Build a Successful Marketing Plan – 15 Key Business Success Factors

Every marketing plan needs to include an industry analysis. Why? Because it is of critical importance to understand the industry you operate in, and to identify and track your performance to key business success factors (KSFs) for your organization.

Understanding your industry and identifying your KSFs will help in building a successful marketing plan; one that is based on measurable progress and results. A key success factor is an element of a whole that affects your business’ ability to do well in your market.

Most businesses focus on between three and five of the most important (to their business) success factors. From time to time, or year to year, these key success factors may change, as the industry or the market changes.

15 Examples of Key Business Success Factors (and this is not a comprehensive list) are:

  1. Number of new customers per year;
  2. Number of lost customers per year OR the number of customers retained (it is important to understand and measure the potential customer lifetime value for each customer on a regular basis);
  3. Hire and retain excellent employees (measured by employee turn-over, job vacancies, customer satisfaction);
  4. Successful new product introductions (measured by sales and costs);
  5. Successful promotional programs (measured by sales and costs);
  6. Good/healthy financial indicators: for example, working capital, acceptable ratios (in particular debt to equity ratios), profit margins, cash flow, receivables and more;
  7. If in the manufacturing industry, high operating capacity utilization;
  8. Strong supplier network;
  9. Strong distribution network or channel;
  10. Successful product positioning;
  11. Low cost structure;
  12. Niche product/service – track the number of competitors entering and/or leaving the niche. Is the cost of entry into the market high or low?
  13. Market leader or follower or challenger, and is your relative market position and why? Are you able to support that position if under ‘attack’?
  14. Product differentiation: Do you have technology or service advantages that others can’t easily copy? How unique and differentiated is your product or service?
  15. Time to market: is your product or service able to be delivered quickly and easily; from the first point of contact to the time shipped and subsequently invoiced?

Once you have identified your specific KSFs, build strategies around those factors and integrate those strategies into your marketing and business plans to ensure business success. Develop measurement programs to help you track your progress against your success factors. You also need to assess your competition and see if your competitors’ key success factors are similar or different than yours (depending on your strengths and weaknesses and your marketing and business strategies, they might be very different). One way of comparing and assessing is to do a competitive strength analysis; find out what your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses are and build your competitive strategy accordingly. (A sample swot analysis can show you how to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that your business faces.)

For example, if retaining your existing customers is a key success factor, your business objective must be to grow sales with your existing customers. How do you do that? First, do a customer satisfaction survey to assess how satisfied your existing customers are (or aren’t). Then determine what needs to be changed and what you need to focus on. Make sure that you understand how your customers chose between competitors: is it price, service, quality, knowledge, reliability, relationships, or all of these factors? What product or service attributes are most important to your customers? What is the unique difference between your product or service and your competition’s product or service (from your customer’s perspective)?

Once you have identified your key success factors; built measurement devices to track them; assessed and compared your competitors’ KSFs – and the industry’s; built your strategies and objectives into your marketing and business plans(phew!); you need to act! Build your business on these key success factors.

Mind Mapping and Information Gathering For Successful Drafting Of a Business Plan

Information Gathering Prior To Drafting the Business Plan – The planning phase.

Business or hobby?

A question begging an honest answer is, “Is it a business you want to start or is it a hobby?” This is a vitally important question because these are two very different enterprises or entities. To start and run a business takes a lot of extensive, in depth analytical thinking, legal steps need to be taken, and a lot of planning and budgeting needs to be done. One can’t stress this enough.

Entrepreneurial skills

Entrepreneurial skills are naturally inbred in very few people. The Indians and Chinese seem to have it as a natural trait. Many people think that because they’re starting a trading business, that it should just succeed because they are buying at a low cost and selling at a higher price. So, therefore then, a profit should be shown and all should be in order. Not true in many cases, many hidden costs are not taken account of. Hidden costs exist such as telephone, petrol/transport, stall or rental, packaging, owner’s salary, and so forth.

