The Road to Success in Home Business: Passion, Commitment, Self-Discipline, and a Good Plan

Starting a home business is an adventure, full of exciting twists and turns – and challenging detours, too. It can take you to places you never dreamed. It can make your dreams come true. Running your own home business can teach you things about yourself you may never learn while working for others – how creative and resourceful you are, how much you would like to make a difference in the world. If you do the research and take time to learn the essentials, a home business can enrich your life in many wonderful and sometimes surprising ways. All it takes is a marketable product or service, boundless enthusiasm, enduring commitment, and a good solid plan of action. It also helps to have a big vision for your small home-based business. And let’s not forget self-discipline – one of the most common reasons a home business fails is a lack of self-discipline. It’s not easy operating a demanding business steps away from the hub of family activity and countless distractions.

Home Business Ideas: Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Preeminent business philosopher, Peter F. Drucker wrote, “Entrepreneurs innovate. Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. It is the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth. Innovation, indeed, creates a resource. There is no such thing as a “resource” until man finds a use for something in nature and thus endows it with economic value.” At another point in the narrative about innovation Mr. Drucker states that “There is no greater resource in an economy than purchasing power. But purchasing power is the creation of the innovating entrepreneur.” Focus your vision on opportunity. Check out the demographics and come up with something new – social or technical – or re-invent something old. It’s all about innovation, a new take on a traditional service, a brand new product that makes life easier, a specialty service that appeals to a small but growing niche market.

The number of home-based businesses is growing by leaps and bounds every year. The entrepreneurial spirit runs deep, just look to the phenomenal success of eBay. Many people derive great personal satisfaction from working at home. After all home is our sanctuary, we feel safe in our homes and free to be ourselves. We are more creative when we are comfortable. The Internet and computers have made it possible for us to build wealth sitting at home in our pajamas or dressed to the nines, it’s our choice when we work from home. Whether we work from a fancy fully equipped home office or a cubbyhole in the kitchen pantry, a home business can be anything we want it to be. And like traditional business, there is no magic ‘get rich quick’ scheme. There is only dedication. Perseverance and persistence are key requirements on the road to success. The winning results are always worth the extra effort you put into your home business.

There are hundreds of great ideas for home businesses. Brainstorm your idea with friends and associates, people whose advice you respect. Utilize your existing talents and skills and acquire the education you need to be expert. If you love cooking take gourmet cooking courses -perhaps there’s a market for home delivery of gourmet food in your area. Learn about your competition, can you compete with them on the same level, or carve out your own specialized niche in the catering business. Love animals and have a country property with acreage? Dog parks and doggy camps, dog and cat daycare, and overnight pet boarding is a booming business. Are you fit and like working out? If you have the space and either already have or can invest in some exercise equipment, open an exclusive home gym. Become a Personal Trainer. Bookkeeping, Freelance Writer, Seamstress, Internet Marketer, the list of home business ideas is almost endless. A home business should ideally be built around a product or service you know well. You will be successful if you expect success, and know your product or service inside out. Believe there is a need for your product or service, and believe in yourself.

Marketing: How to Win Customers and Keep Them Coming Back

Dr. Michael LeBoeuf, author of numerous books, including ‘How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life’ and ‘Working Smart’ wrote, “There is absolutely no substitute for an honest, unshakeable, enthusiastic belief that the products and services you offer are the best available anywhere. Couple that with a sincere passion for helping people and you have an unbeatable combination for creating and keeping customers. People are persuaded more by attitude than logic for two basic reasons that you should always keep in mind as you deal with customers or with people in general, people are ruled by their emotions and emotions are contagious. In the final analysis, persuasion (winning customers) isn’t converting people to your way of thinking. It’s converting people to your way of feeling and believing.”

It’s not enough to be excited about your business. Knowing how to generate enthusiasm in others for your product or service is the key component to being successful in any business. You have to find a market. That means developing an effective marketing strategy. There is a wealth of free information readily available on the Internet and in the library. Marketing geniuses like Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, and other popular ‘gurus’ have websites rich with wisdom and inspiration. Seek out books, magazines, and attend seminars about marketing. It’s amazing how many sources of expert guidance you will find – all brimful of how-to information from people who have traveled the same road and established successful home-based businesses. Talk to business people in your community – whether they are home-based, a retail store, real estate professional, or other small business, their feedback will be invaluable to you. Effective marketing is prerequisite to selling everything, including your credibility. Making the commitment to educate yourself is essential to your long-term success. Learning from the experts gives you a good head start, and helps you avoid some of the inevitable potholes you’ll encounter along the way.

