Online News – Pros and Cons

The newspapers were hardly getting used to the news being telecast on the television, when all of a sudden the advent of the internet brought a crucial blow to the newspaper industry. Most of the newspapers have not been able to withstand the onslaught of the internet and have been forced into closure. Let us first see the basic difference between the newspapers and e-news.

Pros of the online news

The advantages of online news are mainly for the readers. Some of these advantages are as follows.

The e-news is much faster than the newspapers. The moment something happens in any part of the world it gets published on the internet within seconds. In case of newspapers there is a specific time limit for any news to be reported in any particular newspaper. Suppose the newspaper goes for printing at midnight, anything that happens after midnight is going to most probably get published the next day. In these sorts of situation the newspaper offers stale news to the readers who have already accessed the online news.

Any newspaper get published once, twice or maximum thrice a day. On the other hand e-news usually gets updated several times in 24 hours.

If one has accesses to the internet, one does not have to wait for the delivery man to deliver the newspaper.

E-news is considered to save paper and help at conservation of nature.

Cons of the online news

The online news has some disadvantages but those are mainly for the newspaper publishers. The rates of subscriptions and advertisements are greatly reduced in case of online news. This implies that as the number of readers of online news increases the revenue generation of the newspaper publisher is falling drastically.

Ways for the newspapers to survive

There are only a few ways that the newspapers can resort to for surviving the blow of the e-news. Some of the newspapers charge subscription to the readers that like to read more than what is offered for free. There is just a link for “more” which can be activated and operational after paying some subscription charges. If you do not pay the subscription the “more” link cannot be activated.

Most of the newspaper publishers have realized that if they want the newspaper to survive they have to publish the newspaper in print as well as online on the internet.

The iPad from Apple has brought some hope for the newspapers. There are applications that allow the iPad user to access the internet and the newspapers too.

Nowadays it becomes necessary for the newspaper to make a unique offering to its readers.

The other way for the newspaper publishers to survive is through blogging. There are chances that levying subscription can reduce the revenue generated but at the same it is also seen that unique blogs can bring a lot of business to the newspaper publisher.

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Pros and Cons of the Green Investment Bank

The Green Investment Bank has been formed in order to fund renewable energy and low-carbon projects. The bank will raise equity for green investing in wind turbine farms, smart grids and other such renewable energy projects. The GIB is focusing on green technologies which are set to provide an increasing number of jobs and related businesses in the UK. The UK is behind its international rivals, and must take action fast. Could green investment banking be the answer to the UK’s needs?

Pro – The green technologies and services market is worth more than $3 trillion per annum. Currently the UK has only around a 5% share of this market. Germany and France have double the market share of the UK. Brazil has created half a million new jobs in green ethanol promotion, and nearly quarter of a million work in Germany in the green investing sector. Green investment banking will help the UK economy recover, and help the UK to move towards a low carbon economy, and meet its responsibilities to the Kyoto treaty.

Pro – Ultimately, if funded properly from the beginning, the GIB will pay for itself many times over. It is an amazing opportunity to raise the funds for projects that are desperately needed in order to tackle climate change.

Pro – There are way too many sources of green funding from the government, which do not coordinate between each other, such as the Carbon Trust, the Energy Technologies Institute and many more. The Green Investment Bank will solve this by consolidating projects and public funds.

Con – There are many unresolved issues with the Green Investment Bank, such as where the funding will come from. The government was going to give 1 billion pounds, with the private sector matching this, but this is now in doubt. Perhaps it will be funded by green bonds and ISAs, and by adding a tax to energy bills. This funding and structuring problem needs to be solved before the bank can function properly.