Many times the business owner uses the money, which should be in reserve for purchasing more stock, for his personal use and then he wonders how all the money or profit has “disappeared”. Now he would need to raise more money somehow to purchase his next batch of stock and/or raw materials. Such a business owner is actually getting poorer each day and he is hardly aware of it.

If one approaches only one’s friends and family with a business idea, and none of them have the necessary knowledge to advise one, the rot will begin to set in. Wrong or ill-informed advice is not what you need.

Drafting a complete and accurate business plan is a very important step that anyone can take who wants to start any new business, or expand an existing business. The business plan covers all the important steps, decisions, reports and forecasts needed to assess the likelihood of success or failure in the new venture. At least one then has a foundation from which to work. It can always be used for reference purposes during the life of the business and it can easily be adjusted for future expansions or changes to the business process.

Planning the business, mind mapping and information gathering

If one approaches only one’s friends and family with a business idea, and none of them have the necessary knowledge to advise one, the rot will begin to set in. Wrong or ill-informed advice is not what you need.

The act of planning helps you to think things through thoroughly, study and research if you are not sure of the facts, and look at your ideas critically. It takes time now, but avoids costly, perhaps disastrous, mistakes later.

Bankers and financiers presume that one means business when one approaches them in this regard and they expect to receive honest and accurate information. There is no quick and easy way to deal with this; it’s their way or no way.

We all have skills, talents and learned abilities. These can be used to operate a business, which will generate an income. Extensive, in depth analytical thinking and planning is very important though because, without it one is destined to fail.

Discuss your business plan with people who can give you advice; Bankers, Dept. Trade and Industry, Business Partners Inc., other institutions who grant money for small business initiatives, an attorney, an accountant and various other people who have a wealth of experience in their fields of speciality.

When planning to start a business take the following steps:

  1. Speak to product specialists for their advice concerning your products and/or services.
  2. Speak to bankers, a lawyer, an accountant and a number of institutions offering grants or loans to small business initiatives.
  3. The above people will give you a blank Business Plan form, among other forms, to complete.
  4. The business plan is normally of great assistance in planning and budgeting for the business. And it is a good guide to all that needs to be done and decided upon.

Meet with whoever your partners will be, if any, and discuss the whole planned business process, including:

  • The type of business ownership best suited to your business
  • The products or services to be offered
  • The premises needed
  • The machinery and vehicles needed
  • Start up expenses need to be established and discussed
  • Capital requirements and directorship of the business
  • Decide on who will perform which functions in the running of the business.
  • Your target market
  • The environment of your area to be covered
  • The economy relating to that area, current demand, future growth, etc.
  • Determine what barriers exist at present which may hinder your success
  • Promotion of your products and/or services
  • Distribution channels
  • Operational plan i.r.o purchasing, production, sales, etc. needs discussing
  • Legal environment and requirements
  • Inventory and suppliers
  • Insurance and other professional advisory requirements like, lawyer, accountant.
  • Establish a system of record keeping
  • Bank services needed
  • Personnel requirements and Human Resource policies
  • Do the costing of each product very accurately.
  • Calculate selling prices based on all costs plus mark up
  • Draft the projected financial plan or budget for twelve months
  • Draft the projected cash flow for twelve months
  • Draft a starting balance sheet

This key information will then be used to draft a meaningful business plan. And the information is all inter related an in sync. In closing, the pre-planning phase takes time and effort but it is very necessary as a step to ensuring success.

What Is a Strategy? Fundamentals of Successful Strategic Planning

Have you ever noticed how the question of “What is a strategy?” rarely comes up in the context of strategic planning? The word strategy is frequently used with the assumption that anyone involved in developing strategies knows exactly what a strategy is. It has been my experience that such an assumption is often wrong. Far too often, those charged with the task of strategic planning for their organization do not know or understand the definition of strategy. The result is that what they end up calling a strategy is not really a strategy. With this consequence in mind, I’ll start by discussing what a strategy is not.

