How Personal Responsibility for Garbage Turned Me Greener

I’ve long debated with online and offline friends about the virtue and morality of liberty, often touting the wealth-generating effects of institutional respect for private property and rule of law. Over the past several years, however, another linkage has come into focus for me: personal responsibility. Of all the strange places for this to have developed, it was in regards to my perspective of garbage. Allow me to explain…

Having moved from rental apartments to co-operative living, buying rental properties, and eventually moving into my own house, my perspective of garbage has changed, and has made me realize more clearly the virtue of personal responsibility. Proponents of the Green movement take heed: my awareness of your values has come from a position of believing in capitalism, and I think your study of capitalism and personal responsibility will help you crystalize your understanding of your issue, and will further advance what should actually be your cause. This matter is a classic “tragedy of the commons” situation, but you’re focused on the ends rather than the means.

The majority of my tenants live in “affordable” apartments in a city which provides a lot of services, including trash pickup. Consequently, they don’t have to think much about it; they simply put out their trash in the designated locations and the city takes it away. It matters not to them whether their trash is reducible, recyclable, reusable, or not – they simply put it out and it vanishes. In fact, this city doesn’t have separate collection services for rubbish and recyclables, so it simply all gets placed in the same receptacles without tenants needing to give it any thought. I used to live in an affordable apartment in that same city, so I speak from experience.

Someday, should the city decide to institute recycling, the tenants won’t see it as an important step towards advancing economy and ecology; having come to expect personal irresponsibility as the norm, they will simply find it to be an annoyance. They will reluctantly struggle to separate different categories of what they previously regarded as undifferentiated garbage into multiple interim storage bins cluttering their cramped apartments. Looking at this from their narrow perspective, separating trash is someone else’s problem, and they will see no value in having it turned into their problem. Although the city may save money by instituting recycling, rents will not be reduced because taxes will not be reduced; this extra burden will simply be thrust upon them by decree, and without remuneration or other perceptible benefit.

The system works the same with their sewage. Whatever they flush down their toilets simply goes away, becoming someone else’s problem. This is true whether it is biological waste, or non-biodegradable material. It goes down the pipes and vanishes, never to be considered again. As a landlord, most of what they throw away or flush down their toilets falls into the same category for me, but occasionally, they attempt to dispose of things which cause problems. In fact, if you ask people why they do not invest in residential real estate, one of the most common answers is that they don’t want to deal with backed-up toilets at all hours of the day and night. I can confirm that there is some validity to this answer. Drains and sewers were never intended to process cooking grease, cloth wipes, women’s sanitary products, condoms, or steel wool pads. Even quantities of paper towels and toilet paper can eventually clog up a drain, and when a stoppage occurs, it is often impossible to determine which tenant(s) are at fault, so it becomes the landlord’s problem.

That which does pass through becomes someone else’s problem, although of course, the city’s costs in operating and maintaining its sewage processing systems does translate into tax costs for we property owners, and is passed on to our tenants in higher rents. Even for those of us who recognize this linkage, taking measures to mitigate such problems are merely expensive drops in the bucket when one considers one building’s tiny place in the socio-economic-political cosmos which is that city. The tragedy of the commons prevails, and tenants use the sewage system to dispose of whatever they can, rather than deal with it in a more economically- or ecologically-responsible manner.

Someone else’s problems also become my problems when my tenants attempt to dispose of things the city won’t collect. My city will not pick up building materials, for instance, so in my cost of apartment renovations, I must also factor the cost of privately disposing of the debris. My tenants don’t consider this, so if they perform any of their own renovations and leave their debris for pickup, it becomes my problem. More frequently, though, my tenants attempt to dispose of common bulk household items like furniture or CRT televisions. My city will only pickup one piece of bulk furniture per address per week, (and only on non-holiday weeks,) and they will only pick up a television by a special appointment, individually scheduled, weeks in advance. Tenants don’t care about these details, of course, so they will leave two old televisions and four pieces of a sectional couch out for pickup on whatever day their new furniture arrives, making it my problem. The city uses violation notices and fines to inspire me to the personal responsibility necessary to properly deal with this rubbish. It is that personal responsibility imposed upon property owners which makes them consider these things which tenants do not consider.

The idea of the “tragedy of the commons” stems from public grazing lands. When multiple ranchers share public grazing land, it is in the best economic interest of each of them to exploit the resource to exhaustion, so as to gain the most personal benefit from the shared cost of its maintenance. Privately-owned grazing lands are managed much more sustainably and economically by their owners. Similarly, being able to capriciously dispose of anything without regard for the cost of the disposal makes tenants use more than their fair share of the sanitation system. With costs disconnected from utilization, everyone exploits the system, so the costs simply escalate, which translates into higher taxes, which translates into higher rents. Not one in a hundred, however, would be able to trace back to their garbage disposal habits as a source of their rent increases, and it is admittedly a small effect on each of them, but when multiplied by the city’s 200,000 inhabitants, it becomes considerable.

