

First let’s discuss a little bit of history. We live in an era, where door-to-door marketing isn’t really possible in today’s ever-expanding societies and settings. With millions of households in even a small city, you can’t even think of successfully marketing your business unless you use online means. Hence, it doesn’t matter how great is the idea, product, or service that you are trying to sell, you can’t succeed without leveraging the power of internet and social media. You need to have an online presence where you can market your products and service and give them an exposure they deserve. This is where web-hosting services come into play.

There are quite a few services available in the market today to choose from. The question is: which one suits you best. Your business ideas and goals are most likely be different from other businesses and hence not any web hosting service can cater your needs and your demands. Therefore, you need to ask yourself a few questions before purchasing the subscription of any web hosting platform. The first question should be the storage space that is available at your disposal. You don’t want me to struggling in storing the high-quality photos and videos of your products. Hence you should choose a service that offers unlimited storage for your valuable content.

In terms of security of your intellectual property, you also need to ask how secure the service provider is and how long they are in business for. Don’t got for new-comers as they might disappoint you sooner rather than later. Always go with the names that are in business since a long time and hold a good reputation. Lastly, you should be questioning about the bandwidth that a particular service provider includes in your subscription. Bandwidth here is the amount of data your website visitors will be consuming by visiting your website. Once you run of allocated bandwidth, the visitors might face trouble accessing your website.

If you keep these key factors in your mind before buying a hosting service, you should be in good business.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing to India

With outsourcing to India gaining popularity in countries like the US and the UK, it is important to know its pros and cons before deciding on whether to use it. Starting with the back office operations in the early 1980s, the outsourcing process to India evolved in the new millennium. This became possible with the growth of software development and web designing projects outsourced to India. Finally, the rise of the BPO industry strengthened the concept and cemented the trust of global companies in the Indian outsourcing community.

However, there is a constant debate on the effectiveness of outsourcing work to India. The following looks at various aspects of the practice and the pros and cons of each.

Available Infrastructure

If one goes back to the 1990s, the Indian infrastructure available to the foreign companies outsourcing to India suffered from a number of flaws. Lack of telecommunications, for example, was one major drawback. However, things have changed drastically in the past 10-15 years. Telecommunications and other infrastructure have seen a lot of new investments. An exceptional change has been brought by the growth of IT infrastructure, which is now capable of catering to many more of the demands of outsourcers.

Still, there is a huge gap between the infrastructural facilities available in India and the countries like China. The ever-present corruption at all levels has been diluting the overall productivity one can expect from a country with world’s second highest population. Development of rural areas and small and medium sized enterprises is still an issue of concern.

Skills and Talent

The idea of outsourcing to India is supported by the availability of a huge pool of talent in fields like custom software development. Implementation of the modern technologies and conceptualization of innovative ideas can be expected from the talented workforce in some industrial sectors.

However, this advantage has not been extended to all the sectors where the country could have gained the best outsourcing advantages. It would be inappropriate to say that no other country in the world can match the talent and skills of what Indian workforces possess.

Difference in Working Style

Having a huge population with English speaking capabilities is an advantage for the country. There are more English speaking people in India than in any other Asian country. However, a problem lies in the issue of accent, which bears a regional influence.

Moreover, there is a huge difference in the culture of India and countries like the US and the UK. There are cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Noida and Hyderabad striving to adopt similar working cultures as those followed in the developed countries. However, a fully professional attitude cannot be expected from all regions boasting of outsourcing services. Employee attrition and the habit of getting spoon-fed for even the smallest of the issues are some cons that plague the outsourcing advantages.

Time Zone Difference

There are both advantages and disadvantages caused by time differences as far as Indian outsourcing is concerned. A company in the US, for example, provides work to an Indian outsourcing company when it is daytime in the US. Indians start working during night hours of the US. This forms a 24×7 working schedule that helps in the on-time delivery of work.

Cost Factor

Cost is considered as the most important of the factors that draw global companies to the practice of outsourcing to India. However, rival countries, including China and Taiwan, are making attempts to cut costs further. There are many countries in Europe that meet better quality expectations for the outsourced work and this can bring lower overall costs in the end.

Outsourcing to India is often regarded as a double-edge sword and there are personal opinions on whether outsourcing pros outweigh the cons or vice versa. Every company considering sourcing in India needs to look at the benefits as well as the risks.