Before I begin, please keep in mind that the goal of this discussion is not to get caught up in semantics. The goal is for you and your planning team to have a unified basis for evaluating ideas so that you can begin the process of deliberately converting ideas into actionable strategies.

Strategy versus Tactic

As a strategic planning expert for more than fifteen years, it has been the case most often that I am given a series of tactics when I ask a potential client what is their current strategy for achieving their objective. Most people think they have a strategy when all they really have are tactics. This confusion is common and can undermine the entire strategic planning process. It will serve your strategic planning efforts well to understand and be able to distinguish strategies versus tactics.

Tactics are specific actions that promote achievement of a strategy. The hierarchical order goes like this:

A tactic supports achievement of a strategy.

A strategy supports achievement of an objective.

An objective supports achievement of a mission.

A mission supports achievement of a vision.

Achievement of a vision fulfills purpose.

Only having tactics without actionable and integrated strategies is a primary reason why so many business owners and executives are frustrated and simply spinning their wheels. In other words, they are busier than ever before and investing significant resources, but not experiencing significant progress on their objectives or anything close to the expected return on their investment.

Please do not think for a moment that tactics play a less valuable role in the success of an objective. The right tactics are just as important as the right strategy. Ineffective tactical support can render an otherwise effective strategy useless in (and sometimes destructive to) achieving an objective.

What is a Strategy?

In its simplest form, a strategy is a clear decision and statement about a chosen course of action for obtaining a specific goal or result. While this definition is succinct and suffices for a general discussion, this definition and those like it have no practical value for organizational strategic planning efforts. Why? It provides no basis for evaluating whether a strategy is actionable. Actionable strategies are the only kind that matter in business.

What is an Actionable Strategy?

From the perspective of successful strategic planning, there are two kinds of strategies: actionable strategies and all other strategies. My definition of an actionable strategy states:

An actionable strategy is a comprehensively scrutinized decision about the most effective and efficient use of specific resources for systematically increasing competitive advantage and profits over a specific period of time.

Side note: If increasing competitive advantage and profits over a specific period of time is not the goal of your current strategic planning efforts, then just substitute your goal in this definition to make it specific to your needs.

Actionable strategies are a fundamental part of the Actionable Strategic Planning® process as they support business growth in multiple ways and enhance your chances of success if the right minds are engaged in consistently monitoring, evaluating and integrating new information and adapting the strategy as necessary.

7 Steps to Creating a Successful Small Business Marketing Plan

Small business marketing is all about determining the needs of your target market and then providing solutions to meet those needs.

These 7 steps are aimed at entrepreneurs starting a small business and those who want to create a successful small business marketing plan for an existing business.

Most small business promotions focus on how great their products and services are. Instead, you should educate your target market consistently and start building a relationship that will establish your credibility and trust. It is important to develop a marketing mindset. “Think Marketing” your products and services all of the time. It is very important to consistently market your products and services. Don’t fall into the trap of stop and go marketing. Some small business owners only market when sales are down.

You can’t have a successful small business without having a successful small business marketing plan. Effective small business marketing is the way to growth and profits

If you’re a small business owner or you want to know how to start a small business in the future, this simple 7-step plan will help you understand your business and your target market.

How to Start a Small Business Marketing Plan: 7 Steps

Begin the process by answering these questions:

1) Who — Who specifically is your target market? Who is your ideal client? What research can you do to find out more about your target market?

2) What — What products and services do your ideal clients want and need? What does your product and service do for your ideal client? What problems does your product solve for your customer? What are the solutions that your ideal client is looking for? What is your area of specialty that will differentiate you in the marketplace? What are the industry trends? What type of message will your ideal client likely respond to? What are you ultimately selling? For example: Are you selling eye glasses or are you selling vision? What is your unique mix of products and services? What is your pricing strategy?

3) Where — Where is your ideal client? Where is your customer located geographically? Where will you position yourself so they can easily find you? Where are the best places to get your marketing message to them? Will you speak to groups, hold seminars, or write a blog, newsletters or articles?