Recommended Reading

For timeless business advice these step-by-step how-to guides, time management, and motivational tools, are excellent resources. Here’s to your success!

  • The Perfect Business by Dr. Michael LeBoeuf
  • The Millionaire in You by Dr. Michael LeBoeuf
  • How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life by Dr. Michael LeBoeuf
  • Working Smart by Dr. Michael LeBoeuf
  • Making Time Work for You by Harold L. Taylor
  • Homemade Business “A Woman’s Step-By-Step Guide to Earning Money at Home” by Donna Partow
  • The Ultimate No B.S., No Holds Arred, Kick Butt, Take No Prisoners, and Make Tons of Money Business Success Book by Dan Kennedy
  • Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  • Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill with W. Clement Stone
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter F. Drucker
  • The Psychology of Winning by Denis Waitley
  • Top 10 Tips to Align Your Authentic Business With Your Passion And Purpose

    This week’s article is about how to align your authentic business with your passion and purpose. The truth is one of the biggest questions most enlightened entrepreneurs (Coaches, Authors, Speakers, Trainers, Leaders, and Experts) what I love to call, Enlightened C.A.S.T.L.E., have is whether or not their business fully expresses their true passion and unique purpose. For example, they often wonder: “Is this the work I was born to do?” Or “Is this REALLY what I’m here to be doing?” Or even “Is this business what I was meant to create?”

    From my own experience, when you create a thriving business around your authenticity, passion and purpose, you not only do what you love and you love what you do, you also make a GREATER positive impact and income – all while transforming your life and the lives of those you touch. You also feel like your mind is ENLIGHTENED, your heart is EMPOWERED and your soul is INSPIRED to fulfill what you are DIVINELY destined to fulfill and then become who dream of being – the best version of your authentic self. (That’s exactly the way I feel now!)

    So how do you do that and experience the same enlightening feelings? In this week’s article I want to share with you my top 10 tips to align your authentic business with your passion and purpose so you too can experience both spiritual fulfillment and financial success in your business.

    Top 10 Tips to Align Your Authentic Business With Your Passion and Purpose

    1. Apply the Law of G.A.D.I. (Go And Do It!) – without struggle, INSTEAD with integrity, grace and ease.

    When you GO AND DO IT with integrity, grace and ease, you know you are authentically aligning your passion and purpose with your business because your creativity, focus and productivity flow. Magnificent material, what I call “divine downloads,” literally pours out of you. And your commitment to making quicker decisions, asking better questions and taking inspired, authentic action (what feels true, genuine to you!) doesn’t feel like a challenge any more.

    2. Attract Your Authentic Audience – ideal clients who want to hire you to help them succeed in what you are thriving.

    When you attract your authentic audience – your ideal clients – look at you as their role model, trusted authority, and you become a positive example for your community because you are someone special for them (like an inspired leader) and they want to hire you to teach them exactly the same steps you went through to thrive and certainly create your results too.

    3. Make Money Doing What You Love – even though you are not always focused on it.

    Now I’m a BIG believer in focusing on merging money and meaning, turning your passion into profits and prosper from your purpose because that’s how you turn your inner wisdom into your outer wealth and develop a healthy relationship with money. So, the more your head, heart, hands and hope (thoughts, emotions, behaviours and beliefs) are in holistic harmony with transforming your passion and purpose into prosperity and profitability, the less you feel frustrated, struggle or worry about money.

    Basically, the doors of opportunities and windows of possibilities start opening up to more and more people wanting to collaborate, contribute and promote your work. That alone generates either more potential clients or more cash flow in your authentic business. The transformational truth here is the more you align your passion and purpose with your authentic business, the more money-magnet you become.

    4. Let Your Mind Be Enlightened, Your Heart Be Empowered and Your Soul Be Inspired with BEST Practices, PROVEN Models and VALUABLE Resources. (What you feel is true, right and authentic to you!)

    This is a BIG blessing, but it could be a curse too. In fact, I often drive myself and my husband (also my business partner!) crazy because I wake up every morning feeling enlightened, empowered and inspired to implement all these “Success Secrets, Spiritual Principles and Universal Laws” which make me feel so excited, passionate and purposeful.” That’s true (no kidding here).

    When you know, feel and trust what you are doing is aligned with your passion-and-purpose-based business, you feel ALIVE, CENTERED and CONNECTED. Therefore, you continue to see more and more practical ways to grow and expand your BIG vision, BIG mission and BIG message. It’s like you become an idea factory that is constantly producing new insights to align, expand and succeed. To a certain degree, you can’t and you don’t want to turn it off.