Being in a different economic class than my tenants, I receive a proverbial carrot when I donate my used furniture or televisions to charity. Various not-for-profit organizations will come pick it up for free, and compensate me with a tax deduction for my contribution. Lower-income tenants taking the standard deduction on their tax returns and being able to make their disposals someone else’s problem get neither the carrot nor the stick, so they don’t care if someone else might be able to use their discards as hand-me-downs instead of turning them into landfill.

My home also has its own septic system rather than a sewer connection, so whatever I flush remains my problem until it either degrades or is pumped out manually – and of course, the more I flush inappropriate stuff, the more frequently I directly experience septic pumping expenses. Hitting someone in the wallet for their own irresponsibility is a terrific way to make them see a better path.

I first began to come around to this realization when I was on a cruise ship. I had seen the placard in my cabin’s bathroom asking me to help save the planet by conserving water. Later, taking a galley tour, they explained that they have onboard desalinization systems which convert seawater to potable water. Well, if they could make all the potable water they wanted, how was my conservation of it going to help save the planet? Hotels do this, too – they ask you to voluntarily reuse your towels and sheets rather than expect them to be replaced (and washed) daily, but surely, hotel washing machines are connected to the same seemingly-endless supply of water as that of a tenant’s apartment, no? Perhaps I was slow on the uptake, but it took me time to realize that the desalinization systems require energy to operate, so conserving water conserved energy, and of course, conserving energy saves money. The city’s water treatment plants also require energy to operate, so the more water tenant’s use, the more the city bills the landlord for the utilization. It takes the recognition of a lot of linkages to realize that running the tap on a cruise ship eventually translates to higher cruise fares. I wish I were the only idiot who took a while to see this, but when I saw one of my tenants defrosting a roast in her sink by running hot tap water over it, I realized the flaw in the system. She had no inkling of the connection between my fuel and water bills and her rent.

For the Green folks still reading, this is where capitalism comes into it. You’re predominantly trying to get government to make us Green rather than free us to make better decisions, ourselves. All other factors being equal, those cruise lines which are better able to inspire their passengers to conserve water will operate at a lower cost than those which don’t. With those savings, they will be able to offer their cruises at a lower fare or with more amenities, and will garner more market share and earn more profit. Over time, cruise lines which operate inefficiently, uneconomically, and anti-ecologically will be unable to compete, and will either change their ways or fail. Efficiency, economics, and the ecology are all linked, and the enemy is the tragedy-of-the-commons situation which is created when these things are separated. Doing so allows disrespect for the environment to be profitable. It makes inefficiency an externality (i.e., someone else’s problem). It permits uneconomical enterprises to survive by spreading their costs on unsuspecting masses, for each of whom the tiny proportion of the cost is imperceptible. Let this sink in and crystalize: common property is your proper enemy. When government provides a service like trash collection, without regard for the content or quantity of garbage, it becomes abused. When whatever drains down a pipe becomes someone else’s problem, people will flush all sorts of environmentally-thoughtless things. When landlords provide free, unmetered water to tenants, it is bound to be wasted, and in the case of hot water, the energy will be wasted, as well.

In one regard, the US Postal Service actually does what I’m suggesting: business mail. When you drop a stamped first class letter into a mailbox, it requires a number of steps to get from there to the addressee, and for the price of the stamp, you’re asking the Postal Service to perform all of those steps for you. However, the more of those steps business mailers are willing to do, the more savings they can reap. Mail sorted and separated by the first three digits of the Zip codes gets a small discount because those entire trays of mail avoid some of the local processing and are simply delivered to the centers which handle those geographic areas. Sorting and separating by five-digit Zip codes gets a larger discount by skipping another level of processing. If you sort mail down to the delivery point, you’re effectively doing most of the work for the Postal Service, short of putting it in the recipient’s box, so you get an even larger discount. What if trash were handled this way? Instead of a tax-funded one-size-fits-all solution, what if property owners were free to make their own decisions on the matter? They could decide for themselves whether they wanted the discount of separating their trash, or whether they wanted to pay to delegate that to a disposal company. Savings – and freedom of choice – could be passed on to tenants, too; a tenant opting for the lower rent of a trash-separating building could be obligated in his lease to separate trash, else be in default, facing penalties or eviction. Those tenants could separate their own trash, assign it to their kids as chores, or hire a maid to do it. Conversely, a tenant who didn’t want to deal with trash separation could delegate that to someone else by paying the higher rent of a building which took care of it for them. Next, that building would be free to employ its own trash separators, if economical, or could simply pay the higher fee to have its trash picked up by a company which took care of separation for them. In turn, those haulers would be free to hire their own trash separators or could pay more to transfer stations to take care of it. Transfer stations would be free to hire their own separators or could pay more to dumps to take care of it. Finally, dumps would be free to decide which material was worth separating for resale, and which most appropriate to simply bury or incinerate.