4) When — How frequently does your target market need to hear your marketing message? When are they most likely to buy your products and services?

5) Why — Why are you in business? Why do customers or clients buy from you? Why should they choose your product or service over your competition?

6) How — How does your customer buy your product or service? How are you going to reach potential buyers for your services and products? How will you communicate your marketing message? How will you provide customers or clients with the information they need to make their buying decision?

7) Marketing Mindset – Practice mastering a Marketing Mindset and you will be on the path to a profitable small business.

With these 7 steps, you can take action towards starting a small business marketing plan that targets new customers. “Marketing is about testing and evaluating your return on investment. But it’s primarily about helping people get what they want.” Master these small business marketing steps and you will be on the path to more profit and success as a business owner.

Secrets to Starting a Successful Internet Business

Most people are under the impression that they need so much funds to build a successful online business but this is not the case rather there are certain sterling qualities required of such a person to get involved in this business and succeed.

Apart from the time to be committed to the business you will need determination alongside great ideas with which to fire the business into life. Although the beginning might be treacherous you will need to devote full time to the business and the end will definitely justify the means.

Try to find what you are best at and work so passionately on it till it brings you to your promised land. This means taking up your interests or favorite past times and turning those ideas into a business concept.

If for instance you are good at writing try working on setting up a blog and alternatively if it is selling you are good at, get involved in affiliate marketing. Knowledge is powerful so you will need to go into research and try to find useful resources from the internet which will help your quest in setting up a successful online business.

You will also be expected to sign up for news letters on your areas of interest so that you are always kept abreast of current trends in your field of interest and this will definitely help your business growth because by keeping up with such information it will make you adapt to favorable and unfavorable conditions in the market which if you were ignorant of could affect your business negatively.

In acquiring knowledge you must be ready and determined to use it in the market place because without venturing you are not sure of making any gains. Online business involves risk and you must be ready to take that plunge into the unknown in order to achieve the known and be celebrated for it.

Having acquired knowledge in the quest of setting your business goals you will need to transmit what you have learned through your relationship with your prospective clients and if you are not able to communicate effectively with them you will not get any feedback which means no business.

So you have to hone your communications skills so that your clients will get your message and understand your business thrust the moment they are accessing your communication channels.

Considering the nature of online business where you do not have to meet physically or personally with your clients there is the need to transmit your message and intentions clearly without any room for equivocation.

More so, by keeping abreast of current trends in your business circle it will do you good to share this information with other and by so doing you will be respected and reckoned with in your field. You need to understand that when you are starting up your business you need to devote time to running it full time but with time and growth pressure will ease up.

In spite of pressure also make sure that you keep your business organized by ensuring that all important content are readily available for use when the need arises.

Small Business Secret #3 – Seven Documents All Small Businesses Must Have To Be Successful

When many small business owners start out thinking about building a small business, they are often mislead into believing that the only document that they need to succeed is a Business Plan. In fact this plan is only one of seven documents every small business should have if they ever expect to survive let alone succeed.

Let me explain …

Doc 1. Business Plan

The Business plan, which is what most accountants, lawyers and business coaches will say is the only document that you need is the first document you must complete. I certainly do disagree totally that this is the only document you need, because the actual roll of this document is to summarize the other six mandatory documents that you must have.

The size of your Business Plan document will vary depending on the size of your business that you are either buying or building. Your business plan should contain details on how your business will be run, how you will finance the business, what sort of profit you will make, how you will advertise and market your business, what your exit strategy will be from your business, what form you business will take, where it will be located etc.

If you are going to be buying a Business rather than starting up a new one from scratch, always ask the previous owner to see their business plan. This will give you a good insight into the inner workings of the business and how it got to where it is. One thing to note though, always make sure that regardless of whether you are buying an existing business or building your own, that you create your own business plan so you have a clear understanding of where you are going with this business.

Doc 2. Business Model

A Business Model is usually built using tools like Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access. The model allows you to apply various scenarios to your business model to see what sort of outcome will occur. This is a fantastic tool for running scenarios and seeing what the outcome would be if certain conditions might occur, like your truck broke down or what would happen to your profit if a certain piece of machinery broke down for a period of time.