The 6 C’s for a Successful Women Entrepreneur

Women Entrepreneurship is fast growing and is likely known that the number of women entrepreneurs will be much higher than the men entrepreneurs. Some women entrepreneurs possess few qualities that make them move towards success. These qualities are some that many successful women entrepreneurs possess and must be learned and possessed by those who strive to be successful in their entrepreneurship.

The 6 C’s- confidence, courage, conviction competence, communication,and conceptualization

1. Confidence:

“Confidence is one which is cultivated over time, by not being wrong, but by not fearing to be wrong.”

Confidence is one which is developed over a period of time, based on their previous experiences, achievements and learning. It is one which is to practiced and executed. Strong-minded women are more likely to be confident in their business. Doomed to failure are the women entrepreneurs who lack confidence. Being confident in your venture opens up new ways to make up your business to success.

2. Courage:

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney

The absence of fear does not imply courage but rather, accepting that something else is more important than fear, is what is courage.

The build up of confidence leads to development of courage. Being a brave women brings in fortune and it goes unsaid that “fortune favors the brave.” A courageous women breaks open the blocks and keeps moving ahead towards success.

3. Conviction:

There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance, and half the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake. – Orison Swett Marden

The venture that most women entrepreneurs undertake becomes a success with a strong conviction to be what they desire. It’s conviction that is more important than experience.

4. Competence:

Competence means to possess the skill and knowledge to do things successfully.

Competence is all about opportunity seeking, goal-setting, risk-taking, persuasion, networking, persistence and demanding for quality and efficiency.

5. Communication:

Effective communication is the key to success of any entrepreneurship.

It is the key for establishment, survival and growth of businesses. Good communication skill is one which is practiced over time and it is all about conveying the message clearly and correctly. Communication helps you as a women entrepreneur to move that extra mile and make things work for you.

6. Conceptualization:

“Conceptualization is the process of developing and clarifying new and existing concepts.”

Identifying unique ideas and acting upon it is what is most required for success as a women entrepreneur. Researching complex situations and moving out of it requires great conceptualization. Women entrepreneurs must be able to know the existing problems and obstacles and find out a new and better solution for it to be a great women entrepreneur.

Difference in Working Styles Between India, US and Europe

The working styles between India, US and Europe differ widely. Many Indian corporates and multinational companies are wooing Indians settled abroad in the US and Europe to return to India and work for them. With a multitude of highly paid jobs up for grabs for the experienced professionals, many Indian expatriates are thinking of returning home to take up these jobs.

These Indians in USA and Europe would be exposed to the American and European style of work culture, which is very different from the working style in India. With many multinationals setting up branches in India, they are trying their best to incorporate the western working style in their Indian offices too. Earlier in Indian companies and corporate set ups, constructive criticism, training programs for employees, motivational meetings, teleconferences; employee bonding etc were unheard of and were considered alien and set aside for the American working style.

With the advent of multinationals, the tremendous growth of the IT sector and its allied BPO and Outsourcing services sectors, the American working style is fast being implemented in many of the offices here. But alas these are confined only to the large corporates and multinationals. Smaller and mediocre firms are still following the Indian working style.

Time management does not rank high on the priority list of Indian working styles unlike their American and European counterparts who are sticklers for punctuality and time management. Americans value their time and are keen that the employees are punctual at work and this permeates into their working environment too. In India, if an employee is late he or she always has a good convincing reason. It is common place event to find business meeting rescheduled or rather delayed by an hour or two in Indian companies.

The working style in India requires employees to be dressed in semi formals unlike their western counterparts who are all dressed in formals like blazers and suits. Here the weather does not permit such dressing. In the Indian work environment, everyone addresses each other as Sir or Madam, but addressing bosses by their first name is fast catching up in India, which is so commonly found in USA and Europe where everyone addresses one another by their first names. Indians are inquisitive about others and so take a lot of interest in gossiping about others, some will even try to pry into others lives and offer unsolicited advice. Certainly, this is not found in the American work environment where everyone at the office will keep to their selves and do the work they are allotted diligently.

Those who have worked in companies and firms in the US and Europe will find coming back to work in Indian companies and Indian working conditions really different from what they were previously used to. It will present a challenging task to those Indians in USA [http://www.imrti.com/] who are seeking job opportunities in Indian companies whether they are corporate business houses or multinationals.

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