Choice, rather than force, is the way forward. Forcing car manufacturers to conform to ridiculous environmental standards made cars small, weak, and expensive… and drove consumers to instead buy minivans and SUVs, neither of which were required to meet those standards; choice would have allowed manufacturers to produce something in the middle for people who wanted more room or more metal between them and the other drivers, without pushing buyers completely out of the category of “car.” Forcing unwilling people to separate their trash makes them minimally comply, resulting in otherwise-recyclable glass, plastic, and metal being contaminated with food waste, often disqualifying entire loads; choice would allow disinterested people to dispose of their otherwise-recyclables without as much risk of contaminating the properly-separated recyclables of compliant volunteers. Choice coupled with assigning people the costs of the various options will encourage them to make better decisions.

Great News, Business Credit Has No Impact on the Business Owner’s Personal Credit

When done properly, business credit is obtained without the SSN being supplied on the application.

This means there is no credit check from the business owner to get approved. This also means that anyone who has bad, even horrible personal credit can still be approved for business credit.

Reports to the business credit reporting agencies, not the consumer reporting agencies.

So as it has no adverse impact on the owner’s consumer credit because it’s not reported to consumer agencies.

This means utilizing the account, even over 30%, won’t have any adverse impact on the personal scores.

And there are no inquires on the personal credit when you apply for business credit as long as you don’t supply your SSN.

30% of your total consumer score is based on utilization, so if you use your personal cards for your business and if you use those cards you will lower your scores. Using more than 30% of your limit WILL result in a score decrease

So if your limit is $1,000, having a balance above $300 lowers your scores. This means 40% of your total score is damaged. With true business credit, 0% of your score is affected.

10% of your total consumer score is based on inquiries, so if you are using your personal credit to apply for business loans and credit, your scores will go down as a result of those inquiries.

Plus, those inquiries can remain on your for an extended period of time affecting your ability to borrow more money.

And some unsecured business lending sources won’t even lend you money if you have two inquiries or more on your personal credit reports within six months.

The credit doesn’t report to the consumer agencies, so neither inquiries nor utilization have any effect on your consumer scores.

How to Devalue Your Business

Anyone who has sold or bought a business will tell you of the importance.

All potential buyers can easily obtain extensive information about your business, just by obtaining your business credit report… that anyone who wants it can get.

This means they’ll quickly know details about your business including:

• Credit scores

• High credit limits

• Past payment performance

• Employees

• Revenues

And much more…

Now that you know how easy extensive credit and financial information is to get for a company, if you were a buyer wouldn’t you get it?

Based on what’s on your business credit report, would you want to buy your company?

Does your report reflect that your company is “established”, does it show that you pay your bills, do you look like a successful company from your report?

If you could choose from two companies to buy that were the same in every way except business credit, which one would you buy…

… The one with a very limited or no credit profile… or one with a credit profile that reflects good payment performance, and one with available credit.

The Business of Personal Training – Your Very Own Fitness Business

Time and again, I find myself talking with trainers who work for a gym, and are planning on “going independent”, or “taking their client’s private”.

Sounds great doesn’t it, but it’s always important to start with the end in mind, so I have to ask; Do you mean “make a little extra money and have a little more freedom” or do you mean “build a business from the ground up that can support the achievement of my life’s greatest ambitions”?

Obviously, there is a big difference between these two answers, and chances are you fall somewhere in the middle. But I want to encourage you to dream big and meditate on the possibility of achieving something much greater then “a little more money and freedom”. There are too many who need our help and too many societal and environmental factors that are working against them; we trainers need to start thinking big. Real big.

I am talking about complete freedom. I am talking about REAL money, not a little extra. I am talking about helping more people, in less time, with less physical effort and a little more mental effort.If you are really serious about pushing our industry forward and redefining what it means to be a trainer, 1-on-1 training is only the beginning. Now that’s what I am talking about!

So the question changes, from “When should I go private?” to “How do I build a Successful Fitness Business?” Remember, a better quality question will lead to a better quality answer. Always. If you can answer the latter question, you’ll already know when to go private, how to raise rates, how to define your ideal client and attract them, how to manage and grow your business etc…

Don’t fall into the “PRIVATE TRAINER TRAP”. For the love of god, please.

There are way too many trainers who are content to run around the city chasing money and burning them out doing 8+ sessions/day 6 days/week, instead of building a business, attracting money, and working smarter. There is a BIG DIFFERENCE, especially in the quality of life you will have.

If you can’t be completely healthy for your client, a living and breathing example of what a balanced lifestyle can achieve, well rested, focused, and in control, then what the hell is the point anyway?

Here are some of the basics you will need to address, so that you can hit the ground running with your business.

The alternative is to run all around town training at 5 different places, teaching classes here and there, with no exit strategy and no understanding that all that travel time and lack of direction cuts directly into your profit per hour and the growth of your business. At the same time, these “private trainers” are developing poor habits that will create more inertia that will need to be overcome when they finally decide to take the next step.

I am serious. If you are at least aware of all of the questions below and can honestly give a good answer to half of them, you are already ahead of the curve. So read on and don’t fall into the “PRIVATE TRAINER TRAP”.

Shift Perspective- There are two central tenets that should form the foundation of every decision you make in regards to your job as a personal training. Everything else is secondary.

#1) You own a training business.