The Business Model is also very useful when dealing with organizations like banks or finance institutions. If your business model can show what impacts various factors might have on your business and that you can still survive, then the banks and finance institutions are more likely to give you the money you need.

Doc 3. Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan document sets out how you are going to market your business. It includes information on the brochures you are going to use, the types of adverts you may use, the frequency of the campaign, the medium you will be using and so forth. The marketing plan provides an in depth look at how you will be marketing your business. Your marketing plan should represent 12 months of operations, that is, you should have developed all of your marketing strategies so that they flow on and build on each previous marketing campaign over a 12 month period.

Doc 4. Operations Plan

Your operations plan is designed to define exactly how your business is to be run. The operations plan should include how to do every task in your organization, checklists on what needs to be done every day, week, month and year. Essentially the Operations Plan defines how your business actually works.

The key advantage of your operations plan is that if at any time you lose a staff member, you can use the operations plan to teach your new staff members the tasks that they need to complete each day.

Doc 5. Sales Plan

The Sales Plan outlines how sales will be undertaken on a day to day basis. How you will be selling your products and services, who your target markets are, your approach techniques to new clients, any clients that you need to contact on a day-to-day basis and what your contact processes are. More so it should define what step-by-step process you follow to convert a prospect into a customer.

The Sales Plan should use flow charts and should also include any letters or marketing material that should be used for a particular sales process.

Doc 6. HR Plan

The HR Plan, sets out the Human Resource structure of your organization. It should include information such as position descriptions, who each person reports to, who they are responsible for, what tasks they are responsible for and any special duties they might have to do during the year.

The HR Plan should also have information in it such as Job Advertisement Templates, approved Position Descriptions and templates, Hourly Rates, Acceptable Work Practices and so forth. The HR Plan sets down how your staff must engage at work and what you define as being acceptable workplace behaviors in your workplace.

Doc 7. Style Manual

The Organizations Style manual sets out how you are going to present yourself to your customers. The style manual includes information on your logos, your business cards, the colors your business will use for its logos, banner layouts, how to place newspaper adverts and what colors must be used, what fonts must be used in Letters or Faxes. The style manual will also set out what information will go onto your business cards, where the logo will sit and what information must be contained.

The Organizations Style manual sets out how you are going to present yourself to the public and what standards you will use. If you have never seen a Style Manual before simply go to any large corporation’s website and type in ‘Style Manual’ and you will generally find one available for review.

After 10 years in small business and a number of small businesses under my belt, the one thing I have learned is that if you do not have these 7 Plans and Documents done prior to creating or building your business, then they will never get done. The simple fact is that small business is incredibly demanding on the small business owner and once the business is up and going, it is highly unusual the owner will ever get the time to go back and create them. Without each and every one of these documents your business will lack focus on what you want to achieve and that is why 70% of all small businesses around the world fail in the first 12 months.

To finish off, I would like to take a moment to summarize the seven documents all small business owners should have before contemplating a small business…

1. Business Plan

2. Business Model

3. Marketing Plan

4. Operations Plan

5. Sales Plan

6. HR Plan

7. Style Manual

Successful Online MLM Business Planning

If you want to have a successful online MLM business, you can immediately separate yourself from the crowd and increase your chances of success by simply creating a business plan. Now, if you’re like me, the thought of creating a plan sounds about as fun as drinking bleach. But I discovered a simple method of business planning that has made a major difference for me and my team. So how do you do it? It’s simple. Here are four steps to help you create a one page business plan that can make the difference between success and failure in your business. I recommend you create a new business plan every single month, analyzing the last one to see how it did, then creating a new one for the next month.

1. State your why. You have probably heard that in this game you have to have a strong why. One way I’ve heard it put is, “If your why doesn’t make you cry it’s not strong enough.” So why DO you want a successful online MLM business? Travel, a car you’re proud of, taking care of aging parents, putting kids through college, serving a mission for your church, changing your zip code” whatever it is for you, write it down.