Con – Until the ideas for the GIB are brought into fruition, investors are not making any moves, but rather just waiting to see how things will work out. The bank has not been clear in what its exact objectives are. It could even become just one more public fund with capital that is under-deployed. The business model of the Green Investment Bank as it stands means that it will unlikely be able to deliver large-scale investments. The bank really needs to align itself with other providers of financial services, and then it will be able to give assistance to high-risk, high-gain green projects that are so far not proven.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing to India

With outsourcing to India gaining popularity in countries like the US and the UK, it is important to know its pros and cons before deciding on whether to use it. Starting with the back office operations in the early 1980s, the outsourcing process to India evolved in the new millennium. This became possible with the growth of software development and web designing projects outsourced to India. Finally, the rise of the BPO industry strengthened the concept and cemented the trust of global companies in the Indian outsourcing community.

However, there is a constant debate on the effectiveness of outsourcing work to India. The following looks at various aspects of the practice and the pros and cons of each.

Available Infrastructure

If one goes back to the 1990s, the Indian infrastructure available to the foreign companies outsourcing to India suffered from a number of flaws. Lack of telecommunications, for example, was one major drawback. However, things have changed drastically in the past 10-15 years. Telecommunications and other infrastructure have seen a lot of new investments. An exceptional change has been brought by the growth of IT infrastructure, which is now capable of catering to many more of the demands of outsourcers.

Still, there is a huge gap between the infrastructural facilities available in India and the countries like China. The ever-present corruption at all levels has been diluting the overall productivity one can expect from a country with world’s second highest population. Development of rural areas and small and medium sized enterprises is still an issue of concern.

Skills and Talent

The idea of outsourcing to India is supported by the availability of a huge pool of talent in fields like custom software development. Implementation of the modern technologies and conceptualization of innovative ideas can be expected from the talented workforce in some industrial sectors.

However, this advantage has not been extended to all the sectors where the country could have gained the best outsourcing advantages. It would be inappropriate to say that no other country in the world can match the talent and skills of what Indian workforces possess.

Difference in Working Style

Having a huge population with English speaking capabilities is an advantage for the country. There are more English speaking people in India than in any other Asian country. However, a problem lies in the issue of accent, which bears a regional influence.

Moreover, there is a huge difference in the culture of India and countries like the US and the UK. There are cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Noida and Hyderabad striving to adopt similar working cultures as those followed in the developed countries. However, a fully professional attitude cannot be expected from all regions boasting of outsourcing services. Employee attrition and the habit of getting spoon-fed for even the smallest of the issues are some cons that plague the outsourcing advantages.

Time Zone Difference

There are both advantages and disadvantages caused by time differences as far as Indian outsourcing is concerned. A company in the US, for example, provides work to an Indian outsourcing company when it is daytime in the US. Indians start working during night hours of the US. This forms a 24×7 working schedule that helps in the on-time delivery of work.

Cost Factor

Cost is considered as the most important of the factors that draw global companies to the practice of outsourcing to India. However, rival countries, including China and Taiwan, are making attempts to cut costs further. There are many countries in Europe that meet better quality expectations for the outsourced work and this can bring lower overall costs in the end.

Outsourcing to India is often regarded as a double-edge sword and there are personal opinions on whether outsourcing pros outweigh the cons or vice versa. Every company considering sourcing in India needs to look at the benefits as well as the risks.

Best Business Loan Options Guide: Learn About Several Funding Options for Businesses and Pros & Cons

Considering that there are so many funding options for businesses – including start-ups – these days, you really don’t have to settle with trying to get a bank loan in the traditional way. However, since every business is unique, the best business loan options for you might not be the same as those for your competitors or other businesses in your industry. It depends on your needs, goals, size of business, specific requirements, what kind of business you’re running, credit rating, location, your risk level, and so forth.

One type of financial option to look into is a term loan. This is a common form of financing with which you get a lump sum of money upfront, which you will be required to pay back with interest over a predetermined period. You don’t have to apply through a traditional bank, as there are plenty of small to medium sized online lenders in the 21st century. A great thing about this option is that if you qualify, you’ll get the cash upfront to invest in your business. The downside is you will likely have to put up collateral, and if you are a new business and lack a good credit rating, the interest rate will likely be higher.