If you just think of yourself as just a trainer, you are limiting yourself. How many times have you been at a party, introduced yourself as a trainer, and met with this response? “Oh, wow, really what exercise can I do to lose my stomach?” This person usually will not have the money or real desire to commit to a trainer, so they probably are not a great prospect for a “trainer”. But they probably are a great prospect for fitness entrepreneur who sells a $10 PDF titled “The biggest factor for a Flat Stomach” being sold on his website.

If you own a business, you can have multiple price points for various services, which means even the person at the party with the belly and the martini glass can be a “client”. Sell to everyone! That way, as a fitness entrepreneur, you can say “I have just the thing, go to my website and get this product” and be done with it, instead of wasting your time at a party explaining why cardio and diet is more important for having a toned stomach then any one exercise.

#2) Your clients are your product.

Cultivating a successful and empowered roster of clients is critical to attracting quality opportunities and the foundation of a solid business model. There are 3 major competencies- ways to grow your business, expand your sphere of influence, and make shit happen. Each has several sub-competencies. You don’t have to be a master at all of them, in fact, you should focus on what you are great at and enjoy, and outsource everything else. You should, at least, be aware of all of them so you can account for them one way (doing it yourself) or another (outsourcing to someone else).

A great exercise is to give yourself a grade from 1-10 for each of these competencies, a self-assesment based on how well your business model can account for each of these 18 sub-competencies. Grade yourself hard and layout a plan to emphasize strengths and address weaknesses!!!

#1) Business Skills

A) Branding – What is your brand? Who is your market? What niche do you fill? Who are the high quality clients that you want to attract? What kind of client to you enjoys the most? What distinguishes them? What are there goals?

B) Marketing -How will you penetrate your market and get leads? What relationships have you built with experts in complimentary industries? What is your web strategy? What PR/media contacts have you established?

C) Prospecting Skills – What is your elevator pitch? What is your 30 second commercial? Can you adapt and improvise your pitch to the individual prospects needs? What are your qualifying and disqualifying questions?

D) Sales Skills – Do you know how to uncover the emotional needs of your prospect and close every qualifying client? What other revenue streams have you created? Do you up sell, cross sell, or down sell your clients to other services? Do you have a network of health professionals you can work with as a team to achieve optimal health for your clients? How will you collect payment and keep track of packages?

E) Policy Development/Business Model – When are you going to incorporate?What is your referral system? How and when will you raise your rates? What is your self-investment strategy and educational path for creating more value for your clients? How many hours a week will you schedule to work ON your business? What is your budget and time commitment each month to continuing education? How will you organize your business into a automated system, so that it can run on its own? How will you keep track of client information, workouts, and programs? What sheets and/or software will you use?

F) Advisory Board – What other professionals and business owners are on your advisory board? Do you have an accountant, lawyer, business mentor, computer programmer, etc? How many people do you know that are successful, trustworthy, and willing to listen to your business ideas and give you valuable feedback?

#2) Interpersonal/Customer Service Skills

A) Personality/Compassion/Communication- How good are you at building strong relationships using these 3 qualities?

B) Leadership/Accountability/Education- How good are you at teaching your client new information that they will retain? Will they be more knowledgeable after they stop training with you? Do they consistently workout intelligently on their own? Do they follow your lead or take control of the relationship? Do you give them exercise Homework, and follow up with them to make sure they did it, so that you teach them to be self-accountable and empowered?

C) Motivational/Psychological Skills – How good are you at unlocking the motivation inside the client? Do you know how to utilize their psychological frame of reference and personality to ignite their drive?

D) Response Time/Attentiveness – How fast do you return phone calls and emails? How good are you at focusing your undivided attention on the client when you are with them? Are you always ready for the workout, with a workout already designed, and the gym floor set up to meet your needs?

E) Exercise Experience – How will you balance what the client needs with what the client wants? How do you use creativity to keep the client engaged, stimulated, and having fun?

#3) Exercise Knowledge-

You do not have to master all of these, but A, B, C, and D are essential. Obviously, this list is not exhaustive, but it is a great start. If you have no personal interest in something in particular, like nutrition, then don’t focus on it, just find a nutritionist to work with.

A) Exercise Mechanics and Bio Mechanics

B) Physiology

C) Anatomy

D) Program Design

E) Nutrition

F) Psychology

G) Energy Medicine

So are you ready to build a business much bigger then you or your clients, and make a real difference? Are you ready to attract money and opportunities?

Or are you going to choose to be just another “private trainer”, running around the city chasing money? Again, you don’t need to answer all of these questions before you get started, but you should keep them in mind and continually work on them, so that you don’t fall into the “PRIVATE TRAINER TRAP!”

If you can’t answer at least half of these questions, It may be more productive to continue working for someone else, while you develop an evolved business model, test different policies and referral systems, develop some media contacts etc etc. It may seem like you are ready, but look at these questions for an answer to how ready you are.

Don’t get excited by all the trainers out there charging $150 running around the city. Fight the urge to jump into the fray if you don’t feel confident about the answers to the preceding questions. I promise you, in 3 yrs, most of those trainer will still be charging $150, and/or will be burnt out and switching industry’s. When they look back they will say, “Yeah, training was fun, and it seemed like good money at the time, but man was it hard running around, I just could do it anymore”.