2. Set your goals. I create a business plan at the beginning of every month, so I always set a monthly goal. Some months I set financial goals, other times goals for a certain number of recruits. This month for example my company has an incentive for everybody that recruits 10 or more people, so that’s my goal. Everybody’s goals are different and personal, the key is to have a goal and write it down!

3. List the prospecting method you are going to use, the system you need for that method, and your budget. For example, let’s say my budget for marketing this month is $200. I have three columns on my business planning worksheet, “Prospecting Method”, “System”, and “Budget”. Under the Prospecting Method column I might list E-mail marketing and Pay Per Click. The system I use for autoresponse marketing is My Direct Connections, an all in one marketing/ list management/ autoresponse tool. For Pay Per Click I might choose Google. Then I can set my budget for each one. My Direct Connections costs $39.95 a month, that leaves about $160, so I can spend $80 on autoresponder e-mail leads (I pay 3 cents for mine, so I’ll get about 2,666 leads), and $80 on PPC. I then have an area for tracking, simply titled “Results”, where I write down the results from each method. My goal is to spend $50 or less per sign up. Industry experts generally agree that if your marketing costs are below $50 per person you can create duplication and build a massive, successful downline.

4. Write out your follow up methods. You have probably heard the saying, “The fortune’s in the follow up.” Well, your business plan needs to list your follow up method. For me, I consider every single visitor to my web-site like a visitor to my store. Now, the reason I use the internet to prospect is because I don’t want to run out side my “store” yelling at passers by to come in and shop. That’s how MLM worked before the internet. I just want to talk to people that are interested, and have already been to my store. So once they come to my site, if they don’t join automatically, I list my follow up methods, in this case:

1. Send a personally written e-mail.

2. Send a personally written short autoresponse follow up campaign.

3. Introduce myself on the phone.

4. Send them a simple info package in the mail.

So the four steps to creating a simple business plan are:

1. Write down your Why.
2. Set monthly goals.
3. Choose a prospecting method, system, and budget, then track results.
4. State your follow up method.

This simple business plan, if followed, will result not just in personal success, but help you create duplication in your organization. And when somebody in my team is struggling, I simply ask them about their plan. They usually don’t have one, which is often why they are struggling. The people on my team that have a plan and are executing it aren’t having struggles in their business, they are having success!

Copyright (c) 2007 Dave Sherwin

Successful Tips For Pre-Launch Advertising of Your Website

Billions of pages on the internet – That’s your competition. Think about your daily visits; which sites you visit on a regular basis to get your news, stock quotes and other information. My guess is that your regular visits can be counted on your fingertips. So how do you, the entrepreneur help people navigate to the newest addition to the web? The latest and greatest site that everyone should know about but nobody is visiting due to poor visibility? There are several key maneuvers you can make to market your new site and attract people to your site even before it’s ready for launch.

  • Blog, Blog and More Blog – The first successful maneuver is to create blogs based on as many facets of your business as possible. Keep an inventory in an Excel spreadsheet of your blog locations, usernames and passwords. It’s important to try a few different blogs and see which ones pop up on the major search engines the fastest. Those are the ones you’ll want to focus your efforts on the soonest. Even if you’ve never heard of a blog, it may be spidered regularly and an important addition to your blog repetoire.
  • Comment, Comment, Comment – Another great way to get your name out there is to use somewhat of a secret way to backlink your website. A backlink is just a link on another person or company’s website. Do a search for blogs related to your product or service. Visit those blogs and post as many free comments as you can. Usually you can add a comment without having it be pre-approved, it just depends on the popularity of the site or personality of the blogger. Make sure your comments are relevant to the blog and only include one link per comment. Sometimes a blog will have several postings that you can comment on. Usually three comments is sufficient per blog.
  • Write, Write, Write – Articles are an important way to not only add credibility to your own personal talents, but it also adds credibility to your website, plus the ever important backlink from a highly spidered source. Write as many articles as you like. Keep them relevant and at around 500 words. This way, people will be more apt to read your article and possibly follow any links you may have included, which at least one should be to your website.
  • Act Larger Than You Are – The great thing about the internet is that you can be a small startup from the couch of your studio apartment in Fresno, California. This doesn’t mean your website has to look like it. If you’re not a great designer, find someone who is. If you’re not a great coder, find someone who is. Put together a team of people who have the same ambition as you and make your new site appear like it’s the Google of your niche. If your site has not launched yet, be sure to have a pre-launch registration page available and possibly a sign-up for beta testers to make sure your code is tight.