SBA loans have always been popular with smaller companies, as they offer some of the lowest rates and long repayment terms. The repayment period depends on how exactly you plan to use the money. If it’s for real estate purchases, you’ll have a longer period of time to pay the loan back. If you need money as soon as possible, then you probably won’t consider SBA to be the best business loan options, since the application process can be long and rigorous and there is no guarantee your application will even be approved.

Don’t forget about lines of credit for business purposes. A business credit card can come with some great rewards as long as you make payments on time. They are usually unsecured as well so you won’t have to put collateral up. Of course, you’ll need to already have a good credit score in order to qualify for good terms. Otherwise, you might end up with additional costs such as draw fees and maintenance fees.

What Are the Best Business Loan Options to Consider

A few other business funding options to consider include:

• Angel investors

• Crowd-funding

• Factoring

• Purchase order funding

• Equipment loans

• Venture capital

Take the time to research everything and consider which options you’ll want to try. Make sure you have all of your financial statements and documents organize and ready to go, as well as a detailed business plan showing what you plan to do with the funds you receive.

You’ll find some of the best business loan options for just about any type of business in all industries with US Business Funding. This organization has helped thousands of businesses nationwide get the funding they need in a fast amount of time.

Microsoft Lync – The Pros And Cons For Business Explained

Deploying a solid BYOD strategy is turning into an ever increasing pressing challenge for businesses.

Employees currently expect to be ready to use their own device for work, no matter whether or not it has been sanctioned by their IT department or not. In fact, a third of Smartphone owners utilise their device at work right behind their IT department’s back.

Part of the explanation behind staff preferring to use their own devices at work is that they feel more productive sourcing their own apps. As an example, the favoured VoIP app, Skype, is the 5thmost downloaded free app globally on Google Play. however may investing in enterprise-wide universal communications (UC) apps enable staff even larger productivity gains whereas keeping information safer and more secure?

Enter Microsoft Lync

Microsoft retired their office Communications Server (OCS) software system with the launch of Lync in December 2010. This software system amalgamates individual tools like video conferencing and instant messaging into one server-side platform, creating a simple to install and manage BYOD solution as well as being cheaper in many circumstances.

Benefits of Microsoft Lync

Lync provides some key advantages over OCS, specifically:

– Seamless integration of software -Switching between the use of instant messaging or document sharing and VoIP has never been this smooth

and seamless.

– Better bandwidth management -With OCS an infinite quantity of users can be active on your network at an equivalent time, using up bandwidth and deteriorating quality. Lync permits network managers to allot bandwidth, limit users and even split audio and video streams across each WAN and internet at the same time, limiting the impact on bandwidth.

– Cheaper than different solutions -Although the complete Lync package prices are $245 per user, this can still be still cheaper than its major rivals.

– Enables workplace communication on the move -In terms of BYOD, Lync provides the perfect answer for businesses who would love a lot of management over their app portfolio whereas still permitting staff to work flexibly on their own devices.

Drawbacks of Microsoft Lync

Despite the key advantages of Lync, it still suffers from some drawbacks:

Higher bandwidth use overall -You might have higher management of bandwidth allocation, however thanks to the upper technical needs of Lync it will eat up a lot of bandwidth overall.

Encouraging adoption -By now several of your staff are going to be accustomed to operating with applications like Skype to fulfil their communication desires. Encouraging them to ditch what they have already installed on their device in favour of MS Lync can be tough, though with enough preparation and consultation it ought to be simple enough.

Guaranteeing productivity gains -Lync is supposed to increase productivity by providing staff with a universal communications platform, even once they are on the move. However this level of communication can be distracting instead of helpful, particularly once staff feel they have to see all communications on the move.

Microsoft Lync is, of course, just one answer to universal communication needs, and one part of a gigantic BYOD puzzle. If you are curious about enabling BYOD for your business, several companies firms exist within the market to assist you on your way.

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