No one can keep that pace for long, but it is not the only way, it’s just the easiest way, the path of least resistance. We all know, what is easiest is rarely, if ever, what is best for us.

Be honest with yourself. Think bigger. Develop these different skill sets on someone else’s dime (in other words, stay at your gym and work on your business), so you don’t have to lose money when it is time to implement them in your business. Yes, no matter what, you will and should make mistakes. But jumping into the fray without a plan is not a recipe for success. I had to say something, I am getting tired of watching trainers sell themselves short and develop bad business habits that will limit their future. Do you know how to utilize their psychological frame of reference and personality to ignite their drive?

I had to say something, I am getting tired of watching trainers sell themselves short and develop bad business habits that will limit their future.

Three Keys to Developing a Personal Brand

The internet has sparked a trend called ‘Personal Branding’. Branding identifies and differentiates you, your business, and your products and services so you stand out from the crowd, get noticed – and get hired.

Personal Branding can be the most powerful tool for success in your self-marketing toolkit.It involves identifying your key strengths and expertise, identifying the real needs that you can meet for your ideal clients, and then communicating your message consistently in many different ways.

You can identify, package and market who you are to build a personal brand that leads to business growth, influence, and income.

Here are three key things you need to develop a strong personal brand:

1. A clear, unique strength, talent, or expertise.

Get clear on your personal strengths, talents, values, and core area of expertise. Understand how you connect best with people. Consider what your target audience needs and wants, and then identify the value and the experience that you can deliver to meet those needs and wants. Communicate in ways that reach into the hearts and minds of your target audience and connect with their core values and deepest desires.

2. An ability to clearly articulate that uniqueness.

The personal branding process is about having self-awareness of your strengths and talents, and then letting everyone know about your gifts, talents, and experience. It’s about giving a clear impression of who you are, what you value, what you’re committed to, and how you can be counted upon to act. It’s about having clear, key marketing messages to convey in all of your communications with prospects and clients.

Your branding statement must provide a clear, concise view of your unique set of strengths and tell why you can do it better than anyone else. You need to be able to state clearly and unequivocally why you are different than everyone else, and what services you offer that make you unique and set you ahead of your competition.

3. The persistence to communicate your brand consistently through many channels.

Consistency is one of the keys to building a strong personal brand. Be aware of being consistent in every interaction you have, both in what you say and how you respond.

Your brand is developed over time by all the associations made, the expectations met, the messages communicated, and the services delivered. A great way to deliver a consistent message is through an email newsletter that you send on a regular basis to clients and prospects. You can write articles in your area of expertise so that over time people come to know and trust you. They’ll know what you stand for, how knowledgeable you are, and how you work with clients.

Establishing a Professional Brand is absolutely critical to long term, sustainable business growth. In an overcrowded marketplace, if you’re not standing out, then you’re invisible. Branding your products and services will give you an edge over your competition and enhance your value to your target market.

Personal Branding will differentiate you, your business, and your products and services so that you stand out from the crowd, get noticed – and get hired.

The marketplace is waiting for you to make your mark on it. What are you waiting for?

Personal Branding is all about knowing what you have to offer to your marketplace and what makes you different from everyone else so that you can stand out and be recognized and remembered. It is having a reputation for delivering a product, program, or service that delivers extreme value to your target market.

Fill in your answers to the following to gain clarity on the unique aspects of your Professional Brand:

1. My top three personal strengths:

2. My top three talents:

3. My core area of expertise:

4. What my target audience needs and wants:

5. The value and the experience I can deliver to meet those needs and wants:

6. What I can do better than anyone else:

7. What services I offer that differentiate me and set me ahead of my competition:

Developing a brand identity is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. With some thought and creativity, all the pieces will eventually fit.

Personal Goals Achieved Easier For A Better Life

Having measurable planning with goals and objectives are so very essential to living a life of purpose and passion. Far too often in life when we are ambitious to reach a dream, perhaps it’s setting goals at work, or other personal goals, we reach far too high too quickly.

I’m going to share a quick scenario I heard told at a recent transformation conference that one of the other speakers talked about in his discussion about objectives of planning.

Before a commercial plane takes off, the pilot has a really clear location in mind, and a flight plan to get there successfully.

The plane leaves at a particular time, and begins towards a specific destination.

The plane is off track, though, at least much of the time, while climate conditions, turbulence and other factors trigger this.

Feedback is given to the pilot constantly.

The inertial guidance system of the aircraft continuously assists the pilot to revise the airplane and examines the position to reach the anticipated destination on time.

The plane takes off on time, shows up on time, and yet is off course 90% of the time, but the passengers never realize this.

Now envision you are the airplane, and do you have measurable goals and objectives?

Exactly what is your destination, and do you have a flight strategy?

One of the common qualities of highly effective people all over the globe is that they are extreme at having measurable goals and objectives.

Effective individuals understand where it is that they wish to be in life, and they have a clear strategy to get there.

Their “destination” is the list of personal goals that they have actually jotted down, and their “flight strategy” is the measurable goals and objectives.