These are just a few examples. I’m sure you have other ideas of your own, but you’ll want to make sure that you do more than just submit your site to search engines. In today’s internet climate, that’s no longer enough.

3 Things You Should Do To Be Successful In Digital Marketing

According to the latest research report, businesses will spend over $77.4 billion on digital marketing. As a small company, you don’t have much money to hire a high-flying digital marketing company to market your business-you have to do the work yourself. To stay ahead in the game you need to do a number of things:

Focus on both social media and search engines

The easiest way of advertising your business online is using Google Ads. Most of the people go for search engine advertising but you shouldn’t limit yourself to it. You should also try and take advantage of social media. When creating a social media advertising campaign, target customers within your city or community where your store is located. This is to avoid spending unnecessary amounts of money. Doing so also increases the conversion rates. To do this, you should include keywords that are specific to your business. It’s also highly recommended that you include your business address.

Pump up the ranking of your site

While Google Ads provide you with almost instant results as once you use the right keywords and ad text you start driving traffic to your site instantly, you shouldn’t forget about your site. Daily, you should focus on improving the ranking of your site. In addition to adding high-quality content, you should also aim at getting as many high-quality links as possible.

The easiest way of building high-quality links is creating high quality, shareable content. The most effective form of content that has been used for years is infographics. Once people share the infographics on their site, you get high quality backlinks that pump up your ranking.

Focus on mobile

Studies show that 80% of internet users use their mobile phones. Since you will be advertising your business over the internet, you should pay a lot of emphasis on mobile phones. The first thing that you should do is ensure that the design of your website is mobile friendly. In addition to this ensuring that your users have a great experience, it also aids in increasing the ranking of your site. You should also create apps, features, and functions that will help your users to have a great experience.


These are the things that you need to do to be successful in digital marketing. To give your customers what they want you should first take your time to research and understand them. Understand what they like and how they like the Adverts delivered.

Successful Business Tips For Business Bees Who Desire Internet Marketing

For instance, if your company is providing web application development services along with web design and web development services. Do you know the market value and competition for the services you are providing and do you know things that competitors are doing for their future success? As your company is providing web application services do you think what the latest trends in mobile’s and what to do for success with the latest trend?

Mobile phones are enhancing in bunches, Google searches are increasing via mobile search. Most of the peoples are using latest mobiles so they need some applications to browse the web without any interruptions like applications and all. When I were analyzing some keywords like mobile application services I can see the newly updated keywords in tools such as android application services, android application development, blackberry application development those are gradually increasing in hundreds to thousands in monthly graph, am sure one day this searches will reach the peach.

So just go to the web and search the keyword android application services you will see small amount of competitors but in future it will possibly touch the vertex. How means when business bees realize that peoples are seeking for android apps for their mobile needs they will start marketing their profile in internet for the particular service. Do you want to rush when they started marketing for their profiles? You can but it’s hard to reach the visitors for your profile when your service is already filled by your competitors over the web.

What are you waiting for just update your profile (website) with the latest key trends and let it to be flow over the web before your competitors do it and let it to gratify the visitor’s orbs. As am successfully doing my Web Design Company Chennai with Search Engine Optimization Chennai and Search Engine marketing Services we are totally thinking different to take our business for successful topographic place. Don’t run from post to pillar always try to create pillars and let rivals to see it.

Exit mobile version