    5. Turn Your F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) Into FAITH – be comfortable with the “uncomfortable” feelings that arise as you move forward.

    Turn your FEAR into FAITH, and make it more important for you to move through your obstacles, challenges and concerns quickly than it is to dwell on them, complain about them, or wish they were easier. You must simply deal with that specific situation AND trust the Universe, Source, the Divine, Energy, God, Mother Nature, whatever you may call your FAITH is (use your intuition, gut feeling here!) and know that you are being DIVINELY guided and that all those uncomfortable feelings (False Evidence Appearing Real) would slow you down or keep you stuck.

    6. Hone In Your Skills, Talents and Natural abilities – and get better and better until you master your craft.

    The transformational truth is that there is no overnight success. Nobody ever uncover their “God-given” gifts, passion and purpose overnight. So be sure to take your time to discover your authentic voice, true passion and unique purpose and continue making progress until you master your craft so your authentic business fully expresses who you TRULY are. For example, whenever you get a glimpse, hone it and then you keep going, keep practicing, and keep showing up. Over time, little by little, slowly but steady, you notice yourself becoming the best next version of your authentic you. It’s PROGRESS, not perfection that really counts as evidence to you and to others.

    7. Become Healthier and More Vibrant – and know that your energy will help you be a better leader and more powerful creator.

    Eat healthier, take long, deep breaths, sleep better, exercise more (at least move your body often) and most important, live life like you mean it. It all contributes to a more ENLIGHTENED way of being, doing and having. Everything counts. So don’t waste your time, effort or energy. On the opposite, make it a TOP priority to keep your mind, body, and energy levels at their highest state. Because the reason why you are here in this world (your BIG vision, BIG mission, BIG message) is too much important to do anything but show up at your best, fullest potential.

    8. Feel GRATITUDE and Be PROUD of What You Create – You Deserve It.

    You definitely align your authentic business with your passion and purpose when you feel grateful and are proud of the positive impact you are creating in the world. Because when you do so, you create A LOT of new, different, FRESH ideas. So know you do deserve it and be unafraid to experiment, test and try out new things. And whether it does work or not, feel grateful for the INSPIRATION and be PROUD of what you create.

    9. Believe In The BIG Ripple Effect – transform yourself, transform others and trust that other people are positively impacted by the people you transformed with your work.

    In other words, trust the process, transform and thrive, all while helping others on the way. When you do so, you create a community (your transformational tribe) where people become your SUPER students, BEST buyers and RAVING fans (they “LIKE” you on Facebook, follow you on Twitter, Circle you on Google +, subscribe to your YouTube channel, refer your services to others, share your work, and more!). A BIG ripple effect happens each time people stop by to tell you what a difference you’ve made in their lives and in the lives of their loved ones or the people they touch. And above and beyond all that, you know that what you’re doing is not only aligned with your AUTHENTICITY, PASSION and PURPOSE, but also providing an incredibly valuable contribution to the world.

    10. Last but definitely not least, Awaken To Your True Power – Let Your Inner Guidance – Higher Power (that SOUL CALLING that’s telling you to keep going not matter what) – Shine Through Your Authentic Business.

    As I’ve mentioned before, aligning your authentic business with your passion and purpose, in other words, answering your deeper calling by creating a thriving business you love is not something that happens overnight. In fact, I’ve been working on it since I had my deepest wake-up call and started my own “soul searching” journey in 2008, because it isn’t really “a thing” but more like an ENLIGHTENED EXPERIENCE that happens where you can feel it mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and energetically.

    Your Authentic Business Success In Action

    Start sharing your passion (whatever it is you LOVE to share), living your purpose (whatever it is you feel INSPIRED to be) and creating a thriving business doing your “labor of love” – the work you were born to do. Above all, listen to your authentic voice (your intuition, gut feeling!) and transform it into something special for you, for your life, for your ideal clients, for the world.

    Your outer world may not yet reflect the magnificence of your inner vision, but that doesn’t mean it’s not right. It takes time to align your authentic business with your passion and purpose. So, keep on listening to your inner wisdom, inner guidance, inner compass above all else to tell you if you’re moving in the right direction. I’ll say it again: align your authentic business with your passion and purpose is more of an enlightened experience than an outcome. (It’s the JOYful JOURNEY, not the destination that really matters!)

    I hope you enjoyed this week’s article and had several “AHA” moments and breakthroughs that will help you become more aware of all this ENLIGHTENED energy. May it empower you to keep moving in the right direction. And please share this article with your friends or other people you feel like can appreciate the value of it – let’s help more people share their PASSION, live their PURPOSE and create a THRIVING business doing what they LOVE!

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