It’s how successful people grow!

I do a lot of discussion with my readers and listeners about the objectives of planning, and often get feedback concerning the successes and obstacles in setting and attaining goals.

The concern that I am most often asked in this area is “How do I set measurable goals and objectives if I have no idea exactly what I want to do?”

In response to this concern, here are a few personal objectives and goals where you may want to chart some objectives of planning.

– Setting goals at work or career

The late Wayne Dyer was high recognized for telling us that, “What we think about we get more of.”

Preferably, you are positioned on a positive career course, leading to increased chances and raises.

Hopefully, you also eagerly anticipate going to work virtually every day, and your incomes are commensurate with the effort you take into your job.

You invest a great deal of hours into your work, so it’s essential that you are doing something you are happy with.

The Course in Miracles states, “You can not be happy unless you do what you will truly, and you can not change this because it is immutable.

– Self-Growth and Personal Transformation

The world is growing more intelligent and changing faster than ever, so in order to prosper, we should transform along with it.

The method for personal transformation is by self-growth individually. Read every day in your decided passion.

Next, pay attention to audio tapes, CD’s, watch videos, and get a hold of all the self-growth material you can.

Attend or take classes lectures and workshops, perhaps join a master mind group.

Establish a support structure to hold you responsible for the measurable goals and objectives that you are dedicated to in your life.

Working with a personal coach is a great method to do this.

– Financial freedom

In its most basic kind, financial liberty means having freedom from financial tension of any kind in your life.

Practical methods to get to this point, if you aren’t there currently, consist of saving a percentage of your earnings, having a reserve of six months living expenditures in the bank, and so-forth.

It’s a huge challenge for some, but a worthwhile personal goal.

In a previous discussion I went deep into how to attract wealth and financial success involving spiritual metaphysical principles.

– Have right-minded Relationships

How are your relationships with your family (kids, partner, dads and moms, siblings)?

Do you have a close circle of personal friends?

Don’t forget relationships within your professional network (lawyer, accounting professional and yes, it’s good to know a handy man for around the house.).

– Health/Physical fitness.

Health is exceptionally crucial, and yet we seem not to put much emphasis there, but we need to do so.

Exercise at least 3 times per week, even if that suggests bicycling or walking for 15 or 20 minutes. Get plenty of sleep each night.

Be kind to yourself, don’t crucify or self-criticize yourself for errors, as humans we must learn from our mistakes and move forward in life.

The Course in Miracles asks us in one of its many spiritual metaphysical principles, “Would you join in the crucifixion or the resurrection.”.

– Spiritual or mindfulness peace.

There is no substitute for peace of mind, and the way to obtain this is through a relationship with God, or the spiritual equivalent for you.

Be involved in ongoing spiritual growth. Contribute both time and kindness of heart to charitable associations and/or your formal place of worship.

– Setting Goals at Work and for Fun, too.

It’s great that you have measurable goals and objectives for your career and/or job, but be sure to do the same for having fun and relaxation.

This is about requiring time on your own, enjoying whatever it is that you prefer to do.

Regularly take weekends, holidays and evenings off.

Take a vacation or two, or three, or more, every year, to refresh/energize/nourish yourself. Yes, I mean be 100% committed to relaxation.

While this time may appear unproductive to some, it will cause higher performance in the long run. And it will be more enjoyable, too!

(I also invite you to look further at other sessions I’ve had on steps to achieve goals and accomplishing your dreams regardless of the naysayers.)

To meeting your personal goals!

Personal Branding – So What Is The Big Deal?

The Top 100 brands have a total value of $2.04 trillion. Does that sound like a big deal to you? Yeah it sounds that way to me too. Let’s take a look at the top 4 brands in the world as ranked by total value.

1. Google
2. IBM
3. Apple
4. Microsoft

I don’t know anyone in the developed world that has not heard of every one of these Brands. Name recognition is just one aspect of Branding, but it is a very powerful one. Take just a few seconds and think about each of these Brands separately. I am willing to bet that you can tell me what their logo looks like, what the company colors are, what many of their products are, what the public perception of them is, etc.

Let me give you an example of successful branding:

Jim sneezes so he reaches for a Kleenex. The sneeze causes his ears to pop and he grabs a Q-tip to clean his ear. Wondering what makes your ears pop when you sneeze, Jim decides to grab his Mac and Google it.

That paragraph is what you call the ultimate in Branding. Let’s break it down shall we? What Jim really used was a tissue, but the branding has been so successful for Kleenex that the words are synonymous. The same is true with the cotton swab. Another marker in ultimate success when it comes to Branding is when your company name becomes a word of its own. Google was turned into a verb to describe the act of looking up information online.

Google has built such a powerful brand that they surpassed all other search engines, to become synonymous with internet search. For those of you that are not as big of a tech nerd as I am let me give you a little history. The first search engine ever is one that most people have never heard of. It was called Archie and was created in 1990 at a University in Montreal and was short for “archives”. This search engine was on a page that presented itself as “Archie Query Form.” Archie was actually created before the World Wide Web existed and lived on Gopher. Six years and several search engines later and we have Google. Did you know that the original name for Google was BackRub due to the backlink indexing it was based on? Did you know that the name Google is actually the miss-spelled word googol? Did you know that the simplistic design of the Google website is due to the fact that the creators were not technically versed in HTML code? What is my point of all of this history of Google and what does that have to do with you?

It is to prove that you do not have to be the first at something to be successful. You don’t have to have an original idea. You don’t have to be technically proficient in software, computers or technology. You don’t even have to be a good speller to be successful. You do however have to be good at Branding and selling yourself.

So how do you become good at Branding and selling yourself? That will be the subject of my next article; at least I will start in on it. Explaining how to successfully Brand yourself will take several articles and I hope to get them out soon.

39 Reasons Why I Left The Corporate World & Became A Personal Brand

1. I realized early on that I didn’t fit into the corporate world.

2. I didn’t like the corporate world and all its ‘fakeness’ or its desire to be ‘politically correct’ and ‘polite’. I wanted to call a spade – a spade.

3. It wasn’t me living a life – I was living a routine.

4. I realized I would be a slave forever to this system.

5. Whatever I did or contributed – all that effort wasn’t me.

6. Wanted to Break away from the 9 to 5 lifestyle.

7. Wanted to be an authority & expert.

8. I didn’t want to take someone else’s business card with my name typed on it with a dummy designation and introduce myself as a slave to that company.

9. I saw others earning per hour and enjoying a luxurious life and going for holidays whenever they wanted.

10. I realised there were many people living with Flexibility in Operation & Lifestyle. I wanted part of that.

11. I wanted to create a lifestyle where whatever work and contributions I made – I could take with me wherever I wanted. The problem with working for a company was that – the day I would leave the company – all the contributions I made to the company would be with the company. And if I joined a new company – I would have to start from zero and prove myself from zero all over again.

12. I wanted to earn as much as I like.

13. I wanted to wear – whatever I wanted to wear.

14. I wanted respect for being “ME” and not an “employee” of a respected company.

15. I hated Office Politics.

16. Working for someone was forever unpredictable

17. Success in the corporate world depended on the authority of someone above me. And if he didn’t like me – that was the end of my success phase.

18. I hated pleasing others – Clients, Customers, Boss, Colleagues, Vendors & Suppliers. I was fed up!

19. I didn’t want to dance to anyone’s tunes just because he had a dummy title. And even worse was respecting someone I didn’t want to respect.

20. I wanted to be in control of my own destiny, time and lifestyle.

21. I wanted to earn as much as I wanted & rest & switch off whenever I wanted to with having to get a sick-leave-certificate.

22. I have always been restless, creative, a rebel and loved to do my own thing.

23. Loved reinventing ways and means of working. Constantly trying and experimenting new things.

24. I didn’t believe in reporting to work on time.

25. I didn’t believe in calling anyone above me “Sir” or “Madam” just because he or she had more experience than me in ONLY that given job or because he or she was my customer or client.

26. I kept failing in whatever I was doing because it was at its best – boring! I wasn’t contributing to my own brand. It felt like a job!

27. I felt a greater sense of passion knowing that what I was working for – was my own baby and would be mine forever! I wanted to create my own brand!

28. Even if I put in 100%, the ROI wouldn’t be 100%. It would be less.

29. I didn’t like when my ideas were rejected and I also hated the fact that I had to convince the world for implementing my ideas.

30. The day I resigned from the company – it would be that person’s brand and not mine which would remain.

31. I wanted to be myself – which I could never do working for the corporate world.

32. Every time I changed a job – I had to start from scratch.

33. My progress was based on the whims and fancies of others.

34. Whatever I created or made – was finally – someone else’s. And to watch someone else take credit or get a bonus for it – I hated it.

35. No matter what position or salary or successful I was – End of the day I was recognized as an employee.

36. There would be a limit to how much I earned.

37. No great visionary or legend or artist or memorable brand was an Employee.

38. If I made a good deal or got a bonus I could take many weeks off without any work!

39. There was always the risk of Management Change or Unpredictable factors which I couldn’t control where my hard work could still go down the drain.

Personal Branding – Improve Your Google-Ability

Have you ever typed your name into Google? When you do, is it really you that comes up?

It’s quickly becoming a well-known fact that HR personnel and hiring managers at many companies will type job applicants’ names into Google before deciding who to interview. What comes up when your name is fed to Google could determine whether or not you get a job.

But even if you have your own company or are currently employed, branding yourself online is a free way of making yourself more marketable. For an entrepreneur it makes it easier for people looking for your good or service to find you. For someone currently employed it can help you establish yourself as an expert on what you do, which can help you get a raise or, perhaps even find another, better paying job.

You can improve your Google-ability in three easy steps. Here’s How:

1. Join social networking sites. If you’re already on them great; if not, join. And not just sites like Facebook and twitter, which, while they will come up on Google, are not really designed to present the user in a professional light. You should also join LinkedIn and post your resume. Sites like can show your interests, even smaller, niche social media sites like will help. Find sites with message boards where you can create a user profile and post content. The key is, when you do that, use your real name as your user name. That way, those posts or at least that site will come up when someone types your name into Google.

2. Comment on major blogs. Find a blog on the New York Times’ website, and comment on the issues that seem relevant to your career – media, if your interested in publishing; small business if you’re an entrepreneur; finance if you want to be a broker. Include your name in your posts (sign them, or, if you can create a “user name,” use your real name).

3. Google yourself – and when you do, go through the results. Click on the results you want to come up higher in the results list (that is, the results that are actually you). One way that Google determines search result rankings (the order that results are in) is by what links have been clicked on in the past when someone has searched that term. So, on a regular basis (monthly, or even weekly) type your name into Google and click on the results that are actually you and that you want to come up first.

Congratulations, you now know how to improve your Google-ability.

Top 10 Tips to Balancing Work and Personal Life

In the Knowledge Age in which we live, it is easy to be consumed by work and forget our personal life. After all, there’s always more to do, right? But as the old saying goes, “No one ever lay on their death bed and wished they’d spent more time at the office!”

Following are some tips for striking the right balance between your work (especially for knowledge workers and infopreneurs) and personal life:

1. Decide what is most important to you – long term – in your life. One exercise that can help bring this into focus is to write your eulogy – really! What would you want people to say about you when you are dead? Whatever that is, notice how much you’re pursuing that quality or goal or cause in your life. If you aren’t doing it now – or not as much as you want to – how could you begin pursuing it more?

2. Create a vision for your ideal lifestyle. They say “if you don’t know where you’re going, any path will get you there.” Unless you create a vision statement for your work and your personal life – just the way you want it to be – you won’t know when you have arrived! You’ll find yourself “striving but never arriving.” So write out a descriptive statement of how you want your schedule to be, your work space, your home, your clients, your relationships, your body, everything in your life – just as though you were writing it for a movie producer. Then, get about the business of producing your life!

3. When you’re working, work; when you’re playing, play. If every time you leave your office (even if it’s in the spare bedroom!) you continue to think about work, leave your work cell phone on, or check email later in the evening, you are failing to mark boundaries between work and play. That means you don’t get the full benefit of your “down” time…and you don’t recharge the internal batteries that allow you to do what you do well. Dedicate work time to work and play fully when you’re off work…you will have more energy and more joy this way.

4. Avoid multitasking. I know, it’s hard! But studies show that people are only 40 percent as productive when they do more than one thing at once than if they focus on one thing at a time. Give whatever you’re doing – or whoever you’re talking to (!) – your full attention, then move to the next task. Live intentionally, one task and segment at a time. The quality of your life will improve, you’ll get more quality work done and you’ll build quality relationships that flourish under the light of your undistracted focus.

5. Plan your time off in advance. How many days a week would you like to work? How much vacation will you take this year? If you don’t set it aside in advance, chances are that work commitments will eat up the time you would have taken off. Most infopreneurs should plan on a minimum – even the first year – of two to four weeks off during the year. Build it into your fees and block it out in advance. You’ll be glad you did!

6. Implement at least two or three “power hours” each work day. The typical coach and infopreneur is distracted much of the day. “Power hours” are when you write a list of at least 5 priority tasks, set a timer, and focus on nothing but those tasks for that hour. No email, no phone calls, no distractions. And you get them done! Start with a goal of at least two of these each day.

7. Set goals for both your work and your personal life. Take a moment to review your day planner (Palm, Outlook calendar, wall calendar etc.) for the past month or year, notice how many of the entries relate to your work. If you’re like most people, 75 to 90 percent of the content will be business or work related! Start a practice of setting at least one goal for your personal life and one for one of your relationships each day – along with the work goals. That in itself will increase the balance in your life right away!

8. Delegate everything you can. If you have used our fee setting formula in my book, Launch Your Practice to set your fees, then you know what your time is valued at – it’s your Hourly Labor Rate. To the extent you are doing anything that could not be billed at that rate, you should be looking for a way to delegate it as quickly as you can! That includes running to the post office, office supply store and Fedex; updating your web site; answering routine inquiries; clearing spam out of your email account; answering the phone; and numerous other tasks. Your goal is to have as much revenue-producing time as possible during your dedicated work hours.

9. Exercise regularly. When I interviewed people who had mastered transition for my Simon & Schuster book on the subject, one theme stood out: each of these people exercised regularly during normal times in their lives, and even more during times of stress and transition. Virtually every successful infopreneur shares this trait – and that is why the major hotel chains have improved their workout facilities so significantly for traveling infopreneurs.

10. Meditate and activate a connection with the God of your understanding. Feeling connected to something bigger than yourself can help put the challenges of everyday work and life into perspective in a way nothing else can. By implementing a daily practice of meditation to achieve a calm, centered state and connection with your Higher Power, you will find you are able to maintain this state even when life becomes difficult. It is proven to improve health too!

For more about life/work balance and the other 8 components of Career Infopreneur Success, look for Marcia’s new book in June and plan to attend her Career Coaching Boot Camp June 22. See [] for details about the event and the next two complimentary preview calls. To learn more about career coaching, visit

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